The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 94: Pull the steel whip from his waist


The man who was alive reported the letter quickly with fright.

Kanteming protects a group of murderous big men with weaponry weapons just as they stepped into the gate of Yingfeng Yang.

A sturdy man with thick eyebrows, big eyes, square mouth and broad cheeks, as strong as an iron tower, greeted him.

Surrounded him two people.

A sturdy man like an iron tower, with a tiger skin around his waist, licking his upper body.

The developed pectoral muscles flashed with dark red light, and the muscles on his arms moved up and down like mice.

His eyes blasted with hatred, and step by step he approached both of them.

Kan Te-ming stood in front of Ying Feng sheep and drew a steel whip from his waist, always preparing for a fierce fight.

Just listen to the sturdy man like an iron tower with a low growl: "Take it down!"

The men yelled, brandishing clubs and knives and hitting both of them.

Kan Teming pulled away, clinging to the back of Ying Feng sheep, and swung the whip of flying sand and mixing the world.

The men were dazzled and frightened, not daring to step forward.

The man who was as strong as an iron tower roared like a thunderous ear.

Holding up a mountain-opening axe that is one foot long and two feet long, it directly takes the heart of the publication special inscription.

The two-foot-long whip flew toward the neck of the strong man who was like an iron tower.

The crowd exclaimed: "Big brother, beware!"

Only then did Kan Teming and Ying Fengyang realize that the man who was as strong as the iron tower was their eldest brother.

The eldest brother immediately stopped, and the magic axe of round and round mountains resisted the whip of flying sand and mixed world.

I saw the magic whip wrapped around the magic axe, glued together, unable to separate.

The eldest brother yelled, "Hurry up and take them down."

Kanteming couldn't get rid of the magic whip wrapped around the magic axe for a while, but the crowd took the opportunity to come around, and they were about to grab it.

At the moment of crisis, the publication stomped his foot after reading a word.

The stone slabs under their feet suddenly became fragments, and they flew around, and Zhonghan, along with the eldest brother, were knocked to the ground one after another.

This trick published by the special inscription is called the Stomping Ascension Magic.

It was one of the three-level magic tricks he cultivated in the magic master Gai Ning's magic practice field.

The magic master Gai Ning has five levels of magic and countless moves.

However, among the many disciples of Gai Ning, only a few disciples can cultivate to the third level.

Gai Ning often rode a magic wand around the world, carefully looking for disciples who could practice up to the fifth level of magic.

On this day, when Gai Ning rode a magic wand and wandered over Xihaw, the capital of the state, an auspicious air rose slowly.

Gai Ning recognized that this auspicious air originated from Zong Xin's mansion.

Gai Ning pressed her magic wand and landed towards the Zong Mansion, just as she happened to be performing the stomping ascension magic by Kan Teming.

The people lying on the ground are covered in bruises and groans in pain.

Kan Teming suddenly saw Gai Ning appear in front of him, and hurriedly bowed down.

Gai Ning asked: "What's the matter?"

Special inscription: "Something happened in the Zongfu. I accompanied my master Ying Feng Yang to visit. Unexpectedly, I was obstructed by this group of strong men.

They were crowded and crowded, pressing on every step of the way, and when they were in a hurry, they had no choice but to stamp their feet. "

Gai Ning: "You are extraordinary among the disciples before you have to cultivate to the third level of magic. Do you remember the purpose of this practice field?"

Special inscription: "The purpose of the Magic Master Gai Ning's Magic Cultivation Field is.

"Teacher with heart, meet friends with heart, practice with heart, and treat everything with heart. Convince people with reason in everything, and don't move evil."

Gai Ning, the master of magic, muttered a word, tapped the ground three times with his magic wand.

The fragments of stone that were shot out flew back to the original place and restored to the original slate.