The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 97: Sprayed three sips of magic water on the dead body


Gai Ning sat on the altar, closed her eyes slightly, wagging the bell in one hand and the ruler in the other, muttering words in her mouth.

Following Gai Ning's instructions, all the people knelt down around the dead body under the altar, silently praying for the dead soul to return to his body and survive as before.

Ying Fengyang is a master of dignity, how can he kneel on the ground

Yingfeng Yang asked to bring a chair and put it outside the door of the West Wing. He sat in a chair and watched Gai Ning's every move in the room.

Although Ying Fengyang was praying in his heart, he thought that Gai Ning was just playing mystery.

He wanted to see how Gai Ning saved the dead body that had been brain drained.

Gai Ning stepped off the altar, sprayed three sips of water on the dead body, raised the ruler, pointed at the dead body, and painted.

Gai Ning walked back to the altar, put down the tools, and closed his eyes to sit in meditation.

Gai Ning stabilized the Shangyuan Qi of the urn sound, and carefully measured the two dead bodies with a ruler.

After sorting out the information collected from the dead body, we came up with the best plan to rescue the dead body.

The shrill corpse is intact, as long as the water on the peak of the virtual junk arrives, it can be brought back to life.

The brain pulp of the urn sound and qi has been spilled, and only by recovering all the spilled brain pulp and restoring the previous weight can it be possible to survive.

However, the spilled brains splashed around and could not be retrieved at all. The only remedy was to find a substitute.

Gai Ning is the only magician who uses substitutes instead of brains.

The princes of the kingdoms wanted Gai Ning to work for them at all costs, and Gai Ning refused one by one.

Gai Ning said that he belongs to the people in the world who need his help, and he is not willing to surrender to any king of the state.

Gai Ning is good at taking local materials, and he knows that Zong Mansion is auspicious.

With the auspicious spirit, there must be treasures, and treasures can come in handy.

The auspicious air rose from the backyard, and Gai Ning wanted to go to the backyard to see it clearly.

Gai Ning used the avatar technique to make the Phantom sit quietly on the altar, and the real body walked out of the west wing to the backyard.

When Ying Fengyang saw Gai Ning walking towards the backyard, her small eyes turned, and she hurriedly got up and followed Gai Ning's back.

Ying Fengyang thought: "As long as Gai Ning calls and opens the door, he can enter the backyard, and then I can follow him to the backyard.

When I got to the backyard, I could ask Shiyi about the poisoning time of the three Shenying Zhaoyuan people. "

Gai Ning didn't seem to notice that Ying Bong sheep was following, so she just moved forward.

The door to the backyard was tightly closed, but Ying Fengyang watched Gai Ning pass through the door without hesitation and disappeared.

Ying Feng sheep touched the door, but the door was still nailed to death, with no gaps in it.

He stood in front of the door annoyed, in a hurry, with no way of doing it.

The magician Gai Ning walked through the door and entered the backyard.

The backyard faces south and has three rooms, one each for the east, north and west.

Angel searcher Zong Xin was placed in the east room, Runiang Qiong was placed in the west room, and Shen Ying Zhaoyuan was in the wet room of the north room.

Each room is guarded by a few big men holding sticks.

Gai Ning found that the auspicious air was flowing from the north room and slowly rose into the air.

Gai Ning walked into the north room from under the nose of the big man in the gate, and saw two beds in the room, one large and one small.

Sitting on the big bed, half leaning against an obese woman, with her chest open and breastfeeding her baby.

This obese woman is Shiyi, breastfeeding her daughter Zongyi.

On the small bed, a baby is sleeping soundly, and the baby is surrounded by auspicious air. It turns out that the auspicious air originated from this baby.

Gai Ning carefully examined the source of the drowsy god-baby photos.

I saw a dark red birthmark the size of a sesame seed on the Yintang acupoint of Shenying Zhaoyuan.

This birthmark appeared in Gai Ning's mind more than once.