The Great Thief

Chapter 104: Clearance


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"A hidden career change tool appeared in the trading house, did you hear about it?" Azure Sea Breeze saw Lu Li online and immediately sent a message.

"I see, you're a demon hunter," Lu Li responded casually.

"Are you interested? Let's pool some money and take pictures for you. I read on the forum that thieves are very suitable for switching to the demon hunter profession," Azure Sea Breeze said enthusiastically.

Although this guy is not richer than Lu Li, he downloads dungeons all day long, and Lu Li's potions are supplied free of charge. Compared with ordinary players, he is a rich man.

"Uh... did I tell you that I took that thing to the trading house?" Lu Li was a little touched, but he would never admit it.

"Fuck, you actually got the job-changing item... Wait, you threw it into the trading house again, why?" Azure Sea Breeze was already incoherent. He once again felt that one of him and Lu Li was an alien.

"It's good to continue to advance to the level of Grand Thief. Why should I switch to Demon Hunter? The hidden profession is not as good as everyone thinks," Lu Li explained.

If he hadn't been reborn, he would have switched to a hidden profession without hesitation. After all, the power of hidden professions has almost become an iron law since ancient times. Otherwise, why bother designing hidden professions.

"That's a hidden profession, you kid," Azure Sea Feng said bitterly.

"Listen to me, don't wander around when you encounter hidden professions in the future," Lu Li warned solemnly.

It wasn’t just his previous life experience that made him aware of the pitfalls of hidden professions. In fact, just a year later, the official gave a clear reply to a group of crying and fussy hidden profession players. The reply said: Hidden professions are not bad, they are just not as good as everyone imagined. So powerful, the hidden professions in Dawn are designed to reflect the fun of the game.

Did you hear that? It’s interesting.

It's okay if it's not strong. It would be great if it could be on par with ordinary professions. But here's the problem. Hidden professions are far inferior to ordinary professions because they are difficult to assemble.

The few hidden professional players Lu Li knew were often dressed in a messy combination of leather, locks, cloth and panels. Even at level 30, they were still wearing equipment that others had eliminated at level 20.

"If it's such a scam, forget it," Azure Sea Breeze said, not disappointed.

"How did you upgrade yesterday? Go and clear the Fire Scar Temple later." Lu Li naturally couldn't play the dungeon by himself.

"Canmeng still has less than 20% experience. We are doing double spawning in the Dilan Ruins. It should be promoted in a while. I am a little short of being promoted to fifteen. I am not as good as you." This pervert can easily defeat the BOSS alone," Azure Sea Breeze said.

"That place is under the water, otherwise I wouldn't dare to fight the BOSS when I have a bounty on my back." Lu Li was worried that Azure Sea Breeze would misunderstand him, so he explained briefly: "And it took me three hours to kill the BOSS yesterday. I’ve used dozens of bottles of potion, and it’s still very sour and refreshing.”

"Okay, if you have something good, just remember it, buddy. Don't worry about mother-in-law. I don't have much potion left. You can make some for me later and bring it over." Azure Sea Breeze laughed and didn't take it to heart.

"Then you practice first, and I'll make some medicine." Lu Li took some materials at the trading shop and picked out two formulas.

He originally had a recipe for a primary agility potion, but the learning requirement for that recipe was intermediate (180). His alchemy is now only intermediate (156), which does not meet the learning requirements. However, no experience is needed to make an intermediate healing potion. , so now a new recipe must be learned.

Among the two formulas bought from the trading house, one is a primary intelligence potion. Its effect is similar to that of a primary agility potion, but its learning requirements are lower. Intermediate level (150) can learn it.

The potion created can increase the player's intelligence by three points, which is not very impressive. Fortunately, the materials are relatively cheap. Lu Li plans to use this formula to level up and upgrade alchemy.

And the other one can be said to be an unexpected surprise.

Recipe: Lucky Potion

Recipe: Alchemy (160)

Use: Teaches you how to make a lucky potion

Lucky Potion: Allows you to occasionally find additional treasures on enemy targets for 20 minutes.

Many people don't know what this potion does. For a long time, there will be voices questioning this potion in Dawn. After countless tests, the data gang has not found out what the circumstances of this potion are. Increase the monster's treasure drop rate.

It wasn't until later that someone accidentally discovered that this potion did not increase the treasure drop rate when fighting monsters, but the thieves gained extra income when stealing.

Theft of humanoid monsters has always been the main source of income for some hard-working thieves. After using the lucky potion, the number of coins during the theft will increase. This increase is about 50%. Originally, five copper coins could be stolen. Now there are seven or eight of them, and it is better to have a steady stream of water.

More importantly, this potion has a certain probability of allowing the thief to obtain various additional drawings.

If done properly, this recipe, which was taken for only twenty silver coins, would probably bring hundreds or even thousands of times the profit to Lu Li.

In the quiet room of the hotel, Lu Li first made some intermediate healing potions to be used in the dungeon, and then used the materials bought from the trading house to make more than a dozen bottles of elementary intelligence potions, successfully raising his training skills to intermediate (160). This new formula is very powerful for improving life skills.

After reaching the intermediate level (160), Lu Li tried to make a lucky potion.

Lucky potion is a special potion with a high failure rate. The official probability is around 50%. This probability is only approximate. It is not uncommon for people to make dozens of bottles of special potion in a row and fail.

Therefore, when making them, they cannot be made casually like regular potions such as healing potions.

Lu Li first cleaned and wiped the crucible, then threw the Golden Lotus bought from the trading house into it and ground it carefully. When it felt almost ready, he poured it into a crystal bottle, added the auxiliary medicine, and shook it carefully. Place on the stove and burn.

"Bang!" The medicine bottle exploded, and a burning smell spread out in the room.

Obviously, the first refining failed.

Maybe the temperature is a bit high.

Lu Li recalled several alchemy posts and made the above judgment.

On the second try, the goddess of luck winked at him and successfully refined a bottle of lucky potion.

At this time, the communicator on his waist began to vibrate slightly. Lu Li carefully put the refined potion into his backpack and turned on the communicator.

"What a tragedy, they were cleared," was the voice of the blue sea breeze.

"Killed by someone?" Lu Li frowned. Dilan Ruins is a very remote map, so he recommended Azure Sea Breeze and others to go there to level up. Why would anyone go there to book a reservation

"This group of people is so arrogant. They started fighting without saying anything," Azure Sea Breeze said a little angrily: "Yueyue and Canmeng are okay, Huahua and I are both dead, and our shoes were even thrown out."

"I'm going to see if they are guild players and if they have guild badges," Lu Li began to pack his things and finish refining medicine for the day. It won't be too late to do it again when he has time.

While sending the message, he turned into a crow and flew to the ruins of Dilan. His friend had been chopped down, so of course he had to chop him back. Even in his previous life, when he was not even a second-rate master, he dared to challenge a guild, let alone a guild. Now after rebirth.

"I didn't see it clearly, let's forget it. There are many of them. Anyway, I plan to come back to download the dungeon, so I'll treat it as a free return to the city," Azure Sea Breeze dissuaded.

"Go away, it's a big guild, are you afraid that I'll conflict with them? I'm already on the way, I want to see what kind of big guild it is," Lu Li knew a lot about Azure Sea Breeze, and he knew it when he hesitated. He didn't tell the truth.

"You have already offended Jinyiwei, so don't provoke the Grand Guild anymore," Azure Sea Feng said bitterly.

They were also very angry just now, otherwise they would not have told Lu Li about this matter. They are so weak, how can they compete with the Grand Guild? Even a royal guard asked them to hide in Tibet, just in case another one comes...

Lu Li turned off the communicator, flapped his wings, and dived towards the ruins of Dilan not far away.

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