The Great Thief

Chapter 110: huge sum of money


Lu Li was not a pervert who couldn't move when he saw a beautiful woman, nor did he owe the landlady any huge favors. There was absolutely no need for him to help research upgrade strategies and give away things.

Ultimately, it was because they were so good to Lu Xin.

Lu Li has been busy playing games recently and has neglected his sister.

The three landladies often take their sisters to have big meals, go shopping, and go to amusement parks.

Even someone like Lu Li, who spends all day in games, can find that Lu Xin, who has always been well-behaved and somewhat introverted, has become much more cheerful recently, with a smile on her face that a girl of her age should have.

This was something Lu Li had been trying hard but failed to achieve.

Therefore, giving away top-quality black iron equipment, which may seem scary to others, has become normal for him.

Lu Li is a person who repays kindness when he knows it. In his opinion, being able to make his most beloved sister happy is the greatest favor to him. He has no other skills and can only repay in the best way.

Naturally, Azure Sea Breeze and a few others don't mean much. They are willing to stay with Lu Li because this person is calm and not petty.

Can Meng said with great envy: "Your sister is really lucky to have such a brother."

"Silly girl, am I not treating you well?" Azure Sea Breeze said jokingly. He didn't mean anything else. He was the only child in the family and it was rare to meet a silly little girl.

Lu Li has a baby sister, and Huadi Liqing has a baby sister. Azure Sea Breeze didn't say anything, but she was extremely envious in her heart, "Why can't I have a baby sister?" This guy has been fooling Can Meng into calling him brother recently.

"Go back to the city first. Let's go offline and have some food and rest. We will clear the Death Mine in the afternoon." Compared with last time, the probability of clearing the Death Mine is much higher.

They played in the normal mode last time, and today they will continue to play at the same pace as last time. After completing the normal mode, Lu Li will try the elite or hard mode. As a low-level dungeon, Dead Mine does not have a nightmare mode.

"Can we get the first kill in Deadmines before the next system update?" To be on TV, you have to clear the dungeon on elite difficulty, and Azure Sea Breeze has a special liking for being on TV.

It is worth mentioning that this guy couldn't hold it in any longer and told his friends that he was ranked second in the rankings. Those unreliable so-called friends turned around and went to the official forum to expose him.

Fortunately, he still knew what was right and didn't tell anything about Lu Li.

Lu Li had no choice but to let him go. Fortunately, as a pure PVE MT with good equipment and high level, usually no one would offend him. After all, no one could say whether he would be asked for help one day.

"Today is Friday, tomorrow and the next two days, I will practice leveling in the morning, open up wasteland in the afternoon, and get the first kill properly."

"Why is this game always updated? How can there be a game that is updated once a week? Why did you go there so early?" Huadi Liqing was a little unhappy.

"We won't update so frequently in the future. The third system update actually didn't change many things," Lu Li didn't tell them. Although there weren't many changes in the game content, the third system update was when Shuguang truly became a game for everyone. of the foundation.

A helmet that originally cost 30,000 yuan sold for only 3,000 yuan after the third system update, a tenfold difference!

It is this kind of behavior of losing money and making money that has caused the bankruptcy of more than a dozen giant game companies around the world.

Nowadays, Sugon has tens of millions of gamers. After the third system update, the price of helmets dropped. Hundreds of millions of players flooded into the Huaxia region alone. The price is calculated as 2,000 yuan per helmet. In fact, this price is still very accurate. -This is hundreds of billions poured into it.

Only game companies with national background are eligible to participate in such a game.

From then on, the era of games for all began.

Countless civilians bought helmets and came to make money, and poor people could also join gold-farming groups in guilds of all sizes.

The elderly play games, fish and play chess, while the more enthusiastic ones can learn blacksmithing and cooking. The more enthusiastic ones can choose a combat profession as long as they don't detect any of the diseases specified by the system, and I'm going crazy as a teenager.

The Magic Palace, an old magician group whose members are mostly in their fifties and sixties, is one of the most beautiful sights in Dawn.

Children can wear game helmets to participate in cram schools in the game and interact face-to-face with special teachers.

There are also many entertainment companies holding concerts, filming TV series and movies in the game.

Companies move into office buildings in the city, workers control real-life intelligent mechanical equipment in the game, and soldiers open up a second battlefield in the game.

There is also a group of people known as the Scenery Party, who vow to visit every corner of Azeroth.

Lu Li did not participate in the game in his previous life. Because he was worried about his sister, he did not dare to run out of the slums to apply for a job in the studio. He did not enter the game until a year after the game was released. It was really too late.

This life was different. Not only did he enter the game right away, he also had gaming experience that no one else had.

After separating from Azure Sea Breeze and others, he went to find Shen Wansan.

Lu Li and the others had good things in their hands, and if they threw them all to him, they would always get a higher return than those from the trading house.

"Boss Shen, how's it going? Have you sold out the snake grass?" He didn't contact the other party for two days in a row, and Lu Li didn't know if he took his words to heart.

Anyway, except for what Lu Li kept for his own use, all the Snake Xincao had been sold.

Lu Li and Shen Wansan made a cooperation with one hundred gold coins as the capital, and entrusted him with the 500 sets of snake grass that they had in hand to sell in groups of three gold coins.

Two days ago, Lu Li specifically reminded him that it was best to throw everything out before the system was updated. The reason was simple. After the system was updated, the price of gold might collapse in a short period of time.

From one thousand and five to one, to one thousand to one, and then to eight hundred and five hundred. The price of gold, which has been maintained at more than three hundred for several days now, will drop to less than two hundred by then, and then slowly be fixed at one One hundred to one, this is also the price that game companies feel.

Many people are thinking that when the time comes, there will be an influx of hundreds of millions of players. These people will need gold coins to buy equipment, need gold coins to repair equipment, or need gold coins to find power-training... In short, there will definitely be an incredible demand for gold coins.

Shen Wansan actually thought so too, but Lu Li only revealed a little bit of the updated content, which made him break out in a cold sweat.

"I was just saying that I was looking for you, Brother Gao Shou. We'd better settle your gold coins and give them to you in person. See you in small box No. 3 of Noah's Tavern." Shen Wansan kept his posture very low, still talking about Brother Gao Shou, In fact, he is in his thirties or forties.

Noah's Tavern is opened by NPC, and the prices are relatively reasonable. Many young people who like to put on a show like to join in the fun and show off.

Lu Li spoke to a part-time player waiter and was guided to private room No. 3. He opened the curtain and saw a slightly fat gray-black cheetah sitting cross-legged on a chair.

Seeing this scene in real life must be scary to death, but in the game it is more normal.

The leopard shook his head, canceled the cheetah transformation, and showed Shen Wansan's funny old face, "It didn't take long to learn how to transform into a cheetah. It's quite interesting."

"Boss Shen might also be a master if he plays the combat profession," Lu Li complimented without sincerity, and then went straight to the point: "How many gold coins can I get this time."

Although he had an idea in his mind, Lu Li couldn't help but feel excited as real money was about to be presented to him.