The Great Thief

Chapter 113: Fear no barriers


General Heartbreaker has fallen, and the mission prompts Liu Li to enter the underground cave and destroy the Defias Brotherhood's dreadnought.

Of course, before that, we need to see what good things General Heartbreaker Wolf drops. Because it is killing, there will definitely be black iron equipment in normal mode.

"Wow, Brother Hai Feng, you actually dropped your shield," Can Meng likes to touch equipment the most, and his little hands are very red, better than the others, and he has become a professional corpse toucher in the Xinxin Mercenary Group.

As soon as he heard it was a shield, Lu Li guessed what it was.

It was a killing indeed, and the fearless barrier that was very difficult to get out even on elite difficulty was exploded directly.

Fearless Barrier (Black Iron): Armor 32, Constitution +12, special effect: when the own blood volume is lower than 20%, the damage received is reduced by 80%, lasting for eight seconds, equipment requirement level 15, durability 45/45.

Different professions have different needs. It’s hard to say which equipment is the best.

However, the high armor, high constitution, and very powerful special effects make Death Mine a must-play copy for mT players.

MT is the ultimate soul of a team, so clearing the Dead Mine has become a compulsory course for most teams.

"Fuck, this equipment is so awesome, it's almost like being invincible." Azure Sea Breeze threw away the shield in his hand and directly put on this new equipment. He waved the large blue-black shield. , grinning with satisfaction.

When the blood volume is lower than 20%, the damage is reduced by 80%. In a sense, the effect is even more powerful than the shield wall.

As long as the boss is not too perverted, it will be difficult to kill Azure Sea Breeze directly. This will give other players time to react, especially for treatment, and more time to read big skills.

You can do a lot in eight seconds.

Even a player with average skills will be admired if he holds a Fearless Barrier at this stage.

There were relatively few rare materials produced in the normal mode. This time, the fearless barrier took all the luck, and none came out.

In addition to the Dauntless Bulwark, there are two bronze pieces.

Level 15 Bronze is actually the current mainstream equipment. Without looking at the special effects, its properties are slightly better than Level 5 Black Iron. However, even the 6 Lis are not interested in it, so they can only deal with it casually.

"I really want to get 11 points," the little girl's thinking was rather strange. In fact, if Can Meng opened her mouth, no one would object to forcefully inserting the equipment into her.

Several other people were quite indulgent towards her, and if they wanted to do 11 things, then they should do 11 things.

Azure Sea Breeze ro11, 78 points.

"I can't help it. My character has always been strong." This value is already very good. The probability of getting equipment is very high. He is also very playful and keeps playing well.

Sanyue Yu pursed her lips and smiled, throwing out the dice, 52 points.

"Brother Hua, hurry up and throw it away," Can Meng urged, feeling that she was more excited about playing with it than touching the corpse.

Tsundere was extremely disdainful of this kind of children's game, but still reluctantly threw the dice. At 16 o'clock, his face turned even darker.

Lu Li Congshan Ruliu threw out 44 points. He had always had bad luck in this area. He was shrouded in the halo of black hands. 44 points was already considered a very good number.

Everyone else was thrown away, leaving only Can Meng. She held her two little paws on her chest and prayed devoutly.

92 points!

"Wow, I won, I won," the little hunter jumped up excitedly.

Others were sweating. It seemed that the poor guy needed to play this kind of game more in the future.

The people in Team 6 are very high-minded about equipment. Black iron is given to whoever uses it, and those that no one can use are sold for money. As for bronze, which can cost dozens of silver coins at most, they are always thrown casually to whomever they want. That's who's there.

The poor little hunter couldn't form a team at the beginning, so naturally he couldn't enjoy playing ro11 points. When he joined a fixed group, he had no chance of ro11 points.

Lu Li shook his head speechlessly and assigned the two pieces of bronze equipment directly to Can Meng.

At this time Canmeng started to get entangled again, "Brother Lu Li, I... I don't want equipment, I just want to get 11 points..."

She was worried that her teammates would misunderstand that she wanted equipment. The little hunter didn't understand anything, but she was still very sensitive in some aspects. At least she had heard that some teams parted ways due to equipment distribution issues.

"Don't think too much, it's just two pieces of bronze equipment," Lu Li patted her head and pushed open the underground cave door behind the boss.

The others followed, taking the opportunity to take turns patting the little hunter on the head. Even Sanyueyu smiled and stretched out his hand to rub it.

This is a huge underground cave and a huge underground lake. Within sight, the dreadnought is parked at the dock not far away, and a path stretches out of the river embankment, leading to the dock.

The rumbling sound began to sound, which was the beginning of the scene.

Knowing that an enemy had broken through General Heartbreaker's defenses and invaded the underground cave, the captain of the Dreadnought ordered the cannon to be fired.

Therefore, on the way to the dreadnought, solid bombs fell from time to time, and the ground was blasted into shallow, charred pits.

In addition, there are also a large number of mutated parrots raised by the captain, which are almost as big as falcons. They are flying above the path and the lake, always ready to attack incoming enemies.

Azure Sea Breeze's face was a little green, he was following such a brutal route, and he didn't know what the attack power of the cannonballs was, but the momentum alone was enough to make people's heads tingle. But no matter what, someone has to test the power of the shells. As a mT, who else

Unable to act cowardly, mT carefully moved to the landing point of the cannonball and waited for the cannonball to fall in fear.

"Didn't you realize that the impact point of the cannonballs is fixed?" Lu Li watched the joke for a while, and then he thought it would be kind to remind him that although the cannonballs here can't kill anyone, they are definitely not pleasant to the taste. The main reason is that it makes them psychologically uncomfortable. People want to die.

"Damn it, you didn't tell me earlier," Azure Sea Breeze became so angry that she almost ran away.

"You didn't ask." Serious people can occasionally be shady.

Azure Sea Breeze rolled her eyes speechlessly, "Tell me, how should we go? It's not easy to walk even if there is a fixed landing point. There are also parrots harassing us in the sky."

"Have you seen that the space between the impact points of several shells is relatively large. We can clear monsters there. Don't stay at other locations. The probability of being hit by the shells is very small." Liu Li, with the authority of the practical captain, marked two point.

"When passing the impact point of the cannonball, it is best to wait until the last time it falls before leaving." Azure Sea Breeze Lao Jianghu immediately optimized the plan.

There must be a gap between the two shellings, and this gap is the key to dodging the shells.

"Well, let's give it a try," Lu Li motioned for mT to go first. Azure Sea Wind raised his middle finger angrily and walked out with his shield in hand.

The analysis was all correct. This section of the trail was naturally easy to pass. The only accident on the way was that Canmeng, a rookie, accidentally fell into the river. She screamed and struggled. After she stood up, she realized that the water was no deeper than her waist. .

The leader of the Defias Brotherhood, Edwin VanCleef, once led a group of workers to renovate Stormwind City. Later, the royal family was burdened by the war budget and finally said there was no money to pay for their projects.

That is to say, you want to default or even default on your debt.

Edwin VanCleef was a thoroughly romantic revolutionary. He led his workers and recruited a group of people from the bottom of society, and left Stormwind City, vowing to overthrow the city.

And the dreadnought in front of him was his capital.

The dreadnought is an old-fashioned sailing ship. If you want to see the captain, you must fight it.

These elite monsters have a lot of experience and are not difficult to kill. Azure Sea Breeze is very happy with it. He has to pull over and kill some monsters that are unnecessary to kill. It wastes a lot of time, but the increase in experience is very gratifying. (To be continued.)