The Great Thief

Chapter 138: A person who was accidentally killed


If it weren't for his strong psychological quality, Lu Li really doesn't know if he would have the courage to complete thisWwW..lā

However, Lu Li did not follow the rules and do what the article suggested. Instead, he listed the one who was supposed to die a few months later as the target to kill the first time.

Standing in front of Gavi Crethorne again, Lu Li calmly took out a handful of military cards, showing no sign of the fear or excitement of having just experienced a killing.

"Oh, Elf, your strength is beyond my expectation," Gavi Crethorne took Lu Li's mission item and rubbed it with a complicated expression. There was no sign of joy after the enemy's death on his face.

"I would like to ask, is it the person who is written on the sign who will be refreshed after a while?" Lu Li asked in a low voice. He didn't know if there was anything wrong with his wording, so he said refresh to someone.

Not sure how the system handled it, Gavi Crethorne understood what Lu Li meant and replied without thinking, "Of course it's not this person. He is already dead. Once he dies, he can never be resurrected."

"I would like to ask again, do you know any of the people on the sign?" Lu Li smiled maliciously, "There is a sign that impressed me the most. It says I don't want to die, I want to be touched. Your face, Lisa.”

"What?" Gavi Crethorne's expression changed drastically.

His hands began to tremble, and ten military cards were scattered on the ground. He trembled and looked through them one by one. Finally, he finally found the one he was familiar with.

Ivan Ofaris

Second Lieutenant of the Ninth Regiment

Birthplace: Wild West

The last row of small words I don't want to die, I want to touch your face, Lisa.

"Ivan" only lasted a moment. Gavi Crethorne's whole body collapsed. He was already on the verge of death. Now he looked as if he was more than ten years older. If his chest wasn't still heaving, Zhenhe would have died. There is no difference.

He couldn't help but think about Ivan O'Farris, the friend who had grown up with him over and over again.

They once fished in the river together. Together they chased rabbits in the wilderness, and once lurked in wheat fields on bright moonlit nights, trying to use traps to kill wild boars that were trampling crops, and were finally chased by angry wild boars.

The girl he likes is called Lisa. On the day he enlisted in the army, he engraved Lisa's name on his military badge.

Ivan Ofaris, that was his brother, but now he died because of him.

The article Lu Li read in his previous life explained this task in detail.

Garvey Claythorne's heart is filled with hatred, and he issues quests to the players. Ask them to kill the soldiers on Sentinel Hill.

Because the mission rewards are warrior damage reduction skills, there are many people who complete the mission, and this mission is also very famous among players.

What really made this mission a household name was the ending.

It seems that people always like similar stories about justice and evil, revenge and choice.

Every story has an ending. There are no real regular tasks in Dawn. Any task will have an ending as long as it is triggered in the right direction.

When he saw the military badge of his good brother Ivan O'Farris, Gavi Claythorne's mission was ruined.

Only then did he begin to face up to what he had done, and the belief he had always held collapsed.

Gavi Claythorne had reason to seek revenge, but he blindly expanded the scope of his hatred. Justice and evil have become blurred in his heart.

In other words, only by constantly seeking revenge can he find a reason to live.

"Please forgive me," Lu Li bent down, feeling a little sympathetic and a little happy.

This pleasure was especially strong when he thought of those confused eyes. Although the situation in Westfall has gotten out of control and Sentinel Ridge has become increasingly meaningless, not all soldiers deserve to die.

"Elf. What a good thing you did!" Gavi Crethorne raised his head, his eyes actually looking fierce.

"Dear warrior, please don't let your glory be shamed," Lu Li said very calmly. As a reborn person, he knows how to deal with people better.

Sure enough, Gavi Crethorne's newly ignited eyes dimmed again. He slowly stroked his chest and made a military salute, and said in a trembling voice, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I was blinded by hatred. It’s time for everything to end.”

"You are a respectable warrior," Lu Li said.

If he had a choice, Lu Li would also like to have another ending.

But he couldn't think of any other way to end this tragedy. You know, Garvey Claythorne's mission was very popular. Sentinel Hill became a bloody place, and thousands of soldiers were assassinated by players.

"This is your mission reward. It's something I learned in the army. Although you may not use it, you might be able to give it to a friend. You must have friends, just like Ivan and I." Garvik Ray Thorne handed over a book, and the system prompted Lu Li to complete the task.

Lu Li didn't want to stay here any longer, so he said thank you and planned to leave.

Unexpectedly, Gavi Crethorne stopped him again, "Elf, I plan to go to the front line. I should die there."

"Oh, that's the destination of warriors," Lu Li didn't understand why he stopped him. Wasn't the mission over

"I'm not afraid of death, that would be my relief, but there are some things I'm not willing to accept," Gavi Crethorne looked at Lu Li pleadingly, "For Medivh's sake, can you help me complete it?" A wish?”

Medivh is a human, but he once led the coalition to defeat Archimonde and protected Nordrassil, the world tree of the night elves. Even the arrogant elves must respect him.


Lu Li paused for a moment, then turned around and said, "Of course, I'll be happy to help you."

Missions also meant rewards. This was an unbreakable truth in any game. Lu Li could not find any reason to refuse.

"I was born into a family of blacksmiths. My grandfather learned exquisite skills from Ironforge. Even the masters in Ironforge thought that my grandfather was an outstanding blacksmith." Gavry Crethorne seemed He has the potential to be a bit of a talker, and always likes to add some trivial details to his stories.

"It's a pity that I can't appreciate his old man's charm," Lu Li sighed hypocritically. The whole family of the person in front of me was killed by the rebels, and his grandfather was naturally not spared. He really didn't know why he was telling himself this.

"My father is also an excellent blacksmith. Everyone in the entire western wilderness knows his reputation. Even the nobles of Stormwind City often send people to ask him to forge weapons," Gavi Crethorne said fondly. "They were originally also I hope I can become a blacksmith and live a stable life."

Lu Li was indifferent and couldn't answer the question.

"I don't want to be a blacksmith, because I like fighting," Gavi Crethorne's eyes lit up, and soon filled with sadness again, "The Crethorne family's skills cannot be lost. Elf, are you willing to help me?" Will it survive?"

Thanks to Ziyue Youlin, Feathers Like Lacquer, Qing丨 Beast, and Strong Tea for their rewards, as well as several readers such as The Crack in the Sky, Time Flies, Miaomang Yeyue, Piaoyao Gongzi, and several other readers for their monthly votes.