The Great Thief

Chapter 142: Evenly matched


Rare succubus, devil's eye, Lu Li squatted behind a ruin in the distance and began to think of countermeasures.

But Mafengwo was not so calm. His anger had already affected his state. After summoning the succubus, he immediately opened the eyes of the devil.

When I catch you, I will make you cry!

What a great opportunity. Lu Li observed this scene from the crack in the wall and immediately entered stealth.

The skill "Devil's Eye" is easy to identify. When used, the pupils all turn black and the sockets around the eyes crack like scorched earth. It really looks like a demon that has just crawled out of the abyss.

The hornet's nest opened its devil's eyes and moved at high speed, eager to kill Lu Li.

As a master, he was not so impulsive. At least he could maintain a minimum of composure during the battle. Maybe he was stimulated too much today. If Yue Guang was nearby, it would be easy to find that he was in a bad state.

The devil's eyes lasted for thirty seconds and cooled down for two minutes. The time passed quickly and the hornet's nest's eyes returned to normal.

Lu Li came out from behind a wall and cautiously approached the hornet's nest.

The warlock's perception was very high, and Mafengwo soon realized that Lu Li was not far from him, but the specific location could not be determined.

It felt bad to have such a sharp edge on his back. He finally calmed down and had no time to regret using his special move in advance. He could only command the succubus to walk behind him. Once Lu Li appeared and attacked him, the succubus would Attack immediately.

Could it be that boy Yueguang deliberately set a trap to trap him

But it doesn't make sense. It's too far-fetched to say that Lu Li deliberately got the two first kills and then performed a scene with Yueguang that made him feel slighted.

At least no one knows how to perform the first kill.


It was the sound of a dagger piercing flesh, and Mafengwo's heart trembled, but what made him strange was that he didn't feel that he was being attacked.

No, succubus!

Mafengwo turned his head and saw Lu Li frantically attacking his sexy succubus without any pity for her.

The succubus is a relatively mediocre follower of the warlock, with balanced attack and defense. The most important thing is that it has many control skills. This one from the Hornet's Nest is a rare breed. It not only has a fear skill and a charm skill, but also has an additional chaos skill than the ordinary succubus.

People with low resistance will be like a headless fly when caught in chaos, while people with high resistance will also lose most of their attack hits.

And it also has two debuffs, one that reduces magic defense and one that causes continuous damage.

It's just a pet with five skills, which is simply unbelievable.

If Lu Li attacks the hornet's nest, no matter how high his attack is, he cannot kill the hornet's nest in three to five seconds. These three to five seconds are enough for the succubus to unleash at least two skills on Lu Li. Once hit by the warlock's control skill, That's basically considered dead.

Mafengwo discovered that Lu Li was attacking his succubus, and immediately threw a fear skill at Lu Li.

Of course, Lu Li would not bury his head and ignore the hornet's nest, and the warlock did not lack control skills. He saw a group of black light flying towards him, extremely fast, unable to hide, counting the time, and almost at the same time he was struck by fear, he Turn on the Shadow Cloak.

Shadow Cloak: Instant cast, 90 seconds cooldown, provides short-term magic immunity, and immediately removes all negative spell effects. While the cloak is activated, resists all negative spell effects, lasting 3 seconds, current level 1/5.

Warlocks have many control skills, but they are still magical effects.

Lu Li opened his cloak, so he didn't have to worry about being controlled for at least three seconds.

In order to create more attack time, Lu Li did not use the sap skill when he started the battle.

In this situation, most thieves like to use a sap first, knocking the warlock unconscious, and then attack his baby.

But Lu Li didn't. He knew that dwarves had a racial talent called stone statue form, which could remove the stun effect.

Most races have similar racial talents. Night elves have shadow escape, which can dodge an attack and sneak out of combat. Dwarves' stone statue form can remove stuns, and gnomes' escape masters can remove slowdowns...

If he used a sap, Mafengwo could immediately use the stone statue form to get rid of the stun, and immediately attack Lu Li, leaving little time for Lu Li to attack. In front of such a master, he probably wouldn't even have a second.

Therefore, Lu Li did not alert the enemy, but attacked the succubus first. Counting the reaction time, the one second of fear when the hornet's nest was read, and the three seconds of the shadow cloak, it took at least five seconds in total.

If he couldn't kill a succubus in five seconds, Lu Li would give up.

The finishing move was a backhand stab to the succubus' shiny bare back. "Ah~" with a charming whine, the succubus fell to the ground.

Lu Li KOs Succubus, a complete victory!

During this process, Mafengwo attacked Lu Li crazily, with frighteningly high damage. However, when he discovered that his control skills were ineffective against the target, he already knew that he was at a disadvantage.

In three seconds, Lu Li lost a quarter of his blood!


Mafengwo watched Lu Li escape into the shadows.

Shadow cloak special effects!

Lu Li instantly appeared behind the hornet's nest.

Sneak attack!

The four-second stun was immediately followed by a backstab. The extremely high degree of completion not only caused astonishing damage, but also successfully caused an armor-piercing effect. The hornet's nest quickly activated the stone statue form to relieve the stun.

Lu Li had been waiting for him to hand over this skill for a long time. He launched a long-planned sneak attack and continued to wait for me.

There wasn't much time, just enough for him to launch two normal attacks.

After waking up from the dizziness, the hornet's nest chanted two syllables in a low voice, and a black track appeared on the ground, extending from his feet. His figure was blurred for a moment, and the whole person slid along this track to within 6 yards. outside.

In this way, he distanced himself from Lu Li.

Sure enough, it's not a fuel-efficient lamp. This is a level 30 warlock skill, and it's actually used now.


The last time I used the special effect of the gloves was when I was fighting Yueguang just now. Lu Li used this special effect to escape.

This time Lu Li used it to pursue. The effect was surprisingly good. As soon as the hornet's nest stopped, I felt a pain on my back. Lu Li was already catching up.

The hornet's nest raised its head, opened its mouth wide, and took a deep breath.

Don't get me wrong, this is not a lion's roar, but a warlock's howl of fear.

Howl of Fear: 1 second to cast, 90 seconds cooldown, you howl, causing 5 enemies within 3 yards to run away in fear and confused for 5 seconds. Any damage caused to the target may cancel this effect.

As long as he can scare the target, he will have a chance to summon the succubus again. This time he is prepared and will definitely not give Lu Li a chance to kill the succubus.


Lu Li kicked the hornet's nest hard in the abdomen.

The fearful howl of the hornet's nest was only half heard before it was kicked back.

After being kicked, not only was the skill interrupted, but he couldn't use the skill again for five seconds.

Lu Li turned on the quickness effect of his shoes and circled around the hornet's nest like an afterimage, not giving the opponent a chance to cast spells. It was the first time the hornet's nest saw such a move, and he felt bad all over. (To be continued.)