The Great Thief

Chapter 152: Robbery


The soldier originally wanted to leave, but was unwilling to do so. After hesitating, Lu Li's side had already ended the battle.

So fast!

The soldier's scalp was numb, and his intuition told him that he was in trouble.

Logically speaking, as a plate-armored berserker, he has a natural advantage over rogue players and should not be so pessimistic. However, Lu Li is ruthless and ruthless towards people in his own camp, and he kills people as quickly as chopping vegetables. It made him feel cold.

"Wait a minute!" The soldier stopped Lu Li, "I am an official member of the City of Glory. Today is the day when our guild enters the mission map in a big way. You will also meet more players of the City of Glory..."

"So?" Lu Li thought, a little surprised.

Just because ordinary players don't dare to enter the mission map doesn't mean that guild players don't have the guts.

They will organize players to enter the mission map in batches, just to grab the rewards for the top 100 players, and at the same time build some reputation for the guild - the first three players who successfully change jobs will receive a prominent announcement on the system world channel.

"There's no point in offending us. There are dozens of players from our guild on the road ahead. How about we live in peace and harmony," the soldier tried to persuade Lu Li.

"It's not impossible to let you go, three rare materials," Lu Li stretched out three fingers and shook them, as if he was determined to defeat the opponent.

The aura of the first guild in the Huaxia District was very useful. He was used to showing off his power on weekdays, but he never thought that he would be reduced to paying for his own life. The soldier was extremely angry and wanted to go up and hack Lu Li to death immediately.

"You are no match for me. You will die very quickly," Lu Li reminded him.

"It's still unclear who will win," the soldier gritted his teeth and let out a sullen breath.

"Oh, so you didn't agree, but it's a pity..." As he spoke, Lu Li hid his figure and escaped into the shadows.

The warrior tightened his weapon and ordered the knight's entourage to release an offering at his feet.

Devotion: Instant, cooldown time is 3o seconds, consumes 7% of mana, pours holy energy into the ground under your feet, and causes 9o points of holy damage to enemies entering the area within 9 seconds.

The damage is not big, but it can cause continuous area damage, which can make thieves afraid to get close.

"Aren't you scared to give up at this time?" Lu Li's voice came into his ears. It was light and strange, especially in this strange area filled with dead souls.

Devotion can only be used for nine seconds, and it loses its effect very quickly. If you want to release it again, you have to wait thirty seconds later. The key is, will the opponent give his followers a second chance to release Devotion

"Throw three rare materials on the ground and you can leave." This voice penetrated into the warrior's mind like a devil.

"Why do you want to defeat me?" The soldier secretly wiped the sweat from his palms, but he didn't feel confident at all when he spoke.

He is not a rookie. Anyone who dares to enter the mission map to change jobs and get out of the swamp will be a rookie!

It's not that he doesn't dare to fight, it's just that Lu Li's performance just now was too outrageous.

The thief player who was killed just now performed brilliantly all the way, no worse than the warrior, otherwise the two people would not have chosen to cooperate because of mutual concerns.

And that knight didn't even show the strength to fight back. Before he died, he could only scream like a little chicken except for cursing.

"If you are killed by me, you will not only lose a lot of experience, but you will also drop a piece of equipment. The most important thing is that if you want to take the job transfer mission, you will have to wait three days," Lu Li was not in a hurry. Instead of taking action, he persuades his opponents step by step. If he were to change the place, he would be a life mentor who guides the direction.

"My equipment is not much worse than yours, and I am a warrior!" The warrior had completely lost his courage and even tried to fight off the opponent with words.

"Your equipment is indeed good. Is that the Wall Tearer in your hand?" Lu Li could tell at a glance that this was a top-notch warrior equipment with a faint blue light. He curled his lips in contempt. What a waste of such good equipment. equipment.

"What's your name? I hope I lose clearly." The warrior took two steps back and stood back to back with his knight entourage.

"Don't think of others as fools. I think you must be waiting for reinforcements. It's so naive and ridiculous," Lu Li ruthlessly exposed his sweet dream, "The coordinates on the mission map are confusing. Even if you have companions in the big tree, It's nearby, and it's impossible to find him in a short time. I'll give you ten seconds to think about it, otherwise he will have no choice but to come over and collect the body for you."

Lu Li didn't wait ten seconds, sneaked up to the soldier and sapped him.

This is a Draenei warrior with a special racial talent - Naaru's blessing, which instantly restores 20% of his health. It is a life-saving skill of a heaven-defying level. Dawn is fair, which means that they have not lifted the abnormality for the time being. state capabilities.

Of course, after reaching level 30, most players will gain an escape skill.

Sap is stunned for 2o seconds, which is enough to kill the warrior's followers at 6 feet, not to mention that he has an elite druid beside him to help.

"You're despicable. You only promised it for ten seconds!" The soldier was sapped, but it didn't stop him from speaking.

"I mean you might be dead in ten seconds," Lu Li dagger flew away, showing no mercy.

A follower with an ordinary template can withstand a few hits from him and lose half of its HP almost instantly.

"Stop!" the soldier shouted, "I admit it!"

If the follower dies, his strength will be greatly reduced. Even if he escapes from Lu Li, it will be difficult to complete subsequent tasks.

"It's best not to play any tricks with me, and don't let your knight add blood to you," Lu Li stopped his hand and stopped sneaking. He just stood in front of the warrior and waited for him to throw materials.

"I don't have that many rare materials," the soldier said with hatred, always having the urge to charge forward, but he didn't dare, he couldn't afford the gamble.

What benefits can be obtained from killing Lu Li? At most, it is only a piece of equipment, or some evaluation points of unknown use. Once he is killed by Lu Li, he will lose more than these.

The "Glory City" guild promised them in advance: once they complete the job transfer task, the guild's treatment will be upgraded by one level, and there will also be an attractive amount of real currency rewards.

For example, the warrior in front of me is now an official member of the City of Glory. After completing the job transfer task, he will immediately become an elite member. If he is more lucky, he will be one of the top 100 players who transferred jobs in Dawn, and becoming a core member will not impossible.

"If you don't have rare materials, strengthening stones are fine. Don't say you don't have them. If you don't have them, then I'd rather earn some points," Lu Chong was secretly delighted. With the three rare materials, he thought the other party would counter-offer.

The warrior didn't dare to argue, he just threw two rare materials on the ground, also threw a strengthening stone, and asked angrily: "Can I leave?"

It's not like he's not worried about the other party still earning points after taking the money, but there's nothing he can do about it.

"Of course, I hope you can successfully change jobs," Lu Li picked up the things and took two steps back to show goodwill.

"I hope you won't tell others about this." If the guild knew that he had used materials to redeem his life, he might not be able to continue doing it even as an ordinary member, let alone an elite member.

"No one will know," Lu Li said with certainty. (To be continued.)