The Great Thief

Chapter 155: Rainsack


"Our mission is doomed to fail, but are you sure you want to keep us?" the commander of the light camp shouted angrily, "I only have a second-rate guild, but I dare to swear here that as long as we don't give us an explanation today, Our guild will not do anything from now on, we are specifically looking for you in the Capital of Glory~щww~~lā”

Other players are also very angry and can't bear it. After risking their lives, it's also heart-pounding for ordinary players to become ruthless.

"That's right, even if all of you in the Glory City are masters, I don't believe there's anyone left alone!"

"Damn it, you can make it so disgusting after playing a game," a young-looking player took off his helmet and threw it to the ground, cursing, "I never spend money to play games, but today I made an exception, and I will give you a reward when I get home. , as long as you kill the players in the Glory City, you will get ten gold coins each, with no upper limit, until all the new year’s money this year is spent.”

Rich second generation

Things have developed to this point, which is a bit out of control, and Ru Meng Shuhuan has no idea what to do.

It is too simple to keep these thirty or forty trapped Light camp players. They can do it even without counting these sixty or seventy fresh troops, but it is hard to say what the consequences will be after killing them.

According to common sense, you kill me and I kill you is a common thing in the game, but the City of Glory is indeed a bit unkind this time.

Seeing that they were showing signs of peaceful resolution, Lu Li, who was following behind, became unhappy.

If you solve the problem peacefully and preserve your own strength, won't my chances be reduced

He equipped himself with a black iron mask, and after getting closer, he instantly dodged behind an evil camp priest.

The healing player who was protected in the rear area never thought that someone would attack and kill him. His small cloth armor said goodbye to the mission map after only a few seconds.

"Fuck, kill!" Ru Meng Shuhuan was no longer confused now.

Following his order, some of the attacks rushed towards Lu Li, while others attacked the remaining Light camp players.

Fortunately, the attack was dispersed and the group's attention was on the other side. Lu Li disappeared and blocked several skills coming towards him, and fled the scene with half health. Thieves are the most mobile profession. This is more than just a saying. Just saying.

As long as you don't try to pass yourself off as a warrior, escaping is easy.

On the other side, although he thought this sudden appearance of a thief was strange, Ru Menghuan couldn't care less about him. He angrily directed his guild members to kill these defeated generals.

To make matters worse, another wave of monsters has come over.

This time there are no players from the Light camp to serve as cannon fodder, and the City of Glory faces the dilemma of fighting on two fronts.

The timing of Lu Li's attack just now was not chosen randomly, but after careful observation, and he wanted this effect.

It is not in his interest to have more than a hundred players from the City of Glory intact.

Forty elite mobs, thirty or forty players, and twenty or thirty players' followers, all besieged the evil camp players and their followers, and the battlefield below the altar was in chaos.

Thirty or forty people, even if their blood volume was not enough, the number was too small, and it would be troublesome to struggle to the death. When the last person fell, there was a similar number of attrition in the Glory City.

"Who was that thief just now?" Ru Mengsihuan's face was gloomy.

"It's not very clear. The person we killed said there was no system prompt," someone answered.

"Fart, how come there is no system prompt? Will our pastor attack him first?" A few minutes ago, Ru Menghuhuan felt that he was incomparable in resourcefulness, but now everything is not going as he wants.

The cause of everything seems to be the thief who suddenly appeared to disrupt the situation.

"Brother Huan, they exploded a lot of equipment, including two pieces of rare materials," the person below brought good news, which made Ru Meng Huan's mood a little better.

There is no official official statement regarding drops after players die, but the forum’s vast data community has found through analysis that equipment is more likely to drop when there are a lot of kills. It is not impossible to drop items first from the body, or from the backpack. It’s just that the probability will be smaller.

It takes dozens of people to drop two rare materials.

This was also why Lu Li chose to let the fat sheep hand over rare materials when he was robbing, instead of the traditional method of killing people and exploding things.

"Everyone, be careful. In the last level, we can go up and kill them. Regardless of whether they are players from our guild or not, there will be rewards after you go out. Please contact me directly to receive them," Ru Menghuan made the final mobilization.

There were more than a hundred people present, not all players from the City of Glory, but also some other evil camp players.

They were originally a little worried when they saw the City of Glory taking action against players from the Light camp, but now after hearing these words, a big stone fell in their hearts.

Quest items are automatically obtained by killing. After all, it is a game. It does not mean that only one player can complete the quest because Rensac only has one head, and most players have different quest items.

However, not all combatants can obtain mission items.

Only the team that participated in the attack and caused the most damage is eligible. The implication is that only one team of players can complete the task.

The light camp and the evil camp cannot form a team, and their alliance is destined to be unreliable. Players from the same evil camp have no fundamental conflicts of interest with the remaining players, and Ru Meng Shuhuan calms them down easily.

The last wave of monsters rushed down from the altar in a steady stream, nearly a hundred of them.

Lu Li ran some distance away and found a remote place, transformed into a crow, circled twice and then flew high.

There are also aerial monsters on this picture, all of which are bird ghosts. Lu Li was lucky and didn't encounter any danger, and landed safely on the altar.

There was a human elf standing alone on the altar. He was casting a spell on a six-pointed star array. The blue magic energy was filled with the mysterious inscription route, and it seemed that it had reached the last moment.

Lu Li was thankful in his heart. If it had been a little later, the mission would probably have failed. He had seen a similar magic circle and it was clearly a portal.

Looking at the dizzyingly complex lines, it's probably a long-distance portal formation.

Similar situations often occur in job transfer missions, which means that the job transfer mission Lu Li encountered has a time limit. If the time is exceeded, Rensac teleports away, and the mission fails.

Damn it, you are a hunter and you can actually use teleportation array. This is cheating!

The career system in Dawn is very messy, with many people wearing multiple hats. For example, Thrall is a shaman, but most people think he is a warrior. Illidan is addicted to magic, but he is clearly a demon hunter.

With no time to recover his health, Lu Li landed and sneaked, speeding up to attack Rensac's back.

Sneak attack!

The teleportation array is interrupted!

It wasn't just as simple as the interruption. The failure of the teleportation array caused the backlash of the magic elements.

There was an explosion on the altar, and the aftermath swept up Rensack, Lu Li, and Rensack's white wolf pet. .