The Great Thief

Chapter 166: dilemma


It was pie in the sky. Lu Li touched his bulging backpack and his heart was filled with joy.

With a heavy treasure in his possession, Lu Li hesitated for a moment and chose to return to the city first.

Warsong Canyon is full of dangers. Groups of players and enemy camp NPCs can threaten him. If his silver boots or rings explode, it will be too late to cry. Don’t forget that he is also carrying eight Click pk value.

If it weren't for the time limit on the mission scroll, he would now want to do some wanted missions to eliminate the PK first.

A lot of time was wasted coming and going.

In order to have enough time to deal with the task at hand, Lu Li had to speed up. He transformed into the son of the forest, a golden little leopard running along the war-torn border path.

Anyway, he doesn't use skills, others just think of him as a lucky druid.

Today, druids who have learned to transform into cheetahs can be seen everywhere, but this is the first time for most people to see someone as small and faster as Lu Li.

Therefore, people often look for trouble and try to blow him up. Lu Li didn't have time to pay attention to these boring people. He passed by with his first-class speed, leaving behind him the figure of the other party looking at him in amazement.

Passing through the Warsong Canyon, Lu Li quickly approached the end of the canyon.

In front of him is a defense line of the evil camp covering the sky and the earth. Countless orc recruits wearing rough plate armor patrol outside the canyon.

These recruits are all the reserve force of the Iron Knights. Chief Thrall of Orgrimmar will send the new recruits to receive the baptism of war. Those who pass the test will officially become members of the Iron Knights.

In order to prevent these new recruits from being defeated, Thrall invited his allies-trolls and tauren to assist in the defense.

In the line of defense in front of Lu Li, the largest number were orc warriors. Their levels were generally between twenty and thirty. Standing on the high tower were troll archers. They maintained the eagle eye effect on their bodies, even if they were one Homing pigeons cannot fly freely, and there are tauren among the orc warriors.

These tauren are real warriors, and their levels are generally above level 40. If they fall into the hands of elite tauren of level 40, anyone will die without a burial place. If you want to pass this line of defense, you must avoid these tauren. people.

Lu Li hid in the bushes and quietly observed these tauren.

He vaguely remembered that the actions of these minotaurs were regular, at least not as tightly defended as they were now.

Speaking of which, the tauren are really a complex race. They live on the open grasslands in the middle of Kalimdor continent, dedicated to serving nature and maintaining the balance between the wild animals and plants on the earth and the immortal elemental elves.

It sounds very similar to the night elf belief that advocates nature.

However, they happened to become allies with the orcs who went to Ashvale Forest to cut down trees, and became accomplices in destroying nature.

Moreover, the night elves and the tauren both learned from the jungle demigod Cenarius. The druid professions of the night elves and the tauren all came from Cenarius.

The tauren swore to help him (Cenarius) watch over the living fields and the creatures that Mother Earth loved, while the night elves dedicated themselves to protecting the forests and served her son as a god of the moon.

Night elves and these cute calves should be a family.

Having said that, Lu Li had no intention of going out to say hello, even though he still wore Cenarius' inheritance ring on his right ring finger.

Just as they were thinking, the tauren finally moved.

Large carts loaded with weapons and armor arrived, and some tauren went over to instruct the orc recruits to move the armor and distribute it.

The defense line suddenly had a lot of gaps, and the opportunity was not to be missed. Who knew when the next supply would be.

6 Li approached the orcs' queue and tore open a hidden scroll.

Strengthen the stealth effect and reduce the probability of units below level 30 detecting you.

This thing has no effect on those tauren elites who are in their forties or fifties, but the probability of these orc recruits detecting him is very low.

What Lu Li needed to do was not to bump into the orc recruits, and then take advantage of the few tauren to take advantage of every opportunity to run over.

The tauren were surprisingly efficient. They were back before Lu Li could reach a safe point.

Luli stood in the middle of a bunch of monsters, unable to advance or retreat!

Although stealth has no cooldown time, no one can afford it. He still has tasks to complete.

After completing this mission, he had to learn the stealth mode of Son of the Forest (transformed into a cheetah). Only then did Lu Li realize that he was too indecisive.

He has never learned any skills while transforming into a cheetah. The two cheetah skills have always been vacant. It's not that he doesn't want to learn, but he's been hesitating about what to learn.

The tauren told him with facts that the book would only be used when it was needed. If it was sneaking in the form of a cheetah just now, he would have gone through it long ago, okay

Thieves can also sneak, but their movement speed while sneaking is far worse than that of Cheetahs.

Lu Li tried to move a few steps in one direction. The tauren in this direction scratched his mane and looked in his direction in confusion.

Lu Li didn't dare to take a breath, and carefully returned to his original position.

Break in

Don't be stupid, there are so many monsters on the ground, and there is a tower not far away. Once they show their bodies, Lu Li will not be able to hold on for thirty seconds.

Desperate to seek medical attention, Lu Li began to rummage through the items in his backpack, trying to find a way to break the situation.

I looked through it again and found nothing.

Hey, can this be done...

Lu Li put his hand into his backpack and took out an engineering product.

His engineering skills are extremely low, and there is only one product that can be called one - the size of the world.

The world is so big that it can make people smaller. In addition to being smaller, it also has the additional effect of reducing the target's hatred by 20%. Thinking about it, the character has become smaller and it is indeed difficult to be found.

The world was so big that it looked like an injection. Lu Li took an injection into his thigh, and then he shrunk down like a deflated balloon.

Ah, the world is so big!

I have to lament that the orc warriors who were originally bigger than Lu Li all became giants after Lu Li became smaller.

He gestured that he seemed to be only as high as an orc's ankle.

It felt like even if he canceled the stealth, the orcs might not be able to see the villain at their feet. Of course, Lu Li would not cancel his stealth. He took small steps and started to run carefully.

As people become smaller, their mobility becomes smaller accordingly, and there is nothing they can do about it if their legs are short.

Approaching the tauren again, Lu Li tried his best to avoid being discovered by them.

After being discovered, there was no need to bother too much. Lu Li was immediately scrapped as soon as the Minotaur's big foot stepped on it. Thinking about the feeling of crushing bugs in summer, Lu Li definitely didn't want to die like this.

When I got closer, there was no reaction. When I got closer, there was still no reaction. The hatred effect was reduced by 20%, which was not what I had been boasting about.

However, when Lu Li got close to a certain extent, the tauren finally realized something was wrong.

He twisted his huge head and shot around with a pair of bull's eyes. Finally, he raised the big wooden stick (totem pole) in his hand and swept around. The result was no doubt that he couldn't find the dwarf at his feet. (To be continued.)