The Great Thief

Chapter 167: crossroads


He twisted his huge head and shot around with a pair of bull's eyes. Finally, he raised the big wooden stick (totem pole) in his hand and swept around. The result was no doubt that he couldn't find the dwarf at his feet.

28 gold coins, who says it’s not worth it

Lu Li pulled an ordinary mask over his face and turned on the video function. He decided to post the video of himself walking through the orc ocean to the forum to advertise his "world is so big".

The effect of this advertisement is absolutely amazing.

At least on the surface, after Lu Li became smaller, monsters at levels 20, 30, or even 40 or 50 turned a blind eye to him.

Of course, if someone bought a world as big as Luli's, and then came here to do the same thing, he would definitely die miserably, because Luli also has the effect of the hidden scroll.

Passing through the defense line of the Warsong clan without any danger, what appeared in front of Lu Li was the vast barren land.

As the name suggests, the Barrens is very desolate, full of rocks and sand. However, because of its well-connected transportation, it stretches from Stonetalon Mountains to the west, Durotar to the east, Mulgore meadows and mesa to the southwest, and to the southeast The wetlands of Dustwallow Marsh have therefore become a battleground for Kalimdor's military strategists.

The place he wants to go is in the center of the map, the hub of all traffic arteries - the crossroads post.

The evil camp radiates outward from the center of the crossroads and controls most of the land.

The light camp only has some mobile camps and small outposts, which cannot provide teleportation services. Otherwise, Lu Li wouldn't have to go through the Warsong Canyon so much.

By the way, the next dungeon that Lu Li and others will open up—the Wailing Cave—is on this map. Outside the dungeon, there is an oasis that produces a mutant fish that is famous throughout the continent.

Lu Li came here to fish in his previous life and participated in countless fights here. Therefore, he was very familiar with the terrain here and soon lurked near the crossroads post. Although it was said to be a post, it was actually no different from an ordinary city.

What 6 Li is looking for is on the clock tower in the center of town.

Without these scrolls, and given him ten more courages, he would not dare to be so arrogant as to approach the clock tower.

Several evil camp players walked past Lu Li, talking and laughing. They had no idea that there was a twenty-level thief lurking next to them, one step away from death.

Lu Li observed everything in the outpost from various angles, including the terrain, buildings, and the reactions of various npnetpcs. From what angles would they block him? After synthesizing various information, Lu Li designed several escape routes for himself.

He didn't dare to be careless. Although the NPC levels here were not high, they were still in their twenties and thirties, and most of them were elite templates. There was strength in numbers.

Not far away is the outpost barracks. If there is too much movement, a large number of orc soldiers will come out of the barracks to join the battle. By then, he will definitely be in tragedy.

Lu Li also recalled some related articles and strategies about the Barrens. He must thank his parents for giving him a smart brain. Some things seemed to have been forgotten for a long time, but after thinking hard, he still had some impressions.

You can't get close to the equipment store, it's very dangerous inside. In the previous life, a team tried to attack the intersection, but was killed by the cow who opened the equipment store with a few hammers.

6 Li chose a route away from the equipment store. If he was lucky, he wouldn't even disturb it.

Well, it was all just a plan.

He took a deep breath and slowly walked into the door while still in stealth mode.

There is no time limit for the hidden scroll, but once you cancel the stealth, this state will also be cancelled. Therefore, from the moment when Luli tore the scroll from Warsong Canyon to now, he has never canceled the stealth.

The architecture of the orc city is very rough, giving off a barbaric tribal atmosphere.

No one could imagine that a thief from the light camp was using his powerful concealment effect to break into the military fortress of the evil camp.

The NPCs in the city are not like those soldiers. They are living, talking and laughing, and walking around.

Lu Li didn't dare to be careless. He had to wait until the NPC walked by before he dared to show his face. In fact, even if he was so serious, he was almost discovered. An orc NPC that just passed by turned around and ran back in a hurry, and approached him at a very close distance. Lu Li passed by, and the orc seemed to notice it, but because he was in a town, he didn't take this unnatural thing seriously.

Lu Li learned his lesson and used it on himself again. The world is so big, and you can't be generous when you should be generous.

In this way, his speed is reduced, but his safety is much better.

It took more than half an hour for Lu Li to move under the bell tower.

The bell tower looks like a tall tower, with spiral steps spiraling up the tower. On the tall spire is a giant mechanical clock. In addition to telling time, this height also provides soldiers with a broad field of vision. It functions as a lookout.

The treasure chest is at the top.

There were four NPC warriors guarding the door, their level was unknown. After observing from a distance, Lu Li gave up his plan to rush in from the main entrance.

Arriving at a pile of debris behind the guard tower, Lu Li quietly released his stealth and started to transform into a crow.

There are NPCs everywhere near the clock tower. They are no different from real people. Their eyes are flexible and they can inadvertently scan the pile of debris where Lu Li is hiding. This feeling of doing bad things under the eyes of others is really exciting.

The crow flapped its wings slowly and flew high.

There are NPCs patrolling the spiral staircase. They are holding long guns and looking solemn. They are not slacking off at all.

However, this tightness also caused a kind of fatigue, so when passerby A, an orc warrior, saw crows flying to higher places, he did not react at all. There is no shortage of these birds in the barren land.

But the black feathers of the crow just now seemed to have a dark black sheen.

It must be an illusion caused by sunlight.

Patrolling day after day, the soldier yearned for a battle of blood and fire. He could not help but pretend that he was participating in a battle with centaurs.

Lu Li landed on the top floor of the clock tower, next to a pointed lightning rod.

He even used his beak to straighten his slightly messy feathers, seemingly no different from a real crow.

Of course, its eyes immediately fell on the treasure box on the observation deck. It was a gray box with cyan carvings engraved on it. It should be a frost wolf, which is a brave and beautiful creature. .

The soldier on the observation deck looked outside the crossroads post and made sure there was no threat. Then he held his spear and walked down the spiral staircase.

When the soldier's figure disappeared from sight, Lu Li flapped his wings and quickly rushed to the treasure chest on the observation deck.


No matter when the next patrolling soldier comes up, this is his only chance! (To be continued.)