The Great Thief

Chapter 170: Burning the barracks


This is not the key. The key is whether you have an extra layer of WWw..lā

The Orb of Deception allows Lu Li to use another identity to do things that he is not suitable to do. No one would doubt that an undead or a troll could be Lu Li.

In this case, he doesn't have to pretend to be mysterious in the rankings.

The purpose of hiding the rankings is to use the Azure Sea Breeze to protect themselves. Whether the top player is Lu Li or the Azure Sea Breeze has always been controversial in the light camp.

The core of a team is the commander. There is no doubt that the height determines how far the team can go.

Most people believe that Azure Sea Breeze was number one. He was on the ranking list when the system was updated for the second time. Later, a group of people became anonymous and his figure disappeared immediately. So, he was probably the one at the top of the list.

Others felt that Lu Li was at the top of the list, and that Lu Li was the core of the team, and he could compete in a one-on-one battle after all.

Are thieves the core of the team

It's almost a joke.

One-on-one combat is nothing unusual, at least the master hunter Qiufeng Shuangshuang and others can do it.

And those who knew Lu Li's level, such as Mafengwo, were even more disdainful to spread the word about this matter.

I don't dare to be too arrogant. Firstly, I am worried that others will attack my teammates. Secondly, I am afraid that it will be involved in reality. Although Skynet is everywhere and criminals dare not run rampant, no one can guarantee that there will be no desperadoes.

With the Orb of Deceit, it's time to truly show your true colors as a thief and assassin.

Lu Li plays games with a strong purpose. He wants to make money and let his sister live a good life. He is under great pressure and plays very depressed. He is even more hesitant than when he had nothing in his previous life.

He was happy with his grudges. In his previous life, Lu Li was really happy with his grudges.

Make the most controversial friends, drink the strongest wine, kill people from the big guilds, steal whatever belongs to anyone, and be chased all over the world to grudge you and never repent!

Of course, he still regretted it in the end, regretting why he didn't try harder.

And after having the Orb of Deception and the Nameless Mask.

Lu Li is a good boy and a great master. Even if he has some conflicts with Jin Yiwei and other guilds, it is not to the point of life and death. He is keen on making money and has led his team to the pinnacle of life.

Wuming is a thief who walks in darkness, accompanied by death and killing, and takes pleasure in revenge.

It lasts for 1 hour and cools down for four hours. The skill also cools down when used, which means that he can have another identity for four hours every day.

He touched his face with only bones left and put on the mask. It was time to deal with the task of "burning supplies". With the Orb of Deception, this task suddenly became easy.

The evil camp set up a camp in a mountain col not far to the west of the intersection, hoarding a large amount of supplies.

Lu Li swaggered into the camp. The two orc warriors at the door took one look at him and stopped paying attention.

The camp was in a mess, with grain, grass, clothing, and some pickled meat piled everywhere. This was the most important ration for the orc warriors when they were fighting outside. There were mainly human slaves working inside, and there were also some players.

"Hey, that little skeleton, go get some fresh meat for the uncle," a low-ranking orc officer swung his whip and slapped it on the ground in front of Lu Li, causing dust to fly.

Lu Li had to stop and asked, "What kind of meat do you need?"

"There are many lions and wolves in the wilderness. If you have the ability to hunt a velociraptor, that would be great." Grinning his big, smelly mouth, the orc officer smiled mockingly.

The system receives the mission "Fresh Meat".

Lu Li took a breath of air, this deceptive orb was too weird.

It was ridiculous enough that a mission was issued to him, but the system actually recognized such a mission issued across factions.

In his previous life, he had also done missions using deception orbs as props. Even the dialogue could be seen through, and he would have nothing to hide from high-level people, let alone any missions issued.

The orc officer in front of him was obviously over level 40, and Lu Li was ready to escape from the beginning.

"What are you doing standing there in a daze? Don't hurry up. You are really a disgusting scumbag." The orc officer impatiently whipped Lu Li and hit him on the back. It hurt a little but did not cause any harm.

"As you wish," you are so funny, can't you tell that I am fake? Lu Li turned around and left. When he came over just now, he happened to see a group of lions being refreshed in an area.

The lion was only a level 15 or 6 monster, and was nothing more than a piece of cake to Lu Li.

In fact, the fate awaiting them was to become a dish. Lu Li used the gathering technique on the corpses, and the system prompted him to get fresh meat.

If you look closely, you can see that it is a mission item and cannot be eaten.

Putting aside this bad taste, Lu Li quickly obtained the forty pieces of fresh meat required by the mission.

Standing in front of the orc officer again, Lu Li handed over the mission items.

Perhaps because Lu Li completed the task so quickly, the orc officer's face was not so ugly, "Warrior of the tribe, your efforts will be appreciated by Chief Thrall."

The system prompted Lu Li to receive an experience point reward. The amount was pitifully small. He didn't mind at all. Instead, he stroked his chest with excitement, "For the tribe, for the victory of Queen Sylvanas."

This guy is quite keen on acting sometimes.

"For the tribe!" The orc looked excited and hit his chest hard.

People in the evil camp don't think they are evil, especially the orcs. They call themselves tribes, while the light camp exists because several races signed an alliance agreement, so it is also called the alliance, and is also called the light dog or the alliance dog.

Lu Li walked around the camp and basically understood the situation of the entire camp. He placed the four explosive fire bombs that were mission items while no one was paying attention.

As long as one of them is ignited, the flames it bursts out will ignite the other three, and the entire camp will become a sea of fire.

It's really a sin, but everyone has their own position, so I can only say I'm sorry, and I'm here to play games.

Lu Li sent the flame to the fuse. After the fuse was lit, he transformed into a cheetah and ran away.

A few seconds later, a shock wave suddenly erupted behind him, and the place where the impact passed was instantly a sea of fire, and then the second explosive fire bomb was activated, the third, and the fourth

The system kills players from the enemy camp and obtains 117 glory points.

The system kills the enemy camp, obtains 1450 glory points, and receives experience points as rewards.

When the system kills the same camp, the value increases by 27, and 2700 glory points are deducted.

The first two system prompts made him feel unexpectedly happy, while the latter system prompt was like a bucket of cold water being poured on his forehead.

He has a lot of experience points, and he has been promoted to 14 at level 21, but his glory points are miserable.

The total reward was 1567, but the deduction was 2700. In total, not only was there no reward, but 1133 points of glory were deducted from him.

He only has 468 points, which is not enough. Now the glory value is displayed with a few ridiculous red letters of 665 points. He worked hard to kill an evil camp, killed dozens of players, and finally lost his glory. The value is made negative.

It would be fine if I just lost the glory points, but the value increased by 27 points. I finally used the online time to reduce the value to 7 points. After such a toss, it directly jumped to 34 points.

With so much value, when can I wash it off? .