The Great Thief

Chapter 172: Wanted mission


At this moment, the dumbfounded people on the side responded WWW..lā

After a while, the two to three hundred people who were spawning monsters on this map all gathered here, staring blankly at the place where No. 263 fell just now.

Hundreds of members of their guild's elite group have reserved the venue here. The guild boss fights monsters under layers of protection. No one dares to come over to do wanted missions. Isn't that asking for death

But under such protection, their boss was killed.

It was like a dream.

"The boss was killed?" A person murmured to himself, as if he still couldn't believe it.

"Where is the person who chopped him?" Everyone was holding back their anger.

It's not that their boss was so respected and loved by the guild members, but that he was chopped down in front of so many people, which was a complete shame for the players present.

"Run away" he pointed to the place where Lu Li disappeared with tears in his eyes. The player wanted to slap himself in the face. The one who was closest to him just now said that the guy even said hello to him after killing people.

"Look, we must find him!" someone shouted angrily.

"No more practice, no more practice, avenge the boss," the fists were grinding, and hundreds of people were about to scatter.

"Wait, I know who it is."

"Do you know him?"

"Don't look at me like this, there are so many people, I'm so stressed"

"Damn it, I'll kill you if I don't!"

"Look at the list, the item worth 34 points only has 25 points left."

"He killed the boss!"

"He is wanted, he is wanted"

Lu Li had already gone back and handed in the mission. Seeing that the value suddenly dropped from 34 points to 25 points, he felt extremely relieved.

There was just one thing that puzzled him. Why didn't anyone kill the guy with a nine-point value? His level seemed to be average, and he was knocked down without even a chance to fight back.

The second target is numbered 8526 points.

After checking the coordinates, I found that the distance was a bit far, and it actually went to the coastline.

The task cannot be canceled three hours after it is accepted. Unless someone else gets there first, Lu Li can only hold his nose and admit it, since he can fly anyway.

When you walk out of Astrana, you are faced with a large array of skills. Lu Li was startled and quickly turned around and ran back to the safe area.

At this stage, the city is still a safe zone. The game company will not narrow the scope of the safe zone until the fourth system update. By then, you may be hacked while walking on the street.

But that was much later. Standing in the safe area, Lu Li looked at the hundreds of people in front of him with lingering fear. They were completely guarding the city gate of Astrana, and their eyes were wide open, as if they were about to eat themselves.

"Dear heroes, when did I offend you all and have to use such a big battle?" Lu Li touched the mask on his face and breathed a sigh of relief.

Jin Yiwei didn't attract so many people to block him in the first place, so you guilds are still embarrassed.

The players on the other side didn't expect Lu Li to react so quickly. Just as he was deeply regretting that he had taken action too early, his lungs exploded when he heard Lu Li's innocent questioning, "You killed our boss and you dared to ask us why!"

"Impossible, I'm not a madman, why should I kill your boss? Who is your boss?" Lu Li looked upright, but it was a pity that others couldn't see it through a piece of cloth. A waste of actor-level acting skills.

"Fuck you, you just killed our boss in front of hundreds of us. If this debt is not settled, how will our Galaxy Fleet survive in the future?"

"Oh. Number 263!" Lu Li suddenly realized.

"Boy, we are not going too far. Come out obediently and let us chop you once and send you to jail with our boss, otherwise you will be very sad in the future."

"Wait a minute," Lu Li raised his hand, "Do you know who I am?"

The players on the opposite side looked at each other. Finally, they shook their heads in unison.

"You don't know who I am, how can you settle accounts with me? Goodbye, everyone," Lu Li laughed and disappeared.

Hundreds of people were dumbfounded.

Astrana is the busiest city in the Light camp, and naturally has more than one exit. The reason why that group of people were able to block him was entirely because the exit just now was near the mercenary hall.

Lu Li found a deserted alley, transformed into a crow, and flapped his wings to fly.

Astrana is the base camp of druids, and is very friendly to creatures like crows, so no one will shoot him down out of boredom.

Lu Li flew down for a while and regained his health. The members of Team Galaxy suddenly became excited.

"This guy is running so fast. He must not be able to run now. Let's work harder to catch him and put him in jail. The boss said that he is unwilling to die and must see this guy in jail. No, whoever wants to kill him will be rewarded with 10,000 real coins. For the sake of the boss, charge!"

"For the boss, for the ten thousand yuan, come on," a group of funny Juechen left.

Lu Li's second target was very clever. He changed places every few minutes, making it unclear where he was.

However, he was very unlucky. When he was changing places this time, he met Lu Li at the corner.

Lu Li saw a soldier with a red word "sin" on his head, running towards him as fast as the wind and fire. He subconsciously sneaked and attacked

"What grudge!" One attack was not enough to kill a warrior, and the warrior's equipment was very good. However, after he woke up, he did not fight back immediately. Instead, he held his neck and asked Lu Li why he killed him.

The confident questioning tone made Lu Li almost feel that he had found the wrong person.

"Brother, are you number 852?" Lu Li stabbed someone while chatting with him.

"Oh, you said the list, yes, I am number 852. Wait, you are here to arrest me. How is this possible? How could it be such a coincidence?" He fell to the ground.

The body was collected by the system, and the person was presumably resurrected in prison.

"Fuck, you talk a lot," Lu Li wiped the sweat from his head, meeting someone who didn't fight back for the first time.

Pointing that there were only 20 points left, Lu Li nodded with satisfaction. He had no idea that the place where he had killed had gathered hundreds of players who were dumbfounded again. The target suddenly returned to the city, and they all missed.

The value of the fourth place on the list is only three points, which means that Lu Li will never find a fat sheep like the two just now.

In this way, while accepting the wanted mission, I was avoiding a group of funny pursuers. I thought that even if I was slow, I could use the wanted mission to clear up the value. Who would have expected that when I accepted the sixth mission, an accident happened.

This guy with only two points on his body was as timid as a mouse and actually went offline to avoid it.

Wanted missions cannot be canceled casually. Either you have to go to the mercenary hall to apply for cancellation after three hours, or the wanted player has washed away the value himself, or someone else has completed the mission first.

In this case, Lu Li could only wait two hours for the offline player values to disappear, and the system would default to the fact that his wanted mission had failed, and then he would be able to continue the next wanted mission.

At this time, Lu Li still had twelve points of value, and he still topped the list. .

Please vote for recommendations and cheer for my friends who are taking the college entrance examination. Thanks for the nickname, it’s so hard to get! , Feathers Like Lacquer, Great Sorrow Without Tears, Stars and Silver Brilliance for their tips, and thank you for your monthly tickets for Young Dreams Ruined, Cherry Blossoms at Night.