The Great Thief

Chapter 21: Killing


With just one sneak attack, the poor little warlock lost half of his health, not to mention being stunned for 2 seconds. With two normal attacks, the warlock followed in the footsteps of the mage without even summoning the little devil.

The priest dad in the team raised his staff twice, but didn't use a single skill.

His face turned blue. What a pervert. His two teammates, both of whom had reached level 4, knocked them down without even giving him a chance to gain blood.

Of the five people, two fell down after one encounter, leaving a druid, a hunter, and a priest.

In order to survive, the Druid MT needs to add points to all of its attributes, but its attack is pitifully low. The Hunter currently has no babies, and has not yet reached level 5 to learn crossbow proficiency. The attack speed is extremely slow. As for the Priest, do you expect him to carry a staff? Knock people to death.

"Brother, there's a misunderstanding," the pastor shouted loudly, "We were just passing by."

Lu Li ignored him at all, picked up the white clothes that the warlock had dropped, and slowly disappeared.

The other party's sneaking means that they are not ready to let them go. This is the rhythm of killing them all.

The pastor shouted with a gloomy face: "We are all members of the Imperial Guard. Please ask your friends not to look at the monk's face but to look at the Buddha's face. Don't offend people who shouldn't be offended..."

The name Jin Yiwei sounds ridiculous, but people in the gaming world would not laugh when they meet them. This union has a large number of people and likes PK, so being targeted by them is really troublesome.

Lu Li tightened his grip on the dagger and took a deep breath.

It turned out to be them!


The dagger flashed with cold light, and a cloud of blood spattered from the hunter's neck.

The druid roared and charged at Lu Li, but Lu Li circled the hunter and dodged it.

This time the priest finally found an opportunity to release his skills.

Hunter: +35-62, the added value is not much lost. Who said that with a priest, you will be immortal. In the face of equipment and technology, everything is just a cloud.

After being approached, the hunter could only use melee weapons to fight Lu Li hand-to-hand. The druid, because there was a hunter in the middle, was busy running around but couldn't find a place to strike.

On the sixth stroke, Lu Li's backstab completion rate only reached 50%, but it was still not something the hunter with residual health could bear. He screamed and fell to the ground.

"Run!" The pastor turned around and left in despair.

Lu Li stepped forward, blocking behind the druid, and stabbed the bear's head with his two daggers, killing the druid who had no intention of fighting. As for the priest, this kind could only increase health. With such short legs, there was no way he could run very far. Lu Li ended the battle with just two swords.

The area was instantly clear, so we continued to fight the giant wolf.

"Brother, they are from Jin Yiwei, you don't give them any face," Huadi Liqing smiled bitterly.

"The people who were killed were the Jin Yiwei people," Lu Li's eyes were a little bloodshot, and the dagger in his hand became more and more fierce, which showed that he was not calm.

Jin Yiwei was one of the several unions that pursued him in his previous life. In order to raise money for his sister's treatment, he asked a friend to act as an intermediary. He planned to give in to a senior executive of Jin Yiwei, apologize in person, and promised to bow his head in a forum post. Unexpectedly, Jin Yiwei's people agreed on the surface, and after meeting, they set up an ambush and surrounded and killed him again.

He still didn't know how he offended this union, and he still didn't understand it until his death.

If we talk about hatred, the Jiangnan noble union ranks first, and Jin Yiwei is definitely second.

Those unlucky guys didn't know that as soon as the name Jin Yiwei was spoken, their fate was sealed. As long as they met someone from Jin Yiwei, Lu Li would definitely kill him immediately.

In this life, he chose to play the role of thief for this reason.

Thieves may not be the strongest in PK, but in terms of explosive killing power and mobility, there is absolutely no one who can match them.

The renegade pet giant wolf didn't have much blood to begin with, but he screamed and fell to the ground after being stabbed randomly in such a way to vent his anger.

The monster production of the wild elites is not as good as that of the dungeon elites, but this time I was lucky and got a piece of bronze equipment, as well as three "defected pet heads".

It's just a game, so of course it can't be so virtual that the player can cut off a wolf's head with a knife.

"We only picked up the mission items, not the equipment," March Yu said timidly, not even daring to look at Lu Li. She was completely frightened by Lu Li, but she didn't know if she would have nightmares at night.

"This is something belonging to the priest. You can take it," Lu Li picked up the mission items and said calmly: "PK is a normal thing in the game. Leave quickly. There will be many people from Jin Yiwei coming over later. You guys If you don’t join the war, they can’t find you.”

The Huadi Liqing brothers and sisters were a little embarrassed. If it weren't for Lu Li, they would definitely have been robbed by monsters just now.

"Brother Lu Li, aren't you leaving?"

"I also need to find an NPC to hand over the task," Lu Li said.

"What kind of NPC is it? We've been around here a lot and we're familiar with it." Sanyue Yu didn't dare to participate in the PK and was too embarrassed to leave. She hoped to contribute in other areas.

"Moonshadow Valley Sentinel Captain Carolina," Lu Li said.

"Carolina? I have indeed seen her. I just saw her feeding her mount by the creek. You should be able to catch up if you go west along the road."

"Add a friend and play together when we have time in the future," Lu Li put the mission items into his backpack and slowly escaped into the shadows.

"Goodbye, brother Lu Li," San Yueyu bit her lip and shook her fist: "I will definitely be stronger next time and won't hold you back anymore."

"Okay, next time if you are stronger, I will take you to download the dungeon," Lu Li's voice floated from a distance and gradually became silent.

The breeze blew through the grass, gradually smoothing out the footprints he left behind. The small pale yellow flowers in the grass swayed in the wind, and there was no trace of anyone passing by.

"Oh," Huadi Liqing slapped her thigh: "Speaking of the dungeon, is it possible that Brother Lu Li is the Lu Li who took the first kill of the Spider Lair? It must be him. No wonder his equipment is so good and his skills are so incredible."

Is the gap that big? Sanyue Yu's eyes darkened, but she quickly cheered up: "I will definitely play the role of pastor well, and I will be the first pastor of Dawn!"

Occasionally, you can see silver-leaf grass on the roadside. This time, Lu Li did not squat down to collect it, but sneaked quickly. He wanted to quickly find the NPC and hand over the task - and then come back to hunt the Jinyiwei players who were doing the task.

His equipment is good, but that doesn't mean he won't die. As long as a small team of people are waiting, he may be controlled until death.

However, Lu Li understands better than anyone else: masters rise through killing. PK plays a large role in the game Shuguang. It is impossible for any master to develop his skills by killing NPCs.

Carolina rode a white leopard and walked leisurely on the road, followed by several players around her.

Carolina is a famous beauty among the elves, and she has a super good figure. She only wears a small leather armor that can only protect her important parts. Many perverts and wolves come here because of her fame, and they spend the whole day around her doing nothing. There are also many men.

Of course, as beautiful as she is beautiful, the female elf doesn't have a good temper.

Anyone surrounding her or standing in front of her will be shot instantly. If they die, they will lose twice as much experience.

"Your Excellency, I have brought news about Tapu," Lu Li showed his figure in front of Carolina, put one hand on his chest, and completed an elf etiquette with a serious expression. In front of high-ranking elves, politeness will only bring benefit.

"Oh, it turns out to be a thief. I haven't seen Tapu for several days. Is he okay?" Under the gaze of many players, Carolina not only failed to kill the person who stood in the way, but also owed money on her mount. He leaned forward and let out a sweet sound like a lark.

PS: Thanks to Ye Banxiange for the reward. The top post in the book review area is asking for actors. Friends who are interested can reply to the post and fill in the lyrics as much as possible.
