The Great Thief

Chapter 34: Find a house


After selling the equipment, Lu Li sent a message to inquire about the progress of Azure Sea Breeze. After receiving a positive reply, he went offline and went to sleep.

The next day was the weekend. When they got up early in the morning, Lu Li and his sister had a simple breakfast and then left home to look for a house.

From a sociological perspective, since the emergence of private ownership, human beings have inevitably become polarized. No matter how advanced technology is, this will not change, and will even intensify.

Today in the 23rd century, not only has the gap between the rich and the poor not been eliminated, but there have been three types of places: slums, civilian areas, and rich areas. Although there is no such division in the official files, this is actually the case.

The slums are where the unemployed live. They live on government relief and have no access to education or medical care. The reason why the Lu family brothers and sisters live so hard is because Lu Li gave his sister the opportunity to go to school, hoping that one day she would find a good job and get married. Go to the civilian areas or even the wealthy areas.

The urban areas are the working class, or low-income class. Most of them cannot pay much taxes, but because they can create social value, they have certain civil rights and their living conditions are much better than those in the slums.

Most of the early Dawn game players were rich, or at least civilians. As for the poor, they could only apply for death squads and gold diggers.

As for the wealthy areas, the smallest group of people controls almost all the social wealth and can naturally enjoy more power.

Lu Li now has more than 30,000 real coins in his account. He doesn't think about buying a house. He can't even buy it in a civilian area, but there is absolutely no problem in renting a house.

They are now looking for houses in civilian areas. The public security should be good, there should be schools nearby, and the consumption level should be lower...

"Brother, look, there are patrol police here in broad daylight," Lu Xin pointed out to Lu Li in surprise.

The little sister of the Lu family is a little beauty, naturally beautiful, but has felt insecure since she was a child. Fortunately, her brother is very good at fighting, so she can grow up safely in an environment like a slum.

"Because this place is close to our slum area, the control is stricter," Lu Li explained. This was really a hurtful answer. The patrol policemen who made Lu Xin feel very friendly were actually the people in the slum area that they were on guard against.

"Brother, if we find a house to live here, will we still be poor?" The little girl looked hopeful.

"Xinxin, the reason why we are poor is not because we live in the slums, but because we have no money. Once we have money, we will no longer be poor." Lu Li vowed secretly in his heart that he would never let his sister do it again in his life. I feel inferior because of my status.

"That's right, brother, you are so awesome. You made money in just two days." Brother is always the best, and a certain brother's eyes were filled with little stars.

"Xinxin, we are not looking for a house here anymore," a certain girl was so complimented that she was so excited that she suddenly didn't know what the east, west, north, and south were, and said in a high-spirited voice, "Let's go to the rich area!"

"Brother, really?!" The next second she was happy, Lu Xin began to hesitate again, "But brother, do we have enough money? We also have to plan for the future, what if... what if one day we can't make any money?" , what should we do?”

The little girl's worries are normal and humane.

But she doesn't know that sister control is most afraid of being questioned by her sister. What? My brother will not be able to make any money in the future. This is completely impossible!

However, the more Lu Li thought about it, the more he felt that it would be good to move to the rich area. The living conditions there were really good. The slum area looked like the kind of dilapidated place that was to be demolished two hundred years ago, and the civilian area also It's at the level of suburban areas, and the wealthy areas are truly worthy of the technological development of the past two hundred years.

After getting on the hovercar, the Lu family brothers and sisters set off directly to the wealthy area.

The wealthy area is very large, but the flow of people is not much, and except for some specific areas, there are no obvious high-rise buildings. The residential area is full of green trees, and there are even rare plants that were extinct two hundred years ago.

The DNA of animals and plants that have been preserved for two hundred years has been gradually successfully restored by humans, and many suitable ones are being raised in villas and estates in wealthy areas.

"Do you want to rent a house here?" Most of the receptionists are from civilian areas. They don't have the habit of looking down on others. They just said a little embarrassed: "According to the regulations of the district government, if you want to settle here, you must have a certain amount of money in your account." With a million in insurance premiums.”

"One million," Lu Li was immediately discouraged.

"Brother, forget it," Lu Xin pulled Lu Li's arm and whispered.

"Actually, you can go to the university town," the receptionist reminded.

"Yes," Lu Li suddenly realized. If you want a good living environment, you don't necessarily have to go to a wealthy area.

There was a big controversy when the location of the university town was selected.

That was more than 170 years ago, when the government spent huge sums of money to build a university town and planned to plan all the universities in the city together.

It was originally planned to be in a wealthy area. After all, who wouldn’t want to have a school built in front of their home? The council members are all from wealthy areas.

No one thought that the reaction of the civilians and poor people, who had always endured humiliation and burden, would be so great. Factories were empty, schools were empty, water and electricity were cut off, transportation was cut off, even the army was in chaos, and several congressmen were tortured by their subordinates. assassination.

In desperation, someone proposed to build the university town at the junction between the civilian area and the wealthy area.

Although the controversy is still there, the chaos has finally subsided, and the university town has become a buffer between civilian areas and wealthy areas, providing both civilian living space and very good living conditions.

It was already eleven o'clock in the morning when the Lu brothers and sisters arrived here. Lu Li planned to go directly to the villa area of Xingyue Guild to have a look. He had been there and was familiar with the environment there.

This is a garden villa area, with four office buildings in front and a residential area behind.

Lu Li pulled Lu Xin, skipped the real estate agency with the sign, and walked directly through the office building into the residential area.

"Brother, I heard that agents are the place that introduces houses. Why don't we let them help?" Lu Xin turned her head and tried to look back at the real estate agent.

"Silly girl, real estate agents are all scammers. They will rent you the worst house, and the remaining good ones will be better rented out next time. When encountering a worse house agent, they will even team up with the landlord to deceive you, so "If you can avoid finding an agency, don't find one." Lu Li acted like a parent, imparting life philosophy to his sister who was as blank as a sheet of paper.

Little Miss Lu Xin didn't have the slightest suspicion, and her eyes immediately became defensive when she looked at the real estate agents.

"Then how do we know which house here will be rented?"

"Two ways are to find it online or look at the public notice board in the community." In his previous life, Lu Li also moved out of the slums with his sister, but they lived in a civilian area, and their life was not very good, otherwise Then I won’t be unable to treat my sister in time because of lack of money.

"Then shall we find it online?"

"Most of the pictures on the Internet are fake. It's better to see them in person. Let's go to the bulletin board first." For hundreds of years, people's habits have not changed. There is an empty space next to the electronic bulletin board for people to post something. .

There are those who collect second-hand computer virtual helmets, those who treat chronic diseases in clinics, and of course, there are also those who are subletting houses and looking for shared accommodation.

The two brothers and sisters huddled together, discussing which of the posted messages was suitable. They were about to choose one and start making calls when they heard someone behind them say impatiently: "Have you seen enough? Can you step aside and let me post it?" Something?"

PS: Thanks to the book friends No. 13, Nail Grass, Feather Color Like Lacquer, and Hear Your Memories for their tips. Thanks to No. 13 for giving very useful setting suggestions. I can’t eat the reminder ticket, I’m sorry~
