The Great Thief

Chapter 39: Kobold elder


"Hello, I have brought greetings from Lady Carolina. She hopes that my friends and I can escort you back to Shadowmoon Valley." After the others handed over the exploration mission, Lu Li stepped forward and began to talk to Tapu. interactive.

"Thank you Captain Carolina, brave elf, you are finally here." When the dying Tapu saw Lu Li, he stood up like a flashback. After returning the salute, he said, "Your friends brought them to the mine." New information, kobold priests are coming from the teleportation array, can you take your partners to eliminate them? I got several skill books in the early years, which I can give to you as rewards."

Skill Book!

The eyes of several people, including Lu Li, instantly lit up.

Especially the other people, who originally came here with the intention of helping Lu Li with the mission. After coming here, they not only completed a mission with rich experience, but they didn't expect that they would also encounter a follow-up mission that rewards skill books.

There are novice players here as well as very powerful professional players. No matter who they are, it is their first time to come into contact with missions that reward skills. It is truly unheard of.

Only reborn people like Lu Li know that "Dawn" does not have a standard mission mode. There is no saying that missions with a difficulty level of several stars will have a chance to reward skill books. Sometimes missions that kill several monsters may reward skill books and Skill points, and sometimes tasks that seem to be very difficult may not necessarily yield any gains in this regard.

Skill points are the product of the system update next Monday. You can get one skill point every two levels. Other than that, you can only try your luck in missions and boss fights. You can use skill points and gold coins to upgrade skills.

When Lu Li was reborn, many skill point tasks became must-do items for all players, but for current players, they are completely unknown.

Of course, that is something that will be considered next Monday. After Lu Li was stunned for a moment, he immediately said decisively: "As members of the elves, we will use our lives to defend the dignity of Lord Elune. Tear all the dirty kobold sacrifices into pieces.”

"May the moon god be with us," Lu Li's line was so awesome that Tapu shivered with excitement. If the system hadn't been set to severely injured, he might have rushed into the kobold mine screaming. .

Several others had never seen a player talking to an NPC like this before, and they were all stunned. After thinking about it carefully, they found that Lu Li's success couldn't be explained by simple luck. He played the game with a very serious attitude.

"Let's go," Lu Li said without any nonsense and led his teammates into the mine again.

He came to the altar without any obstruction. After accepting the mission, the altar had changed greatly from before. In addition to the eight kobold mages around him, there were four more kobold priests standing on the altar, all of them uniform. Level 12.

"Eight mages share hatred. I will stun one, kill one, and attack one with Li Qing. After the hatred stabilizes, I will attack my current target. Can Meng, well, you can trap one. Azure Sea Breeze and Moonlight can resist two, right? ," In this case, commanding is meaningless. The key depends on DPS and treatment.

"Can I do it?" The most nervous person was March Rain.

"Don't worry about the blood of the two soldiers and me. Just keep an eye on your brother and Can Meng. Let's get started." Lu Li sneaked over and knocked out a mage with a sap, then turned around and used a sneak attack on the other one next to him.

Others also selected their own targets and desperately used their skills.

March Rain, who seemed to be under the most pressure, found out after opening monsters that he actually had no pressure at all. Azure Sea Breeze and Moonlight were both equipped with the best equipment, and their armor was ridiculously high. The kobold mage, who was three or four levels higher than them, was attacking. The blood lines on them only dropped a little.

As for the two monsters Lu Li was responsible for, one of them stood motionless after being sapped, while the other one who was attacked by him was dazed from beginning to end and could not even lift his staff to fight back.

Under the attack of Lu Li and Huadi Liqing, the monster quickly fell to its knees. After solving the problem, Lu Li first shadowdied out of the battle and entered the stealth state, adding a sap to the guy who was originally sapped (you can be sapped repeatedly, But the stun time is reduced by one-third in turn), and the next target is the monster that has been knocked out of half of its health by the moonlight.

As more and more monsters fell to the ground, all eight mages were killed without causing any splash. Although the four priests have high levels, their attacks are not much higher than those of the mages. The only difficulty is that they increase blood.

This is actually not a problem. The three guys in this team who can be called masters saw the priest's healing spell and immediately used a stun skill to interrupt it.

Even if a fish slipped through the net occasionally, it would not affect the overall situation. The four priests quickly knelt on the ground one after another.

"The power of darkness is about to come, and you humble reptiles will crawl at the feet of Lord Saron." After leaving an unwilling line, the last priest fell on the altar, blood flowing freely.

"It's a pity that I don't have any equipment," Azure Sea Breeze regretfully kicked the body of the kobold mage at his feet.

"Not sure, maybe it's not over yet," Lu Li shook his head.

Although he had never done this task in his previous life, his experience told him that this task could not be that simple.

"Are you talking about the blood?" Moonlight was also very keen.

"There is indeed a bit more blood flowing," others also noticed something strange.

The four priests were all killed standing on the altar without moving at all. Compared to the kobold mages who almost died and remained silent, their wounds did not stop bleeding after they died, and they were all poured onto the altar.

The runes on the altar gradually lit up.

"Holy shit, can you really summon some Saron? It sounds awesome," Azure Sea Breeze tightened the shield in his hand, feeling a little nervous.

"Saron is one of the ancient gods, known as the Thousand-Throated Demon. It is an evil that even the Titans cannot destroy. They can only divide it into countless parts and imprison it deep underground. How can it be summoned so easily," Lu Li disagreed.

The final BOSS of the 25-player dungeon at level 40 in the previous life was nothing more than a tentacle of Yogg-Saron.

The black light formed by the runes on the altar continued to flicker, and finally converged and settled into an old kobold—the kobold elder Allen.

"Why is it a kobold again?" Azure Sea Breeze had been looking forward to it for a long time, but now it was very disappointing.

"Don't be careless, this is the BOSS." Lu Li suddenly remembered a game essay he saw in his previous life. It listed some information about the BOSS that the essayist had defeated. Among them was the kobold elder Allen. The old kobold relied on it to The shameless skill - Charm, has always been fresh in that player's memory.

For players, Charm is a Warlock skill, and the enemy targets that are hit by it will wander around.

But Charm is different for Allen. He can control the player. If he controls the healing profession, he can let the player add blood to it. If he controls the attacking profession, he can let the players attack each other.

In addition to Allen, there is a BOSS in the level 15 public dungeon who also knows this skill. When Lu Li played this dungeon in his previous life, he was so tortured that he felt like he was dying.

When he was generally at level 5 or 6, he actually met the level 10 BOSS Allen. Even Lu Li was a little disappointed.
