The Great Thief

Chapter 41: Charming heart


"Determination is a matter of character, brother, just keep running for your life," Azure Sea Breeze gloated.

Huadi Liqing looked back while running, and soon screamed: "No, the captain moves faster than me. Can any of you help me?"

"Charge me," Lu Li ordered. Without saying a word, the blue sea breeze charged and stunned Lu Li. Since most of the equipment on his body was of a physical nature, the damage was not very high. Lu Li only lost more than twenty points. Blood.

Lu Li woke up from his dizziness, but his target remained unchanged and he continued to chase Huadi Liqing.

"Holy shit, if I hadn't brought this, my first drop of blood would have ended in the hands of the captain," Huadi Liqing was desperately trying to escape. However, he was being chased by an all-intelligence profession and being chased by an all-agility profession. Doomed.

"Fuck you, the first time I saw you, you were being trampled to death by a wild wolf." Lu Li was a little annoyed by his noise. Seeing that the dagger was about to hit him, he could only shout: "Moonlight, faint." Stay with me!"

Yueguang charged over and stunned Lu Li, and Huadi Liqing took the opportunity to run away.

"Haifeng, give me a shield attack," he was really depressed. He actually ordered others to deal with him. He was also drunk.

After finally surviving this wave, the BOSS's health dropped to 60%. Fortunately, March Rain, who rushed back, had almost recovered his magic value.

In other words, as long as the healer finds an opportunity to run far away to recover mana, and drinks a few bottles of potions, at least it will not become a shortcoming of the team.

That is to say, only a MT like Azure Sea Breeze, whose whole body is almost bronze-clad and has reached level 7, can survive without treatment. Otherwise, even if it is replaced by the main MT of another guild, it will definitely have to be treated continuously. Only blood can hold on.

But then again, if it was a big guild, how could six people dare to mess with a level 10 BOSS

It was revealed on the forum that the Star Guild in the evil camp organized more than 100 level 5 and above players to challenge the level 20 wild BOSS Rubes, but they were all wiped out in minutes because the MT couldn't handle it at all.

The kobold elder Allen in front of him was not easy to mess with. He released his charm almost every five minutes. Canmeng, Huadi Liqing, Yueguang, and Azure Sea Breeze were hit one after another. The six of them stumbled and beat the BOSS's health to 100. Less than fifty percent.

"Fuck you!" Several people said a foul word in their minds at the same time.

March Rain is under control!

The scariest thing is this!

All I saw was Sanyueyu standing still and using his healing skills desperately on the BOSS!

The BOSS's health doesn't increase very quickly. It's estimated that one minute of charm time is only four to five thousand health points at most, but that's not the point, okay

"I'm out of mana." In less than fifty seconds, Sanyue Yu wiped out all his magic points.

"Haifeng is going to take the medicine. Drink the magic potion immediately after Yue Yue escapes from the charm. Don't be afraid of resistance to the medicine. You can recover as much as you can." Lu Li knew that he couldn't mess up, otherwise the group would really be wiped out.

I have heard of many high-end team leaders in my previous life, and also worked with teams of varying levels and styles. I know one truth: the team leader must not panic at any time!

Allen roared angrily and hit the head of Azure Sea Breeze with the stick. Azure Sea Breeze's health bar suddenly dropped by more than half. Fortunately, before the next attack, Azure Sea Breeze drank a bottle of primary healing potion, March Rain. After another treatment, there was no remaining blood.

The problem is, March Rain's current magic value is obviously not enough to last five minutes before the BOSS releases the charm skill.

Due to drug resistance, no matter how many magic potions were used, there was no way to turn things around. Lu Li thought for a moment and said in a deep voice: "March Rain left the battle and returned to Lan. Sea Breeze should not use taunting skills. The HP is lower than three." If it's one part, the moonlight will bring hatred."

This is a relatively safe method. The difficulty is that Moonlight can grab the hatred in time. Otherwise, once the MT falls, the BOSS will be impossible to defeat.

Lu Li had always suspected that Yueguang was a master, and in fact Yueguang did not disappoint him. When the MT's health was less than half, he started to use skills to burst damage. When the MT's health was less than one-third, a high-damage Big Tornado successfully OT (referring to players other than MT gaining target hatred).

However, Moonlight is not a MT. His bonus points and equipment are all biased toward strength. One hit from the BOSS will give him sixty or seventy health points, and three to five hits will basically leave him with no remaining health.

During this process, Lu Li accumulated a lot of combo points. After reaching five points, he moved his feet and successfully released a backhand backstab.

System: The backhand backstab has a completion rate of 79%, causing 101% of skill damage, and has a first-level armor-piercing effect that lasts for thirty seconds.

Moonlight's battle ax also has an armor-breaking effect, but it's far less powerful than Lu Li's.

Seeing the armor-piercing effect, Yueguang skillfully stopped and retreated, allowing Lu Li to take the opportunity to deal a large amount of damage and successfully take away the hatred. Lu Li's defense is lower, but he has high agility and dodge, and his movement is more accurate, so he can last longer than Moonlight.

"Here I come!" Just when Lu Li was in danger, Azure Sea Breeze, which had recovered most of its health, crashed into the BOSS like a heavy tank, and threw out his taunting skills, easily taking away the hatred.

The magic value of March Rain is fully restored, and the crisis just now has finally disappeared.

With the experience of the first treatment being controlled, there was obviously no suspense the second time. At most, it was a rush, and the battle attrition never appeared.

Under the siege of a group of more shameless high-end players, the shameless BOSS can only die a little bit.

Poor Kobold Elder Allen, a wild BOSS who could easily be destroyed by a group of 100 people, fell so heavily under the altar without even leaving a single line before he died.

System: Players Lu Li, Azure Sea Breeze, Moonlight, March Rain, Huadi Liqing, and Can Meng completed the first kill of the wild BOSS Kobold Elder Allen!

"Finally on TV," Huadi Liqing burst into tears.

"It's nothing unusual to be on TV, just get used to it," Azure Sea Breeze pretended to be proficient. In fact, seeing so many people on the regional channel excited about this first kill made him feel so happy that he couldn't control himself.

The moment the BOSS fell, in addition to Azure Sea Breeze and Can Meng who had just upgraded, Lu Li, Huadi Liqing, Yueguang, and March Rain all upgraded together. The experience of the BOSS was unimaginable.

More importantly, the scene of the BOSS explosion in front of me is really exciting, and the fatigue of being highly concentrated for a long time is swept away.

"Enough equipment has exploded. Let's all touch the same thing and see who has better luck." Lu Li took a few steps back. His luck was average, so he had better let others touch it first.

Azure Sea Breeze picked up a piece of plate armor with a smile. After looking at the attributes, his smile instantly collapsed and he threw it directly to the moonlight. "I may have forgotten to wash my hands today. It's actually a piece of bronze equipment. You can play with it."

"You may not be able to touch it even after washing your hands. It's a matter of character," Huadi Liqing said sarcastically.

Yueguang took the equipment and bent down to touch one, "Luckily, it's a piece of black iron, a priest's equipment."

The equipment has special effects and healing effects. Naturally, it is March Yu's equipment. No one will compete with her.

Others also touched the equipment, most of which were bronze. Only Huadi Liqing took out a piece of black iron, which was a MT helmet. It was very high-quality, and it naturally fell into the hands of Azure Sea Breeze.

"Thank you, brother, your real name shouldn't be Lei Feng, right?" Azure Sea Wind laughed so hard that he couldn't stand upright.

Making wedding clothes for others, Huadi Liqing almost cried.

Lu Li got a piece of shoulder equipment, a bronze weapon, which added 3 points of agility, but it couldn't be used until level ten.

After all, this is a level 10 BOSS, and it is unlikely that equipment lower than level 10 will be produced. The equipment you are assigned can only be kept in your hands temporarily.

In addition, with the insistence of his teammates, the materials from the BOSS also arrived in his package, which happened to contain the charm heart he needed to upgrade the ring. He originally thought that only the fifteenth-level dungeon would come out.
