The Great Thief

Chapter 47: Power leveling


"Um... our president asked me to ask," after waking up from the huge surprise, the mages no longer had any disrespect towards Lu Li, and asked in a very anxious tone: "Will you still brush the records of this dungeon? , if other unions offer higher prices."

"No," Lu Li answered succinctly. He neither slapped his chest to assure himself nor cursed what would happen if he accidentally brushed the records one day. I don’t know why, but Moonlight Qingcheng believed this sentence unconditionally. There will always be some people in this world who are not so good that they won’t lie, but who simply don’t bother to lie.

It was agreed that all output from this dungeon would belong to Lu Li, so after conveying a few words of thanks, the three mages of Moonlight Allure left the dungeon one after another.

"The first boss brought out a piece of MT plate armor. I took it. I'll give it to you this time." Azure Sea Breeze touched the body and threw something that looked like a hammer over.

Full Adeline's Redemption (Black Iron): damage 8-16, intelligence +4, healing effect +25, requirement level 5, durability 25/25.

The damage of this hammer is not very high, which is not a shortcoming, because the +25 healing effect makes it a one-handed weapon for healing professions, and healing professions generally do not value damage.

"Okay," Lu Li threw the equipment into his bag and waited to sell it for money at night.

"The mobs dropped three pieces of bronze equipment, two from each of the two bosses, plus one from the record-breaking reward. You can sell them all. There are also two rare materials, but unfortunately no emerald spider silk was found," Wei Lan Hai Feng traded all the equipment to Lu Li.

"Sold for a penny, this time the copy was made by two of us," Lu Li said.

"Okay, but you are the one who came up with the strategy. I will only take one-third. Don't be polite to me," Azure Sea Breeze had its own insistence on distribution.

Lu Li was not polite to him. After coming out of the dungeon, he asked Yueguang and the others about their progress in beating the dungeon and learned that they had just finished killing Lao Yi.

After being free for the time being, Azure Sea Breeze made a suggestion. It was better to clear the spider lair of normal difficulty twice. With their level, they could bring 2 to 3 players without affecting the level.

Lu Li was short of money, so he naturally wouldn't object.

"Experts are responsible for clearing spider lairs, normal difficulty, one gold coin per pit, equipment is not included, it is coming quickly, the last pit," Azure Sea Breeze roared loudly, and many people immediately came to consult.

Don't think that just because Lu Li earned some gold coins, you shouldn't think that current players' assets are generally above gold coins. In fact, one gold coin is not a small amount, and most players cannot afford it.

It is true that there are many gold farmers in the game, but their gold coins are supplied to guilds. As for individual gold farmers, they simply cannot afford a helmet worth 30,000 yuan. They can only continue to wait, or the price of game helmets will be reduced, or When I saw that the game was profitable enough, I gritted my teeth and bought one.

After learning that there would be no counter-offer, those who had no money could only leave angrily, leaving only those who had a few gold coins in their pockets.

Most of these people collect gold coins and silver coins one silver coin at a time on the gaming platform, accumulating a small amount into a big sum.

"Take me with you. I'm a level 4 mage. I can still help fight."

"I, a warlock, am already at level five. As long as bronze equipment comes out, I will definitely pay for it. Take me one."

"A fifth-level hunter has two pieces of bronze equipment on him. They are very powerful. Please bring me the Spider Lair. Brother, can I just bring it once?"

Who said gold coins are hard to come by? Look at these people. They are willing to hand over a gold coin for the next trip to the normal difficulty spider lair, and they make all kinds of promises and guarantees...

"Actually, this is all your fault," the blue sea breeze whispered.

"Is everything my fault?" Lu Li was confused.

"Because of the strategy you created, everyone who plays the Spider Lair dungeon will form a melee DPS team, and the long-range and magic team cannot form a team at all. Even for the guild group's magic and long-range team, only a small number of the main players can enter the team."

"Uh..." Lu Li said with shame, "This is all the fault of the game company. What does it have to do with me."

"Because of this dungeon, I estimate that new players who join the game next week will give priority to melee professions. I don't know what the game company thinks," said Azure Sea Breeze.

"Don't worry, I can't take away your job," Lu Li shook his head and started to form a group of people.

Cute nerd joins the team.

No salt has been added to the team.

King joins the team.

Two mages and one warlock, both legal professions.

"Pay the money first, and the equipment will be auctioned by the three of you later. All bronze equipment starts at 20 silver coins, and you roll over the whiteboard equipment. All the materials belong to us," Lu Li said straightforwardly after entering the dungeon.

"Who knew you wouldn't be able to pass the dungeon," Warlock King said with a sad face. He felt that he had been deceived. What do you mean, there was only one pit left. It was clear that three bosses had been formed, and no treatment had been formed.

Cute nerd: "Yes, brothers, please don't cheat others. We all spend money to play games, and our skills are really average. I can't accompany you to fight against a violent team without treatment."

"If you don't believe it, you can leave the group. No one is forcing you to join," Lu Li didn't bother to explain.

"Wait a minute..." Another mage, Wu Yandui, has repeatedly confirmed the system prompt of the team just now. Lu Li invites you to join the team... He exclaimed: "You are Lu Li, the one who got the first kill several times, and it was refreshed just now. Lu Li who has obtained the copy record?"

"Yes, is it okay now?" I didn't expect that fame could have such an effect.

"Of course, no problem," the three bosses readily traded the gold coins to Lu Li, fearing that they would be kicked out of the team if they were too late.

It turns out that the inconspicuous thief in front of me is Lu Li, the most popular high-level player in "Dawn" at present. However, those little girls who longed for how handsome Lu Li was are probably doomed to be disappointed.

Except for a pair of deep eyes, this person really has no potential to become an idol in appearance.

"How to fight?" Azure Sea Breeze asked.

Lu Li understood what he meant, and asked if he should use the play method he just used to clear the record. The monsters in the normal difficulty were much weaker than those in the elite difficulty. Even without the cooperation of three powerful mages, Azure Sea Breeze and Lu Li could still brush the monsters together.

"Fight as you like, just push forward. If you three want to fight, you can fight. If you don't want to fight, you can follow." Lu Li didn't expect the three bosses to produce any output at all, so he found a small monster and started. Violent.

Azure Sea Breeze shrugged, threw out a charging skill, and successfully grabbed another mob. He led the mobs away while fighting, without paying attention to the one Lu Li was fighting. The three bosses looked at each other and chose to help. .

Skill upgrading requires proficiency. If you don't fight in vain, you won't win. If you perform well in front of the masters, maybe you will think of yourself next time when you set the record and get the first kill.

The probability of elite monsters coming out of bronze in the normal difficulty dungeon is much smaller. The monsters in the previous waves of Lao Yi didn't come out. After Lao Yi fell down, he opened a piece of legal cloth armor bronze equipment.

The three mages fought for it, and finally sold it for fifty silver coins.

As expected, they are all rich people. For a piece of bronze equipment, they are willing to pay the equivalent of hundreds of real coins. Lu Li still has several pieces of bronze equipment in his backpack.

The elite monster before the second child exploded a magic belt and sold it for 60 silver. Unfortunately, the two pieces of bronze from the final BOSS were not the equipment that the bosses needed, so they ended up in Lu Li's package.

The total time spent was only more than fifty minutes, which was more efficient than the average monster spawning team. The bosses were very satisfied. Lu Li and Azure Sea Breeze received three gold coins in power-training fees. During the period, they also sold equipment for more than one gold coin, plus two A piece of bronze equipment, the total income exceeds that of hardware.

Lu Li looked at the gold price on the trading platform. It was currently at a ratio of 800 yuan, which meant that they made nearly 4,000 yuan in one power leveling session.

In fact, power training is not that profitable. A good team can only bring one person at a time, and it may not be able to bring them through. How can someone like Lu Li bring three people at a time and farm faster than a normal team.

There were two bosses that he wanted to continue fighting, so Lu Li found another one and gathered a team of people to practice again. The income was slightly worse than last time, but he still got four gold coins.

After the second power training, time was almost up. Lu Li had 60% experience at level 7, and Azure Sea Breeze had already reached level 8. They gathered together Yueguang and others who had just completed the elite copy, and the group went directly to the center. square.

Lu Li will sell the guild upgrade order and a black iron weapon there, as well as a bunch of bronze equipment.

PS: When I started the book, my friends suggested not to write about traditional online games. They said that online games were in decline. I wrote it because I liked it. It was my first time writing a book and I didn’t have an outline. I apologize for the poor writing. I also ask for rewards and comments. Please give me recommendation votes~ I’m asking for all kinds of things...