The Great Thief

Chapter 62: The real-life thief


"I only went to elementary school for two years. Then something happened and I never went to school again," Lu Li said calmly.

No one can imagine how unfortunate that year was for him.

Their parents had passed away, and no relatives were willing to adopt them. The orphanage had just been exposed for child abuse. The eight-year-old Lu Li, with his younger sister who could not yet walk, survived stubbornly and strongly.

He raised his sister and sent her to school without turning into a criminal himself.

"Your civic credibility is not only clean, but you also have multiple awards. You have done a lot of good things over the years," the old man said in his hand, a copy of Lu Xin's social information and the information of Lu Xin's parent, Lu Li.

"Do good deeds..." Lu Li twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling a little disdainful in his heart. Although he was not cynical, Lu Li was still a bit cautious about the word "doing good deeds".

In fact, there are more than just these good deeds he has done casually over the years. The good deeds recorded in the files of the Bureau of Social Security were all submitted by the beneficiaries on their own initiative. There are also many things that the beneficiaries cannot explain, all of which are hidden in the The passage of time is caught.

"Haha, don't laugh at me, young man. There is a certain reason for the existence of such things as social trust, just like now," the old man said with a smile: "No. 1 Middle School has not accepted a transfer from your side (slum area) for thirteen years. Students who come here, even if their grades are good, are transferred directly to No. 7 Middle School, they have a class specifically for this kind of students."

Lu Li's expression changed slightly. He had sent his household registration information and Lu Xin's transcript to No. 1 Middle School a few days ago, and received a notification of acceptance on the same day. He didn't expect that there was something inside.

"Your social credibility is very good, especially since you come from that kind of place," the old man said with emotion: "This society is becoming more and more deformed. It is not easy for people like you. Those of us who work in education can only seek peace of mind. "

"Thank you," Lu Li thanked him sincerely.

"If you are interested in going to school, I can also help you." The old man took out a business card from the drawer. "This is the business card of Dean Liao of the Normal University. I'll say hello to him. You can go over there and observe. Normal University There are a few lecturers at the university who can make do with it.”

"Then my sister..." Lu Li took the business card and put it in his pocket.

"Class 5, Grade 1, I will say hello to the class teacher. Let's start class today." The old man looked very proud. Lu Li had checked online before he came. The first five classes in Grade 1 were all key classes. Most people didn't know how to do it. Can't get in.

"Is the tuition okay?" the old man added.

"Thank you, teacher, no problem," Lu Li shook his head, not planning to apply for any exemption.

Lu Xin originally came from a slum area, and if she applied for exemption or reduction of care at that time, her classmates would look down upon her.

Many schools make a big deal about helping the poorest students, which seems to be benevolent. In fact, they have never thought about how the poor students with low self-esteem and sensitive heart can raise their heads in front of their classmates.

His sister doesn't need it!

"Okay," the old man smiled. He didn't feel dissatisfied, but instead admired Lu Li even more.

He has no academic qualifications and no formal job, but he can afford to send his sister to a top high school like No. 1 Middle School. It seems that this kid is very capable.

After saying goodbye and going out, Lu Li grabbed a student and asked about his destination. The first grade students were in the teaching building at the front. It was time for morning self-study. When he brought his sister over, there were many students in the classroom.

"Are you a new student? Come in." A professionally dressed woman wearing black-rimmed glasses stood on the podium and waved Lu Xin in.

Lu Xin stood a little shyly next to the class teacher and timidly said hello to the classmates.

Lu Li was not very relieved about his sister and stood at the door without leaving. He had to see Lu Xin settle down before he could feel at ease.

"We have a new classmate in our class. He's so cute," the students who were attracted to her attention whispered among themselves.

"Here I go, this is a little lolita from the second dimension. Her voice is so soft. She's so cute that I have blood on her face."

"Sit over here, I have room here!"

Of course, most of the students in this category are male students, and there are also some girls who also control lolita, which is not without discordant voices.

"She looks okay, but if you look at her taste in clothes, they are all a mess," a girl said sourly.

"It looks familiar. Could it be a CC model that was launched last year? No, it must be a knockoff from a street stall. Wow, I'm actually wearing a knockoff," the exaggerated laughter couldn't hide the jealousy deep in his heart.

No. 1 Middle School is mainly for wealthy areas. Most of the students here come from well-off families. Lu Xin's family background instantly created an insurmountable gap for them.

The head teacher scanned the classroom and said solemnly: "Lu Xin was placed in our class by Principal Fan. I hope that everyone will live in harmony in the future. If I hear that someone is making things difficult for her, I will directly call his parents over."

Principal Fan is the old man from the admissions office. He is the director of the admissions office and the honorary principal of No. 1 Middle School.

He taught as a substitute for No. 1 Middle School for nearly ten years, and later served as the teaching director, vice-principal of No. 1 Middle School, principal of No. 2 Middle School, professor, department head, and dean of Huaxia University Business School, and president of Normal University. He has had many peaches and plumes all over the world in his life, and is as good as anyone in the education field. They were all in awe of him.

Many rich people in the wealthy areas are either his classmates or his students. No matter how unlucky they are, they have attended Professor Fan's economic lectures. These students in the wealthy areas have long been told by their parents that they must respect Principal Fan. If they listen If you don't listen to Principal Fan, just wait until you peel off.

As soon as they heard that Lu Xin was arranged by Principal Fan, the boys and girls present did not dare to say anything.

"That one outside the door, are you a new student too?" Seeing Lu Li standing outside the door, the head teacher asked in a loud voice.

Lu Li shook his head, pointed at Lu Xin and said, "I am her brother. I sent her here to report. My younger sister is more afraid of strangers. Please take care of her in the future."

Lu Li spoke at the door, briefly attracting the students' attention.

First of all, there are complaints from girls with acid stomach. The brother and sister are dressed in the same tasteless style. The younger sister can barely be called cute. The older brother is too meticulous in dressing up on a hot day. It is too old-fashioned.

However, not before they could complain.

Someone immediately started shouting.

"Fuck, it's Lu Li!"

"The krypton gold dog eyes that blinded my dog are really Lu Li!"

"Did I have a hallucination? I actually saw this god of death!"

It is an iron rule that students are afraid of their teachers, and teachers like the head teacher are even more like tigers. They usually dare not take a breath, but now they are swearing one by one. The most important thing is that it is not just one or two students. Listen to this mess, there are at least seven or eight students making a loud noise.

"Shut up! What's it like to be so noisy? Go out and make noise again," the head teacher's fair face was ashen, and the cold light behind the glasses was like an AOE skill, which almost killed all the students instantly.

On weekdays, when this sentence comes out, the classroom will be completely silent, and even the naughtiest students will have to tuck their tail between their legs and behave.

But today, everything is abnormal.

As soon as the head teacher finished speaking, several male students jumped up from their seats and rushed out of the classroom.