The Great Thief

Chapter 65: The moonlight was exploded


"There will definitely be reward experience. You have to go to town and register to receive it. However, the transfer fee is a bit expensive. Many people may have to wait a little longer to receive this experience," Lu Li answered.

"Let me go, even a wealthy person like you thinks it's expensive. How much is the transmission fee?" Everyone was curious.

"It costs 1 gold coin to teleport from a novice village to a town, and 2 gold coins to teleport between towns. You cannot teleport directly between novice villages..." Lu Li shook his head, he also felt a headache at this price.

He had a plan that required teleportation to different towns, and it was troublesome to think about the teleportation fee.

"..." The game company is about to go bankrupt. It is so ruthless to make money that others are speechless.

They are pretty good. Some like Can Meng still have four or five gold coins on their body. Rich people like Lu Li even have more than ten gold coins on their body now. This is because he bought the materials for upgrading the ring yesterday.

But ordinary players are not as wealthy as them. Even those who are doing well may not even have a gold coin with them.

Only those gentlemen who spend money to buy gold coins with real money on the platform can barely make a fortune.

It costs money to repair equipment, and it costs money to buy medicine. These alone can consume the hard-earned money that players have worked hard for for many hours. If you want to buy two pieces of whiteboard equipment and add some attack and defense, you will really be broke. .

"Just one gold coin." Apart from Lu Li, Azure Sea Breeze, who had fought several BOSSes with Lu Li, was the richest here. He curled his lips and said, "I'll get the experience after I fight the BOSS. I'm at level ten now." Thirteen percent experience, how high can it be after gaining experience?"

"I made an estimate. If you get the reward experience, you should be able to reach level 12 or so." Even though Lu Li had read some related posts in his previous life, he was not very sure about this.

"It's great to be able to reach level 12. After level 10, each level requires several times more experience than before. My current leveling speed is slower than this turtle!" Azure Sea Breeze burst into tears. .

The turtle BOSS Craig blinked innocently, turned around and wanted to run away, but was intercepted by Yueguang with a charge. After struggling for dozens of seconds, he was passively slaughtered.

Craig, who has no health regeneration skills, is just a piece of cake. In the past, Lu Li and Azure Sea Breeze could abuse him at will, let alone now there were six of them. Even the healing priest would occasionally throw a ball of light to participate in the attack.

This time, it only took 20 minutes for Craig to scream.

"The BOSS is here, someone is killing him!" It seemed that the BOSS's dying scream was too shrill, finally attracting the players.

"I'll pick up the things, you guys go back to the city!" Lu Li made a quick decision and picked up the drops from the BOSS.

Moonlight didn't participate in picking up things, nor read a message to return to the city. She rushed towards the two players who got in, and killed one of them with her axe.

Charge, slash, sweep... behead!

Lu Li's eyes narrowed, and he was secretly shocked. He hadn't noticed just now, but this guy actually killed him.

As soon as the other player reacted, he saw his companion turned into a corpse. He was shocked and angry, and there was no way he could stop Azure Sea Breeze and others from returning to the city.

Lu Li didn't return to the city either. After picking up the equipment, he went into stealth.

He is a thief, and thieves never need to return to the city!

Lu Li did not persuade Yueguang to return to the city. He was a PK madman. If he was asked to give up such a good PK opportunity, it would be better to kill him directly.

Lu Li was sneaking and squatting nearby, watching Yueguang use the terrain of the grove to kill players one by one. He had no intention of going up to help, but he was just a little regretful. It would be better if he had a bag of melon seeds in his hand.

Moonlight's skills are very good, his position is just right, he can always avoid most non-tracking skills while moving, and he keeps swinging and rolling the ax in his hand. The berserker is known as the king of physical attacks, and his ability to kill people is really extraordinary. s efficiency.

Only three minutes into the battle, Yueguang already had more than a dozen lives on his hands. The big whirlwind skill exploded and swept away five or six players with residual health.

However, no matter how awesome the Berserker is, he is not invincible.

Moonlight's blood volume continues to decrease, 80%, 60%, 50%...

Oops, controlled.

This wave was really cruel, knocking his health down to less than ten percent in one fell swoop.

Moonlight had no intention of escaping. In fact, no one could escape except for thieves and druids when he lost so much blood.

"The one who destroyed you dares to go against the honor of our knights!"

With this roar, Moonlight fell.

His ax flew out of his hand and did not turn into white light together with his body.

The weapon exploded!

This weapon has a cool shape, an explosive attack, and it probably has additional special effects. All the players around it held their breath in excitement.

"Hmph, you kid, show off with me," the players who competed with Moonlight today were all Knights' Glory Guild players. They were well-disciplined, and the equipment that exploded was handled by the commander. For a while, no one went up to pick it up.

Just when the commander pretended to express a sigh and was about to bend down to pick up the equipment, a thief with his face covered suddenly appeared in front of him. The thief picked up the ax and threw it into his backpack, and then slowly The figure slowly disappeared.

That leisurely and calm attitude was like picking up a coin on the floor of your bedroom.

"It's all up to your sister, why don't you get rid of the thief?" The commander was stunned for five seconds, and then roared as if his dead cousin.

None of Jin Yiwei's elite players have the ability to defeat Lu Li, who is in a perfect position. It is simply wishful thinking to expect these ordinary players who are more than one or two times slower to react.

"The weapon exploded," Yueguang's voice sounded a little depressed in the team chat room.

The Bloodseeker's Ax has high attack and armor piercing, great attributes, and is very easy to swing. Why did it explode because it was not good at exploding

"Hey, I happened to pick up an ax just now. I wonder if it belongs to you," Lu Li made a rare joke.

"It's really yours. I'll wait for you in the village." Yueguang didn't mention the money to buy it and just asked for it. In fact, he spent all day playing PK and was so poor that he had no money to give Lu Li.

"Don't stay in the village. Go to Snake Valley and fight snakes for two hours. Then we kill the snake boss again. After killing it, we go to the town," Lu Li said.

As soon as the others heard that there was another BOSS to fight, they naturally had no objections and set out again.

Lu Li turned into a little leopard and hurried forward at a speed as fast as the wind. In order to avoid being seen by others, he did not take the main road, but got into the grass on the side of the road and ran forward with his head down.

In the future, when there are more children of the forest skill books and it is no longer rare for a druid to transform into a little golden leopard, he will have nothing to worry about.

"Lu Li, which town should we go to? I just checked with the teleporter. There are 126 towns that have been opened and can teleport." Azure Sea Breeze began to worry about where to go.

"Of course we're going to Ashen Valley," Lu Li said without hesitation.
