The Great Thief

Chapter 68: Aegwynn's former residence


When his physical strength was almost exhausted, Lu Li dared to slow down. He carefully took out the old parchment from his backpack.

This parchment was completely different from the ones he had just seen. It was older and more primitive and exquisite. Even the handwriting on it had a very strange charm. It was impossible for a mid-level engineer to write it. Something to have.

Structural Diagram: Ivey’s Fool Bomb

Recipe: Engineering

Required: Intermediate (150)

Use: Teaches you how to make "Ivey's Fool Bomb".

Ivey's Dumb Bomb: A dummy bomb for adventurers who know nothing about engineering, it hits the target almost every time! Inflicts 2000 points of fire damage to all targets within a 5 yard radius.

Lu Li had only seen Ivey's fool bomb once in his previous life, and it was in an auction house. This one-time consumable was sold for 300 gold coins. According to the price of gold coins at the time, it was almost equivalent to 50,000 real coins.

Ivey's fool bomb is not something that conventional engineers can make. In other words, no one in Azeroth can make any items in the Ivey series.

Because the greatest god-level engineer of the goblin clan had killed himself thousands of years ago. He dreamed of building a super bomb that could level Kayaro Mountain. As a result, during the manufacturing process, the bomb An explosion occurred, blowing him and a dozen of his children to pieces. Their laboratory and experimental notes were also turned into dust in the strong explosion.

Only some relatively neglected disciples survived. These people more or less inherited some of the legacy of Aiwei. Unfortunately, they were too enthusiastic about bombs and continued to devote themselves to the cause of bombs. They killed themselves and others one after another. His companions fell into decline.

There are risks in making this bomb, but the profits are also incredibly huge.

No one could have imagined that in this remote seaside town there would be a recipe for Ivy that was considered lost, and it would also be the essence of Ivitamin - the bomb.

Bombs have many functions. In addition to not being able to PK, they can be used to brush monsters and fight BOSS. Especially to brush monsters, they are simply an experience harvester.

As long as Lu Li makes a batch of bombs, his level will rocket up.

After reading the formula over and over again with admiration, Lu Li reluctantly put it back into his backpack. Only then did he remember that he had picked up a piece of equipment just now.

Beast soul shoulder pads (black iron): Armor 18, agility +6, pet attack +20%, equipment requirement level 10, durability 35/35.

Lu Li almost whistled. This is a hunter-exclusive piece of mail equipment. Pet attack +20%. It is so good that it has no friends. It can be called one of the best attributes of the beast king hunter. If you sell it in the auction house, at least it will be good. It costs 10 gold coins.

I just don’t know whether this piece of equipment fell from the hunter brother’s body or from his bag. If it fell from his body... it’s really pitiful. A master with level over ten died in such an inexplicable way. fell to the sword of the guard.

The Northern Castle not far away is the territory of the Alliance and is controlled by the Theramore army.

Theramore was founded on the east coast of Kalimdor by the mage Jaina Proudmoore, the daughter of the Kul Tiran Admiral, and under the guidance of the prophet Medivh, she led the escapees of Lordaeron. of a city.

Lu Li came here to find the great prophet who was living in seclusion.

When I was doing a mission in my previous life, I heard the NPC tell the story of Aegwynn, including this part.

She (Aegwynn) teleported to the continent of Kalimdor, built a beautiful hut on the shore of Ratchet, and waited for death to come...

She later built an astrological well from which she saw the end of her son (Medivh), and her heart was broken when she saw Khadgar and Lothar kill Medivh.

She is determined to use all her magic to bring her son back to life!

After twenty years of storing her magic, she finally did it - Medivh was resurrected and freed from Sargeras' evil spirit. Determined to atone for his evil deeds, he traveled around and vaguely warned the leaders of each race that they must unite in order to fight the Legion.

Later, Aegwynn sacrificed her last magic for her grandson. The guardian of Tirisfal who had lived for thousands of years was suspected to have reached the end of her life.

Regarding her son, the story goes that Medivh took away Karazhan's energy, visions, memories, everything. He said: "Now, let's start again..." and then turned into a crow and flew away.

According to the written records in the library, the great prophet "disappeared into ancient legends..."

Lu Li hoped to find the beautiful hut on the beach outside Ratchet City and find Medivh who might be hiding in the hut.

The hut was not difficult to find, and Lu Li quickly spotted the hut on the beach.

The calm sea is like a large mirror that covers the sky. The hut is on the corner of the mirror. The roof is covered with ivy, which is covered with lavender and bright yellow flowers, dotted and densely packed...

A gray swing hung from the old tree beside the stone well at the entrance of the hut.

It is conceivable that in the same quiet evening and early morning, there will be a seemingly ordinary old man sitting on the swing, staring at the sea with his vicissitudes of life.

She may have recalled her life in Tirisfal Glades, and the words of those boys who laughed at her still seemed to be in her ears; she may also have recalled Sargeras, the powerful demon who was imprisoned by her into the endless abyss; she may also have recalled Thinking back to Nielas Elam…

Oh, Elan, the man she decided to have a son with, the court magician of Stormwind.

The cool sea breeze blew the smile on her lips, and then she thought of her son and grandson...

A woman who dedicated everything to Azeroth and her children and grandchildren, Lu Li walked slowly to the swing and bowed deeply. The most powerful mage in history, a transcendent demigod, I wish you the best in the Emerald Dream. Rest in the world.

Aegwynn is one of Lu Li's favorite NPCs, even more than the tragic hero Arthas. The purpose of this trip to Jingtooth City is to see Medivh. In fact, if he can't see Medivh, it doesn't matter to him. Unacceptable things.

Ivey's formula and beast soul shoulder pads had already allowed him to earn back the teleportation fee.

Being able to pay homage to Aegwynn's former residence is more meaningful in comparison.

Then he sat on the swing and took out a book from his backpack.

I have only been loyal to myself in this life, and all the choices I have made are the result of willingness and free will. I have never been enslaved or held hostage by anyone or anything, not even God! I can bow to others out of worship and respect, but I will never bow down because of submission!

Lu Li caressed the words engraved on the cover, his expression becoming more determined.
