The Great Thief

Chapter 82: Fairy fire


Although it is not an intermediate treatment potion, the agility potion is a combat potion and is also a very good thing. It can improve the agility attribute in a short time and can at least be used to fight BOSS and PK.

Lu Li only gained five points of his own attributes when he leveled up.

It turned out that it was really easy to steal blueprints through stealing. Lu Li became more energetic and spawned monsters faster.

Just when Lu Li had just knocked out an orc overseer with a sneak attack and was preparing a set of skills to kill him.

A black shadow rushed straight towards him.

Lu Li thought to himself, "I've been waiting for you for a long time, little boy."

As a habit developed in his previous life, he would always be on guard against being attacked no matter what he was doing. He had no choice but to get used to being hacked while earning money.

Why embarrass a gold brusher

It's very simple. Gold grinders always have some basic equipment, but the equipment cannot be too good. Killing such people has benefits but no risks.

When the tauren was born, the strength points were higher than those of other races, but they were also larger in size. They moved like a tractor. Although he was already tiptoeing, Lu Li had expected the move he made when he rushed towards him.

Lu Li pulled the monster in his hand and blocked it in front of him.

The monster was stunned.

The tauren watched helplessly as he bumped into the monster, knowing in his heart that he had encountered a tough idea.

There is no regret in this world, but he has not lost confidence. He still has companions, the tauren druid and tauren priest who are running towards him are his solid backing - at least until now. solid.

A bunch of rabble. Lu Li shook his head. He controlled the warrior with a single strike and slashed him with several swords. The tauren warrior's blood dripped down.

Who said that warriors can defeat thieves? The tauren warrior burst into tears.

"Quick, give me more blood!"

"Oh," the two people running behind quickly responded, and together they read a healing spell on the tauren warrior.

Yes, both druids and priests are healers.

This is a very classic lineup. At least when everyone's attack power is very average, with a strong main attack warrior and two healers, few people can kill them with less.

These three weirdos appeared out of nowhere. Lu Li couldn't bear to kill them.

But seeing the tomahawk in the soldier's hand, he didn't feel that he would have any psychological burden if he killed these three guys.

That bronze-level ax is called the Ripper, and it comes with a bleeding effect. It is a two-handed weapon that is very suitable for PK. Any player can get it from their respective frontline quartermasters by paying 68 honor points.

In other words, this ragtag group has killed at least sixty-eight Light camp players.

Shadow Escape, Sneak.

"Quickly, hurry up and trample," the druid shouted loudly.

"Fuck..." The tauren warrior realized that he had escaped from dizziness. When he stepped on it, nothing came out.

Priest:"… "

The poor priest was sapped.

The druid thought to himself, good guy, this thief is so smart. He knocked out the priest first, and then killed himself, so that no one would add blood to him. He quickly changed the target, gave up on the warrior, and started to add blood to himself.

Bright red damage numbers floated above the priest's head. By the time Druid, the brain-boosting emperor, reacted and added blood to him, the crispy priest had already fallen to the ground.

One disappeared into stealth, turned around and pounced on the shocked Druid. The Druid, who was stunned for four seconds by the sneak attack skill, walked into the priest's footsteps without even reacting. At this time, the tauren warrior was still chasing Run behind Lu Li's ass.

His original movement speed was just a tad faster, but with the acceleration skills of his shoes activated, a stupid guy like him could actually catch up.

One-on-one, the tauren warrior had completely lost confidence. He felt that the dozens of people he had killed in the past two days were simply an illusion. Why was the gap between this man and each other so big

Kill three people and get 3 honor points.

Honor points are a good thing. They can be used to increase military rank, be exchanged for equipment, experience, and materials. When the military rank is high, they can also be exchanged for mounts...

Of course, this process is bound to be very arduous. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

After getting rid of the three little kitten fish that came to cause trouble, Lu Li continued to work hard on the blueprint.

After such a long period of non-stop monster spawning, his experience bar has moved by more than 10% again. In comparison, it is not much slower than team upgrading.

The undead herbalist would occasionally drop some equipment, but they were all sold in stores. Fortunately, Lu Li didn't have to spend much money on monsters. The blood pattern badge meant that he rarely consumed medicine.

After four or five hours of brushing, the whole morning passed like this.

During this period, some blind players from the hostile camp came to attack him, but without exception, they all died on the spot.

Lu Li's Glory is now seventeen o'clock, so it can be regarded as unintentional.

However, this kind of wanton killing finally got him into trouble.

"That's him!" an angry heifer pointed at Lu Li and shouted, while dozens of people around her looked towards her with murderous looks.

Before Lu Li could react, he was hit by a ray of fire.

Faerie fire

I was just chatting, and now someone actually learned this skill. Lu Li was really surprised this time.

Faerie Fire: Instant cast, the spell's effect surrounds the target, preventing it from sneaking or becoming invisible. When cast in bear form, it will cause 50 points of damage.

This is the skill that the Druid profession hates most among thieves. Before the Shadow Cloak eliminates the effect of the spell, it simply forces thieves into five directions.

What's even more speechless is that this skill lasts for forty seconds.

Lu Li turned around and ran away. Nonsense. Why don't you run away and wait to die

The group of people across from them didn't expect that Lu Li would react so quickly and run away without even saying a harsh word.

What's even more outrageous is that this thief didn't know what skills he activated, and his movement speed increased sharply, throwing all the skills that were about to fall on him behind him.

It wasn't until the effect of the Elf Fire disappeared that Lu Li stopped in shock.

He almost wanted to curse the unfairness of the system. In his previous life, he played as a Druid, but he didn't get this skill book until he reached level 28. He didn't expect someone from the evil camp to learn it so quickly. It's really infuriating to compare people to each other. .

You must get the Shadow Cloak, otherwise it will be even worse the next time you encounter him, Lu Li muttered.

He underestimated this group of people, and these people also underestimated him.

If they surrounded Lu Li on all sides, cut off Lu Li's retreat, and then used fairy fire to stop Lu Li from sneaking, it would be of no use to Lu Li no matter how fast he ran.

It's completely different with the Shadow Cloak. The Shadow Cloak is the trump card for thieves in PK. It can remove all magic effects and is essential whether it is to save lives or kill people.

The probability of a mob producing this skill book is really low, and the bosses that are most likely to produce this skill book are not easy to deal with...

Wait, not all BOSS can't be dealt with.

PS: Sorry, there are a lot of things going on today, and the author is suffering from a cold, so I haven’t updated until now.
