The Great Thief

Chapter 90: The old man who passed by easily


After continuing for some distance, we soon saw the monster.

What Lu Li and others faced was a group of kobold diggers who were hard at work digging. In addition, there were two fat men supervising them.

"There are so many strange things, it's not easy to clean them up," Azure Sea Breeze's face looked a little ugly.

"Cannon," Lu Li observed and pointed in a direction to remind him.

"Holy shit, the monster in this instance can also fire cannons," Azure Sea Breeze's face turned green. He didn't want to try the feeling of being bombarded by cannons.

In the Dawn game background, cannons belong to the engineering and technological civilization, which is different from the real world. Their power is equivalent to that of the 18th century. Even so, it will never be easy to hit the body. Players have a heartfelt fear of cannons.

"There is only a wave of monsters around the cannon. Let's grab the cannon," Lu Li said.

"You know how to fire a cannon?" Azure Sea Breeze was confused.

"The cannons in the game are very simple, and it is impossible to require players to actually fire the cannon," Lu Li explained.

"You go first and knock out the gunner. I don't want to take a hit," Azure Sea Breeze encouraged Lu Li to take action.

Lu Li shrugged and entered stealth mode.

The man in charge of firing the cannon was a fat ogre, and he was protected by two kobold slaves.

The ogre was immune to sap, so Lu Li made a direct sneak attack and knocked the ogre unconscious. As a result, he appeared. Two kobold slaves screamed and waved their mining hoes at him.

-32, -28…

Ogres are elites, but kobolds are ordinary mobs, and their damage is not exaggerated.

The blue sea breeze immediately rushed over and pulled away the mobs.

Lu Li fumbled for a while and set up the cannon. In his previous life, he was called a little expert by his teammates, but now he was showing off his power.

A direct bombardment hit the pile of monsters, and the rocks and explosions caused damage to the surrounding monsters.

The seven or eight monsters affected roared and rushed toward the cannon. Naturally, MTs were there to intercept them. Lu Li just fired the cannon, and the fight was particularly satisfying.

The cannon has a health value, and it will fall apart when its health value reaches zero. But with Lu Li as the cannon and Azure Sea Breeze as the MT, the monsters can only be slaughtered and have no chance of encountering the cannon.

"I'll lure the monsters," there was no need to command at all, the blue sea breeze knew what to do instantly.

Not long after he rushed out, he came back with a group of monsters. Lu Li controlled the cannon and fired directly, clearing them more than twice as fast as normal.

The mobs in front of the first BOSS were quickly cleared away. Lu Li gave up the cannon and followed the team to the BOSS. The cannon could not be moved, otherwise it would be quite powerful to push it over and hit the BOSS.

Foreman Grabtok has two bodyguards, both of whom belong to the ogre race.

Azure Sea Breeze observed it, and after making sure that the bodyguard and the BOSS were not attracted together, he directly attacked the monster.

What surprised him was that the bodyguards did not follow Shuguang's hatred mechanism. They ignored the MT's taunts, randomly found a target, and rushed over with the maces in their hands.

One of the bodyguards suddenly stopped and was successfully attacked by Lu Li who was sneaking behind him. The other one was also hit by Azure Sea Breeze's charge and was controlled. In front of a group of well-equipped violent men, they left without even a splash. Meet the system master.

After recovering for a while, he started to deal with Grabtok, the old foreman.

"Grabtok shows you the power of arcane magic," the fat ogre was offended by a group of players.

But anger was useless. Lu Li was quite confident about killing it a few days ago. What's more, everyone's level had been raised by two levels on average, and their equipment was more than one and a half stars. Now, it only took Foreman Grabtok more than ten minutes. He was killed.

The mission recorder reminded them that they had completed the kill of Foreman, and gave instructions for the next step: kill Helix.

"It's not that difficult," Azure Sea Breeze said disapprovingly.

"If Brother Lu Li hadn't reminded him to open the shield wall just now, someone would have died just now," Can Meng made a face with a smile.

"Ahem, Can Meng, why don't you go and see what's going on with the BOSS?" Someone coughed twice and directed Can Meng to open his short arm to open the equipment. The little hunter was very lucky and especially liked to open weapons.

Canmeng ran to the body of foreman Grabtok and started touching the equipment.

"Ah, it's Sister March's clothes. It's a pity that it's level 15." This is a piece of black iron clothing with very good attributes, but the equipment requirements are a bit higher. After knocking down this BOSS, March Rain has risen to level 10. At level four, you can replace it with this piece of equipment if you upgrade to another level.

"What else?" Azure Sea Breeze looked at the little hunter expectantly.

The little hunter spread his hands: "There is also a level 15 bronze equipment, two pieces of magic pattern cloth, and a bottle of intermediate magic potion. They are gone."

"Okay, this is the first BOSS. Don't have too high expectations. Let's continue," Azure Sea Breeze smacked his lips regretfully.

Only Lu Li knows that with Shuguang's stingy nature, it's best not to expect the next BOSS to be very generous. The boss can produce a piece of black iron, which is already blessed by the high explosion rate of the first kill. In normal mode, he can produce a piece of black iron. The probability of black iron is actually not high.

After Foreman Grabtok fell, the stone door on the mountain wall behind him opened. After entering the stone door, it was replaced by another kind of monster: the Goblin Supervisor and the Mine Bunny Girl.

The former will cast a coercive roar to increase his attack speed by 50%, and cast a guidance skill to inspire, causing shadow damage to the target and reducing its movement speed by 50%. The latter will throw a plate to reduce the target's attack speed by 30% and movement speed by 50%.

The difficulty has obviously increased, but for Lu Li and others, this difficulty is not enough to stop them.

They finally stood in front of the second child, Helix.

Helix is an outsider in the Deadmines.

He was originally a craftsman for the Bilgewater Cartel, but then he received a sum of money from the Defias Brotherhood, which was enough to make everything that an unknown engineer like him did was worthless. As any savvy goblin would do, he quickly took the job, claiming no allegiance to his former employer.

Helix rides on a mechanical monster.

Players must first deal with this mechanical monster, and in the process, Helix, sitting on the monster's shoulders, will place mines in this huge room - of course the player cannot see where it is placed.

If you step on it, the mine will explode, and all players within four yards will be damaged and blown up.

If you are unlucky, there will be landmines where the explosion lands...

Therefore, you must have intermediate-level healing potions to fight this BOSS. Otherwise, the treatment pressure will be too great. In the early days when skills are lacking, this BOSS is known as the team-killer.
