The Greatest Anchor in History

Chapter 218: The situation is no longer simple


Holy shit!

At this point, Zhang Xiaoqiang has basically analyzed it.

Needless to say, Xiao Bailong must have followed after seeing an emergency on his side.

The opponent was Lu Xing, and with Li Huan'e on his back, his speed was naturally not comparable to that of Xiao Bailong.

After being overtaken by Xiao Bailong, there must have been a big battle. The marks on Xiao Bailong's body were probably the result of the manic state of the obscene man.

The result of the competition is self-evident now, Xiao Bailong must have won a big victory.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang asked excitedly: "Brother Ao, is that guy Ao brother half-disabled now or has he burped?"

"This..." After a pause and hearing the hesitation in Xiao Bailong's voice, Zhang Xiaoqiang asked uncertainly: "Didn't you beat him before?"

After saying that, Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately shook his head and denied his statement.

In Zhang Xiaoqiang's opinion, there shouldn't be anything on earth that can defeat Little White Dragon.

Putting aside possible extraterrestrial weapons, it is no exaggeration to say that Little White Dragon is the strongest on earth.

Such a strong person, do you think he will lose

How is it possible! That's certainly not how things unfolded.

After thinking about it, Zhang Xiaoqiang thought of a possibility: "Ah, Brother Ao, I understand. You let him go on purpose. You followed him to their residence. In order not to alert the snake, you came back to report the news to us. Wait. We have agreed to kill them together and catch them off guard! Haha, Brother Ao is worthy of being Brother Ao. After all, he participated in the Battle of Cybertron and was a red man next to Optimus Prime. This strategic awareness is just there."

What a self-righteous analysis.

Ao Lie didn't even respond after Zhang Xiaoqiang finished speaking.

"Uh, Brother Ao, why don't you say anything? So, where is the lair of those guys? Is it far away? If it's far, let's hit the road now and talk on the way back. What do you think?"

"Well, I think Xiaoqiang's method is feasible. The main problem now is to get to the place where those guys live as soon as possible, otherwise we will be in trouble if they run away."

"Then what are you talking about? Hurry up and leave!" the great sage made his concluding remarks.

At this point, the opinions in the car were completely unified, and everyone believed that setting off immediately was the most appropriate move.

But what everyone never expected was that Xiao Bailong was silent for a long time and suddenly said: "I'm sorry, everyone, I don't know where those people are."

"Ah? No, Brother Ao, you're kidding me, right? Haha, it's not appropriate to joke at this time." Still not thinking that Xiao Bailong would fail, Zhang Xiaoqiang made excuses.

"Sorry, I lost you." He bluntly extinguished Zhang Xiaoqiang's fantasy.

Ao Lie immediately explained: "Originally, I was following that guy. He got into the car after he came out of the community. I followed him without any problem. But when I got outside the city, many animals suddenly appeared in a secluded area. I was shocked. Those animals stopped and harassed me, so I was delayed. When I got rid of the animals and started looking again, the kidnapping guy was gone."

"How could this happen?" Old Zhu touched his chin thoughtfully.

Zhang Xiaoqiang understood the key point: "Brother Ao, you said you were attacked by a group of animals?"


"No wonder your car body is like that... Wait a minute, if you were attacked by an animal again today, then last night on the mountain... isn't that a coincidence!?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang has always believed that the animals encountered on the mountain were caused by the mountain explosion destroying the fence of the protected area below and the animals escaping out.

But now the little white dragon is attacked by a group of beasts again. You can't say it's a coincidence.

"It's definitely not a coincidence. I felt something was not right last time. Even if the animals really ran away from the zoo, why would they come to attack us?"

"Yes, I've seen the animal world. What these animals are most afraid of is fire. The explosion burned many trees, but those beasts didn't show any fear at all. Damn... there must be something fishy about this!"

"Well, after hearing what you said, I also feel that something is not quite right."

"What do you mean Brother Pig? Did you think of something?"

"I wonder, Xiaoqiang, if you still remember the scene when that guy escaped at night?"

"Remember what happened?"

"That guy jumped directly from a height of four stories. How do you think an ordinary person could jump from such a height without any fuss and leave immediately?"

When Lao Zhu said this, Zhang Xiaoqiang was immediately alert.

"That's right! Not only did that guy jump from the fourth floor, but he was also carrying Li Huan'e on his back. I could see clearly when he got down, the car was dented! He was fine just like that... I'm so stupid , according to what I said, that guy shouldn’t be... "

He thought of some possibility, but Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't dare to blurt out.

Although he can now accept the existence of heavenly figures like Lao Zhu and the Great Sage, in the final analysis, this is what happened to him.

But if you suddenly tell him that in addition to the few great gods he knows, there are other weird and inhuman existences in this world, then...

Zombies? Werewolf? vampire

Or, Orcs, Shadow Warriors.

None of them are right, none of these guys can control animals.

"Brother Pig, Brother Ao, Brother Monkey, do you know who can control animals?"

Since the opponent drove animals to attack humans twice, he must have the ability to control animals.

"There are so many of them, you can find a dozen of them if you search anywhere in the world." Lao Zhu's answer ended Zhang Xiaoqiang's possibility of relying on animals as a clue to find his target.

"Alas~" Zhang Xiaoqiang sighed softly and beat his hands: "Then there is nothing we can do. We still cut off their clues."

"Don't worry, Xiaoqiang. No matter where these guys come from, since they have found you, they will definitely take action later. Even if you don't touch them, they will definitely come back to find you. In the past, we were not prepared, but now that we know what they want to do, Making trouble, huh... we Westward Journey Four are not just for show."

With that said, Zhang Xiaoqiang raised his hands and feet in agreement.

When it comes to talking about Taoism and doing things, the Great Sage is definitely at the ancestral level. If he is ranked second, no one would dare to claim to be first.

No, before Zhang Xiaoqiang could speak, Lao Zhu immediately said in an official tone: "Monkey, you have been eating, drinking and having fun in Xiaoqiang's place for so many days, and now it's time for you to repay. These guys will definitely touch Xiaoqiang again, and then After coming down for a while, you will follow Xiaoqiang to protect me secretly. Is there any problem? "

The Great Sage raised his head and his cross-cock eyes shone brightly: "What a joke! If I beat the Buddha in a grand fight, why should I wait for others to come and challenge me? Since we are going to fight, I have to make trouble for them! Don't say anything, little one. Bailong, please take me to the place where I was attacked at night. I want to see that little monster risk his life and dare to attack my old grandson!"

(End of chapter)