The Greatest Anchor in History

Chapter 219: Cemetery boundary


The great sage said a word that inspired high morale.

When Zhang Xiaoqiang and others were deciding whether to go to the scene of the incident tonight to confirm the situation, their cell phones suddenly rang at an inappropriate time.

Who will call me at this hour

Could it be that something happened to Er Pang

Thinking of this possibility, Zhang Xiaoqiang took out his cell phone from his pocket.

But when I saw the number on it, I couldn't help but be shocked.

"Who is it? Xiaoqiang?" Seeing something wrong on the young man's face, Lao Zhu asked.

"is her!"

"Who? Li Huan'e?"

"No, no, no, no, it's Su Lengche!" Not sure whether he was excited or nervous, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly felt that he was not very sharp with his words.

You must know that the goddess in your heart has not contacted Zhang Xiaoqiang for a long time since we left the hotel last time.

Zhang Xiaoqiang thought that the other party had forgotten about her, but he never thought that he would call again now.

what to do? Did she figure out the reason for what happened that day and call to ask for forgiveness

Should I agree to him immediately, or give in to my lust

While hesitating, Zhang Xiaoqiang pressed the answer button and said "hello" expectantly.

The moving voice that he expected did not come out. To Zhang Xiaoqiang's expectation, a disgusting voice came into his ears.

"Hello, Zhang Xiaoqiang, I haven't seen you for a while. Do you still remember me?"

"You? Qin Puze!?" It was a voice that could be heard even after turning into ashes. Zhang Xiaoqiang was so shocked that he couldn't think about anything else. He immediately asked: "Why is Leng Che's phone number with you?"

"Haha, you want to know? If you want to know, just do as I say."

"What are you doing? What happened to Leng Che?"

"Stop talking nonsense and listen. I just sent a text message to your mobile phone. You do as it says! Remember you have two hours. If you don't come by the prescribed time, what will happen to your Leng Che? I’m not sure.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Xiaoqiang heard Su Lengche's cry for help on the other end of the phone.

Hearing such a noise, Zhang Xiaoqiang shouted anxiously: "Leng Che, Leng Che! Bastard, Qin Puze, what did you do to Leng Che!? If you are a man and you have trouble, come to me!"

But Qin Puze didn't give Zhang Xiaoqiang a chance to vent. Almost as soon as he roared, the phone call was cut off.

After briefly understanding the whole story, Lao Zhu reassured Zhang Xiaoqiang not to panic. No matter what Qin Puze wanted to do tonight, he, the Great Sage, and Ao Lie would all help him 100%.

Without delay, Zhang Xiaoqiang reported the address sent by Qin Puze to the humanoid navigator Ao Lie.

Ao Lie galloped all the way to the designated place.

When they arrived at the place, everyone discovered that the target location given by Qin Puze was a group of tombs in the wilderness.

More importantly, after getting off the car, while walking towards the tombs, the Great Sage keenly sensed that there was a barrier around the tombs.

"What, Brother Monkey? You said there is a barrier here?" I just pretended that my ears were faulty, because the barrier has always appeared in the fictional world of cartoons.

The Great Sage is quite sure of his judgment, and it turns out that except for Zhang Xiaoqiang, the Great Sage, Old Pig, and Little White Dragon who have passed through the heavenly realm cannot enter the cemetery.

"This is the yin and yang realm. Beyond the three realms, the soul realm, human realm, and heaven realm cannot enter."

"Then why can I?"

"Because you are a multiple being, you are the chosen carrier of the soul world and heaven, so you can enter these realms."

After the old man's explanation, Zhang Xiaoqiang probably understood the truth.

So the question is, since there is a yin and yang world here, why does Qin Puze know about such secret things

Why did he call himself here

After a brief discussion, the foursome also realized that something was fishy, and Lao Zhu concluded that the matter was probably related to the Klan.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that Qin Puze gave Zhang Xiaoqiang a strange order just after Li Huan'e's side was robbed.

As expected, Lao Zhu analyzed what Li Huan'e might have told him.

And the things buried in the Yin and Yang Realm are probably the "antiques" that the National Security Bureau ordered Zhang Xiaoqiang to investigate.

Putting aside the past, even if you beat Zhang Xiaoqiang to death, Zhang Xiaoqiang would not go in and take risks.

But now... His future wife is being held hostage. It would be outrageous if Zhang Xiaoqiang still pretends to be cowardly as before.

Besides, he and Qin Puze were enemies, so he had to go through this in order to teach Qin Puze a lesson.

"Since it's the Yin and Yang Realm, no one in the world should be able to enter. Since they want you to go in, they probably can't enter here, so they took this step. So Xiaoqiang, it should be safe for you to go in."

The old pig comforted.

Zhang Xiaoqiang took Lao Zhu's hands and solemnly replied: "I understand, Brother Zhu, if there is any problem with me going in this time, please help me take care of my parents back home. Oh, and this, this is my bank card, inside You give the money to my parents as well. Remember, never pay it as party dues, I am a proletarian."

The wind was rustling and the water was cold. Zhang Xiaoqiang walked through the barrier of yin and yang with bold steps and walked into the destination.

Fifteen minutes later, Zhang Xiaoqiang returned in triumph, holding a bronze sword in his hand.

The old pig and the great sage looked at each other one after another, explaining that they could not see the reason.

But no matter what, since Qin Puze asked for this thing by name, there must be something weird about it.

"What should we do next? Should we go directly?" Zhang Xiaoqiang asked everyone for their opinions.

The old pig touched his chin. At this moment, the old pig looked a bit like a marshal.

"I checked the time. We still have an hour before we meet. What I mean is not to fight with uncertainty. If the other party spends so much time to greet us, there must be an ambush at the meeting place. We need to get some weapons."

"This... Brother Zhu doesn't know what weapons you need?"

"Haha, don't worry, I took care of it on the way here. Let's go, little Bailong, and go back to the realm just now."

Fifteen minutes later, Isuzu stopped in front of a grocery and toy store.

Pushing the door open and entering, my dear, Zhang Xiaoqiang was immediately dazzled by the exquisitely crafted weapons.

"Black cutter, red cutter, vampire wand, useless stick..." The familiar artifacts came into his eyes one by one.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was about to ask the old pig, but the great sage chose that. Unexpectedly, the old pig came out from the back hall carrying a farm rake, while the great sage stared at the cross-stitch that the shop owner was stitching with his cross-eyed eyes. .

When several people came out of the store, Zhang Xiaoqiang was holding a Demacia sword in his hand, the old pig was carrying a thick farm rake on his shoulders, and the great sage... was holding an embroidery needle in his arms.

Just like that, the foursome carried the little white dragon, armed with weapons, and galloped towards the agreed place.

What exactly awaits Zhang Xiaoqiang and his party next, and what does Qin Puze have in mind

A tragic war of the century is slowly and quietly kicking off.

(End of chapter)