The Greatest Anchor in History

Chapter 225: The way of heaven


There is no lightning rod for Zhang Xiaoqiang to use in this place. Besides, the accumulated lightning in the zenith is simply...

Just when Zhang Xiaoqiang was at a loss, the first thunder and lightning struck down.

Xiaobailong Bishan rushed forward without hesitation.

"Pants!" Teacher Guo Degang's words in cross talk suddenly appeared in his mind.

The movement caused by the lightning was absolutely shocking, making ghosts and gods cry.

Zhang Xiaoqiang could clearly feel that the figure of the little white dragon in the air was stagnant, but in the end the little white dragon managed to withstand the terrifying lightning strike and continued upward.

Holy shit! The little white dragon is mighty!

Regardless of his abdominal injury, Zhang Xiaoqiang was really impressed by Xiao Bailong's awesomeness.

As expected of a dragon, even this damn thunder can't knock it down.

At the same time, Zhang Xiaoqiang also lamented to himself that this so-called thunder was nothing more than that.

Normally when reading novels, anyone who flies to the immortal world will be struck by lightning, but now it seems that Zhang Xiaoqiang feels that it is really nothing.

If he hadn't been injured himself and had been hacked, if he had developed magical powers, then being stabbed today would have been worth it.

But before Zhang Xiaoqiang could think too proudly, thunder and lightning accumulated in the calm sky again, and this time the force was even greater.

But Xiao Bailong still carried him head-on and passed smoothly.

However, the thunder continued, one after another, with no sign of stopping at all, and it seemed that it would not stop until it swallowed up the little white dragon.

"There's nothing left to go! Brother Ao can't handle it at such a small distance! Old man, what can you do?" Zhang Xiaoqiang was a little anxious. After all, if the situation continues to develop, Xiao Bailong's rushing method will not wait for a reply. In the heaven, the red-burnt white dragon is waiting to be blasted into the air.

Bodhi didn't seem to hear Zhang Xiaoqiang's words, and stared at the sky with his deep eyes.

Liu Er was so rested that he laughed and said: "Bodhi, I have told you a long time ago that it is impossible to break through the punishment of this thunder with your strength. You are seeking your own death!"

Bodhi remained silent.

The situation in mid-air was getting worse and worse, and the white figure of Xiao Bailong continued to suffer blows.

The entire dragon scale has cracked, and blood is falling like raindrops.

At this moment, Bodhi's hands, which had not moved for a long time, flew again and again, and then pointed towards the sky with force.

Damn it! No, Bodhi is going to fly now? Could it be that the old man is actually Superman

When Zhang Xiaoqiang was stunned, Bodhi's whole body was filled with breath, and his loose clothes moved without any wind.

Immediately afterwards, the old man shouted loudly: "Open!!"

After the words fell, two white lights exploded from his palms.

The white light shot straight into the sky and instantly enveloped the little white dragon.

And at the moment when the white light protects the body, the little white dragon is tired and falling. At the moment of decline, it stands up and rushes towards the sky again.

"Damn it! Old man, you are awesome! Why didn't you come out earlier if you are so awesome!" Zhang Xiaoqiang's words were quite complaining.

But how could he know that Bodhi was willing to spend thousands of years of cultivation to fight against the thunder with his life.

No, Zhang Xiaoqiang soon realized something was wrong.

As time goes by, Xiao Bailong's figure gradually disappears, but Tianlei's attack is also slowly strengthening.

The direct result of this was that Bodhi's resistance became more and more difficult, his whole body was shaking, his wrinkled skin even overflowed with blood, and his hands that used magic power seemed to be shaking.

"Old, old man, are you okay?" Zhang Xiaoqiang, who saw the problem, couldn't help but start to worry about the old man.

At this time, Liu Er slowly stepped forward: "As the saying goes, destiny cannot be violated, this is the so-called iron law of your heaven. Bodhi, as a person in heaven, you have to go against heaven today. Don't you know that this is a capital crime?"

With blood stains on the corner of his lips, Bodhi smiled with emotion: "The Buddha said that if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? I, Bodhi, am walking the path for heaven today, slaying demons and slaying demons. So what if my thousands of years of practice are gone."

Hero, Bodhi at this moment is like Lu Xun, ***, **, the consciousness of sacrificing one's life for the sake of the great road is touching.

But these things fell into Liu Er's ears, but they made the latter think: "It's better than hell for me, who will go to hell, hum! You bunch of heavenly villains have been benevolent and moral all day long. If you ask me, you are just stubborn." ! Obviously you have the ability to control the world, but you don’t want to make progress and spend your whole day living in a sesame place enjoying happiness. Now it’s time to change this situation. Don’t you really want to go to hell? Then I will send you there right away!”

"Old man smash it!!"

The sharp claw blade of Liu Er easily penetrated Bodhi's chest pain, and Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes were instantly soaked with blood.

"If you don't use the great method of ascension to return your soul to the physical body, I really can't do anything to you. But now... go to hell!!"

The claw blade was pulled back hard, and the six ears raised their heads to the sky and roared.

Immediately afterwards, Bodhi collapsed and fell to his knees. A few seconds later, the white shadow in the sky fell to the ground with a loud bang.

Everything seems to make a mockery of Bodhi's efforts.

"Do you see it! Bodhi! This is the way of heaven that you must protect at the expense of your life!"

The thunder is deafening! The sky thunder was still bombarding the little white dragon that was already falling and dying.

Seeing this scene, a surge of sadness and anger surged from my chest!

"Xiaoqiang, you, you go quickly!" Bodhi said encouragingly with a trembling voice.

Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes moistened when he heard this.

"Old man, you are so stupid, why do you want to..."

"Let's go!"

Walk! ? Look at the old pig, the great sage, look at the little white dragon, and then look at Bodhi. Can Zhang Xiaoqiang leave

He has never felt so helpless and powerless as now, and he has never wanted to kill someone so much!

"Why, why... this, this obviously doesn't care about your business, what are you doing..."

"Don't cry, Xiaoqiang. Life is here, and the years are fleeting. Only the way of heaven is always there, going back and forth, never changing. What we do is what we do, you don't need to worry about it, leave quickly!"

"Leave!? Bodhi, I told you, you all have to die here today!" After finishing his words, Liu Er moved towards Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiaoqiang unexpectedly did not give in, but stood in front of Bodhi.

"Come on! I'm a bitch, take it if you want, but please let the girls here go, they have nothing to do with this!"

"Hahaha! Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang, what do you want me to say about you? It's already this time and you still come to me to talk about this. You are really interesting!" After finishing the joke, Liu Er's expression turned serious: "Didn't anyone tell you that negotiating terms with people these days requires capital? Are you showing that you have the capital to negotiate terms with me?"

"I..." Zhang Xiaoqiang was speechless.

What does he have now? Even Lao Zhu, Monkey King, and Xiao Qiang can't compete with Liu Er. What can he, a commoner, do

But just when Zhang Xiaoqiang was feeling upset, he didn't know that the anchor platform in his body had already started a crazy reward behavior.

Heroes from all walks of life spent almost all their wealth to continuously transfer funds to Zhang Xiaoqiang's account.

(End of chapter)