The Greatest Consort of All Time

Chapter 14: The princess's talent


Chu Tianshu walked around the screen and came to the bed, looking down at the princess Ji Ruxin who was still sleeping!

With a high concentration of mental power, Chu Tianshu once again began to see Ji Ruxin!

The situation today is much better than yesterday!

Ji Ruxin's qi and blood has completely enveloped her, and the blood flow in the body has also increased significantly!

The profound energy seeds in Ji Ruxin's mind also seemed to be more active, and they had actually bred the first spiritual silk!

Although it is only three inches long, it means that it is growing automatically.

It can also be seen from this that the level of this profound energy seed is definitely not low.

"This princess seems to have also practiced martial arts since childhood. At a young age, it is said that she has reached the state of body tempering six layers. The profound energy seeds she possesses, without any need to practice, and when she is extremely weak, she can overnight. , Spit out a thread of profound energy, such a talent... really enviable!"

"However, this kind of talent also seems to have its drawbacks. The profound energy seeds are in the brain. Even if the profound energy snake is bred in the future, it will be difficult to use it to attack the meridians, because the meridians in the brain are the most vulnerable. Well, it will hurt the brain's nerves and cells, at the slightest it will become an idiot, or even die!"

After a moment of contemplation, Chu Tianshu secretly said again: "I am alive because of you. No matter whether we can become real couples in the future, it is a kind of fate. Ren Du's two pulses get through!"

Chu Tianshu first took off Ji Ruxin's clothes!

However, looking at this white, shiny, fat-like skin, and a close-to-perfect figure, Chu Tianshu was a little bit disheartened!

It can also be said to be very exciting!

In his previous life, Chu Tianshu has not rarely chased girls, and there is no one who has this beautiful Ji Ruxin, but he has failed one after another!

In addition to my own reasons, it is mainly because I don't know how to please girls!

Now that he got the memory of Chu Tianshu in this world, he realized that his more than 20 years had really been in vain!

"It's a pity that I'm not a real husband, otherwise, if you are really with you in this life, it would be a beautiful thing, hey!"

Chu Tianshu sighed.

He knew very well that if it hadn't been for that dark marriage, there would never be any intersection between Chu Tianshu and the princess!

In the future, it is estimated that there is not much possibility!

Although Ji Ruxin is not very old, perhaps she has cultivated since childhood, coupled with adequate nutrition, also made her figure much more mature than girls of the same age.

Fragrant shoulders and thin waist, convex and concave!

Coupled with the exquisite cheeks like the animated heroine, it is easy to evoke imagination!

Chu Tianshu couldn't help even raising his hand and gently stroking Ji Ruxin's cheek!

However, in the end good thoughts suppressed evil thoughts!

He left Ji Ruxin with a white bellyband covering the front, and then turned Ji Ruxin over and let her lie on the ground!

The smooth jade back was also exposed in front of Chu Tianshu!

After disinfecting the silver needle with candlelight and wine, Chu Tianshu carefully pierced the silver needle into Ji Ruxin's brain!

When he pulled out the silver needle, the only profound energy thread, like an escaped bird, left the profound energy seeds and quickly drilled along this meridian!

Seeing this, Chu Tianshu was also overjoyed!

It seems that my judgment is correct, and Xuan Qi Si can also assist Chong Mai!

Then he quickly pierced another acupuncture point!

But within half an hour, this purple light, under the guidance of Chu Tianshu, opened up the Governor Vessel behind him!

Turning Ji Ruxin over again, let her lie down, and began to open up the Ren Vessel in front of her through the silk belly!

In this way, a small week is complete!

In the end, Xuan Qisi stayed in the Tanzhong acupoint in his heart!

With the addition of purple profound energy, the beating speed of the heart seems to increase again!

The damaged capillaries around the heart were also repaired, and some poisonous blood overflowed from the corners of Ji Ruxin's mouth!

Ji Ruxin's injury was greatly reduced as a result!

However, Chu Tianshu also discovered that the originally very active purple profound energy had dimmed again!

Like a firefly!

It seems that in order to heal the princess's body, it has been over-consumed too!

It's just that this profound energy has not always been in the middle dantian, but has returned to the brain's profound energy seeds!

The second channel of Ren Du also transported the energy of the whole body to the brain, making this profound energy seed brighter again!

And that trace of profound energy seemed to be spiritual, after absorbing enough nutrients from the profound energy seeds, it began to shuttle automatically along the Ren Du channel!

After doing this three or five times, Ji Ruxin's body functions gradually returned to normal!

At this point, Chu Tianshu stopped his hands!

He can do it, and he has done it all.

It even enhanced Ji Ruxin's cultivation talent!

She may wake up at any time!

However, Chu Tianshu also has his own worries. Once Ji Ruxin wakes up, what will happen

If she drives herself away because she hates herself, what should she do

He doesn't think he has the ability to face Murong Jiangyue now!