The Greatest Consort of All Time

Chapter 82: Ignorance and fearlessness


"With me, there shouldn't be any problems for you to become a profound master. During this period of time, you can run your own forces in the dunya."

"For example, if you manage your fief well, you can get more support no matter where you are in the future. Even if you practice in the Great Profound Sect, you need huge wealth as support."

"It's like the pill in your hand. Each pill is worth 20,000 gold. In the future, the cyclone pill that will be used to break through to the profound master will be as high as one hundred thousand gold. Moreover, it may not be able to break through. To play, you have to prepare at least three. After that, if you want to break through, the cost will be even higher!"

Both Ji Ruxin and Chu Tianshu frowned.

Who could have thought that a small high-grade Qi Gathering Pill was worth two hundred thousand taels of silver

Calculating like this, Chu Tianyang would have spent hundreds of thousands of gold, millions of taels of silver, from the profound scholar to the profound teacher!

Xuanwu General Mansion, where does so much money come from

Although Ji Ruxin is a princess, it is impossible for the royal family to invest too much in her.

After all, she is already married, and there are many members of the royal family. If Ji Ye and Xiao Moyan are united in Ji Ruxin, they will definitely criticize!

This time, the amount of iron armor and weapons that can be pulled is beyond the two's expectations.

However, Chu Tianshu didn't worry too much. Even if he didn't take the pill, his cultivation speed was many times faster than those who took the pill.

It is estimated that he is the only one among the profound scholars in the world who can absorb energy directly from the outside world to temper the body!

Therefore, Chu Tianshu handed the wooden box in his hand to Ji Ruxin, and said: "Ruxin, your cultivation level is relatively low, I will not take this pill, you practice hard, I am waiting for you!"

Ji Ruxin glanced at Chu Tianshu, although she didn't speak, her eyes were full of gentleness.

She didn't pick it up!

Xue Ye saw all this in his eyes and smiled: "I still have some medicines like this. The reason I didn't give them to you is because even if this is a high-grade Qi Gathering Pill, you can't eat more. , Each person can only take three pills at most, and there is still a period of time, otherwise, it will damage your future talents. When these two pills are used up, I will give you again!"

"Grandpa Xue, what if the meridians in my body are all connected?" Ji Ruxin asked.

"The meridians are all connected... what did you say? The meridians are all connected?" Xue Ye, who hadn't paid much attention to him, suddenly stood up, showing a look of shock.

Ji Ruxin nodded: "Chu Tianshu and I have all meridians, so you shouldn't need Poxuan Pill, just take Qi Gathering Pill!"

Xue Ye looked at Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin from the left and right, but still couldn't believe it!

He grabbed Chu Tianshu's wrist!

Chu Tianshu immediately felt that a soft but very tough profound energy was poured into his body, and then he walked along his meridians for a great week!

Xue Ye only believed Ji Ruxin, showing excitement, and laughed: "Hahaha... I didn’t expect that you two are both natural geniuses for cultivation, with all meridians, which means that your cultivation speed, at least Being twice as fast as someone else, it’s no wonder that I have just left for a few months, and you can reach the second-level mysterious realm if you are like Xin. Hurry up and tell Grandpa how you did it?"

"This is what Chu Tianshu helped me do!" Ji Ruxin said.

"Oh? I don't know how Tianshu did you do it?"

Chu Tianshu knew this and couldn't hide it, so he said, "Actually, it's nothing, just a few silver needles. I pierced myself and Ru Xin's acupuncture points all over the body!"

After Xue Ye listened, his body trembled, and then he was shocked.

The finger pointed at Chu Tianshu while trembling: " are so brave to use this method to open acupuncture points. Did you know that you almost killed yourself?"

Ji Ruxin wondered: "Grandpa Xue, is this method dangerous?"

"It's more dangerous? It's extremely dangerous. Do you think that other people can't think of this method? But why doesn't anyone in the world do this?" Xue Ye was still a little excited.

Chu Tianshu said: "Grandpa Xue, you should be worried, I stabbed a dead spot, or a key spot? Actually, I am a little measured!"

Xue Ye still shook his head: "How complicated are the meridians and acupuncture points of the human body? Even in my realm, I have the ability to introspect the meridians and acupoints in my body, but I can't guarantee that every time I acupuncture and open acupuncture points for others Accurate, the human body meridians are just like the palm lines, which seem to be the same, but they are in fact thousands of people. If one is not done, people will lose their talents for cultivation, or go crazy and die. You are really ignorant and fearless!"

Chu Tianshu understands this very well!

The meridians of the human body really vary from person to person!

Not necessarily in the same place!

Especially close to important viscera, organs, and meridians in the brain are the most complicated!

It is extremely difficult and extremely difficult to penetrate accurately every time, not deep or shallow!

The slightest stabbing may damage the body's organs!

The thorn is shallow and useless, and the thorn is deep. Once the meridians are damaged, it will cause perforation, causing the mysterious thread to go the wrong way, causing greater damage, and even losing the talent for practice!

Because once the profound energy seeds leave the meridians and melt into the blood vessels, they can no longer recover.

Therefore, the acupuncture technique and the timing of needle withdrawal must be extremely precise!

This is impossible even for the Great Profound Master.

Not even Grand Master Da Xuan!

Because they can't see through other people's bodies!

But Chu Tianshu couldn't tell the other party that he had see-through eyes!

Not only can you see the Xuanqi Silk, you can also see the meridians, blood vessels, and even bones in the body!

Just be careful, it is not too difficult for him!

"Originally I thought you had a good way to let more people take this shortcut. Now it seems that it is really undesirable and undesirable. I guess you two can only be regarded as a coincidence. This method opens acupuncture points for others, you know?" Xue Yedao.

Chu Tianshu nodded: "Junior understands!"

Xue Ye regained his joy again: "Although it was reckless and made a mistake, it also proves that you two have such a blessing. I will give you a few more Qi Gathering Pills in the future. As for the Po Xuan Pill in your hands. , You just keep it, whether it’s for others or selling it for money, it’s up to you to decide!"

"Thank you, Grandpa Xue!" Ji Ruxin smiled.

"Well, I will stay soon, and I need to go back to the palace again to discuss some things with your majesty!" Xue Ye said, and stepped outside.

But Yunduo said, "Grandpa, can I stay here to play with Princess Sister?"

Xue Ye was stunned for a moment!

Ji Ruxin said anxiously: "Grandpa Xue, you can let Duo Duo stay, we will take care of her!"

Chu Tianshu also nodded.

Xue Ye nodded and said, "It's okay, but Duoduo, you must not mess around, and you must not affect your sister's practice!"

"Duo Duo understands that Duo Duo also needs to practice!"

Xue Ye just left.