The Greatest Consort of All Time

Chapter 98: Something happened


After a cup of tea!

The sound outside the door has stopped!

But Chu Tianshu suddenly felt that his head became a little groggy.

Drinking tea should be refreshing, why do you feel this way

Turning to look at Ji Ruxin again, he actually agreed.

"Huh? Not good!" Chu Tianshu wanted to use perspective and watch the tea, but his brain was dizzy.

So scared that Chu Tianshu immediately broke out in a cold sweat!

It's impossible to think about dreaming again.

However, what Chu Tianshu did not expect was that at this critical moment.

The walnut in his mind suddenly released a ray of light.

It also made his soul awake a lot immediately.

I didn't dare to hesitate any more, I entered a dream instantly!

On the surface, Chu Tianshu has fallen asleep in a coma!

But Chu Tianshu found that he could still dance Tai Chi in his dream and still control his body at any time.

But he didn't dare to move rashly.

Because he knows how terrifying the Shangguan Yan in front of him is!

He is a ninth-level profound master second only to the national master, and he has a deep understanding of the swordsmanship.

He was motionless when he was lying on the table.

Ji Ruxin leaned on his side and fainted.

The cloud on the side didn't drink tea, and said in doubt, "Brother Manma, Sister Princess, what's the matter with you? Wake up soon?"

Shangguanyan smiled and said, "Don't worry about Duo Duo, they will wake up soon, just fall asleep!"

Yun Duo is only five or six years old, where does he know so much? I don't even know that people are sinister.

He just opened his eyes wide, his eyes filled with confusion.

But at this moment, a maid behind her patted her head gently.

Duo Duo also fainted.

The door opened, and a white-clothed maid walked in from the outside, and said, "Miss, Chu Tianyang is gone!"

"What's the matter?" Shang Guanyan was taken aback.

"We gave Chu Tianyang tea. He didn't drink it at all. He wanted to sneak attack. However, there was a mysterious talisman made by the great profound master on his body, which blocked our attack, and then jumped directly into the water and fled. !"

"It shouldn't be too late, act now, just take away some of the main people!" Shangguanyan had already stood up.

The maid beside her said, "What about the princess and the horse?"

"Chu Tianshu can also be regarded as a half-master in my kendo. Since I have promised to repay him, I won't break my promise and leave them behind!"

"But, miss, Chu Tianyang has already run away. If we release Chu Tianshu again, what can we negotiate with Chu Yanhong?"

"With Chu Tianyang, we can't hold Chu Yanhong and his wife. They even want to use our hands to get rid of Chu Tianshu. How can I do what they want? Xuan Yuyu doesn't have to be taken away, it's a bit of mine. Mind, besides, the two of them won't have any influence on the battle!"


Several people left the room one after another!

The door is also closed!


Liu Wentao was also lying on the ground!

Next to him, stood an old black-clothed woman with a cold look in her eyes, showing her aura, as if she was a great profound master!

But she still bowed and said, "Miss, let's go!"

Shangguanyan looked back at the door of the penthouse again, and then soared into the air, flew down the Qinxin Pavilion, and landed on a flower boat below.

The flower boat quickly moved away and disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the top level, Wu Yue, Ouyang Jie, Li Xuancheng, Yang Chong, Zhang Han, and other high-ranking officials and generals’ children are gone.

It was the children of the little nobles, little officials, and merchant's family, but they lay peacefully.


In a hidden bamboo forest by the lake, Chu Tianyang had already climbed onto the shore.

If he hadn't carried the amulet left to him by his master, he would never have escaped with the blow just now.

Because the person who attacked him was a high-level profound master.

But even so, he still has lingering fears.

Because he also felt the breath of the Great Profound Master, but it was Liu Wentao who sneaked into the attack. With a single blow, Liu Wentao was dizzy.

There are also several profound masters participating!

He knew that if those people were determined to kill him, he would definitely not be able to escape.

But it seemed that the other party was walking in a hurry, and worried about being besieged by Qin Capital's army.

"Who are they? Did they deliberately use the opportunity of this gathering to carry out a sneak attack, or Shangguan Yan secretly arranged?" Chu Tianyang secretly said.

Until now, he was not sure whether the person who appeared suddenly was related to Shangguanyan.

After encountering a sneak attack at that time, he jumped directly into the water, sank to the bottom, and sneaked for hundreds of meters before daring to show his head.

I didn't even know that Hua Chuan had left with more than 20 senior officials and nobles.

Looking at Qinxin Pavilion from a distance, it was still quiet as before.

It's just too quiet.

Willing to check the details, but not the guts.

In the end, I simply turned my mind: "Let others find out, right? It's best that those people can kill Chu Tianshu!"

On the shore, Chu Tianyang walked away quickly.

But Chu Tianshu in the room opened his eyes.

Looking at Ji Ruxin, who was safe and sound around him, he also let out a long sigh.

This Shangguanyan wasn't a heartless person, no matter what the purpose, at least he didn't hurt his three lives.

There were even ten mysterious jade fish left, which was worthy of Chu Tianshu's kindness in imparting his kendo.

"Who is this Shangguan Yan?" He couldn't help but secretly said.

Taking Xuan Yuyu into his arms, Chu Tianshu shouted to the princess again.

He twisted his face, pinched the middle of the person.

It took a long time for Ji Ruxin to wake up slowly!

Outside the door, Liu Wentao woke up first, and immediately opened the door and shouted: "Hou Ye..."

After seeing that Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin were fine, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

Rubbing his head, which was still swollen and dizzy, his heart became more shocked.

Actually he couldn't withstand the opponent's blow, then the opponent wanted to kill himself, didn't he get it right

"Wen Tao, are you okay?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"The humble job is okay, the humble job is useless, it was attacked!" Liu Wentao sighed.

"Where are the others?" Chu Tianshu asked.

Liu Wentao looked out: "Most of the people are still there, and no one was injured. They all seemed to be poisoned and passed out!"

"That's good!"

Chu Tianshu picked up the fainted cloud, and went out of the penthouse with Ji Ruxin!

At this time, one after another, some people have awakened!

They all stared at them with big eyes, looking around with all their faces confused, not even knowing what happened.

For those who have disappeared, they don't care much.

I thought they had left early.

"Princess, princess... What is going on? What about Shangguanyan?" someone asked.

"Shangguanyan ran away, everyone should report to the official as soon as possible? Some bad guys came in and poisoned us all. The missing person has probably been taken away by others!" Chu Tianshu said.

"What?" Everyone was shocked.

I was also afraid in my heart for a while!

"Could it be that Shangguanyan colluded with the bad guys?" someone couldn't help asking.

"It's not that there is no such possibility, everyone hurry up, it's dangerous here!"

Chu Tianshu didn't bother to pay attention to everyone, so under the escort of Liu Wentao, he quickly went downstairs.