The Greatest Showman

Chapter 2472: 2472 Drowning asphyxiation



Edmund left the hospital bed, touched the ground with his bare feet, and made a crisp sound, which thumped Horton's heart like thunder. Before his thoughts could react, the subconscious had already sounded the alarm, and he was terrified. He grabbed his heart tightly, contracted instantly, and cut off his breath.

Holden reflexively cast his eyes towards the monitoring window, trying to ask for help, he needed help.

But then Holden realized his gaffe, quickly looked away, lowered his voice, and remained calm, "No need. Really."

He could sense his rigidity, from his voice to his sight, his neck seemed to be rigid and fixed, staring blankly at Edmund's shoulder, allowing the focus and focal length to fully converge, as if staring at the shoulder Then he thought about how the folds came from. Only in this way, his vision would not wander - to avoid seeing the wound that was crooked like a centipede again.

Pink and pink.

twist and twist.

But the picture was deeply imprinted in his mind, which made Horton's nerves tense again, and the already tired and debilitated spirit was forced to draw closer again, all the remaining minds tightened, and then involuntarily Start counting in your head: one to ten and ten to one.

Even so, the chills still ran up the scalp from the end of the spine.

Edmund sat at the end of the bed and looked at Horton silently, but his eyes were changing subtly - if it was aggressive and oppressive before, then it has evolved into a kind of... empathy, that tenderness The eyes like water are like looking at a lover.

Delicate and soft, warm and light.

This seems to be no problem, the only violation is his arm wound, that crooked centipede is always sounding the alarm: this is a murderous and cold-blooded killer, he killed his grandparents, he killed himself mother, and several other victims.

Who can be sure if he looked at the victims in the same way before he killed them

Fear rises quietly amid tenderness.

Unconsciously, the entire ward fell into silence, deadly silence, only the sound of the air conditioner was humming slightly, and the cold air made goose bumps appear on the surface of the skin, involuntarily producing an illusion, I always felt that I could do it. Hear the sound of gurgling water:

So is the water pipe making noise, or is the blood flowing

Edmund turned his head slightly, his eyes became more tender, "You know what? Women were very indifferent to me at first, and they were unwilling to share; in this life, no one wants to interact with me, even when I was a child at home. The same goes for cats."

Then, Edmund glanced out of the corner of his eyes. The doctors and nurses in the monitoring window had left. There was no one else in the entire ward to watch, only him and Horton were left.


Edmund sat down heavily and stood up with the help of the rebound of the mattress, the sound of the spring being suppressed, the sound of the shackles hitting the ground, the sound of the footsteps hitting the ground... All the sounds were intertwined, and Edmund's Mond's super bulky body quickly stood up and the agitated air waves were mixed with countless voices, and the narrow ward space set off a stormy sea.


Almost at the same time, only half a beat slower, Horton also stood up abruptly, and the instinct of the beast made him and Edmund form a confrontation with Edmund.

But... the momentum was severely suppressed.

Not only because of Edmund's body shape and physique completely suppressed Horton, but also because of Horton's conditioned reflex to stand up eagerly and leaked his panic, that vigilance and panic made Horton's momentum completely at a disadvantage. The sense of crisis of the piercing pain made all the hairs on his body stand up.



Both Horton and Edmund remained completely still, and it seemed that even the air was frozen, and no one dared to break the deadlock rashly.

The stagnant air made the two people form a stiff confrontation, and the smell of gunpowder was quietly spreading out.

"The only way I can have those girls..." Edmund said, his eyes became softer and he looked at Horton affectionately and intently, but his words were so cold that there was no temperature, filled with blood, "... that is Kill them. It worked. They became my spiritual wives and they are still with me."

Holden was motionless, his stiff muscles unable to move at all.

Edmund slowly turned his head and looked towards the surveillance window. Only then did Horton react, and the out-of-sight vision moved along with it:


Only then did Horton notice that the surveillance window was completely empty. Fear instantly grabbed his throat. The calmness on the surface was already tense to the extreme. His slightly trembling pupils were revealing his true emotions. One thought: The devil can smell fear.

But for Edmund, it was a perfect game, and he had the initiative firmly in his hands.

"The most interesting thing about the intensive care unit is that there is no system for notifying the guards. This is very short-sighted. After all, the personnel entering and leaving are complicated." The tone and speed of speech, and the slightly vague pronunciation, there is no change, not even a little fluctuation. No, does that sound familiar

This is Edmond.

This is still... This is still Holden.

Horton used to speak the same way, and Edmund did the same, a little more meticulously, and now Edmund consciously imitates Horton's articulation.

Although it is not 100% consistent, the subtle changes can be detected between the lines, so that it is impossible to distinguish whether it is Horton and Edmund who were assimilated after the conversation, or Edmund and Horton. After the conversation was changed, two very different souls were overlapping.


This is really scary!

The entire filming set was choked so hard that there was no sound, just staring at Cameron, and more importantly, at Renly.

In a trance, they have completely lost their judgment. It seems that Cameron is copying Renly's performance, and it seems that Horton is gradually evolving into Edmund. A weird and terrifying "mirror effect" is developed.

So, what the hell is going on here? What the hell is going on right now? What should they do? Fear to panic makes people unable to move.

"I can easily kill you now." Edmund was approaching.


Then go one step further.

Edmund gradually approached Horton in this way. He could clearly see that Horton's jaw curve had completely tightened, and his slightly trembling pupils revealed the panic in his heart. The more Horton controlled, the more Nervous, that precarious tremor that seemed to break at any moment.

Edmund's eyes lit up slightly, as if he was probing his head to explore a black hole. His upper body leaned forward slightly, looking into the depths of Horton's pupils from top to bottom, and then he could see Yingying water light rippling. , the control with all his strength could not avoid the slight reddening of the eye sockets. More importantly, Horton held his breath, and his muscles were tense to the extreme, as if suspended animation could avoid injury.

"Above the Sky"

But with a little distance, all these details are invisible, as if they never existed, and Horton is still the calm Horton.

No wonder people always, don't get too close, otherwise all the truth will come to light and may be disillusioned at any time.

However, Edmund likes this kind of Holden, the fragility that breaks when he breaks, let him see... himself.

"Do something fun to you before someone shows up." Edmund's voice became softer, like a whisper in Horton's ear, and then the rhythm slowed down, like a light-footed movement , worried about disturbing the elf next to the pillow, "Then, you will also be with me in spirit."



This is crazy!

Horton couldn't even make a fist, his rigid body completely stayed in place, unable to move or breathe, fear had completely taken over; what was even more frightening was that what he was really afraid of now was not Edmund, But the reflection in Edmund's eyes:

That kind of arrogance, that kind of pride, that kind of arrogance, that kind of belief, that kind of cold-bloodedness, that kind of dominance... That kind of attitude that firmly controls the overall situation and is aloof.

Slowly, just so slowly, Edmund's own reflection in his pupils blurred, and then overlapped with Edmund's face, indistinguishable from each other.

He was afraid of Edmund, and he was even more afraid of gradually evolving into Edmund himself. The thought gripped his throat like this, and he tried to escape, but there was nowhere to escapeā€”he could escape Edmund, but how could he escape himself? What should he do

Do not. No no no. This is an illusion, this is just an illusion, this is an illusion created by oneself under panic, this is not the case.

Horton's slightly trembling pupils were denying, he even tried to regain consciousness, but... He couldn't control it, he had lost control.

Cameron smelled the breath of fear - he never knew that hormones really had a taste, which belonged to the breath of fear, which was sweet, like caramel, not strong but mellow enough to make people bear it. I can't stop wanting to stick out my tongue and lick it.

In those deep and clear eyes, Cameron saw Edmund, saw Horton in Edmund's eyes, and a powerful force erupted from it, pulling his collar towards the black hole. As he approached, it was like the vortex of "Vertigo", devouring him with his teeth and claws.

But this is not fear, but enjoyment.

Cameron is enjoying the beauty and grace of this moment, as if... as if they were dancing, not ballet or waltz, but tango, tango with passion and life and death, and they are heading towards the abyss He took a step, but still burst out with unimaginable passion.