The Greatest Showman

Chapter 2473: 2473 The moment of explosion


You go in and I go back. Mutual exchange. You attack me.

The intense and intense confrontation is like a tango, and it is being staged between Cameron and Renly. Hormones are mixed with fear, excitement and tension, bursting out between the interlaced eyes and the confrontation of body shapes. The boundary between reality and illusion is coming Disappeared quietly, tempting the temptation that was pressing step by step, the smell of blood began to permeate quietly.

"I can easily kill you now and do something funny to you before someone shows up. Then you'll be with me in spirit too."

Cameron couldn't tell whether he was talking or Edmund was talking. The voice in his head continued to whisper in his ears, and the tears in his eyes flashed with intricate emotions. , and he is enjoying the joy and beauty of this moment.

He, held his breath.

But it made a shallow smile flow into his eyes. He liked to see him nervous. Then, the smile suddenly disappeared, just like erasing it directly with an eraser. Showing hurt feelings.

"I've invited you to see me many times, but even this time, I didn't expect you to come." Then he took another step forward, standing almost face-to-face with Holden, snorting as if he could Slapped on each other's cheeks, the disappearing smiles reappeared, extending from the corners of the mouth to the bottom of the eyes, "Why are you here, Horton?"

Horton looked at Edmund.

Just staring at it like this, he couldn't react, and the truth was just around the corner in his mind waiting for the ground to come out, but he didn't want to admit it and didn't dare to admit it, so he shook his head, shaking his head gently.

Just the power of shaking his head has exhausted all his energy, but he shook his head unswervingly again, trying to use the movement of shaking his head to give himself courage, but the voice rushing out of his throat trembled uncontrollably, which was completely different from the force of the action. Different, revealing the true emotion, "I don't know."

he does not know.

He really doesn't know.

He didn't want to know.

The answer is already ringing in his ears, but he refuses to know the truth, lest knowing the truth, he may completely fall apart, and he will no longer be himself, but... but Edmund's projection.

But obviously, his denial failed to deceive Edmond.

Edmund smiled, the curvature of the corner of his mouth rose slightly, with a hint of pity and sympathy, but more tenderness and care, the whole face warmed, then he raised his left hand and patted it lightly Horton's right shoulder - It is obvious that Horton's entire right shoulder muscle is stiff and numb, and it seems that half of his body can't move.

This made Edmond's smile brighter.

"Very well, now... This is the truth." Edmund said softly:

The reason why Horton came to find Edmund in the predicament was because he subconsciously believed that only Edmund could understand him in this world, and neither Bill nor Wendy nor Debbie could understand him. He, only Edmund - the murderous, cold-blooded serial killer is the only one in the world who can understand him.

He, trying to seek Edmund's understanding and protection.

So, does this mean that he is the same as Edmund? Or is he evolving into Edmund? Will he be Edmund too

Watching Edmund's own reflection in his eyes, the fear of holding his heart tightened his fingertips, clenched, clenched again, and the sharp pain instantly made him lose his voice: No, not like that, absolutely not It should not be like this, it will not develop like this.

Fear ripped apart all of Horton's masks and armor. He was afraid of Edmund, but even more afraid of himself, his demonic self.

Deep in Edmund's eyes, there was a trace of caring pity, as if he sympathized with what happened to Horton, and then he took the last small step forward, approaching, and approaching again, he opened his arms and opened his chest like this, He gave Horton a warm hug and hugged him tightly.

"God! God, oh, God!"

That thick warmth surrounded him, and then Horton realized that this was what he had found—in the midst of the turbulence of the recent period, he was struggling to find a warm hug, but as a result, he was in Edmund found it here, what does it really mean

Horton even had an urge to close his eyes and enjoy it, but this urge really scared him, and it exploded like thunder.



His mind was roaring hoarsely, but his throat couldn't make any sound, which made him round his eyes, open his mouth, and his dilated pupils were filled with fear, as if he could clearly see that his soul was a little bit A little dissipated, like a sandcastle gradually eroding on the beach.


The voice finally broke out, as weak as a mosquito, but it was still able to be released after all, which made his body finally burst out with energy, and forcefully got rid of Edmund's embrace, and there was only one thought in his mind: run, Run away, run away quickly to the ends of the earth.

But the weak knees couldn't help at all. His footsteps slipped a little, which made him look very funny, but he couldn't care about it, he just slammed into the intensive care unit, "Bang!" He With all his strength, he slammed the door of the room against the wall.

The doctors and nurses who disappeared from the monitoring room just now stood at the door. They didn't go far, but all this was no longer important to Holden.


run away!

There was only one thought in Horton's mind, fleeing in the wild. He didn't even care about his etiquette and precautions, nor his cowardice and vulnerability, and just ran forward with big strides.


Just after walking a few steps, the feeling of suffocation that he couldn't breathe finally reacted. He forced himself to start breathing, his throat seemed to finally open, but because he was breathing too quickly, he started to cough, and he needed to leave! He needs to get out of here asap! But he needs to breathe more!

He can't breathe!

He can't breathe!


He needs oxygen!

The footsteps were forced to slow down. Horton was breathing heavily, becoming more and more cramped and more intense. His chest began to rise and fall violently, but he still could not feel the support of too much oxygen, the kind of fear of dehydration and exhaustion. He hit his stomach hard and hard, and then he could barely stand when his knees went soft.

Horton tried to find the handrail next to him to support himself, but his vision began to blur, and all bodily functions began to weaken sharply due to the lack of oxygen.



However, his hands were unable to exert force at all, his knees and legs could no longer support the weight of his body, his whole body was exhausted, he staggered and could not control his steps, and his whole body fell to the ground softly.

He supported his body with his hands and tried to continue to escape. He had to escape from the cage behind him, the Edmund who escaped from the cage. Even if his legs had no strength, he still stubbornly supported his body with his hands and walked forward. One step at a time, he started to crawl on the ground.


He needs to breathe!

But there is no air in the lungs!

That kind of fear firmly grasped his heart and refused to let go.

The struggle after drowning was of no avail, as he still could not feel the presence of any oxygen, and then the strength of his hands completely disappeared.

Even the light in the eyes is disappearing—

How to do

He is disappearing, Horton is disappearing, replaced by the Edmund of the soul, the one who speaks softly, the one who is too intelligent to be understood, the one who is coherent trying to help all potential criminals, the one who is lonely and helpless... that Edmund with bloody hands.

How to do!

"Are you okay?" came the nurse's questioning voice.

"I can't breathe. I can't breathe." Horton murmured like this, helpless eyes calling for help, he was about to be swallowed, he was about to be torn apart, help! Help!

"Did you eat anything?"

"I have no idea."

"Do you have any allergies?"

"I don't know." He couldn't answer, he couldn't think, he couldn't breathe, "I'm dying."

"You're not going to die, you're in the hospital..."

The nurse's voice drifted further and further away, eventually turning into a vague mass, like a hollow echo, drifting to the far end of the darkness, and then the light began to dim, and the world began to drift away.

He is dying.

Holden is dying.

Edmund is encroaching on his body.

He was becoming another Edmond.

kill him!

Kill him now! Otherwise, he will evolve into another killer!

But he wants to live on! Who can save him? Who can save Holden

Hurry up, hurry up and help him, kill Edmund in his mind, hurry up and save Horton in his mind!

"I'm dying..." Did anyone hear his cry for help? Holden is dying! "I am dying..."

He fell to the ground completely soft like this, the whole person was like a cooked shrimp, completely curled up, the suffocating darkness shrouded in a mighty way, hearing, smell, vision, taste, touch, etc. All are degenerating, He opened his mouth and tried his best, but still couldn't breathe.

"I warned you that your attitude will end up costing you." That was Bill's voice.

"If you continue this behavior pattern, you will destroy yourself." That was the boss's voice.

"Not the treasure you thought you were digging." That was Wendy's voice.

"Are we friends? Horton?" it was Edmond's voice.

And he was like a dead fish out of the water. He opened his mouth and continued to breathe, but it was in vain after all. The pupils that gradually spread out could clearly see the whole process of the soul being fragmented. It was grand and spectacular, but silent. , and then the radiance dimmed little by little.

"Who do you think you are, thought/cop/cop?" It was his own voice.

"Torture. Destroy. It's your world and it makes you suspicious." That's... whose voice was that, his own or Edmund's or someone else's

Eyes widened, he tried his best to widen his eyes, trying to capture the last ray of light left in the world, but he failed, a drop of crystal clear tears flowed from his eyes, but it reflected a touch of despair, and then, his breath... was cut off.