The Greatest Showman

Chapter 2474: 2474 reaches its peak


Whoosh whoosh.

In the empty and narrow corridor, only the heavy and rapid breathing sounded. Even if you were just watching, you could still feel the anxiety and fear of the limit of life and death. The eardrum, the panic that was born invisibly grabbed the ankle, and then dragged the soul into the darkness like a devil bit by bit.


Before he realized it, his invisible hands firmly grasped his throat, the oxygen began to decrease gradually, and he involuntarily began to try to resist and struggle. At this time, he realized that his muscles were completely stiff, tense to the point of bursting. Unable to move, not even a finger, the fear of death enveloped his heart so tightly, as if he was witnessing the destruction of the world.

But powerless.


Still quiet.

The entire filming studio was silent, even deadly silence, even the sound of breathing and pulse had disappeared. It was obvious that there was a bustling crowd standing on the scene, but no movement was felt. The sound of breathing was surging.

Even the climax/tide of the confrontation between Horton and Edmund's rivalry cannot be compared to the shock at this moment. Just through the shortness of breath under a survival instinct, one can deeply feel the fear and fear that the soul is falling apart. Pain while onlookers are helpless—

They could save him on a physical level, but they couldn't do anything on a psychological level. The piercing pain was all hidden in the breath.

What is even more frightening is that the indoor temperature is also disappearing, the cold touch starts to climb up along the heel, and then firmly attaches to the spine, penetrates into the bone marrow little by little, and can clearly feel the blood. The temperature is gradually dropping, as if the life force is slowly losing.

icy. dark. confusion.

The sky is falling, the mountains and the tsunami are being staged in the mind, and every soul is imprisoned, so that the body has lost the ability to move.



David Finch's voice was clear and bright across the sky, like lightning invading the hospital corridor, and then he touched the magic seal:

This is filming!

It's just filming!

Not real! Thank God, none of that fear and panic is real! But... is it really so? Did the kind of soul being torn, invaded, and destroyed really not happen? Is Edmund really out of Houghton's brain? Is Holden really still Holden

There was a faint surging of gasping breaths on the filming set, but still no one spoke, or even in the mood to exchange eyes with each other, just immersed in their own thoughts, trying to distinguish the boundary between fantasy and reality, and confirm it down-to-earth. own real existence.

However, the brainstorming could not be stopped in a short period of time. The shock caused by the fear and chaos, the curling aftertaste not only did not dissipate or weaken, but also became more and more intense, more and more intense, more and more profound. The thought fragments during the filming of "Mind Hunter" all rushed in, and the reflection storm was just opening the tip of the iceberg.

Bystanders are already like this, and even more so for the parties involved.

Cameron slumped down on the hospital bed and sat in a daze, just like that, something suddenly appeared in his mind, he looked down at his hands subconsciously, there was nothing on the clean and white palms , but he seemed to be able to smell the blood, and he always felt that his fingertips could touch the sticky and slippery blood, as if... he had just killed a soul with his own hands.

And what about him

He didn't feel anything, a little flustered, a little nervous, a little bit cramped, and a little sweat oozing from his palms; but that's all, it's more calm, calm, peaceful, the kind of turbulent Behind the shocked emotion, there is a little curiosity and anticipation—

How is Holden? What the hell is going on with all that chaos and noise? What's going on outside

Is this feeling normal

Then a tingling sensation climbed up from the toes along the calf. He couldn't help scratching with his hands, trying to stop the itch, but the itch was counterproductive and the itch spread. The whole back seemed to be covered with ants. He raised his hand and wiped it behind his back, and when he looked down, his entire palm was covered with blood.


Cameron couldn't help but exclaimed, shivering one after another, his whole body continued to tremble uncontrollably, his stomach was tumbling violently with the fear from his heart, and he supported his hands on his knees. In this way, I started to retire, and my stomach that was overwhelmed by the river didn't spit out anything, but the nausea still lingered, so that my knees and hands began to tremble continuously, and I couldn't stop it.

He's Cameron, he's not Edmund.

He's Cameron, he's not Edmund!

Over and over, over and over again, he kept telling himself that his aching brain seemed to be able to feel the pain of the giant breaking open his skull, and then the chills surged up one by one, killing him completely in the blink of an eye. devoured until paralyzed to exhaustion.

Cameron lay back weakly on the hospital bed, and Horton's shaky, precarious, and disintegrating eyes reappeared in his mind again, as if he could clearly capture Edmund's devouring of Horton's soul step by step. , and then the weak brain finally completely relaxed.

After losing control, his thoughts gradually became clearer—

That's Horton, that's Renly, that's the soul Renly injected into Horton, that's Edmund's assimilation of Horton, that's Horton's descent into darkness.

Although Cameron has always admired Renly's acting skills, but after today, Cameron can truly understand the greatness and excellence of Renly:

His performance is like a black hole, no matter whether the role is active or passive, but Renly can always firmly grasp the focus of the whole scene - the whole scene, not just the characters, and then through the interpretation and interpretation of the characters. Drive the scene forward, and unknowingly complete the work of constructing the virtual world, the immersive feeling, even other characters can fully integrate into it, and ultimately it is indistinguishable.

Get to the top!

Now Cameron can finally understand why the professionals in the industry are always full of praise for Renly, this performance skill is definitely the pinnacle!

The hall-level actors let Cameron see the peak of his strength, and he also let Cameron see his own shortcomings, and let Cameron see the direction of his efforts.

No one can feel this more deeply than David Fincher. He is even clearer and more profound than Cameron. As a bystander, and more as a director, he can control the overall situation and detect the kind of dynamic Traction, the integration of drama and people is completed silently.


This is the only thought in David's mind. The more exaggerated and the less insufficiency is just right, which vividly interprets the relationship between Horton and Edmund; and the disintegration in his eyes at the last moment is a true display. Horton's entanglement with the darkness, all the weight of the whole series falls into this one look, but it still does not appear overloaded, which flawlessly demonstrates David's original intention to build the entire crew.

Even as picky as David, he couldn't suggest any improvements to the scene.

Now David can finally understand Rooney's praise, and finally can understand the praise of directors such as Steven Spielberg and Alfonso Cuaron. Apart from EGOT and the two Oscar statuettes, David I really felt the spirituality, texture and thickness of Renly's performance. This ability, the description of language will only make the language pale and weak, just feel it, calm down and feel it carefully.

This is art.

David couldn't help but want to give Renly a round of applause, but it didn't match his character, he obviously wouldn't make such a sensational move to create attention, so all the excitement and excitement were hidden in his eyes , slightly moved, and his eyes could not help but flicker slightly.

"David?" A questioning voice came from the ear, it was Rooney.

David didn't turn his head, for fear of revealing his emotions, but just nodded in affirmation.

But Rooney didn't look away, just stared at David stubbornly and persistently, which made David a little embarrassed, and then he turned his head after all, and the flash in his eyes fell into Rooney's eyes.

"I Have a Scroll of Ghosts and Gods"

David could see a slight smile in Rooney's eyes, and seemed to be saying: I told you, he is the best actor, although David is very, very reluctant to admit it, but he rolled his eyes After that, he still replied, "Perfect!"

There is only one word, but that has exhausted all David's weight.

That's enough.

Rooney nodded lightly at David, "I think so too." After a pause, he continued, "He has been preparing for this scene for too long."

David thought it was three days or five days or something, because everyone knew that this scene was very difficult, and it was not surprising that Renly prepared in advance; but I always felt that there was more deep meaning hidden in Rooney's words. David could not help but lean back, trying to distance himself a little, and carefully observe Rooney's expression.

But Rooney didn't give David any more chance, and showed a smile, "I'll go over to see his condition." After speaking, Rooney bypassed the monitor and walked in the direction of Renly.

David's eyes were fixed on Rooney's back, thoughtfully, and then a faint smile appeared in his eyes.

Rooney stepped lightly and came to Renly's side. At this time, Renly was still lying on the ground. Even though David announced that the shooting was over, he did not stand up, but just lay quietly on the ground, still maintaining Horton's posture, In such a scene, it is difficult not to remind people of the previous situation of "Boom Drummer".

Rooney didn't hesitate too much, she moved lightly, and lay down next to Renly, using the ground as a bed, and lay down face to face with Renly.