The Greatest Showman

Chapter 2476: 2476 Slow down


"Have you ever imagined in your mind that we stand in front of the camera, facing each other, and then act in a fierce confrontation, what would that look like?" Renly still closed his eyes, but the thoughts in his mind But it began to surging, and the tentacles of thought gradually stretched out.

Rooney understands what Renly means. Although they have worked together in "Gravity" and "Mind Hunter", they don't have the kind of tit-for-tat and sparking rivalry more often than not - of course, there is no you or me. The love scene is indeed a topic worth discussing.

"Actually, I never imagined it." Rooney raised her chin slightly, thinking seriously, "I once imagined how I would present Andrew if I were to perform 'The Popping Drummer', but the answer was very difficult, I'm not 100% sure if I'm able to express that feeling. If I were to act on the opposite side of you, well... it would be very interesting, what's the idea in your head?"

"I'm not so sure."

Renly pondered for a moment, even if Rooney didn't open her eyes, she could feel the excitement in Renly's voice, and her anticipation rose.

"What do you think, the killer and the hunted? I mean, not a simple killer and a target, but a neurotic killer, cold-blooded and cruel, without any sympathy and no empathy..." Renly pieced together the fragments of inspiration in his head.

"You mean, anti/social psychopath?" Rooney understood immediately.

"Well... you can also say the same thing. I'll set it up like this for the time being. I'm not sure." Renly's thoughts were still not clear, but he had a vague concept.

"Then the hunted person is an ordinary person who is accidentally involved in the killer's mission and becomes a witness, which also forces the killer to cut down the roots; but the killer accidentally falls in love with this ordinary person..."

"Renly! Vile alert!"

"Haha, listen to me, it's not 'love' in the traditional sense, it's a kind of... a mysterious hormonal attraction, like the intuitive attraction of a beast, uncontrollable and indelible. More importantly, this name Killers have no ability to empathize, even love cannot awaken humanity, so the killer kills the witness's family, lovers and friends, and the ultimate goal is to kill the witness."

"Then the witnesses launched a counterattack and evolved into an anti-chaser. At the same time, the witnesses could also feel the tension of the hormonal attraction. While gnashing their teeth at the killer, they could not resist the agitation of the original instinct, which made the The relationship between two people is like a tango, exploring each other, spying on each other, chasing each other, and at the same time, both are resisting each other."

"Heaven Comes"

"Obviously, this witness's ordinary life is too boring, and he is also eager for blood and adventure in his heart. On the one hand, he is looking forward to a killer-like exciting life, but on the other hand, he cannot get rid of his empathy for human nature. Ability to avenge his family and friends, the contradiction between that drive and the original impulse begins to tear the whole soul, and every day is in hell."

"No, it shouldn't be hell, it should be happy while suffering, knowing that it shouldn't be happy but unable to refuse that pleasure, this is the shackles of witnesses; and for killers, it is the opposite, lack of Empathy means cold-blooded, yet irresistible hormonal instinctual attraction, in this dangerous game, both of them are taking risks on the edge of their own bottom line."

"It's like tango."

"And what about the end?"

"It's definitely not a happy ending, or it's another 'Mr & Mrs. Smith'."

At the beginning, Renly was expounding, Rooney was listening, he was pulling the inspiration from his mind bit by bit, and constantly throwing out vague outlines; in the end, it evolved into a conversation between Renly and Rooney. They complement each other, correct each other, and collide with each other for inspiration.

Then, thoughts collided with sparks.

Rooney closed her eyes tightly, but she could still notice the slightly raised corners of her mouth, "Maybe we can try to transform our ideas into printed words, remember? We should also prepare for the reverse script you mentioned earlier, Paul and Ryan are still waiting."

"Good idea!" Renly remembered immediately—

The project that was mentioned with Rooney Mara, Paul Walker, Jessica Chastain, Anne Hathaway, etc., they can play themselves or write characters for friends, assigning each other to play an ideal Then, like the "Doomsday" of the Rotten Boys, they are pieced together with a main story line, and eventually evolved into a story, truly creating a pure and retro comedy film.

"I should get in touch to see Paul and Ryan, and by the way, I should also give Jack a call, and he should be more than happy to play a role."

Renly's voice became cheerful again, but before he could finish the words, a voice came from beside him, "...what project, would you like to count me a share?"

Renly and Rooney both opened their eyes, and then they could see David Finch standing above their heads, looking at them with a helpless expression.

Renly and Rooney exchanged glances, and Renly showed a smile, "Of course, if you'd like to join, that would be great."


Rooney couldn't help laughing: Is David throwing himself into the net? And, David Fincher making a comedy movie? This picture is somewhat unimaginable.

David didn't know that he had stepped into a trap, and still focused on his work, "I know, you may really need a little time to rest, but why don't you lie down in the ward? Otherwise, you will continue to lie here, We may have letters of protest from the Screen Actors Guild."

Cold joke, but very funny.

Renly and Rooney sat up one after the other, Renly stood up first, and then extended her right hand towards Rooney to help Rooney stand up.

David observed all of this with curiosity, "Even so, you can still maintain etiquette? So do nobles have special training for such accidents?" After the words were spoken, David waved his hand, because he himself I also feel that this question is too stupid, the point is too ridiculous, "Forget it."

"Yes, we have such training." Renly replied.

David was dumbfounded.

Ren Lizhan showed a smile, "What was the effect of the scene just now?"

"..." David paused, "what if I said we need to reshoot?"

"First, I will agree; second, I will ask, what needs to be adjusted." Renly gave the answer.

It seems that nothing has changed, but David can faintly feel the confidence in Renly's words. The calmness that radiates from the inside makes people look sideways, which makes David frown slightly, showing a look of doubt. , "Are you... getting out of the slump?"

"Not quite," said Renly, smiling. "It's still going to take me a while, but I've found the track. To be precise, today's scene put me back on track, so I'm more than happy to accept more. The challenge keeps me on the right track."

David was relieved, nodded lightly to show his understanding, and said meaningfully, "Wow, even if you haven't fully recovered, you can still perform like this. I really don't know if it's arrogance or self-confidence. I don't like it. To be precise, I No way! Now I finally know why I can't like you anymore, God."

Renly didn't mind at all, "Because you saw the mirror?" In short, David, like Renly, was a megalomaniac.

David shrugged lightly, without denying it.

There was a smile in Renly's eyes, "Then can I understand that there is no need to reshoot the scene just now?"

David still didn't speak, just tilted his head from side to side and put on a critical expression, as if he was not satisfied with Renly's performance.

But Rooney exposed David's disguise, "David said there was no problem, this scene has been passed smoothly."

"Rooney!" David was very dissatisfied that the guy turned his elbows out.

As a result, Rooney faced David calmly, and her slightly flickering eyes seemed to be saying: Or should I tell Renly what you said

David shut up immediately, he would not admit that he just said that, absolutely not!

Then, David looked at Renly, "Yes, there's nothing wrong with this scene. Next, let's change the angle and shoot a few more shots." While watching, he said obediently, "It's just, I think, Cameron may need you to calm down. He... uh, his state seems to be frightened."

"Oh, poor Cameron." Rooney exclaimed.

Renly laughed dumbly, "Okay, leave it to me, I'll go talk to him, give us five minutes, and we can work again."

After finishing speaking, Renly took the initiative to walk towards the ward where Cameron was, and the steady pace faintly revealed a calm atmosphere again.

David and Rooney stood side by side, watching Renly's back, and then David took the initiative to say, "Did he really do it?"

Rooney shrugged, "Because this is the source of his passion." Just like professional players in competitive sports, training is always just training, and it is impossible to simulate the pressure of a real game. Some players are more enthusiastic about the game. Only in the pressure of the game can the potential burst out.

Renly is a competitive player. He needs actual combat, he needs immersion, he needs to invest, and only in this way can he truly feel the existence.

David paused and added, "You like him very much?" I never knew it before, but how could David not notice when the filming process of "Mind Hunter" came down? What's more, the scene just now is the best proof.


Rooney replied in this way, there was no oath, no sweet words, just a simple affirmation, but it expressed her intentions loud and clear.

David sighed softly, "Then he'd better make you happy." It sounded like an old father scrutinizing his daughter's first date.

This made Rooney's eyes overflow with a smile.

After a moment of silence, David suddenly said, "Is he not a penguin?"

"David!" Rooney had to admire David's head and complained helplessly.