The Greatest Showman

Chapter 2481: 2481 Three-way transactions


Thierry's finely wrinkled face, with a genial and confident smile, seems to have collapsed in front of the mountain without changing its color. There is a deep scrutiny and inquiry in his eyes. It penetrates from the inside out, and you can clearly feel it with every gesture, every word and deed.

Compared with Kevin Tsujihara and Bob Iger, Thierry is more like Katherine Kennedy, but Thierry is more proud, and even has a kind of arrogance in his bones. Whether he did it on purpose or not, whether it was active or passive, there was a lingering arrogance in his words and deeds.

Renly would not feel aggression, though. In many cases, arrogance and ego are the character of every artist, and their alienation from everyday society is precisely the source of inspiration for artistic creation - Renly himself is the same, but his edge is hidden under the mask of a gentleman.

"You, still haven't given up, have you?"

Faced with Renly's temptations and speculations, Thierry did not answer or back down, but launched a counterattack, with a bit of edge in his words.

Renly laughed lightly, "It's only a few months away from the Cannes Film Festival. If I changed my mind now, then I wouldn't have to spend so much effort." In an understatement, he made a big effort, and then Taijiquan took advantage of it. He threw the topic back to Thierry vigorously, "It's just that I didn't expect that we would meet again so quickly. I thought, at least we need to wait for next year's Cannes Film Festival."

The subtext is: What is the purpose of Thierry's visit? Is it also for the Don Quixote channel? The outcome of the last meeting was not good, and now in just a few months, Thierry has changed his mind

Even if Renly didn't sneer or attack, the teasing and ridicule of the needle hidden in the cotton made Thierry chuckle, "I've heard it for a long time, you don't like entertaining guests very much, but I didn't expect that this is how friends are treated. I'll take care of myself the next time I pass through New York."

"Friend?" Renly raised his tail and expressed his doubts, "I thought we were just in a business relationship."

Thierry, however, still refused to give in, "A colleague is a colleague, a colleague is a friend, and a nodding friend is a friend. This is my definition of a friend."

"It's no wonder that the Cannes Film Festival has friends all over the world. For business, this is obviously a good thing." Renly replied unhurriedly.

Thierry prides himself on being an eloquent person. He is not afraid of confrontations and eloquent debates, but in the face of Renly, he has a feeling of being unable to do anything. That invisible sense of blockage makes the atmosphere of the conversation. It becomes difficult in silence, and then the pressure slowly builds up.

Sure enough, the rumored Renly was not that easy to deal with; moreover, the charm of the conversation was indeed hard to disgust.

"Isn't it Renly's friend?" How could Thierry easily disarm and surrender, and quietly, he also threw a bombshell, "I heard that Arthur is in Tokyo, meeting with Hayao Miyazaki. , oh, no, to be precise, it should be Koji Hoshino, that's on the other side of the earth."

Hayao Miyazaki, the great creator behind cartoons like "Spirited Away", "Howl's Moving Castle", "My Neighbor Totoro", "The Wind Rises", "Princess Mononoke" and many more; Koji Hoshino, Ghibli Chairman of the studio. At the Oscars ceremony earlier this year, the Oscars presented Miyazaki with the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Arthur Hall is in Tokyo and is trying to negotiate with Studio Ghibli, hoping to create a channel dedicated to them in the Don Quixote channel and win the rights to broadcast all of Studio Ghibli's works online in North America.

It wasn't Renly's idea, it wasn't Andre's, it was Arthur's.

Obviously, there is no doubt that the United States loves and supports Hayao Miyazaki's works. In the animation market, Studio Ghibli's status is comparable to that of Pixar. Since the Don Quixote Channel cannot own the copyright of Pixar's works, they can at least Try approaching Studio Ghibli.

In this regard, Renly expressed his absolute approval. If it can really happen, it will be a good thing for the audience, because many works of Studio Ghibli have not been officially released in North America. The group is still not fully open.

It's worth mentioning that Tokyo isn't Arthur's only stop in Asia.

It can be seen that what Sisyphus Pictures is seeking is indeed changing the entire film industry, but the mainstream market in North America is still not optimistic about the prospects of online streaming, they think Don Quixote is just another "online rental business" , just like Netflix four years ago.

North America is the insider, while Thierry is the outsider.

After jumping out of the North American framework, Thierry can see the blueprint of Sisyphus Films. Those who think that this is the second DreamWorks are absolutely wrong, because their thinking direction is still the traditional film industry, but Renly's The thinking angle has stood at the level of the Internet age.

The Internet itself is spread all over the world, and the speed and mode of dissemination are faster and more diverse than the traditional film industry.

Does this mean that Don Quixote can really become an extension of the cinema

"It's true." Renly admitted it bluntly, which surprised Thierry a little, and then he could see Renly's eyes projecting over, "Mr Fummer, please don't get me wrong, we didn't try to hide our tracks. , Venice, Berlin, Cannes, and now Tokyo, always.”

Renly didn't like the insinuations in Thierry's words, as if he was doing something bad behind his back, the point is, he calmly talked to Thierry about the plan, and Thierry refused, and they were at peace with each other; And now Thierry has come to New York with another appearance of being "betrayed"

No, Renly would not accept such an accusation.

Thierry could sense the sharpness and firmness in Renly's eyes, and the powerful aura came over him, which made him suffocate: young people are different after all, they have something they long for but cannot reach.

Thierry realizes that he has to show something, otherwise this conversation will continue, and he will only get worse and worse, which is obviously the correct rule of business transaction negotiation, but Thierry always feels as if he is falling behind. Downwind, that kind of suffocation is not good, he doesn't like it.

"How about it, are you willing to come to Cannes to serve as the chairman of the jury?" Thierry threw the first heavyweight, he could see the confusion in Renly's eyes, which made Thierry back a little bit of a disadvantage, Then he went on to throw out a second heavyweight, "Cannes is considering signing a contract with you to allow our works to be played on your platform, but it is just an idea at the moment, and we need to discuss further about the specific cooperation."

Wait, that means... Cannes was the first to get an olive branch

Among the three major film festivals in Europe, the first to extend the olive branch is still Cannes, which is unexpected but reasonable, but Renly is even more curious:


It's only been five months since the May Talk, why did Cannes change its mind? Even if the development trajectory of the last generation has deviated from the track, according to Renly's estimates, it will take at least three years for the three major European film festivals to be willing to face the impact of online streaming media.

So, what exactly has changed the situation now

"You don't look very happy, I thought this is what you need." Thierry raised his eyebrows on both sides, very satisfied with the shocking effect he brought, and the initiative was back in his hands.

Renly chuckled lightly, "Because I know that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Everything has a price, and I'm more curious about how much I have to pay?" Seeing that Thierry was about to speak, Renly continued Added a sentence, "Please don't tell me, it's just for the chairman of the jury, we are not so simple, this kind of deceptive and beautiful words, one or two sentences are good, too much is stupid."

The chairman of the jury is very important, very important. Renly served as the chairman of the jury at the age of 26, breaking the record of the three major film festivals in Europe. Cannes can gain countless attention, and the commercial benefits should not be underestimated, and may even affect Cannes The layout for the next five or even ten years.

But not enough, it's still far from enough, and it's too far from online streaming rights.

Thierry was not surprised either, showing a smile, "It seems that I didn't explain clearly, it's not the main competition unit, but a focus unit."

Renly did not speak, but listened carefully.

"A kind of attention unit every year, if you can't find the copyright in the market during the festival, then we will recommend them to go to the Don Quixote channel, we will not interfere with any profit distribution, just provide a platform, and the specific transaction is up to you. Negotiations, and ultimately acceptance or not, are up to the producers themselves.”

Having said that, as long as Cannes is willing to recommend it, it is equivalent to making a guarantee that the Don Quixote Channel can also ensure a fixed source of works. Easy and simple, and more importantly, the quality of the work is also guaranteed.

For Cannes, it is a business without capital. What they rely on is the halo of the title of "Cannes Film Festival", but in fact, they also need to face disputes and challenges from France. All these pressures will fall on Cannes. Quixote Channel does not need to face the arrow head on.

Indeed, it was a reasonable attempt - for Thierry it was a test of the waters, and they could withdraw at any time if it didn't fit.

According to this plan, then the Don Quixote channel is a bit of a loss, spending so much effort, only to get one "one kind of attention unit"

"Are you sure that's all?" Renly wasn't ecstatic, but made more "greedy" demands. "Only one unit of focus?"

"Please don't take an inch." Thierry shook his head and refused to respond.

Renly pursed the corners of his mouth, "Then let's put it on hold for the time being." Renly said neatly without any hesitation, and then slowly picked up his coffee.