The Greatest Showman

Chapter 2487: 2487 Emergency


Just now, what happened

The whole office floor is in a kind of stagnant confusion, and they need a little time to process their thoughts, things are not that simple.

Until a figure stood up slowly, like a gopher, and asked hesitantly, "Can someone confirm that the man who appeared just now is... Renly Hall?" Strong insecurity, seems to be doubting his own eyes.

"I guess yes," someone next to him replied, "but I'm even more curious about why Matthew left with Renly?"

Then the magic was lifted, and the bustling and chaotic discussions continued to surge, but for no reason, everyone lowered their voices and talked in a low voice, but the excitement and excitement in their eyes were not. It couldn't be suppressed at all, and it was bubbling up.

Renly Hall

That... Renly Hall

Even if they don't have any interest in movies, even if they don't care about entertaining characters, no one will not know Renly, and that high-ranking Renly actually shows up at their work? And also took their senior partner Matthew? What's the story here

Wait, Renly

After a lot of slow shots, my thoughts gradually came back to my senses, shock and astonishment rushed like a stormy sea, and then I couldn't sit still anymore.

"Ah. Ah!" Instead of screaming, she sighed, and Lily finally came to her senses, "Meeting? What about the meeting? Do you still need to convene a meeting?"

Matthew just had a meeting and just walked away like that? Matthew interrupted the morning meeting, what does that mean? Renly is escorting Renly away and then coming back? Or come back in the afternoon? Or left early today? What about the morning meeting and the Chase meeting

The amount of information was a bit large, and Lily felt that she couldn't handle it. She was a little hypoxic. She felt that she needed a break. So, her knees softened, and she squatted down after all, gasping for breath, and finally regained her senses. Come on, and start thinking: I need a cup of coffee, and a bar of chocolate.


Renly took a bar of chocolate from his pocket and handed it to Matthew.

Matthew ignored it, rolled his eyes, and squinted at Renly coldly. He didn't need to say anything, but his attitude was clear; Renly didn't mind, he peeled off the package and threw the chocolate into his mouth. Then taste it carefully, chewing it very carefully.

After a while, Renly took another piece of chocolate out of his pocket and handed it over, "Chocolate?"

Matthew, "..." But still ignored Renly, clutching the steering wheel with both hands, looking straight ahead, and continuing to drive intently.

The morning rush hour has passed, and the hustle and bustle of New York has dropped a little. Although the streets are still full of traffic, they will not be blocked in the traffic and unable to move. Walking through the busy city that is gradually awakening, there is a different kind of feeling. Feeling, with a damp breeze blowing, Renly and Matthew took only half an hour to drive across the George-Washington Bridge to New Jersey on the other side of the Hudson River.

"Are you sure the address is correct?"

"… uh, that's an answer full of pitfalls."


"I just need to make sure, there's no need to be in such a hurry, you know, I'm not very sensitive to addresses and numbers, but at least we're in New Jersey and we're on track."

"…Please tell me who's coming to New Jersey on Thursday morning. No, exactly, who's coming to New Jersey?"

"I don't know either... For example, fans of the New York Giants and the New York Jets? How? You should know that the NFL's Thursday night game is the most popular sporting event."

"Renly. I need the exact address."

Ma Xiu's face was so gloomy that water could drip, and he said word by word. Even an idiot should know that Matthew is on the verge of breaking out; however, Renly seems to be unaware, spreading his hands, muttering in a low voice, "Someone must have eaten gunpowder today," while casually carrying around in his backpack. I rummaged through and finally found a book... "Lonely Planet (Lo)".


"Lonely Planet"? Travel guide "Lonely Planet"

Is this a joke

Matthew's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he glanced at Renly in disbelief. If he hadn't been driving on the road, he would have stretched out his hand and pinched Renly's neck by now.

Just before the volcano erupted, Renly looked delighted. "Where? Right? Matthew, look, where?"

Not far from the street, next to a car repair shop, there was a red and yellow mobile dining car, and there was a long queue in front of the dining car, and there were at least thirty people.

Notice! This is North America, with a vast area and few people. As long as there are more than ten people in line, it can be considered as a "long queue"; what's more, this is New Jersey, not New York. To a team of more than 30 people, it is really scary.

"Hot dog cart without a name, considered the best hot dog to try on the entire East Coast."

"The operator is a Mexican, and out of his love for hot dogs, he has developed his own exclusive spicy sauce, as well as yellow mustard honey sauce and special ketchup; he has just the right heat, always able to To keep the hot dog crispy and chewy, the onion, cabbage and carrot toppings provide an extra option to add a little sweetness to the hot dog.”

"Every day, the limited supply of 500 hot dogs is sold out, and the stalls will be closed.

Renly was reading the introduction of "Lonely Planet" aloud, not noticing Matthew's colder and darker face, his words full of excitement.

"The Guard is Here"

"Renly, is this what you mean by urgency?" Matthew gritted his teeth, the tight shoulder line and jawline revealing that his suppressed anger was about to stir.

As if he still didn't feel it, Renly said, of course, "Yes." Then, he patted Matthew on the shoulder, "We have to hurry up or we might miss it, who knows if those people will Buy twenty or thirty, I don't want to go all the way for nothing."

While talking, Matthew had already parked the car on the side of the road, and then Renly opened the door and ran towards the tail of the team moving the dining car excitedly.

Matthew sighed and was pressed firmly in his chest like this:

hot dog

Is it for hot dogs

Renly forcibly interrupted his morning meeting and forced him out of the Chase case meeting and drove thirty minutes just for the hot dog

And that's what Renly calls an emergency

Matthew's muscles tensed up. He used all his strength to control his urge to swear. He suppressed his emotions abruptly. He let out a long sigh and regained his calm before opening the car door. He walked down and walked in the direction of Renly.

"Hey, you're… you're Renly?"

The line that was queuing began to riot, and Matthew felt helpless and had to speed up—

Renly didn't wear anything at all, no hat or sunglasses, so he appeared so loudly, passers-by only needed a glance to easily find Renly passing by; and now that Nathan and Roy were not there, they could only rely on him.

"I heard that the hot dogs here are the best on the East Coast, and I thought, how can I miss it? I have to make a special trip to New Jersey to experience it." Renly didn't mind at all. Chatted with the other party, which made Matthew a little helpless.

"Hey, this is my friend, Matthew, we've come here for a hot dog." Renly even warmly introduced Matthew.

The crowd in the queue became agitated, and someone at the front said loudly, "Renly! Please come here, there is no need to line up, we are willing to let you buy first", "You are a guest from afar, and it is not easy to come here from New York. Easy", "We are willing to share our food with real foodies"…

Although Renly waved his hands repeatedly and refused, saying that he could queue up to buy them, the enthusiasm of the people could not be rejected. The chubby bearded person at the front even bought ten directly, and generously distributed them to Renly and Matthew. Roots, so that they can be the first to taste this hot dog.

Renly chatted with the people in the queue, and even with the owner of the mobile food truck, and the warm and friendly atmosphere spread over the street, which made Matthew more and more out of place - but although Matthew never spoke, he Still didn't turn around and leave.

"Is this big man your bodyguard?" Nearby residents who heard the rumors appeared one after another, and the surroundings of the mobile food truck became more and more lively.

Renly looked at Matthew's frosty face and laughed. "He's the best lawyer in the UK. It's a waste of time to just be a bodyguard."

According to the past, Renly would try to avoid such crowded places as much as possible, and even if it appeared, he would not stay for too long, but left as soon as possible; but today, Renly stayed for a long time abnormally, chatting and laughing with everyone was extremely lively, not only Tasted hot dogs and learned about nearby "sightseeing spots"—

Does anyone really come to New Jersey for tourism

Even Matthew was forced to taste a hot dog, "I know you didn't eat breakfast, and you rejected the chocolate just now, I think you really need some energy, it's a long day, and I need your attention. The concentration. Honestly, the hot dogs here do have their own flavor.”

No other words matter, but "it's a long day", what the hell is going on? Matthew faintly felt an ominous foreboding.

Standing next to the mobile food truck, Renly became a "temporary sightseeing spot", and all the nearby residents were dispatched. Matthew even suspected that they had notified his relatives and friends that before the others drove to "sightsee", Renly Finally realizing the seriousness of the problem, he turned and left with Matthew.

The bustling crowd behind them waving goodbye is definitely a spectacle.

Matthew's only worry was that Renly wouldn't be able to leave smoothly, and the crowd might create an accident; but fortunately, the things they worried about didn't happen, and they left without a hitch.

However, Matthew's ominous premonition came true - "We still have a place to go."