The Greatest Showman

Chapter 2490: 2490 swept in


what happened

Why won't the refrigerator door close


Anxiety is burning fiercely, the beating of the heart is slamming against the chest, it is getting faster and harder, and the savage force seems to be trying to break out of the ground. The panic and anxiety make the body unable to restrain it. He trembled slightly, and even his breathing began to quicken.

what happened

What exactly is going on

Why won't the refrigerator door close? Why? Damn chicken breast, damn it! Those damn chicken breasts! Why doesn't the refrigerator door always close

Breathing, he was about to be unable to breathe, his heart seemed to be bursting, and the pain without warning swept through like this.

What to do, what should he do




What the hell happened to the refrigerator door? The damn refrigerator! He felt like he was about to suffocate.

Standing in the study, Renly heard the sound of the refrigerator slamming. At first, he thought it was just Matthew who missed and closed the refrigerator door carefully, and then the sound came out; The more panicked and the more rapid it became, revealing a deep sense of unease.

Putting down the book quickly, Renly rushed all the way to the kitchen, and then saw Matthew standing blankly at the door of the refrigerator, covering his chest with his hands, breathing extremely fast, as if he was starved of oxygen, on top of his cold face Filled with panic, it even captures the breath of fear.

"Matthew?" Renly called out, but Matthew didn't answer. This kind of Matthew was too abnormal, which made Renly have a ominous premonition and called out, "Charles? Charles!"

"I think there's something wrong with me." Matthew gasped, shaking uncontrollably.

"What do you mean? What's wrong? Are you sick?" Renly tried to help, but didn't dare to approach easily, because Matthew looked like he was going to collapse at any moment.

"..." Matthew shook his head and shook his head just like that, "I don't know... I..." Matthew's voice disappeared in his throat, and then suddenly burst into tears, he clenched his fists and tried to straighten himself down, but the tears still fell uncontrollably, "I don't think something is right with me."

"What's wrong?" Renly asked anxiously, searching for the phone in the corner, trying to ask for help.

But the phone wasn't on him at all, which made Renly panic too.

"I think I just had a panic attack and I can't stop..." Matthew also felt so unfamiliar, never experienced himself like this, "I don't know, Renly, I don't know... you... you can put Take these things away? Please, take them all away."

"What? What?" Renly wondered.

"I don't know, I don't know, I don't know!" Matthew couldn't breathe at all, even with his mouth wide open, he still couldn't feel the oxygen.

"What? Chicken breasts? Do you want me to remove them?" Renly noticed the chicken breasts scattered all over the floor.

But Matthew couldn't answer.

"Charles! Do I need to call 911? Do we need to go to the hospital? What the hell happened, Charles? Did you have a Heart-Attack?" Renly panicked.

"No, I don't know, no, no no no." Matthew just shook his head, just confused, he couldn't take it any longer, he pushed Renly away, turned and left the kitchen.

Renly stood there, his eyes blank: he knew something was wrong, but he didn't know how to help. Matthew was so unfamiliar.

Renly bent down, quickly picked up the chicken breasts scattered all over the floor, and stuffed them into the refrigerator, only to find that there was a box of chicken breasts tucked in the crack of the door, so that the refrigerator door could not be closed. After taking it out, he closed the refrigerator door smoothly. , then walked upstairs quickly and knocked on Matthew's room door.

The door was locked.

"Matthew, are you ready to go to bed?" Renly said loudly, knocking on the door.

"I need silence." Matthew's voice came from behind the door panel, but it was looming and very faint.

"Matthew, I don't think this is the best time for you to be alone." Renly shook his head in denial. "If you're going to sleep, then unlock the door."

"..." Matthew didn't answer.

"Matthew, I'll be leaving now and you'll be quiet, but you must unlock the door," Renly said again.

Matthew still didn't answer.


The door of the room was kicked open from the front, and the loud sound exploded like thunder. Matthew, who was lying on the bed, sat up abruptly, looking at Renly who broke into the door in disbelief, "You are crazy. Is it? Sebastian! I'm not a ten-year-old! I don't need your supervision! Do you know what you're doing?"

"I said, unlock the door! Charles, you know I refuse to accept 'no' as an answer, and you shouldn't challenge my bottom line." Renly didn't flinch at all. Matthew, "Did you have a nervous breakdown? Do we need to go to the hospital now? I know the experience..."

In Mindhunter, Horton experienced such a moment at the last moment, and Renly knew exactly what it was like.

"No! No no no no!" Matthew stopped Renly again and again, "Don't use your acting experience to simulate my state! No! You know I don't like it!" After venting, Matthew only felt tired for a while , that deep tiredness tugging at his ankle, he didn't even have the energy to maintain basic etiquette, "I'm just... I'm just a little crazy."

"No problem, everyone is allowed to be crazy, but I can't make you crazy with the door closed. Remember? The door to the room in the Prince's Garden was never locked. I didn't do it, and you don't allow it." Renly still refused to compromise, looking at Matthew, who had taken off his disguise, as if he had returned to Eton again.

At that time, Matthew had learned to disguise, but he was not good at it. He always defeated the mask easily, and then Matthew couldn't do anything about him, and he was helpless beside him. It used to be his favorite prank.

"If you go crazy every time you see a frozen chicken breast, then I think we might need to find a psychiatrist," Renly said solemnly.

Matthew raised his head speechlessly, looking at Renly in annoyance, anger, shame and irritability, and then, unable to control himself, his eyes turned red again, "I don't want him to stay in the freezer, You understand? It's like... like that damn frozen chicken breast. He's not... he's not..."

Renly's shoulders relaxed a little. "I know he's not. But there's nothing we can do, right? That's his children's decision."

Matthew just sat on the edge of the bed, crumbling little by little.

Renly let out a light breath, walked into the room, and sat down on the sofa opposite the bed.

Time passes slowly.

Then Renly's voice gently broke the calm, "Was it in Eaton last time you had a meltdown? It seems that I doodled because of your reading notes?"

"Go away." Without raising his head, Matthew cut off Renly's words simply and rudely, and the room fell into peace again.

Indistinctly, it seemed that the sound of a gust of wind was surging outside.

Matthew sat quietly in the same place, his turbulent emotions gradually calmed down, the panic and fear of the heart palpitations disappeared, and his reason finally came back, but he still couldn't think, he just felt so tired, and he didn't want to say a word of tiredness. That deep sleepiness was slowly eating away at his energy.

"The refrigerator isn't finished," Matthew whispered.

"I'll sort it out." Renly took the initiative to take over the job.

Matthew raised his eyes and glanced at Renly speechlessly, expressing deep suspicion.

Renly raised his hands. "Okay, I'll have the condo manager come upstairs to help, and I'll just play by the side, how about that? Is that more satisfying?"

Matthew nodded in satisfaction.

"..." Renly was speechless.

After a short pause, Matthew continued, "Renly, I'm going back to London for the funeral, or Glasgow."

"Well, do you need me to accompany you?" Renly nodded, not surprised.

Matthew lay back on the bed/on the bed, willfully maintaining a prone position - which is an incorrect sleeping position for nobles, and then said, "No, no." His voice became more and more lazy and more and more It's getting heavier and heavier, like drooping eyelids, drowsy escaping into the darkness, "I... I want to give him a ride myself. I need to... face Henry, face his children, I need to complete it by myself, As if you were escorting Heather."

"Yeah." Ren Li replied in a deep voice.

Matthew didn't speak any more, just fell into a deep sleep like this, his breathing gradually stabilized, his heartbeat gradually stabilized, and he finally found stability again.

But Renly still didn't leave, just sat quietly where he was, guarding Matthew like that, listening to the sound of time slipping away from his fingertips.

It wasn't until it was confirmed that Matthew was really asleep with exhaustion, no nightmares, no panic, and the steady breathing sounded softly in the night, Renly stood up and left the room lightly. But he still did not turn off the light, but left the cream-yellow lamp on the bedside table to dispel the darkness.

Standing at the door of the room, Renly let out a soft breath: After all, parting is still so difficult, even after experiencing it again and again.

Looking back at the door lock that was kicked and broken, now I finally don't have to worry about locking the door.

Back in the hall, wandering around, and finally found his phone in the key bowl at the door - although Renly didn't know why the phone was there, and then dialed Philip Demba's number.

"Well, I'm not going back. Matthew needs to go through this section by himself, but he's not in good shape. If Henry comes to the door, don't let him see Matthew. I don't like the way he handles things."

Renly's footsteps slowly came to the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the lights of Wanjia outside the window.

"Philip, can I ask you one thing? Please talk to Haight's children and let them accept Matthew's sponsorship to help Haight return to Glasgow. This is his last wish. I know this is a bit too much to ask for. , after all, your position is also a bit special, but I really hope you can help."

"Thank you, Philip."

"Also, please offer a bouquet of flowers for Haight in my place."