The Greatest Showman

Chapter 2491: 2491 backtracked


The floor where Matthew lives, just downstairs from Renly, standing in front of the window in the corner, the colorful night of New York City spreads out from under his feet, and the gorgeous and bright light spots outline the outline of the city, bright and noisy. Incomparable, but extremely quiet, there is a wonderful thrilling.

After a long time, Renly turned around and walked towards the kitchen. Looking at the hill-like thing in front of him, he couldn't help but start to worry; then he saw a pool of water in front of the refrigerator, and chicken breasts by the sink, opened it. After the refrigerator, you can still see the chicken breasts full to the brim.

Renly's gaze stopped, and he just stood in front of the refrigerator, staring blankly at the pile of chicken breasts, a little lost.


Renly didn't do anything, just turned off the refrigerator again, turned around and picked up the phone again, dialed another number, the phone rang for a while, and then went to voicemail; instead of leaving a message, he hung up the phone. , redialed again, waited for a while, the call was finally connected, and a slightly panicked voice came from the other end.


The unexpected situation caused Renly's mouth to rise slightly, "Andy, are you busy? I can call you later."

"Renly, I'm married and have a happy family, so I'm busy enjoying a two-person world with Mrs. Rogers, which I take for granted, you should learn to check the time before calling, otherwise , who knows." Andy complained angrily.

"Sorry, my rudeness." Renly didn't quibble, and simply admitted his mistake, "but you must admit that we have worked together for so long, and you have never invited me to your house, nor have you It was your mistake to introduce your wife and children to me."

"Who? Renly again?" There was a low voice from the other end of the phone, and it could be heard that Andy's wife didn't like Renly.

Renly pursed his lips and smiled. "Please apologize to Mrs. Rogers for me."

Andy didn't continue to dwell on these details with Renly, because he knew that Renly was very difficult to deal with, "So, it's one o'clock in the morning in New York, and you just called to tell me, what the hell happened today? You should know , the music festival has been completely messed up here, right?"

Although Renly left the airport and the driver was Nathan, they knew where Renly was going, but they didn't know exactly why.

"Don't worry, I'll be there tomorrow afternoon. You can book a flight, in the afternoon or evening." Renly didn't explain the reason, but just conveyed the result.

"Are you sure? There won't be another 'graduate' drama this time?" Andy didn't delve into it.

While it's a real shame that Renly missed the official opening and first day of the Pioneer Village Festival, it's not strictly a big deal.

All the parts of the festival are ready, they just need to open the curtain step by step, and Renly's absence will not cause paralysis; and Renly's performance is scheduled at the end of the last day, for the end of the festival, as long as If Renly was able to get on stage on time, it would be fine.

It was mainly because of Renly's temporary turn that disrupted the rhythm and deployment of the music festival, and everyone was unavoidably flustered, and they couldn't help worrying about whether Renly would be able to show up on time on the third day.

Facing Andy's jokes, Renly laughed lightly, "In order not to delay your family life, I'll make a quick decision. I'm calling to tell you..." Renly paused for a moment, "I'm going to play 'Manchester by the sea'." With that, Renly let out a long sigh of relief.

"What?" Andy was very surprised.

Because Renly isn't one of those "speak up" type on a whim, at least not at work. Now that Renly has turned down the project, there's no regrets; and now he's backing out, what the hell is going on

Also, the timing is worth looking into.

Renly didn't hesitate, and officially made up his mind, "Yes, you heard right, I've already made my decision."

Andy was stunned, "... uh... But, as far as I know, they have already started negotiating new candidates, Matt Damon seems to have recommended Casey Affleck, I can't be completely sure, but I can be sure , they are indeed looking for new actors. Renly, what the hell happened?"

Andy was more worried about Renly's state than the Pioneer Village Festival or "Manchester by the Sea."

"Andy, I'm fine." Renly chuckled. "Trust me, I'm fine now, it's a fact."

Andy still did not dare to relax his vigilance.

"I know it's not a gentleman's act to go back and forth. I rejected them at the beginning, and now I regret it. This is also a trouble for them. But..." Renly thought about it seriously, and said solemnly, "But, I really want to be able to play this role in this movie.”

"Andy, if necessary, I'm willing to audition and compete fairly with the rest of the cast. Please be sure to express my apologies, and my sincerity," Renly said earnestly, while Andy got caught up in a brainstorm— Because he truly felt the enthusiasm and firmness in Renly's words:

The familiar Renly is back.

"Andy, I know it's not easy, sorry." Renly could see how troublesome Andy's job was.

"No, no, no." Andy finally came back to his senses, "It's okay, this is my job, and the things that offend people are left to me to solve." Andy was not worried about Kenneth- Lonergan, his attention was still on Renly, "Just, Renly, are you really sure?"

"Yes." Renly gave a neat answer.

Andy breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, I understand, leave it to me, you don't need to audition, you can start reading the script and prepare to act."

"So confident?" Renly chuckled softly.

Andy raised his eyebrows slightly, "Renly, please have some confidence in me, and please have some confidence in you, okay?"

"Ha, then I'll wait for your good news." Renly followed suit.

Hanging up the phone, Andy sat on the edge of the bed, thinking about it carefully, and then a smile couldn't help but bloom: Renly was finally back for real.

"What's wrong? Why did you laugh so brightly all of a sudden, you look like a bulldog!" His wife's grumbling groaning came from his ears, but Andy didn't care at all, he stood up and walked towards his wife. , "Renly asked me to say hello to you and express my sincere apologies."

Far away on the other side of the North American continent, Renly also hung up the phone, fixed his gaze on the dazzling night view of New York, then turned and walked towards the kitchen—

The small hills in front of him still have to be sorted out, otherwise, not to mention whether Matthew will explode directly, at least the kitchen may be in a mess, and all the food may be destroyed. Of course, the most important thing is that Matthew may explode in place, and he thinks it's better to sort it out.

But... where should I start

The nights that belonged to New York were still long, and who could have imagined that Renly was doing housework in the kitchen? Or, who can imagine such a picture

And the night that belonged to Indio was going on - at least for the Don Quixotes, who couldn't imagine what Renly was doing, and they didn't have time to think about it for a while because the Herald Village Music Festival wasn't officially there yet. The show, but their party has already begun.

No one can say no to the Pioneer Village Music Festival.

It sounds absurd. After all, this is a folk music festival, and it is only the first one. Even with Renly-Hall, its appeal is far from comparable to those of the top music festivals; but the Internet frenzy has taken on a different face. Little by little, give the Pioneer Village Music Festival a sacred mission—

The gathering place of Don Quixotes, the dream place of minority culture and minority groups, the cultural symbol of fighting against fast food culture and the frenzy of the Internet age that entertains to the death, the place of pilgrimage that emphasizes individuality and self, insists on dreams and beliefs, Just like... Woodstock back then.

In 1969, Woodstock was also the first rock festival held. It was hated by officials, ridiculed by mainstream superstars, and shunned by mainstream media, like a ghost party that only hippies would go to; but after the end of World War II. The decadence and depression, pessimism and pain that never dissipated gave Woodstock a different meaning and eventually developed into a symbol of the long history of American culture.

In 2015, so did Pioneer Village. Starting from the strong influence of Renly, but gradually deviated from the original track in the process of promotion, the social network has given this music festival more meaning, more important and more profound meaning:

From movies to music, from "Don Quixote" to "The Bursting Drummer" and so on, since Renly appeared on the small screen with "War in the Pacific", he has held on to himself, even while entertaining to death , In the torrent of the times when interests come first, he still did not change his original intention and pursued his dream wholeheartedly, which is called the contemporary Don Quixote.

However, hidden behind the name of Don Quixote has a deeper practical significance. When fast food culture begins to occupy the mainstream of people's spiritual life, can the space for artistic creation and philosophical thinking continue to survive? If the answer is no, will the meaning of human existence gradually disappear into nothingness? Because only by exploring the spiritual world beyond the material, human beings can determine their own existence:

Who am I, where did I come from, and where am I going.

This is the time-honored self-thinking of human beings. However, the fast-paced life under the fast-food culture is quietly destroying the thinking ability of the younger generation. So, where will human beings go

Renly's insistence is not just that of Don Quixote, but that of those who refuse to be overwhelmed by the tide of the times.

The problem is that everyone said that the torrent of the times has been unstoppable, and the fast food culture in the Internet age is becoming popular, so what should they do? Just let it go

No, of course not!

They should unite, they should gather, just like Woodstock back then, to express their ideas with practical actions!