The Greatest Showman

Chapter 2493: 2493 is not to be missed


"No one can say no to Renly!"

Unanimous, enthusiastic and impassioned shouts exploded, and then all the young people burst into laughter. Haha’s cheerful laughter surged in their ears, making Gavin dumbfounded, and some couldn’t keep up with the pace—from spirit to body All levels are like that.

What should he do

"Hey, how are you, do you want to come together?"

The call from the front sounded, Gavin came back to his senses, raised his head, he could feel the surging youthful vigor coming towards his face, just like a beam of sunlight creating a spotlight effect facing him directly, warm. Yangyang's excitement jumped lightly on the surface of his skin, and even Gavin's footsteps couldn't help but light up. He was now 100% sure that if he didn't come to Indio, he would definitely regret it.

Thank God he was there.

"Come on!" Gavin replied, and then quickly chased after him. Along the way, enthusiastic greetings were heard endlessly. Just less than 15 minutes after arriving at the scene, Gavin had already deeply felt the uniqueness of the music festival. Differently, the heart that was beating violently in his chest trembled slightly.

Nobody wants to miss the Pioneer Village Music Festival.

Leaving aside the title of "New Generation Woodstock" for the time being, missing "One Man's Concert" and "Dream Back to the Kerosene Lamp Bar", if they miss the Pioneer Village Music Festival again, then they may be forever Land and Renly are nowhere to be found—after all, Renly has so few live shows.

Don Quixotes in every corner of the world, lonely people in spiritual corners who still believe in "Don Quixote", all mobilized and can't wait to go to Indio, even before the official ticket release of the festival , they have already started to ask for leave, book accommodation, and arrange itineraries, not because they are certain that they can buy tickets, but because they are certain that they will never miss this opportunity whether they have tickets or not.

Absolutely not to be missed!

That was the case with Hope-Baze. As early as three months ago, she had taken a good leave, and then counted the days with her fingers, looking forward to it day and night - of course, so did Charlie Bowen, Originally, I didn't have much interest in music festivals, but I was also infected with enthusiasm by Hope, and I looked forward to it.

And William Taylor and Graham Hughes, and Chanel Laurent and Tessa Britton, and Timcy Leslie, and and and... all the familiar Don Quixote's friends all made their itinerary tacitly, and decided to reunite again without saying hello at all.

Social work life made them say goodbye to those frenetic years for a short time, and they could no longer gather together day and night to talk and talk like they were in their student days. The connection never breaks.

Last year, at the Oakland premiere of "Super Marines", many Don Quixotes responded to Renly's call at the beginning of the year. They had a small gathering for a while, but that time was still small, and the power of the animation was still there. Slightly insufficient; however, this time is different, all expectations and hopes release energy, no need for words or calls, they can be connected with each other, and they sprint in the same direction from the north to the south.

"My Healing Game"

This enthusiasm alone is full of hope.

This is a feast!

Not just a feast for folk or music lovers, not just for Don Quixote, this is a feast for all those who still have a little hope and enthusiasm for life and dreams come together for a final carnival:

As if the end of the world is coming tomorrow, all the energy of life is swaying freely, dancing, singing, laughing, suffering, happy, sad... Life is as gorgeous as summer flowers, and death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves, truly Let life bloom and burn to the last drop of blood.

Everyone, literally everyone, temporarily put down their age and gender, temporarily put down their jobs and titles, temporarily put down their identities and roles, and removed their disguises and masks, and just simply become themselves, the purest and simplest self, in the desolate In the desert, back to the original.

In the crowd, Paul Walker and Ryan Gosling can be seen laughing, and Edith Hall, Rooney Mara and Jessica Chastain can be seen whistling at passing handsome guys. You can see Jake Gyllenhaal getting drunk, and Scarlett Johansson dancing in a coquettish red dress... No one is surprised, no one is watching, everything is so natural.

Hope still clearly remembers that on the morning of the first day of the music festival, a homeless man with dreadlocks, wearing only a pair of dirty and torn overalls, was dancing around the stage ecstatically, and no one paid any attention to him. He didn't pay any attention to anyone, just immersed himself in the music, obviously in a sea of people, but it was like he was the only one in the whole world.

Forget me, wanton, but happy.

At that moment, Hope could also feel the sweetness and happiness in his heart overflowing, as if they could temporarily block all the disturbances of the world and society from the desert, and live in a lonely place where no one was disturbed. In the ground, talk to yourself without caring about the eyes of others.

During the day, the scorching sun and the scorching hot air almost scalded the skin, and the raging sandstorm continued, but they were still undisturbed, walking between different stages, dancing to their heart's content.

In the dark night, the moonlight is like water, and the shivering temperature makes people wrap a blanket, and then sit around the campfire, discussing, arguing, sharing, relaxing, listening to the wind and laughter all night long.

Time and space began to blur, lost their original meaning, isolated from the world but crowded with people, if this is the lonely place described in "The Beast", like the last oasis under the apocalypse, then Hope is willing to stay here, Water this land with your own enthusiasm and passion, and wait patiently for the moment when the desert gives birth to green leaves.

three days.

It seems that one second has just arrived in the Indio Desert, and the next second has come to an end. Before all the laughter and tears could be vented, the curtain of the carnival had begun to slowly descend, and the emotion of reluctance did not grow for the time being. Emergence, fiery enthusiasm but rising in the word-of-mouth discussion, because—

Renly is coming soon.

Renly, coming soon!

Just imagining it in my mind, the blood can't help gurgling again, and the heart is put on its wings early and soars towards the main stage.

At 6 o'clock in the evening on the third day of the festival, John-Legend was performing on the main stage, while the other side stages had finished their performances one after another, and the staff quickly removed some of the scaffolding that blocked the view in an orderly manner, allowing the entire desert. The line of sight became open and vast, and the endless flat ground allowed all eyes to gather on the main stage, and the brewing boom began to boil.

At the same time, at the eight major entrances of the music festival, the staff are carrying out the release work in an orderly manner. The long-awaited team at the entrance stretches out like a long dragon, and it is impossible to see the end at a glance. Still patiently maintaining the team, one by one completed the entry, and then all of them converged towards the main stage.

seventy thousand.

Eighty thousand.

One hundred thousand.

One hundred twenty thousand.

One hundred and fifty thousand.

According to the official incomplete statistics of the Pioneer Village Music Festival, more than 150,000 spectators gathered around the main stage at the last moment. The desert spread splendidly and colorfully, and the bright and strong colors vigorously became the majestic background, setting off the grandeur of the audience of 150,000 people.

No language can accurately describe the pomp of the scene, not even the tip of the iceberg.

Right in front of the main stage, the vast sea of people spreads out; right behind the main stage, the turbulent sea of people spreads out in a fan shape, and every corner within a radius of one kilometer is covered with crowds, forming a circle with the stage as the center. In the huge circle, the heat remaining in the gravel began to evaporate, and the temperature was slowly dropping, but the frenzy on the scene was endless, and the insignificance and greatness of human beings were so contradictory and so harmoniously collided.

It's perfect!

Hope's heart trembled slightly. Although she was only a tiny member of the hundreds of thousands of people in the audience, it was one after another like her that collectively constituted the brilliance of this vast feast, and they were writing history. , they are telling history, they are experiencing history.

Before the performance even started, Hope's vision couldn't help but blur.

John-Legend on the stage ended the performance of the last song. Amid the tsunami of applause and cheers from the audience, his voice trembled slightly, but he still controlled his emotions. , "Hey, Indio, I know you're not here for me."

As soon as the voice came out, the whole audience burst into laughter.

"Oh, you didn't deny it." John felt hurt. "Before the next guest comes on, there's a special guest performer coming on. I think you need to wait." John winked at the audience. Eyes, smug at his own mischief.

Then Ed Sheeran came up from the side stage, nothing fancy, because he was the host, not the guest performer, there was no need to be too formal.

Ed came to John, gave John a hug, and then stood in front of the microphone, "I know, you are all waiting for someone to appear on the stage, I took the initiative to apply, I hope I can introduce him to the stage. Because this is a person A valued friend, a great leader, and a cherished dreamer."

"It was him who made me understand the meaning of my dreams and made me stand on the stage. Six years ago, he sang with an ordinary boy on the street, making him believe that his dreams could be seen; and today, That boy stood on the stage with all the dreamers, waiting for him to come."

"Gentlemen and ladies, Renly Hall."