The Greatest Showman

Chapter 2496: The 2496 set sail


From "Another Light" to "First-Things-First", this is the call from Renly.

The vast sea of people, the vast world, those insignificant stars, no one cares and no one cares, abandoned in a corner that no one knows about, it seems that even existence has no meaning; but in the corner of the world, always With companions, they live silently and tenaciously.

If no one cares about their existence, then they must care about themselves, use their own actions to pursue their goals, and use their own hands to achieve gains. Since they can't achieve what they want, at least they should fight for their dreams, because this is the meaning of life.

As the song sang, "In the great world, you can never achieve what you want; put things first, and pursue what you deserve."

Renly, that's it.

As an actor, he always adheres to his own ideas and beliefs, and never compromises from works to roles. Therefore, he has become an actor he expects. Compared with those honors and trophies, every work, every character, every role A performance is the true portrayal of Renly's dream.

As a singer, he refuses to follow the trend, not only the music style, but also the frequency of album releases. Even though the first album was an incredible success, he still did not follow the trend and strike while the iron was hot, insisting on creating at his own pace. Come out with your own moving melody.

To put things first, Renly is selfish and determined in the pursuit of his dreams.

Everyone who appeared in Indio was no exception. They came to this barren land without hesitation to save the last trace of fire in their hearts; then, under the call of Renly, they burned brightly, The trend of sparks completes the prairie fire, burns all the troubles and scruples, but finds an oasis under the boundless desert.

With such a track, the prelude to Renly's second album is perfect!


The cheering craze in the audience is getting carried away, the whole brain is completely blank, except for excitement or excitement, the excitement firmly occupies all thoughts; then, the body instinctively finds the rhythm and rhythm, swaying with the drums, involuntarily immersed in the melody extricate themselves.

"It all started when I was twenty, my parents didn't care what I thought, so I left a note and turned and left, me, Matthew and my suitcase, out of the familiar comfort space, I set out to find my soul The journey of , this is not a sad love song about a girl or California, but about choices at the crossroads of life, and I sing it loudly:

In the big world, you can never achieve what you want; you must put things first, and pursue what you deserve. "

The lyrics are like epic poems, without fancy words, but for the first time in history, they really tell the story of Renly.

Everyone knows that Renly left the family of a hereditary nobleman and came to New York alone to start his career as an actor. As for his family background, it has only stayed in the vocabulary of "hereditary nobleman", and no one can really understand "Hall." "The pressure of the surname; it is only now that Renly speaks carefully about his past, the beginning of this great journey.

This is a journey to find your own soul.

How lucky is the audience, it is because of this that they met Renly, they have this moment, and they are standing in the desert of Indio. They just met each other.

"Once upon a time, before the troubles of youth and frivolity came, everything was brand new; the long night, the road that I walked alone could not see the end, the dream was the only companion who stayed by my side. Painfully let go of my pride and persuaded myself against my heart. Choose to forgive."

Renly, who had taken off his defenses and mask, stood in the center of the desert, bathed in the starlight, and sincerely shouted out his deepest wishes.

"I didn't want to be famous, I just wanted to sing. So I shouted:

In the big world, you can never achieve what you want; you must put things first, and pursue what you deserve. "

Sing as if no one is listening.

Dance to your heart's content as if no one is watching.

Live your life as if it were the end of the world tomorrow.

Renly grabbed the microphone stand with both hands, raised it high and then bent down heavily, venting all the thoughts and emotions deep in his heart like never before:

"Look up at the starry sky and make a silent wish, and I will tell the story along the way!"

The heavy and profound power contained in the song exploded unreservedly. In the rising high notes, octave after octave, Renly showed incredible control and release. In the meantime, the lights in the audience were collectively bright, and the stars all over the sky were venting down.

Rooney just looked at Renly quietly like this, carefully showing Renly her vulnerable side, Renly revealing her sincere side cautiously, all those pains and happiness, those bitterness and sweetness, all presented. , as if... as if he had finally been redeemed, and then stood on the stage and sang to his heart's content.

His imperfection made perfection.

Through the hazy vision, Rooney could see the traces of sweat dripping down Renly's high nose bridge, and then she clenched her fists and cheered with the audience, "Ahhh!" Screaming , just screamed, released completely, and the smile bloomed wantonly like this.

After the melody reached its peak, it did not continue to rise, but slowly softened, telling those beautiful and fragile important moments in detail.

"It all started with the moment I faced myself, and I'm still questioning the definition of who I really am; I've always been a thousand different possibilities, and only one of them can find the right path."

Obviously, this is about self-examination and debates about ego, id, and superego, but as Renly said, the real beginning is only by proving the self.

"Find the right track!"

"Find the right track!"

Renly murmured repeatedly in a low voice, then put the microphone stand back on the ground, stood with his legs spread apart, and raised his hands high, hitting the beat to the rhythm.

"In the vast world, you will never be able to achieve what you want; you must put things first and pursue what you deserve."

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The simplest four-quarter beat, without any fancy, hits the heartbeat gap with precision, and then hits one after the other.

"In the vast world, you will never be able to achieve what you want; you must put things first and pursue what you deserve."

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Rooney only realized at this moment that everyone else around her had raised their hands high and beat the beat along with Renly's movements.

Ryan Gosling had a bright smile on his face, and his eyes were as bright as the stars, which reflected the stars above the sky. He turned his head to look at Paul Walker, and then he could see Paul's iconic sunshine. Smiling, shouting the lyrics to Ryan's heart, and joining Renly in the chorus.

This doesn't seem to be too difficult.

Then her eyes swept over Rooney, Rooney took half a beat to react, and she also raised her hands and did as she did - this was her first time to participate in a music festival, she was a little strange and unfamiliar, but "dream" The memory of going back to the kerosene lamp bar" surged up again, and she couldn't help laughing along with it.

At this point, the melody accompaniment paused, but Renly was still high fives:

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The entire audience united, following Renly's movements, hitting the beat together, not only in front of the stage, but also in the vast crowd behind and around the stage.

Gavin could clearly see that whether he entered the venue or not, whether he was able to see the performance or not, he was firmly held together at this moment, raising his hands in unison and hitting the beat with Renly. , and then the applause was connected like a wave.

The collision of palm and palm can clearly feel the pain from the palm, but the slight tingling sensation makes the heart beat stronger and stronger. It seems to be stepping on the same rhythm, and you can clearly feel that a burning sensation is waking up.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

In the middle of the beat, Renly exclaimed without accompaniment, "Indio, let's call out the same thoughts deep inside."

There was no rehearsal and no notification. In the next second, all the audience involuntarily sang in unison:

"In the vast world, you will never be able to achieve what you want; you must put things first and pursue what you deserve."

When the song burst out of my chest, the joy and happiness were indescribable in words. It was like a fireworks festival that was blooming in unison. The whole desert was dotted with colorful fireworks. All the sounds converged to form a world of destruction. power to announce their existence.

"In the vast world, you will never be able to achieve what you want; you must put things first and pursue what you deserve."

Shouting and shouting, the smile blooms and the vision blurs. The burning pleasure makes everyone more determined and more focused.

Even if they are just a tiny ray of light, they don't give up easily.

Even if they are only a drop in the ocean, they also have moments of shining.

Their lives are up to them!

Not hesitating in my mind, nor hesitating in my mind, but shouting out loudly and loudly:

"In the vast world, you will never be able to achieve what you want; you must put things first and pursue what you deserve."

Starting today, starting from this moment, set sail!

This is a moment in history for the Pioneer Village Music Festival, and it is also an important moment for the Pioneer Village Music Festival to officially enter the stage of history.

Put things first and pursue what you deserve.

Adhere to yourself, every dream is worthy of respect.

The audience, 500,000 spectators, beat the rhythm and sang loudly, the echoes swirling in the depths of the desert for a long time, and even the nature became eclipsed - this group of audience, this group of participants, with their own The way has left its own mark in the long river of time.

This is definitely not millennial Woodstock, to be very sure.

Note: First-Things-First-rees