The Greatest Showman

Chapter 2500: 2500 World's End


"I cherish every minute and every second that the world can give me. I have read all the mountains and rivers. I have overcome all obstacles and thorns all the way. Even if my body is shattered, I swear that my life will not be in vain!"

The singing, soaring under the starry sky, is a neat ending, the performance stops, the melody stops, the singing stops, the audience can't help holding their breath, let the heavy and turbid breathing ring in the ears, the heart beat is the most The perfect rhythm, the flow of blood is the most perfect melody, the quietness and silence make the emotions leap up, pulling the corners of the mouth to bloom - this is their moment.

Even if the chest cavity erupts like a volcano, even after two hours of roaring and carnival, even if the muscles of the whole body are sternly protesting, even if the exhausted burnout is flowing in the blood, even if the desert wind at midnight is freezing cold, Their eyes are still shining.

"Fairy Wood"

Even if I'm shattered, I swear I won't waste my life!

Silence, making the blood boil and the heart beat clearer, and everyone raised their jaws, watching Renly, waiting for their captain to give orders!

In the sight, Renly raised his hands high and waved down heavily. The members of the band played the strongest sound together. After the heat wave that shocked the audience accumulated enough energy, it broke out again, roaring and shocking. There was a surging wave, and everyone jumped following Renly's footsteps.


Just beating in place, shaking my head vigorously, singing loudly and loudly, "Ooooooooooooooo", no lyrics, just humming the melody, let the melody slowly penetrate into your skin and blood, let it go The rhythm dominates your body and spirit, so you can fly freely and roam freely.

Then, Renly straightened his waist proudly, slammed his palm hard, and sang in unison with the band members, "Even if your body is broken! Even if your body is broken! Even if your body is broken! Even if you are broken!" , a sensation was brewing in the humming sound of the audience.

Build up! Build up! Build up!

That unbelievable energy continued to accumulate, like a drum beating lightly on the eardrum, pounding intensively, and the beating of the heart became more and more steady and strong.


The roar of the drum melody exploded, and Renly raised the microphone stand with both hands, shouted up to the sky, and sang loudly, "I give everything! I have no regrets! I give everything! I have no regrets!"

Such a simple and sincere melody hits the hearts of every listener so fiercely: How many people can stand at the end of their lives and say frankly and confidently: In this life, I have given everything, and I have nothing. What about regret? That wanton, that unrestrained, that certainty is enough to make thousands of souls feel small.

The true brilliance of life comes from depth and breadth, not length. Death is the common destination of all people, but the journey to the destination has different colors and rhythms, and only you can interpret it; you only have one life, please don't miss it.

"Even if I'm shattered! I swear I won't waste my life!"

"Even if I'm shattered! I swear I won't waste my life!"

The singing voice gradually rose amid the surging passion, the rising melody tore the tiny emotions in the voice, and then vented like a starburst. The audience couldn't help but look up and bathed in it, feeling the throbbing deep in their souls, trembling slightly, trembling slightly.

After climbing to the highest peak, there was a neat finish, and the lights went out in the audience, leaving only a spotlight lantern hanging over Renly's shoulder.

The sweaty Renly lowered his head, and the sound of rapid gasping came from the microphone. It seemed that even the hoarse breathing sound was so sexy, but it made the audience hold their breath involuntarily. Able to prevent the heart from jumping out of his throat, he couldn't help but straighten his toes and stare at the figure under the spotlight, his eyes full of admiration and admiration.

"I swear, I will live my life (I-Swear, I-Lived)."

Renly whispered softly, the almost whisper-like murmur, but burst into the ears of every audience member, but before he could react, the spotlight went out, all the excitement, all the excitement, all the excitement was just like this. Suddenly, everything came to an abrupt end.

ended. ended? Really, it's over

For two full hours of rave party, Renly not only sang all the tracks of the album "Icarus", which really showed everyone his exploration of the musical path; but also sang "Don Quixote". The classic tracks of the album satisfy the heartfelt wishes of the audience.

Just before his performance of "I-Lived," Renly said that this was the last song and that he would end tonight's performance with this special track.

As the song sings, even if you are smashed to pieces, your life will not be in vain.

Renly's bravery, Renly's firmness, Renly's recklessness, Renly's enthusiasm... All, all, are contained in this song.

Only Renly knew that the song was dedicated to Heather Cross.

After escorting Heather on his last journey in New Jersey, he wrote this song in a bar, for Heather, for himself, and for Don Quixote and thousands of people who have been disappointed in life - never put it down for the sake of life. Just, never give up on your dreams in order to survive.

Because life is not easy to go through once in the world, and compromise and compromise will only bring more grievances, which is not worth it.

Those self-proclaimed smart survivors always say that this is the law of survival, and this is the law of society. Indeed, it is "survival", not living.

The real life should be decided by oneself.

Renly sincerely hopes that when the deadline comes, everyone will be able to shout: I give everything, I have no doubts;

The last sound disappeared as the lights went out, and the entire Indio Desert realized that the show was over, the music festival was over.

But, is that so

What about the passion/passion surging in your chest? What about the excitement that stirs in your mind? What about the frenzy boiling in the veins? What should they do

No, this shouldn't be the end! This shouldn't be the end!

When they traveled long distances to reach the end of the world, when they awakened the hearts of pure children, when they were full of enthusiasm and revelry together... This should not be the end of the end, they still have many, many passions waiting to be shared, and they still have many, many stories Waiting to write.

They are like a flock of birds with no legs, as long as they land on the ground, they will end their lives. They keep flapping their wings, flying all the way, searching all the way, and persevering, and finally found a lonely place for them at the end of the world. Soaring towards the sun like Carlos at full speed, they gathered here bustlingly, opening their arms openly and enthusiastically, waiting for their ending, even if it was a tragedy.

But before the end comes, they will continue to flutter their wings vigorously, consume the last bit of energy remaining in their bodies, and cherish every minute and every second given by this world. So, the end is not yet reached, the end is not yet reached.

Wait, they need to wait.


Rooney stared at the empty stage in front of her with tears in her eyes. A happy and joyful smile bloomed in the tears. She just shouted with all her strength. Even though her knees were weak and her muscles were stiff, she still enjoyed herself. Release the little energy left in the body.

Shouting, shouting so loudly, this is the only thought in my mind.


Over and over, over and over again, shouting and shouting, the corners of the mouth rose, the pure joy stirred in my chest and bloomed proudly.

Turning her head, Rooney can see Paul Walker, Ryan Gosling, Jake Gyllenhaal, Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Chastain, Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone and more The figures of waiting, etc., they are bustlingly gathered together, fading away the gorgeous and dazzling halo, just returning to the most ordinary and simplest identity: themselves, standing on this barren desert with their own attitude, calling the same person's name.

Turning her head again, Rooney stared intently at the empty stage, the moonlight and starlight fell, slowly dispelling the ink-like darkness, but she didn't care at all, just stared at this stage, this one. A stage that belonged to Renly, a stage that Renly was destined for.

She knew that in this space, all of Renly's enthusiasm was hidden, and all of Renly's weight was carried. He will come back, because he is destined to belong here, and even if he turns around, he will not go far.

Arthur Hall, his eyes were full of tears, and even if they were wiped off, they were still blurred very quickly. In the end, he gave up and let himself stare at the stage with tears in his eyes, like a child.

Turning his head, Arthur could see Edith beside him, Chris Evans hugged Edith tightly, but at this time Edith was already crying, and there was no sound in the vast and magnificent sound of the audience. She cried out loudly with reservation, crying so sadly, as if she had suffered grievances.

Arthur laughed out loud and laughed at Edith, but then he found himself equally embarrassed, and the two of them were half a dozen.

This made Arthur turn his head again and look at the endless black stage in front of him. There was no light, but the stars were shining brightly. Although he could not see anyone, he could clearly and truly feel the traces left by Renly. It is the breath of freedom, floating in the sound of hunting wind.

"Hey, Arthur."

he said.

For the first time in history, he transformed into his true self, taking off his mask, taking off his armor, and giving up his arms, revealing his truest and purest self, standing in a barren desert, among the ruins at the end of the world. Finally, he was able to return to himself calmly.

Everything is because of the youngest son of the Hall family, the devil.

"Clap clap."

Arthur could feel a light tap on his shoulders, and when he turned his head, he saw Edith's face. Unprepared, Edith made an extremely ugly grimace, which frightened him fiercely. One jump, and then Edith can be seen laughing freely.

Tears were still on the cheeks, and the so-called noble etiquette had long since disappeared, but Arthur and Edith didn't care and didn't care, the smiles climbed to the corners of their mouths, and then, between the eyes, the two people They scrambled to raise their arms high, like a competition, and began to cheer and shout:


The sound was higher than the sound, and the wave was higher than the wave. The two refused to give up the compromise and shouted hoarsely. The enthusiasm and excitement in their voices were released without reservation. In this way, they became half a million points in the Indio desert. One of the most ordinary, the smallest, but also the most determined and powerful.

"Encore." Arthur turned to look at the stage.

"Encore." Edith also looked towards the stage.

You can hear your own voice, the sound of your heartbeat, and the sound of life's fireworks. This is the best way to live. They are lucky, because they found it and did it, even if they traveled all the way, they did it after all.


The audience roared!

At this time, Meadow Ryan was also shouting.

From the moment Renly began to sing "It's Not a Waste of Life", her tears could not stop, because she saw Renly in the melody and singing, who was waiting beside Paul's hospital bed but still went to the studio to complete the work. The Renly, the Renly who never gave up in desperate moments, the Renly who encouraged Paul to pursue his dreams bravely... If it wasn't for Renly, maybe Paul and her would have long been separated.

She saw Renly and she saw her father.

Mei Duo did not dare to turn her head, lest her father see her embarrassed appearance with tears on her face, but she knew that her father was by her side, sincerely and reliably waiting by her side; quietly, she approached her father a little, leaning on her shoulders. In his father's arms, he could feel his father hugging him hard, and printing a kiss on his hairline. The warmth was so solid and heavy that all the impetuousness settled down.

Meadow stared intently at the stage, she was looking forward to Renly coming back, she was looking forward to Renly being on the stage again—lighting their way forward, guiding them in the direction they were going, she was looking forward to Renly being able to live in this vast expanse. A mirage was once again created in the desert.


Mei Duo called out loudly, and her father's humming shout came from her ears. The two of them called out the same slogan, and joined the ranks of thousands of spectators. Their shouts echoed in the sky at the end of the world for a long time. Let her smile fully bloom, the shouts are getting louder and louder, and life is releasing endless energy.

At this moment, Mei Duo truly felt that she was alive, blooming wildly and splendidly, all the frenzy in her blood burst out.