The Green Lotus Peasant Girl

Chapter 117


Zhou Chengkang ran away for half a day, and now he had his meal. He wolfed down two bowls, took the bowls and chopsticks to the kitchen, and went to wash up. After entering the door, Xi Yu had already fallen asleep.

"Mother is very worried." Lying on the bed, Zhou Chengkang whispered.

Li Qinghe didn't answer. No matter how incompetent Zhou Boss is, as a mother, Zhou's mother must be worried.

The night was quiet, with the sound of dogs barking in the village from time to time, and the two of them gradually fell asleep.

The next day when the sky was bright, someone knocked on the door outside, Zhou Chengkang got up to open it, and then Zhou's mother's voice came in.

"No matter what grievances your elder brother has with you, you are always two brothers. You can't ignore him at this time."

Hearing this, Li Qinghe opened his eyes, put on his clothes, got up and went out. The morning in May was not cold, and I saw Zhou's mother in the yard at a glance.

Zhou Chengkang was washing up, so he didn't answer this question.

Seeing Li Qinghe coming out, Zhou's mother was a little embarrassed, "Qinghe, be careful at home these few days, take Xiyu with you, we will go back as soon as we go."

"Mother, I didn't say I was going." Zhou Chengkang wiped his face with a handkerchief, "The county seat is too far away, I still have something to do in the woods."

Mother Zhou's complexion changed slightly, "You mean you don't want to control your elder brother? Let go of the grievances between brothers first, and at this time they should be unanimous to the outside world."

Woke up at this hour and couldn't sleep anymore, so Li Qinghe also went to wash up, and asked casually, "Mother, are you going, third brother?"

Zhou's mother was dumbfounded, and said, "What is he going to do? The fourth child has been to the county several times, and he can find his way. The most important thing is that Lin Zhixian knows the fourth child. If he helps to intercede, the county magistrate will definitely investigate carefully as appropriate. "

"Others don't know, but you two are always aware of your elder brother's temper. He just got greedy for a while, and he won't kill people. As long as you check carefully, he will be fine."

The calculation was clear, the two of them knew Lin Zhixian, but why should they beg for Boss Zhou

Zhou Chengkang had already gone into the kitchen to cook, but he didn't intend to pack up his things and leave.

Zhou's mother was in a hurry, and chased into the kitchen, "Fourth, you are really like this..."

"Mother." Li Qinghe entered the door with firewood in his arms, "It's true that we are elder brother's brothers, but there are second and third brothers on top. Even if second brother gets married, he is still from the Zhou family, right? If they go, we will Let's go together, if they don't go, why do we have to go?"

"Also, if sister-in-law doesn't go, we won't go either." Li Qinghe looked serious, "It's not that easy to ask for help. If you don't say anything else, you just want to see the elder brother and ask the inside story. If you don't pay money, you won't be able to see anyone. You might not be able to see it even if you stuff it with money, it’s impossible for us to post the money, right?”

"Actually, when my eldest brother took Chengkang to the woods to feed the wolves, he never thought that he would ask for this younger brother. We wouldn't take the initiative if my sister-in-law didn't come to invite me in person, lest people would dislike us for being troublesome. .”

Mentioning the incident when she was a child again, Zhou's mother turned pale, "I'm to blame for that incident. For a mother, there is no child in the world. At that time, the eldest brother actually half-understood it. When it comes to these things, get the boss back first, and we'll talk about it later, okay?"

"You said you want Meihua to invite you in person, so I'll go right away." She turned around and left in a hurry.

Originally, when you ask for help, you have to look like you are asking for help. What's the matter if you ask the old mother to come forward for everything

Li Qinghe didn't care if Mei really came to invite her, Zhang Haiyao would definitely sneer at her. Ever since Granny Liu died, her eyes were high, and these sisters-in-law were not in her eyes. Now that Boss Zhou has an accident, she still hasn't come forward, waiting for these people to take the initiative to help

It's a beautiful idea!

Sure enough, Mrs. Mei came very quickly, with a sincere attitude, "Fourth brother, I really need you to help me this time. I have already told the second and third brothers, and they will go together."

"Just one more thing." She was a little embarrassed. "I didn't plan to go before because Xili was at home and I had to take care of the children. If I go now, can Xili send you here?"

"Don't!" Li Qinghe raised his hand to refuse, "If Xili doesn't see what happened, you won't be able to say that we deliberately retaliated? Let the third sister-in-law show you."

Mei's face was pale, "The third sibling said she also wanted to go."

"What about Xiwei?" Li Qinghe asked in surprise, "Would you send them over too?"

No wonder she asked this question. It's a two-day journey from the county seat, and it's hard work for adults, let alone children. What's more, the trial of this case does not know how long it will be delayed, maybe a month or two, maybe a year or two.

"Xi Wei, she wants to take her with her." Speaking of this, Mei's complexion was not very good, she was obviously going to save someone, but Zhang Haiyao acted like she was going back to her mother's house.

Just go back to my mother's house!

Since the Zhang family moved to the county seat, she hasn't been there once in the past few years, and she occasionally receives news from there. It seems that the Zhang family is doing well recently, and sometimes they send her things.

"Then you'd better take it with you." Li Qinghe said calmly, "It's inevitable that the children will bump into each other, so you don't have to worry about it, and I don't have to worry about it."

In the afternoon, a carriage full of people packed up and set off. Li Qinghe had to go back to Zhou's yard to help Zhang Haiyao feed the chickens.

This chicken was fed by Zhou Laosan after he had a child, and he specially gave the child eggs. After returning home, she also stopped by Li's house, met many people on the way, and many people asked her curiously: How is the boss

Li Qinghe only answered that he didn't know.

She really doesn't know.

If it can be proved that Boss Zhou didn't participate, it's fine, but if there is no evidence to prove his innocence, and the two people over there insist on saying that he participated, they might pay for their lives, and then they really can't come back.

Everyone in the village knew that the brothers of the Zhou family had gone to the county to find a way. Now it was slack season and the weather was good. Every family was busy cutting firewood, and some went out to do short-term labor. Someone also asked Li Qinghe's family if they needed help recently.

This day Yu Yan came, and her son was really good-looking, with fair skin, comparable to Xi Wei, at first glance he was a pretty little girl.

"Do you want to buy the land over there?" Yu Yan asked with a smile.

What she asked was about the Yang family's wasteland and that barren slope, Li Qinghe shook her head, "I won't buy it for now, I'm still filling money into it for the 40 mu behind here." Wait until the medicinal materials can be taken back to earn money.

"Yesterday, the mother and daughter begged to come to me." Yu Yan smiled, "They said that the people in the town chased them hard, and said that if they didn't return, they would be sent to that dirty place."

This is also normal, what you sow will reap what you planted, this is a debt owed by Xu Changjie, and they will definitely not let them go.

No one really bought that barren slope, and if it was bought back to make terraces like Li Qinghe's, it could barely yield a harvest. But the human and financial resources invested in it are not a little bit, and there is no family in this village that can provide it.

Within two days, Li Qinghe heard the news that Yang Lanrou went to the mayor and asked him to write a letter of reconciliation and departure for the Xu family, and then left the village with her mother. No one knew where she went.

As for those barren slopes, ponds, and land, all of them were handed over to the mayor, and he was asked to help make peace. I hope that the creditor will take these things and the account will be written off.

Both mother and daughter ran away, and the creditor had no choice but to admit it if he didn't want it anymore.

It is worth mentioning that the pond is Yang Lanrou's gift to the mayor for his help, and the wasteland and slopes are the debts paid by the Yang family. When Xu Changjie bought the land, he imitated Zhou Chengkang and wrote the barren slope in his wife's name. Otherwise, the ten acres of barren slope would still be handed over, and the debt here would not be repayable. It's like borrowing ten taels of silver to buy a barren slope, and when it's over, four acres of land will be used to pay off the debt.

In fact, if Yang's father had operated it himself, he might not have gotten to this point. The main reason is that he didn't count the stinginess of Xu's mother, it's true that those people have a clue, but they can't push people into a hurry. There is a limit during this period, which must be carefully measured. Yang's father can do it, but Xu's mother can't.

Zhou Chengkang and the others had really gone for more than a month this time, and when they came back, they finally brought Boss Zhou who had lost a lot of weight.

It was May when I went there, and it was the end of June when I came back. The weather was hot. When Zhou Chengkang got home, he washed up first. The food here was already on the table. He ate two bowls and sighed, "It's still comfortable at home."

Li Qinghe poured tea for him, and asked with a smile, "How is it? Is it troublesome?"

"Trouble." Zhou Chengkang took the tea, "Those two people refused to let go. The county magistrate interrogated them every day, and later found out that when they said they started killing people, their confessions were not correct. This cleared up the suspect."

Not seeing her in the past two months, Zhou Chengkang felt that not only his wife looked better, but even Xi Yu seemed to be taller, and most importantly, she was tanned.

It was as black as a piece of charcoal, and he couldn't react for a while when he saw it, "Xi Yu, why are you like this?"

Speaking of this, Li Qinghe was also helpless. Yu Yan told her son that it was not good for a boy's face to be too pale, so the two children ran to bask in the sun when they had time. Xi Yu was fine, but Yan'er's face was peeling. Successful black, but also pain for several days.

"Father, it looks so pretty." Xi Yu said seriously.

Children's aesthetics are really different, Zhou Chengkang said with a straight face, "Start tomorrow, practice calligraphy."

I've been playing like crazy for the past two months. I practice calligraphy when I think about it, but I haven't polished ink all day when I don't think about it.

Xi Yu nodded quickly, "Okay! Let's go together."


The next day, the father and son really spread out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone and began to practice calligraphy. After half a day, they had already found the feeling, the writing was good, and when they were free, Zhou Chengkang said, "We still have to take Doctor Huang over. Studying medical science…”

Just as he was talking, someone knocked on the door, and when he opened the door, he saw Mrs. Mei, "Go and have dinner today. These days, thanks to the fourth brother, I specially thank you."

Mei Shi has also lost a lot of weight, her brows and eyes are still haggard, but her eyes are bright.

Since the couple moved to the town, it has been several years since they invited them to dinner. I still have to go, I am serious about helping, and I am not guilty of eating this meal.

When the two went to the village, Li Qinghe asked curiously, "Do they spend a lot of money?"