The Green Lotus Peasant Girl

Chapter 42: daily


Zhou's mother held the deed and kept nagging, seemingly endlessly. Zhang Haiyao got up, "It's getting late, I'll go to boil the water and do the laundry first."

After saying that, the person got up and went out. Mother Zhou's complexion was ugly for a moment, she glanced at Zhou Laosan, she didn't say anything about him, but looked at Li Qinghe, "Qinghe, you made so many troubles just after you entered the door, is it right?" I'm sorry for you, just don't think too much, in the future, I just lived with the fourth child."

It's really too much to argue about breaking up the family right after they got married. Those who didn't know thought it was Li Qinghe who made the trouble.

But Zhou's mother said so, and Li Qinghe can't make trouble. In the final analysis, the most important thing is to live a good life. Besides, it's good to separate the family. She herself also plans to rebuild the house, so many people live in it. In this courtyard, disputes are inevitable. Nothing else, it's actually quite difficult to ask her to cook for the whole family, as I still can't finish my work.

"It's okay." Li Qinghe even smiled, "As long as mother is happy."

Mother Zhou babbled and gave instructions for a while, and when everyone dispersed, it was already afternoon. Li Qinghe and Zhou Chengkang separated after doing nothing for a long time, and it was time to go to the field to feed the fish again.

When he came back from feeding, the sky was already hazy and it was going to be dark. Zhou Chengkang looked at the small courtyard of the Zhou family not far away, and said in a low voice, "Actually, it's better for people to live here and watch the fish and chickens."

"Then you live." Li Qinghe smiled, "The shack is not set up, so you can't let me live in it?"

Zhou Chengkang was dissatisfied, and feigned anger, "You just got married yesterday, so you're willing to let me stay alone in the empty room? You sleep by yourself. In this weather, don't you think it's warmer to have one more person?"

Li Qinghe couldn't help laughing, and lowered his voice, "I'm really not afraid of this. I've been here for more than ten years, and I'm still afraid of sleeping alone? Besides, it's April now, and it will be warmer the later it is. It’s too hot in summer.”

"I'm afraid." He stretched out his hand to hold her hand, and coaxed, "I'm afraid, it's okay."

The two walked unhurriedly, Zhou Chengkang was silent for a while, and said in a low voice, "If you want me to tell you, why don't we build the house here." He analyzed one by one, "Look, now each of us lives in one room. There is nothing extra, and when we have a child, where will we live?"

Building a house is still important, Li Qinghe laughed, "Child?"

Zhou Chengkang put his hand on her lower abdomen, and said with a low smile, "Maybe I already have it now."

Li Qinghe's face turned red immediately, and she asked, "Do you like children?"

He was serious, "I like your little child."

Afterwards, the two of them didn't speak any more, but they held hands tighter, and the figures walking together entangled and snuggled together, which was extraordinarily peaceful and peaceful.

When the two returned home, the eldest wife and Mrs. Liu had already gone to bed, and Li Qingmiao had already returned home, only the third child was still lit with candles. They went into the kitchen to boil water for washing. Stick your head out of the window, "Boil water, and remember to come back from chopping firewood tomorrow. If you want to boil water for cooking, you need a load of firewood every day."

Two people have a load of firewood, which is inexhaustible under normal circumstances.

"Those who are redundant should be filial to me." Mother Zhou added.

The two looked at each other, and Zhou Chengkang responded.

Rather than saying this to the two of them, it is better to say it to the people in the yard. Since the two got married, Boss Zhou and the two left every day before dawn, and they had to catch up on sleep when they came back in the afternoon. Not to mention the third and third, Zhang Haiyao didn't leave the house, and only the third and third Zhou worked alone, so where would he have time to chop firewood? The Zhou family had just finished another happy event, and the firewood was almost running low.

After Zhou's mother said this, no matter whether she was free or not, if she wanted to use the kitchen, she had to pay firewood.

Zhou Chengkang carried water and said in a low voice, "Tomorrow we will go up the mountain. It's a good time for hunting these days. We can earn some money to build a house. By the way, we brought firewood back."

The next morning, the two got up before dawn. In the kitchen, the eldest couple and Mrs. Liu were still ordering tofu. Li Qinghe wanted to go in and make something but couldn't cook it.

I went to the pond to feed the fish first, and then went up the mountain.

Zhou Chengkang was right, now is really a good time for hunting, the two of them caught three pheasants and two rabbits before they entered the woods. Seeing him drawing his bow, Li Qinghe couldn't help asking, "What's the matter with your carriage at home? Why do they all say no."

Zhou Chengkang was silent, and he shot an arrow, which just hit the belly of the pheasant, and quickly ran over to pick it up. When the two walked into the woods again, he said in a low voice, "When I was four years old, my eldest brother and third brother took me into the pheasant. I cut firewood in the mountains, and picked mushrooms by the way. At that time, my mother was pregnant with my fifth sister and was about to give birth. My father just got sick, my eldest brother was only nine years old, and my third brother was only six years old. After we entered the mountain, there was little water. My elder brother said to find Water, let third brother take me to stay there and wait."

He paused and lowered his voice, "It didn't take long for the third brother to say that he was in a hurry to urinate, and then left. I stayed in the woods and didn't dare to move. I waited for a long time, but I didn't wait for them to come back.

"They lost you?" Li Qinghe frowned. A four-year-old child lives in a forest like this. There are wolves in the depths of the forest.

"I don't know." Zhou Chengkang shook his head, "The eldest brother said he was lost, and the third brother also said that he was lost and couldn't find me, but they found the path back home, so they went back first, saying that they would ask adults to look for them after going back. "

"and after?"

"Later, I met Uncle Hu. He took me back and took me home two days later. Mother cried a lot. When I heard that I was lost, Fifth Sister was born before the day came." Zhou Chengkang's tone was normal, his eyes looked into the woods, as if he was searching for prey.

Li Qinghe stretched out his hand to hold his hand, "Are you afraid that you are alone?"

Zhou Chengkang was in a trance, "I was afraid at that time. I felt that the trees were very tall, the forest was deep, and there were things moving everywhere... But later, I was not afraid when I met Uncle Hu. Even when I went home, I would often go to the mountains to find Him, he taught me a lot." After speaking, a smile appeared on his lips, "I hunted, he taught me, and the carriage was bought for me with money before he died."

"He has no children and is alone. I saw that he was gone. I buried him myself." Zhou Chengkang said in a low voice, and said with a smile, "So, people always have to go through some hardships to be able to live." Get the harvest."

Until now, whether the boss and the third brother deliberately left the young brother in the woods is still a matter of confusion. So none of them wanted the carriage.

"When you are free, take me to worship. I want to thank him!" she said.

Zhou Chengkang's eyes were gentle, "Okay. I want him to meet you too."

When they returned home in the afternoon, the two had a good harvest. Li Qinghe carried a few chickens and rabbits, and Zhou Chengkang carried a bundle of firewood. When they passed by the pond, the two even ran to feed the fish and chickens. They walked home under the moonlight .

When they got home, the eldest couple and Mrs. Liu had already gone to bed. There was a pot of water heating up in the kitchen. Hearing the sound, Fifth Sister opened the door and said with a smile, "Fourth brother, I boiled the water by the way. You can use it."

At the end, he said, "Go to bed early."

The two took turns to wash up, and the rest of them cooked here. After half an hour, the two had brought the food to their own room.

"Aren't you tired?" Zhou Chengkang handed her the steamed buns, "I'll go by myself tomorrow, and you stay at home to feed the fish and help me cook. You can also go to the town to sell rabbits and pheasants. In that restaurant, there should be Want it?"

The restaurant does collect wild animals, and two rabbits were killed today, so they can't be kept more, and it's getting hotter and hotter, so we can't keep them any longer. So he nodded, "Then you go by yourself and come back early."

The next morning, the two got up at the same time as yesterday. Zhou Chengkang went up the mountain with the dry food prepared last night, while Li Qinghe carried the prey and went to town with Zhou's elder brother and the others.

Seeing the four or five pheasants in her hands, Mrs. Mei was a little envious, and said, "Fourth brother and sister, the fourth brother's craftsmanship is so good, you don't need to buy meat and you don't have to worry about meat."

Li Qinghe glanced at the silent Boss Zhou over there, and said with a smile, "He is lucky, he met a good teacher to teach him."

The boss of the Zhou family acted as if he hadn’t heard it. Mrs. Mei didn’t know what was going on, so she nodded in agreement, “Fourth brother and sister, how much money are you going to sell this for? If it’s cheap, I’ll buy a stew for my mother-in-law.”

Li Qinghe raised his eyebrows, "Pork sells for fifteen cents, this one is twenty-five cents, and this one is worth three catties. As for the relationship between the two of us, you can just give seventy cents."

Hearing this, Mei's face froze, with this money, he could get a big piece of meat, and he could eat for half a month if he saved some. Over there, Mrs. Liu said, "What is there to eat with pheasants? They say that tofu is vegetarian meat. Eating this is also good for your body."

This is no more.

Li Qinghe didn't ask for a gift, and after the separation, the eldest couple gave each family a piece of tofu, which wasn't worth a few pennies.

When they arrived in the town, they separated. She went directly to the restaurant. The price offered by the restaurant was quite reasonable. The rabbit and the pheasant were both 30 cents a catty, which added up to nearly 30 catties. The chef directly calculated 30 catties and took it. Nine hundred words.

With the money in hand, Li Qinghe bought a piece of meat, but he didn't go to Mrs. Zhou and his wife. They still had to sell tofu, and it was late in the afternoon when they got home.

When she got home, it was time to make breakfast. Zhang Haiyao poked her head out from the kitchen, "Sister and sister, I heard that you hunted a lot of rabbits and pheasants yesterday. The third aunt next door saw them all. Why didn't you see them?"

"I'll sell it." Li Qinghe said calmly.

"Why don't you leave some filial piety to your mother?" When she said this, her voice was raised, and she deliberately said it to Zhou's mother who was planting vegetables in the backyard.

Li Qinghe didn't care, she raised her hand, "Mother's share is of course, I bought meat, it's also meaty."

Seeing this, Zhang Haiyao was dumbfounded, and couldn't help whispering, "Fake generosity!"

Why are you being so generous? This meat is not fake.

It's fine for Li Qinghe to hear about it, and it's not uncommon for him to quarrel with her. I went into the kitchen to cook. Not long after Zhou's mother came in, she handed over a small piece of meat.

Mother Zhou waved her hand, "Eat by yourself, I have something to say."

Zhang Haiyao was arranging the bowls and chopsticks. After hearing Zhou's mother's words outside, she frowned and said in a low voice, "There's something else!"

"She is my mother." Zhou Laosan emphasized.

When the family members arrived, Zhou's mother took them to the backyard, only to find that the vegetable field in the backyard had been divided into four parts, "Each of you has one share, and you can't eat the vegetables indiscriminately in the future. You can grow them yourself and eat them yourself. If you are lazy and don’t want to plant, then don’t eat it!” She stared at Zhang Haiyao and said the last sentence.