The Green Lotus Peasant Girl

Chapter 73: abuse


After the land was planted, Zhou Chengkang could focus more on his wife. He had to cook soup every day, either fish soup or chicken soup. Every meal had meat, and he cooked all the meals.

However, the Zhou family and Li Fu are both very busy, so Zhou Chengkang has to go to work, especially this year the boss Zhou also has to take care of the children and sell tofu. Some people are willing to buy a piece of tofu to eat back.

This time is also the most profitable time to sell tofu. In the past, there was Mrs. Mei. After he sent the tofu to the town, he went back to the field by himself. I didn’t have much land at first, so I could finish planting this way, but this year is different, Mei’s family has to take care of the child, and she is weak, and she hasn’t raised it yet, let alone making tofu, it’s already strong to help with the cooking Hold on.

So, Boss Zhou simply gave up the harvest in the field and sold the tofu directly.

Mother Zhou couldn't see her own land was empty, so she brought it over to plant. In this way, she did more work alone. It didn't matter if she planted, Zhou Chengkang couldn't see his mother so tired, could he

So, after feeding the chickens and fish at home every day and preparing the meals, I went to the field.

It's the same with Li Fu, too busy.

But no matter how busy he was, Zhou Chengkang would come back to cook for his wife. Zhou's mother didn't say anything, and simply discussed with Zhou Chengkang, "Why don't you let Fifth Sister do it? You don't have to run around against the sun."

"No." Zhou Chengkang flatly refused.

Zhou's mother will stop talking about it. There is indeed something wrong. People who are pregnant will not be able to cook, especially now that it is still busy in the farming season, and the son wants to cook by himself, because the young couple has a good relationship. Why did she ask Fifth Sister to settle the matter

It would be nice to help.

There was no one to help Li Fu, not only that, but he and Qian were the ones who took the lead, but one day when it was getting dark, it rained, and it happened that there was only a little corner of the land left, so he let Qian went back first, and then went back after finishing that point in the rain.

As a result, Li Fu fell ill and developed a high fever. Li Qinghe would know that it was Qian who came to her in the middle of the night to ask for a doctor.

The husband and wife got up quickly, took the carriage and went to Li's house. Li Qinghe didn't go to the town, and went directly to see Li Fu. Zhou Chengkang, on the other hand, didn't get out of the carriage and drove directly to the town to find a doctor.

Li Fu was indeed ill. He was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, his forehead was burning hot, and his condition was dangerous. The doctor came quickly, and after taking his pulse, he sighed, "I am too tired, exhausted physically and mentally. I should wake up when the high fever subsides, and take good care of him." , don't be tired anymore."

There is no danger, people are fine, but the work in the field... Don't be too tired, and naturally you can't go to the field.

Zhou Chengkang finished planting Zhou's mother's land, and it was already mid-February, and Li Fu had been recuperating from his illness, and the weeds in the field had grown.

On this day, Mrs. Qian came again, and said right after entering the door, "Qing He, go back and persuade your father, he insists on going to the field."

Li Qinghe sighed, and hurried back to Li's house, Li Fu had already changed his clothes, "Father, the doctor told you to take good care of him, what if you get sick again?"

Li Fu lost a lot of weight. "But if you don't do it in the field, what will you eat next year?"

At this time, some people's fields in the village have already been planted. Li Qinghe thought for a while, "I'll find someone to help you, and I'll pay for it, okay?"

At any rate, he pushed the person back.

When Li Fu was seriously ill, the magistrate of Lin brought people here again. This time he watched with his own eyes the people pinching sweet potato seedlings and planting them in the ground. More people came, even more than last time. It was also planted in one day, and there were basically no seedlings left. The people who came were farmers from all over the county. They helped plant for a day, and they knew it. It is said that this year, 50% of the people in the county will grow sweet potatoes.

This is already a lot, but last year there were not many sweet potatoes.

There are so many planted like Li Qinghe, none of the ten.

Since Linzhi County came again this year, everyone paid close attention to the movement of his house. When they saw someone come to watch her bury sweet potatoes, 30% of the people in the village quietly went to the town to buy some and buried them. For example, Li Qingmiao's mother still went to Li Qinghe to buy sweet potatoes, and He Shi also went to buy some back.

Later, I saw so many people come to help plant barley, which was the same as last year, and many people also dug out the wide and narrow rows. The farmers' ability to imitate is still very strong, especially last year. Li Qinghe asked someone to come back to help dig and taught them personally. How to dig, now that they saw sweet potato seedlings being picked for planting, everyone suddenly realized that if this can survive, it will indeed save seeds.

There was no trick at all, and everyone quickly learned it.

They learned to go, and Li Qinghe's sweet potatoes were also finished.

After working in the field, Zhou Chengkang went to help Zhou's mother to do it for two days. The Zhou family's land was finished, and Li Qinghe found someone to help him plant sweet potato seedlings on Li Fu's side. Of course, the seedlings were planted from her sweet potatoes. The second crop of pinching.

When planting sweet potatoes, Li Fu was not at ease, so he ran to the field to look at it for a long time. Since he was hiring people, he simply hired more, but they were all planted in two or three days.

And when inviting people, at noon it is to cook for others, so Qian stays at home to cook.

In fact, in all these years, she has never cooked for so many people. Anyway, if it is cooked, it can fill the stomach, and the taste is average. Fortunately, the farmers do not force this.

After all the fuss, the villagers were free. At this time in previous years, Zhou Chengkang would only go hunting in the mountains and chop firewood along the way. But this year, most of his thoughts were spent in the kitchen, guarding Li Qinghe all day, for fear that she would fall.

After the spring plowing, green bricks have been moved to Yu Yan's field, and more than a dozen people have been hired to start construction.

The little white-faced Min Rui who was rescued by her finally went out, put on patched old clothes, and came here every day to build houses with everyone. Although he is thin, he is very strong, and his work is not inferior to those in the village. Strong labor.

Sometimes Yu Yan came to deliver water, and Li Qinghe went to watch occasionally, and happened to meet her delivering water to Min Rui, and the two got along casually, as if they were about to get married.

Yu Yan called everyone to drink water, saw her standing aside, and walked over with a smile, "Why didn't Brother Zhou stay with you today?"

Li Qinghe couldn't help laughing, "Why do you accompany him? He was nervous at the beginning, and it will be fine after a long time." Looking at Min Rui over there, he asked with a smile, "Have you really decided to marry him?"

"It's pretty good." Yu Yan nodded, "I can't find anyone who is more beautiful than him. After I move here, I will start to arrange the marriage. I have long wanted to move in and be your neighbor, you don't know , I can only quarrel with his nephews, nephews and daughters-in-law at home, besides talking to my godfather."

Li Qinghe chuckled, "If you get used to being noisy, you can move here and you won't have to argue anymore."

"Who said no?" Yu Yan gritted her teeth, she seemed very annoyed when she looked there, seeing that her expression was not fake, she followed her gaze, and then, Li Qinghe saw that Yang Lanrou came over with a smile and greeted everyone to eat , and specially sent it to Min Rui, with a small smile and gentle eyes.

The point is, it's not appropriate for Yu Yan to come forward at this time. If someone kindly invites the person she invites to eat steamed buns, what's the matter if the master runs away and gets angry

Seeing that she was about to step forward, Li Qinghe grabbed her arm and said, "Don't be angry." Having an outburst at this moment will only make him appear stingy.

Min Rui over there didn't pick up Yang Lanrou's buns, and went to work on his own, ignoring her at all.

Seeing this, Yu Yan didn't go either, the main reason was that Li Qinghe was holding her, she was not easy to struggle, it's not a joke if she was dragged into a wrestling. Seeing that Yang Lanrou couldn't keep her smile on her face, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, "He's sensible." Then she said bitterly, "That's it, she even went to find me to buy land and want to build a house. This kind of woman lives next door, I I'm afraid I won't be able to eat any food. If I vomit, I'll vomit to death."

It was Yang Lanrou.

Li Qinghe couldn't help but said, "It's very strange, why did she keep following us?"

"You can't understand such a simple mind?" Yu Yan looked helpless, "I didn't see that the young men in the village, whether they are married or not, have a good attitude towards her, but Brother Zhou treats her coldly. Of course, now Add a Min Rui."

When it comes to the last sentence, the tone is a little proud.

Li Qinghe is dumbfounded. Thinking about it this way, she is really a girl in the town. The Yang family used to be very rich, a wealth that people in the village could not imagine. Speaking of men, even women, I couldn't help feeling a little pity in my heart.

If she hadn't had any grievances with Yang Lanrou herself, she wouldn't have turned away someone who sent food to her door with good intentions.

Min Rui refused, and Yang Lanrou chased him twice, but was rejected both times. He shook his head helplessly, and saw the two of them in a blink of an eye, and came over with a smile, "I have made too many buns. You guys have a try, and try my crafting too." .”

"I don't like to eat buns." Yu Yan folded her arms, her tone cold.

Li Qinghe also waved her hand, "I just finished my soup and I can't eat any more. Besides..." She smiled half-smile, "Miss Yang also knows that my family doesn't like to eat steamed stuffed buns."

Yang Lanrou frowned, "Did you misunderstand me?"

"There is no misunderstanding." Yu Yan said frankly, "It's just that I don't like you. Miss Yang is really generous, she made buns and gave them away everywhere. But can you not send them to the place where I built the house? You can't send them out, you can't give them away. Don't you feel ashamed?"

The author has something to say: See you tonight. Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-02 22:16:41~2019-12-03 13:48:26~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 5 bottles of pot rabbits;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!