The Green Lotus Peasant Girl

Chapter 80: Birth


Li Qinghe only felt the pain, and was supported by Zhou's mother to lie on the bed, "Don't be afraid, women give birth like this, your mother and I have come here, if you feel pain, think about something else, or you can swear .”

As she said, she went to the closet to take out the small clothes, swaddles, and diapers and put them on the side of the brazier to warm them, "Are you hungry? When they come back, I'll cook for you. What do you want to eat? "

Although Zhou's mother was worried, she could see that she was very excited and couldn't stop for a moment. She even poured hot water for her to drink.

Not long after, there was the hiss of a horse outside, and Zhou Chengkang came back with Mrs. Wen. He was sweating in the cold and kept urging Mrs. Wen, "Madam, can you hurry up?"

Wenpo is just like her name, very steady, "Don't worry. It's not so fast to have a baby."

He rushed to the bed and grabbed her hand, "Qing He, how are you?"

Looking at him, he seemed to be more frightened and flustered than she who gave birth to a child. Li Qinghe couldn't help laughing even though she was in so much pain, "It hurts so much."

Wen Po stepped forward, rubbed her stomach, and drove Zhou Chengkang out, "Auntie, how is she? If you need anything, you must tell me, and if there is anything wrong, you must tell me..."

His voice was muffled outside the door.

Wen Po smiled and said, "The young couple have a good relationship. You are blessed."

The last sentence refers to Zhou's mother.

Zhou's mother also laughed, "Yes, if Qinghe can give birth to a child smoothly, I will be satisfied."

The two chatted on the side of the bed. Li Qinghe was in so much pain that she felt in a chaotic state that seeing the two of them so leisurely, she should be normal. Back then, Mrs. Mei and Zhou's mother looked serious, let alone joking. That is, there are no superfluous words.

Zhou Chengkang stood outside, thought about going out from the back, and ran to the house behind, "Min Rui, please help me pick up a doctor."

Min Rui popped his head out of the room, "What's wrong?"

"Qinghe is going to give birth?" Yu Yan's voice was full of excitement, she knew it without asking, "I'll take a look."

She has a neat figure, and Min Rui hurriedly supported her, "Be careful."

Min Rui didn't even have a carriage, so Zhou Chengkang directly asked him to set up the one at the door, and before leaving, he said, "By the way, go to Zhang's house and bring my mother-in-law."

Before noon, the doctor and Mrs. Xu arrived, and Li Fu rushed over after hearing the news.

Li Qinghe only felt the pain, and the sweat on her forehead hadn't dried. In such a cold day, she didn't feel the cold at all. Zhou's mother and Mrs. Xu kept comforting her. She watched the sky outside brighten and then dark, dark At night, I occasionally heard someone talking outside, and my whole body felt a little dazed in pain.

Until late at night, Zhou Chengkang didn't sit down for a whole day, he was either in a hurry, or he stood guard at the door, listening to the occasional cries of pain from inside, and seeing the night outside getting darker, he couldn't help it. When you want to rush in.

Finally, a baby's loud cry came from the room, and at the same time, the joyful voices of Wen Po and Zhou's said, "It's born."

Hearing that the baby was born, Li Qinghe only felt sleepy after the pain, tried to raise his body and glanced at the child, and fell asleep.

Zhou Chengkang, who was standing outside, relaxed slightly when he heard these two words, and quickly asked, "Where is Qinghe, how is it? Can I come in and take a look?"

"Sleeping." Mother Zhou's joyful voice came through the door, "It's a boy."

Zhou Chengkang really didn't care whether the child was a boy or a girl. Hearing that Li Qinghe was just asleep, he finally let go of his concerns for so long, and asked again, "Do you want to eat? The soup is still hot."

Speaking of this, I have to mention the shelf made by Zhou Chengkang. It rained every day a few days ago, and I felt bored at home, so I started to make a cot for the child. After the cot was finished, I felt that hot food was inconvenient. I made a wooden shelf for the brazier, and there is a pot on it, which is usually filled with warm water, which is just right for washing. Now that the pot is warm, the soup will be stewed during the day.

"Sleep, wake up and eat again." Zhou's mother opened the door very excitedly, carried the child out, and Zhou Chengkang blew past her like a gust of wind, and entered the room.

Mother Zhou was taken aback for a moment, and when she turned around, she saw him rushing to the bed and reaching out to touch her daughter-in-law's face. She was slightly touched in her heart, and she always knew that the fourth couple had the best relationship among the children. I have a deep understanding.

When a normal man becomes a father for the first time, his children are all in front of him, so he must watch the children first. It's better for him to see his wife first.

You know, a woman who has just given birth will be in a mess no matter how she cleans it up, which is really nothing to look at.

When Xu saw her, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly. She remembered what her daughter said once, she wanted to find someone who cared about her. It seemed that her daughter's eyes were much better than hers. She didn't enter the door, and reached out to hug the child in Zhou's mother's arms.

Li Fu wanted to go forward, but because the child was in Xu's hands, it was difficult for him to do so. Mrs. Wen and the doctor were still there. Thinking of the doctor, he raised his voice and said, "Chengkang, let the doctor look at Qinghe." , if there is nothing wrong, by the way, prepare some medicine to recuperate the body, so as not to cause the root cause of the disease."

Zhou Chengkang saw that she was really asleep, and after half a year of worrying, he finally fell to the ground and hurriedly invited the doctor in.

When Li Qinghe woke up, it was already daylight outside, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Zhou Chengkang beside the bed holding the child, nodding his head, already dozing off.

The two have never seen him like this since they met, and the corners of their mouths raised up. This movement suddenly felt that their throats were very dry, and they couldn't help coughing. Her voice was hoarse and her throat was sore, she frowned slightly.

It was just a light cough, and Zhou Chengkang over there had already woken up. When he opened his eyes, he saw her frowning, and hurriedly said, "Qing He, what's wrong with you?"

Li Qinghe's eyes fell on the teapot, he understood immediately, put the child at her feet, poured water for her, the warm tea seemed to take away the pain in her throat, and she felt much better.

"Are you hungry?" Zhou Chengkang was a little worried, "Why don't you talk?"

Li Qinghe laughed again, "Hungry."

He immediately turned around and went to the brazier to take out the soup cup in the pot, which he also brought back from the county. Put it in front of her and open the lid, and the rich smell of chicken soup is tangy.

Li Qinghe sat up, drank it by himself, and then saw him bring a bowl of black-painted medicine from outside, and said softly, "I asked the doctor to make it for you. Drinking it will be good for your health. It may be a little bitter."

Li Qinghe didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she woke up without a mouthful of food, so she drank a bowl of medicine first, but she still took his kindness, took it and drank it too, she really woke up from hunger, now after two bowls of soup, she just feels better Many, leaning on the pillow, looking at the swaddling clothes at their feet. The child's face was about the size of her palm, and he was asleep with his eyes closed. Although he was still wrinkled, he looked very good-looking everywhere. Remembering that the child was held in his arms when he just woke up, he couldn't help it. He asked with a smile, "Why are you holding me? Isn't it warmer on the bed?"

Seeing her stretch out her hand, Zhou Chengkang hugged the child and placed it in her hand, "I'm afraid you'll turn over and press him down again if you fall asleep."

Li Qinghe looked at the child in her arms and felt satisfied. In fact, she had thought about having a child in her previous life, but it was a pity that she hadn't consummated the marriage for two years, and there was no way to talk about the child. Even though Zhou Chengkang was unwilling to have a baby at first, after she became pregnant, both of them looked forward to him. She bent down and touched his face, which was warm and smooth, and the smile on the corner of her lips was as gentle as water.

Seeing the smiles on her brows and eyes, Zhou Chengkang stretched out his hand and touched her forehead, "Don't hug her too much, or your arm will hurt in the future."

Li Qinghe gave birth to her child in the middle of the night. It was still dark outside, so she didn't sleep for a long time. She was tired and short-spirited, so she quickly fell asleep again.

When she woke up again, she was awakened by the laughter of Mrs. Xu and Zhou's mother, who bent over and whispered to the baby at the end of the bed.

Li Qinghe called out, "Mother..."

"Hey." The two said in unison, then looked at each other, and both laughed, and Zhou's mother smiled and asked, "Qinghe is awake, are you hungry? Chengkang asked me to make meat porridge for you,"

Apart from eating during the confinement period, it seems that the only thing to do is to look after the children. It is raining outside, and it is not convenient to treat guests in Sansan, but Mother Zhou is still very interested in making arrangements with Mrs. Xu. In the original disaster year, because of the availability of sweet potatoes, the price of food was high. After selling it, it was no different from previous years, and each family ran to fetch water for a month. Although the two of them were not familiar with the villagers, the villagers actually remembered their kindness. Many people came to congratulate them, and some of them did not know each other at all, and they also prepared congratulatory gifts.

It is worth mentioning that Zhao Wanwan also came to the door with the clothes made for the child, but there were so many people that the two didn't talk much.

Li Qinghe's side is really crowded, not to mention that Yu Yan and the three sister-in-laws have been guarding her, and the rest of the wives, all came in to look at the children, smiled and praised a few words, those who use water and those who grow sweet potatoes , most of the people thanked her.

These people are usually not familiar with her, so if they come to express their thanks, it would be bad if they don't get some gifts, but no one knows how much a gift is appropriate, if they don't accept it, everyone will be embarrassed. At this time, there are many people, and there are many people who have received her favor, so it is enough for everyone to thank her together.

In the afternoon, everyone dispersed, but Zhang Haiyao stayed until the end.

Mrs. Xu has been living here recently, so she won't leave. Zhou's mother and Zhou Chengkang went outside to clean up, and Li Fu also helped outside. These few days he came every day, but he didn't come in, he just went outside to see the child.

Only Li Qinghe on the bed was left in the room, and then there were the two of them. Zhang Haiyao looked outside and asked in a low voice, "Aunt Xu, when are you going to the county seat?"

A married woman wanted to leave with her mother's family, and it was still so far away from the county. Mother Zhou was of course dissatisfied. Mrs. Xu lived here for two days. When she was free, she often heard Mother Zhou complaining. Of course, she was the one who complained by the way. In the original Xiaoding and dowry, he also praised Li Qinghe's sensibleness, and secretly praised Xu's.

Both of them are caring people, and they got along pretty well after two days. Hearing Zhang Haiyao's question now, Mrs. Xu immediately understood what she meant, and said with a smile, "It would be great if we can go to the county to celebrate the New Year together this year when Qinghe is full moon." Yes. Why are you asking this?"

This is asking knowingly, even if she didn't listen to Zhou's mother's complaints, Mrs. Xu also occasionally heard about Zhang Haiyao's desire to leave with her natal family.

Looking at Li Qinghe leaning on the bed, Zhang Haiyao gritted her teeth and said in a low voice, "I want to go too."

The author has something to say: See you tomorrow afternoon.