The Green Lotus Peasant Girl

Chapter 89: Daily two


The next day, the news about Hu Yanxi being a scholar spread throughout Wangwang Village, and there was everything for a while.

It is said that Li Fu raised Hu Yanxi for nothing for a year to make wedding dresses for others. He married again on the first day of April, and he was selected as a scholar before May. I heard that when he married again, Qian secretly looked for him. If he wanted to go back to the Li family, if he had agreed at that time, or if it was the first day of the fifth month of the wedding, he would be the scholar's father-in-law now.

Because of this, Li Qinghe was worried and took the child back to see. The life of the Li family was as usual. Liu was pickling vegetables. When she saw her enter the door, she hurriedly greeted her, "Qinghe is back? Sit down quickly, I will let the orchid pickle for you Tea."

Li Fu also carried a lot of vegetables from the backyard, "Make some pickled vegetables and eat them at the wedding banquet."

Willow Orchid's wedding date on the tenth day of May is only about half a month away, and it's just right for it to be pickled now.

"Qing He, have you eaten yet? I'll do it now." Liu Shi asked again.

Li Qinghe nodded, "Don't bother, I've eaten it."

Seeing that the Li family didn't seem to be affected by the news of Hu Yanxi's scholar, she was relieved. Followed Li Fu to the backyard and saw that the large green vegetables were growing well behind him. Li Fu smiled and teased the child for a while, saw her looking at the vegetables, and asked, "Do you want to take some back to eat? It is not convenient for you to raise children now, I might as well stop planting in the future, and I'll bring you some when I have time. Your Aunt Liu is a restless person, and she likes to clean up the house, even the vegetable plot, and pull out the weeds."

"Take a rest when it's time to rest," Li Qinghe lowered his voice and asked, "Father, I heard that Hu Yanxi has been selected as a scholar, do you know?"

"I heard about it." Li Fu went to chop vegetables again with a knife in his hand, "That's someone else's business, it's important to live your own life well. Don't think too much about it, we have cared enough for Wan Wan's mother and daughter, If Wanwan had the heart, she would naturally associate with us. If she didn't have that heart, it's still the same even if we haven't separated yet."

This is true. Li Qinghe thought the same way at first, but she never expected to get any benefits from their mother and daughter, she was afraid that Li Fu would not be able to think about it, after all, he had not even seen his parents for several years because of Qian.

Seeing that he could figure it out by himself, Li Qinghe felt relieved. She couldn't help with the child, so she stood aside and talked for a while, then got up and went home. Before leaving, Liu Shi stuffed a basket of various vegetables , it was difficult for her to take the child with her, so she asked Lan Hua to deliver it for her.

Lanhua is timid, and she is silent most of the time. When passing by the village, people who greet Li Qinghe will smile and ask, "Qinghe, is this your sister?"

Li Qinghe introduced it to everyone, and gradually Lanhua would smile at people as a greeting.

After leaving the village, there was basically no one to meet. At the gate, Li Qinghe opened the door. Lanhua looked at her pond and asked with a smile, "Sister, will the fish in your pond die?"

"Yes. Occasionally, the drought last summer killed a lot of people." Li Qinghe opened the door and invited her in.

Lan Hua sent the dishes directly to the kitchen, and walked around the yard again, quite envious, "If my life is half as comfortable as my sister's, I will be satisfied in this life."

Li Qinghe smiled, and invited her in, Lan Hua waved her hand, "No, I have to go back and help, it's a lot of work."

Before she left, Zhou Chengkang came in from the outside. Today he drove a carriage to the town and brought back some snacks for Xi Yu. The half-year-old child can eat something, and coarse grains are still too rough for him up. There are not so many messy things in the current dim sum. It is made of rice and various flowers plus sugar. It is very good for children to eat.

"Brother-in-law." Lan Hua hurriedly called out, and went to help unload the carriage. Zhou Chengkang stopped her, "I don't need you, I will do it myself."

Orchid still helped move some things, and then ran away quickly.

Two days later, Yu Yan went to the third party. Not many people came from the village, and she didn't know many people herself. It is worth mentioning that both mother and daughter Qian came. Compared with the previous silence, now Both of them were very happy, a little high-spirited.

Sitting on the table, Mrs. Qian was a little proud, "Yan Xi said that I should also live in the town, but if I go, the house of Qian's family will be destroyed if no one lives in it. This house must be lived in by people. .”

Everyone congratulated the mother and daughter, and Zhao Wanwan blushed and said by the way that on the eighth day of the fifth lunar month, the Hu family in the town would hold a banquet for everyone to go.

Looking at the mother and daughter surrounded by everyone, Yu Yan whispered, "This person is the reality. I heard that no one in the village talked to their mother and daughter before?"

In the past, Qian was entangled with her husband, and her reputation was not very good. In addition, she didn't go out very often, and everyone was not familiar with her, at least not as familiar as now.

"Never mind her." Li Qinghe thought about it, "Anyway, we're not going."

On that day when Li Fu remarried, even though he didn't accept congratulatory gifts, the people who came to the door brought some things. The mother and daughter didn't send gifts to the door that day. It is said that favors come and go, people don't come, and Li Fu doesn't have to go. Besides, since Hu Yanxi lived in Li's house for a year, it shouldn't be Li Fu who took the initiative to join him.

Except for the fact that Qian's mother and daughter were stealing the limelight, the three-year marriage went smoothly. Yu Yan was bored during confinement, and Li Qinghe often went to accompany her.

On the eighth day of May, there were also people from the village going to the town, quite a lot. When it came to the ninth day, the Li family wanted to help again.

They said they didn't prepare dowry for Willow Orchid, but in fact, apart from furniture, cloth, clothes and quilts were prepared, needless to say, they were all money from Li Fu.

On the day of their marriage, Fifth Sister also came to Li's house. Seeing Zhao Dashan carrying Willow Orchid into the bullock cart at the door amidst the booing of everyone, she sighed slightly, "Thank you, Fourth Sister-in-law."

This sentence came out of nowhere, Li Qinghe was a little surprised, pulled her to sit on the table and waited for dinner, "Thank me for what?"

"I'm living a good life now." Fifth Sister smiled, "Li Yuan will hurt people, and my parents-in-law are busy all day long, so I don't need to go to the field with them, just..." She lowered her voice, "They Urging me to have a baby. It just so happens that I feel a little unwell these two days and feel like vomiting. When will fourth brother go to town, I want to see the doctor."

"I'm going tomorrow." Li Qinghe looked at her stomach, "Be careful yourself."

On the next day, she was worried, and took her child and brother and sister to the town to see a doctor.

Doctor Huang's clinic was always crowded during market hours. Even if they went early, there were still a few people waiting in front of them. They even ran into Wanwan, and Mother Hu, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, accompanied her.

It just so happened that it was their turn, the two of them stepped forward and didn't notice Li Qinghe and the others behind, so they heard Mother Hu say, "Doctor Huang, please help my daughter-in-law to take a look, they have been married for several years, why is there no happy news yet?" ?”

No wonder Hu's mother was anxious. It seems that Zhao Wanwan got married earlier than her. Doctor Huang took the pulse, asked in a low voice for a while, and said, "Your body is cold, and you are too tired on weekdays. Let's take care of it first."

Mother Hu was anxious, "How long will it take to recuperate?"

"Who can tell?" Because more and more people were crowded, Doctor Huang's complexion was not very good, "Maybe half a year, maybe a year or two..."

"It will take at least half a year." Mother Hu almost screamed, "That won't work!"

Dr. Huang glared at her, "Keep your voice down."

Hu's mother lowered her voice, "Would it be... no child in my life."

Dr. Huang pondered, "Take care carefully, don't touch cold water, especially in winter, don't touch cold water, don't be too tired, eat more good food to keep your body healthy. It's still possible."

"How is it possible not to touch cold water in winter?" Mother Hu frowned.

At this time, Zhao Wanwan's complexion was pale, and her whole body was stiff as she stroked her stomach.

Later, when I went to get the medicine, Mother Hu argued again because the cost of the medicine was too high, and she dragged the pale Zhao Wanwan away without noticing the people at the door from the beginning to the end.

Fifth Sister was indeed pregnant for a month, she was very happy, and Zhou Chengkang was also happy, and even bought some snacks for her. On the way back, Ma Er almost took a walk, and directly sent her to the door of Zhao's house.

The courtyard of Zhao's house is not big, just like the one at the third aunt's house. Zhao Liyuan's father and his uncle split the same courtyard into two small courtyards.

Seeing the carriage parked at the door, it belonged to Zhou Chengkang, and Mother Zhao, who was still cleaning the yard, greeted her with a smile, "Her fourth brother is here, hurry in."

Seeing Fifth Younger Sister coming out of the carriage, she was quite surprised, and pretended to blame, "Fifth Younger Sister, it's not too far back for you to go back to your mother's house, just come back by yourself, and I'll trouble your fourth brother to make a trip."

Li Qinghe was about to get off the carriage with the child in his arms, but the fifth sister reached out to pick up the child. She gave the child to his father and said with a smile, "Auntie, congratulations to you. Just now we took the fifth sister to the town to see a doctor, and we will be fine." One month pregnant."

Zhao's mother was startled for a moment, then overjoyed, she threw away the broom in her hand, and reached out to help Fifth Sister, "Really." Then she shouted, "His father, Liyuan, come quickly."

Amidst the joy, Li Qinghe and the two quietly left.

When passing by Zhou's house, he told Zhou's mother again, and after returning home, he packed a chicken and eggs for Zhou Chengkang to send over.

By the end of May, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. This year's weather is fairly normal. Just by looking at the ears of wheat, we can tell that the harvest is better than last year's. In addition, there are still sweet potatoes this year, so we can see that the harvest is going to be bumper.

A bumper harvest is always a joy. During this period of time, many people in the village were borrowing food, and some of them borrowed from Li Qinghe. Even Zhou's mother came to borrow dozens of catties of sweet potatoes.

On this day, early in the morning, I heard the Yang family next door quarreling.

The author has something to say: see you at night, you have something to do, haven't caught bugs yet, let's make do, and catch them later. Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-10 22:45:18~2019-12-11 13:40:36~

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: Wuxin 10 bottles; waiting 5 bottles; 28314659 2 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!