The Green Lotus Peasant Girl

Chapter 97: patient


After buying the land, you have to find a way to grow it. Although the land under the name of Li Qinghe and his wife does not need to pay food tax, it is a land bought with money, so it is a pity to leave it for nothing.

In fact, Li Qinghe had already made up his mind. It would be very troublesome to clean up such a barren mountain for farming. There are still many big trees in it. Just cutting down trees and digging roots is not a little work, and it is not cost-effective at all.

"Please ask someone to remove the weeds over there..." She pointed to the back of Yang's house, "There are all weeds over there. After cutting them out, spring plowing will start after the Chinese New Year. As for the forest with big trees behind us..."

If those trees are not moved, the only things that can be planted in the forest and still yield harvests are medicinal materials.

She had heard of planting herbs in the forest in her previous life, vines and shrubs that like humidity and tolerate shade, such as honeysuckle. Earlier, she had heard Dr. Huang casually say that she had to pick a time to ask for advice, or invite him directly for advice.

At present, no one except doctors would deliberately plant herbs at home, and no one would grow them except doctors. Besides, seeds are also a problem.

The next morning, Li Qinghe asked Li Xingwang and the others to find someone and start cleaning up the wasteland.

Li Xingwang's selection is not for everyone, only those who can do the work. For example, Zhao Tianfu, he doesn't want it.

Yu Ermo here has to go up the mountain after tidying up his house. As for Mrs. Chen, twenty people are hired to work, and eating is also a big deal. Zhou Chengkang went straight to the wasteland and built a shed, and bought a big pot to cook for people there.

It's still autumn, so we have to hurry up, or else in winter, Li Qinghe is not willing to invite people even if they are willing to do it. The days are short in winter, so it's not cost-effective at all.

Zhou's mother took the children to visit occasionally. On this day, someone knocked on the door at home, and it happened that Li Qinghe was at home. When he opened the door, he saw Zhao Wanwan.

This girl seems to have lived in the village during this time. After opening the door, she squeezed in by herself, and said, "Sister, quickly pull the rhubarb away, I'm afraid of it."

Li Qinghe frowned slightly, "Just say something, I'm still busy."

Zhou Chengkang was busy there recently, and took Yu Ermo away. She fed the horses and chickens at home, and she was still preparing horse feed just now.

Seeing her impatient expression, Zhao Wanwan didn't dare to babble, and said, "You have invited so many people, and my father also wants to help with the work, at least to earn some money for the New Year. I didn't expect that uncle would not, so he insisted on me Dad can't work."

"Uncle is right." Li Qinghe turned around and continued to work, "Your father has never been in the field, can he mow grass?"

"No, he can learn." Zhao Wanwan walked up to her and knelt down, stretching out her hand, "Do you want me to help you?"

Li Qinghe glanced at the pink gauze dress on her body, "No need, don't get your clothes dirty." He said again, "Your father can learn from him. I hired the villagers to work, and it cost money to make I have to clean up a large piece of land after paying the three hundred cash per day, and I don’t have much money on hand, so I’m afraid this year will be hard when I clean up the wasteland there.” But I can’t help people Besides, when it comes to work, if there is one person in the group who doesn't like to work and wants to rest, the others will inevitably follow suit, which will reduce efficiency.

"How come?" Hearing that she said that there is no need to help, Zhao Wanwan withdrew her hand, with a look of disbelief, "You have fifty acres of land in total."

Li Qinghe was helpless, "Fifty acres are wasteland and forest. If I rely on them for food, I will starve to death sooner or later."

Even if you want to make money, that's a matter for the future, and now you can only fill in money at the beginning, and it feels like a bottomless pit. Not to mention anything else, just wages, that is not a small sum.

"Why did you spend so much money to buy that barren forest? What is the use of it?" Zhao Wanwan looked puzzled, "Just to spend all the money and not lend it to the villagers?" In fact, she wanted to ask, is it for not Lend it to her father.

Li Qinghe frowned, "Why do I have to borrow money if I have money, even if I didn't buy land, even if I don't borrow it from anyone, is there anyone who can say I'm wrong?"

Just at this moment, Liu Lanhua came out from the backyard with a pot in her hand, "Sister, the chick has run out of food again, do you want to feed it?"

When he came out, he saw Zhao Wanwan squatting in front of Li Qinghe.

The two looked at each other, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Li Qinghe was caught in the middle, not aware of the stiff atmosphere at all. Recently, Li Fu and Zhao Dashan were cleaning up in the wasteland over there. Liu Lanhua was alone at home. Her sister-in-law was sick and couldn't sleep at night. There is movement in the house. Zhao Dashan simply asked her to help with the work, and when the time came, he would go back and cook for his sister and talk by the way.

As for this side, I said that I just eat and help with housework, no wages.

Hearing her question at this time, Li Qinghe said casually, "I need to feed, the chickens don't have a set meal, and they have to add more after they are finished eating. There will be a lot of damage in the first place, but after the cold weather, it will become more difficult to raise."

Liu Lanhua smiled, "My sister has been raised very well. My mother also raised them before. After hatching more than a dozen of them, she finally raised one. Later, when she grew up, she was bitten by a dog."

While talking, she went into the wing room to get chicken food, and then went to the backyard.

Zhao Wanwan was in a complicated mood, "Sister, why did you ask her to work for you? Did you pay her?"

Hearing the next four words, Li Qinghe shook his head, "Pure help, my brother-in-law thinks she's bored at home, so let her help me with work, just eat two meals, no wages."

Zhao Wanwan immediately lost interest. In fact, she was just asking casually. Now that she has a different status, she can't just help with the work, especially the work of serving chickens and pigs, which is too dirty. "Can't my dad help with the work?"

Li Qinghe shook his head, "My uncle is in charge of finding short-term workers. If I randomly put people in there, what if he overthinks it?"

Hearing this, Zhao Wanwan hurriedly said, "But he said that if he invites my father, you will be angry."

It's all about this, in other words, it's all about this. Normal people should not continue to ask questions, as long as they understand it, it is shameful for them to ask again.

The courtyard was quiet, only the sound of Li Qinghe turning the leaves of grass. Zhao Wanwan stood up and sighed, "My husband wants to take in disciples recently. If my sister knows the right ones, I can let them come to the door. Shuxiu will be cheaper. "

Hu Yanxi can also make money.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the lands under the name of Lai Xing Ji, because scholars were exempted from food tax, and there were quite a lot of people who hung up at that time, and when they finally got it back, they were fined for three years of food tax, so, when we arrived Hu Yanxi, everyone is more cautious here. Originally, the farmers are timid. The county magistrate said that when the land was brought back, the three-year grain tax penalty was purely lucky. If there is another time, This land must be returned to the public and re-sold.

The county magistrate has said so, so there are almost no people who look for Hu Yanxi again. Even before that, they also asked him to return the land.

The way to earn money from the grain tax has been cut off. Now that he is accepting disciples, Shuxiu is actually not cheap, and it will definitely be no problem to support his family. I heard that Mother Hu no longer works as a helper. The mother who thinks she is a scholar, it is not shameful to work for others.

Zhao Wanwan left by herself, turned around to look at Li Qinghe's house after walking a long way, and found that the door was still opened as she came out, let alone seeing her off, she didn't come over to close the door.

In fact, after Hu Yanxi passed the examination as a scholar, people who used to look down on their mother and daughter would now greet them proactively. Only the Li family has never changed their attitude towards them.

When she went to find Li Xingwang, she could still feel the slight disgust in the eyes of their family, especially the way the old man looked at her, with disgust in the disgust.

In fact, the Yang family couple next door were also rejected after approaching Li Xingwang. After Yang Lanhong was brought back, he never went out again. The Yang family couple were rejected and did not come to the door.

After more than 20 people worked for half a month, a large piece of weeds exposed the original soil surface. About ten acres of land were cleaned up. Not only the weeds were cut down, but also the large and small stones inside were moved to the edge of the soil. Looking up, because it is a barren slope, the soil is not like a large piece of flat land at the bottom, but has become the appearance of modern terraced fields. When the spring begins, we will be able to plow in the same way.

The weather has cooled down, and it has started to drizzle, and it feels very cold when the rain falls. So, no one is invited in the field, and we will talk about it next year.

What's more, those who help have to go home to prepare firewood for the New Year.

I've been very busy recently, thanks to Zhou's mother helping to look after the children.

That night, when it was supposed to be bedtime, someone knocked on the door. The person who knocked on the door seemed to be in a hurry. Zhou Chengkang opened it, and when he came back, he said, "I have to go to town. Are you going?"

Li Qinghe was confused, "Who is it?"

Zhou Chengkang had already begun to get dressed, "It's your brother-in-law. His sister is seriously ill and needs to be sent to the town immediately."

"I'll go too." Li Qinghe put on his clothes and went out. He was already in the carriage at the gate, and outside the gate, Liu Lanhua supported a frail girl. Against the night light, she was very thin, not as good as someone around ten years old. The girl is big.

It seems that Zhao Dashan's younger sister has no one to propose marriage. It is really not an exaggeration. Such a girl marries and returns home, let alone work and have children, and she has to worry about her death at any time.

When everyone got into the carriage, Zhao Dashan and Zhou Chengkang sat in front, and Li Qinghe entered the carriage. With the help of the faint candlelight, he saw that the girl's face was bluish, and it seemed that she was about to...

Although she knew that she was seriously ill when she came to the door in the middle of the night, but the girl had been seriously ill for many years, she jumped out of the carriage again, "Wait a minute."

She rushed back to the room like a gust of wind, and after a few breaths, she took out two quilts from the room and said, "It's not that bumpy."

Zhao Dashan wiped his face, "Thank you sister."

Two more quilts were placed under the carriage, and the speed went straight to the medical clinic of the mayor, Dr. Huang. There were several doctors in the town, and he was the only one who lived in the medical clinic.

Seeing Zhao Xiaotao's appearance, the gloomy look on his face that was awakened by someone just after falling asleep immediately calmed down. After feeling his pulse, he went to the medicine cabinet to grab the medicine. He moved quickly and put it directly into the medicine pot, over there his wife has already lit the fire and started to boil it immediately.

A quarter of an hour later, the medicine jar had the color of some medicine soup. Doctor Huang poured it out, and couldn't wait to let it cool, so he directly put the medicine bowl into a larger bowl filled with cold water. It seemed that he was not the first After doing this, he quickly downed the medicine after a few breaths.

"Fortunately, it came quickly!"