The Green Tea’s Crushing Victories in the ’70s

Chapter 161: One hundred and sixty-one cups of green tea


The missile "Dongfeng-5" is an intercontinental ballistic missile, which is mainly used to attack important strategic nuclear forces on the enemy's territory. So far, only the two major powers of Missouri have mastered this technology.

China is the third country to declare mastery of ICBM technology.

The officially announced range of "Dongfeng-5" is 12,000km, which is enough to pose a strong strategic threat to the United States.

The country originally planned to exhibit the "Dongfeng-5" at the National Day military parade, but it has not been exhibited yet, and news has been published overseas.

The news said that some eastern countries are bluffing, falsifying data, and ridiculing that country, saying that this kind of bullshit is ridiculous.

Although the news did not specify which country it was, nor did it mention the name of "Dongfeng-5", but judging from the recent international military plans and various dynamic combinations, this article is aimed at China.

After the news came out, the embassy immediately translated the news into Chinese and sent it back to China. After reading the document, the national security department immediately became suspicious.

The actual range of the "Dongfeng-5" is indeed less than 12,000km, and there is no way to pose a strategic threat to the United States. However, due to the military tension of this era, the two countries are competing for world hegemony. The United States has various defenses and suppression against China. Various considerations exaggerate the actual range data.

In fact, every country has done such a thing, but no country would make such a blatant ridicule without grasping the actual parameters of the other party.

Normally, when the U.S. discovered that China had developed such a missile that threatened its own security, their first reaction should be worry or shock.

But now with such a plausible and blatant mockery, there is only one possibility—

Missile parameters have been leaked, and the military system has spies!

The national leadership immediately issued an order to quickly find out the spies and the leakers involved, and to eradicate all reactionary forces!

When something like this happens, naturally, there will be no big noise, let alone an investigation in a big way, so as not to startle the snake and let the spy prepare to escape in advance.

Everything is done in secret.

Tong Xuelu actually didn't know about the leak, let alone a spy, but her qualification to go to the Spring Fair was suddenly cancelled.

The reason is that the product quality of medicinal wine is not good enough.

Her first reaction was that it was impossible, and she immediately went to the factory to check it in person.

The person in charge of the factory was very worried when he heard that there was a problem with the product, but he swore that everything would be done according to the procedure.

The person in charge of the factory is a friend of Su Yueshen. Judging from the period of cooperation, the other party is indeed an honest, rigorous and reliable person, and Tong Xuelv is not willing to guess that he will do something with medicinal wine.

But everything is based on facts. Since it is said that there is a problem with the medicinal wine, then they will come to a thorough investigation.

She personally checked and inspected every step from the procurement of medicinal wine and materials to the finished product, and the result was that no problems were found.

She also drank some medicinal wine herself and did not feel sick.

Moreover, although the Administration for Industry and Commerce said there was a problem with her medicinal wine, it did not shut down her company, and her medicinal wine could still be sold for business.

This is kind of weird.

After staying in the factory for two days and confirming that the product was ok, Tong Xuelu felt that something was a little strange, so he went home by car and told the two grandfathers about it.

The two old commanders, Mr. Wen and Commander Xiao, are well-informed, and they smelled the problem as soon as they heard it.

Mr. Wen frowned: "I'm afraid some people are not human, and they specialize in things that endanger the country and the people. You don't care about this matter, and don't ask about it. What the above tells you to do, you can cooperate."

It was rare for Commander Xiao to agree with the old man Wen, so he nodded his head: "This time the old stubborn is right, you don't know what to do, you can do whatever you need to do, that is, if someone asks you about something recently, you have to pay attention, Qian Qian Don't be careless."

Seeing the serious looks of the two grandfathers, Tong Xuelv immediately guessed the word "spy".

If that's the case, things do get a little big.

But this kind of thing is really not something she can mix in. Just like the two grandfathers said, she can only pretend that she doesn't know anything, and then act carefully.

But the Spring Fair was cancelled, and the company's employees were talking about it and guessing anything.

As soon as Tong Xuelu returned to the company, the employees gathered around and started to ask questions.

"Dong Tong, is our medicinal wine going to be seized?"

"Then can our company continue?"

"Did someone deliberately target our company? Could it be that the factory in the previous lawsuit was maliciously retaliating?"

Tong Xuelu's eyes swept over everyone present, and said calmly: "Everyone, calm down, I have submitted the review according to the procedures for the disqualification of this spring fair, and our products are no problem, so the company will definitely not Everyone has to be confident about being seized.”

"As for whether there will be any revenge, we don't have to guess. What we need to do now is to improve the quality and service, so that people can't catch any clues and mistakes. Since we can't go to the Spring Fair, I want to take advantage of it. During this time, I will give you a relevant training in international trade, and when you want to register, go to Deputy Manager Lin to register."

Although not going to the Spring Fair will lose some income, it is not a big problem for Tong Xuelu.

What she has to do now is to cooperate with the country's arrangements, as well as to appease people's hearts and not cause trouble for the country.

Sure enough, when they heard Tong Xuelu's words, everyone's hearts were settled a lot, and their attention was suddenly diverted.

"I want to sign up! I wanted to learn about international trade before, but I just don't know where to go, and there are very few books in this area."

"Me too. My relatives and I asked for books on this subject, but I couldn't understand them. It was like reading a book from heaven."

"Tong Dong thank you, we will train and learn well."

"Thank you Dong Dong!"

Everyone was so excited that they expressed their sincere thanks to Tong Xuelu, and at the same time, they felt a stronger sense of belonging to the company.

Since the company has opened up foreign markets, the wages of employees in charge of foreign trade have risen, especially after the Autumn Fair. Some people's commissions have exceeded the sum of one year's wages in state-owned units, which makes others look at it.

It’s just that not everyone can do foreign trade. First of all, they need to be able to speak English and have relevant knowledge. Now the company is willing to train them, at least it shows them a way, and they know how to work hard when they look back.

Tong Xuelu breathed a sigh of relief when everyone's attention was distracted, and then called Deng Hong into the office.

"Manager Deng, I have to trouble you to keep an eye on the company's affairs recently. If anyone comes to inquire, you must report to me as soon as possible."

Deng Hong was startled for a moment, then asked carefully, "Dong Dong, is there something wrong?"

Tong Xuelu looked at him and said, "Just do as I tell you, don't ask or panic, just do everything as usual."

Deng Hong is not just out of the society, especially after those ten years, he understood on the spot: "I understand, I will manage the company well!"

"Thanks a lot."

"This is what I should do. If there is nothing else, then I will go out first."

Tong Xuelu nodded, Deng Hong turned around and went out, and closed the door of the office.

Tong Xuelu is very satisfied with Deng Hong as a manager.

And Deng Hong is also very satisfied with the company.

Since last year, Tong Xuelu has given him a 3% dividend, and now his income has already surpassed many people around him.

Those who used to laugh at him for working for women now turn their heads and envy him.

Two days later, people from the Administration for Industry and Commerce came to investigate the company's accounts, but because Tong Xuelu had greeted and assured before, the employees were not panicked this time.

Although some people are still upset, they gradually feel relieved after seeing that the company is operating as usual after two days.


Coincidentally, Jiang Baihui and Qian Caixin's companies were also censored.

The two suddenly panicked, but after the review, the Administration for Industry and Commerce did not impose any penalties or restrictions on them.

But Qian Caixin thought about it, but still felt uneasy: "Why don't you go to Tong Xuelu's side to check and see if her side has been censored."

Jiang Baihui's face turned pale all of a sudden: "Could it be that we were discovered? I'm not going, I'm going to you!"

Qian Caixin glanced at her: "Calm down, if we are found out, can you and I still stand here well? I'm going to Tong Xuelu Company. Isn't that a shock?"

Jiang Baihui's hand holding the enamel jar was shaking: "Then what are we going to do now? I always feel flustered. If we are found out, will we be shot?!"

Qian Caixin pulled her hard and shouted in a low voice, "You're going to die, don't even look at where this is. If someone hears this, you and I will both die!"

Jiang Baihui was pulled by her and bumped into the cabinet next to her, causing her to gasp in pain: "I'm also afraid, Xinxin, I won't do it, and we won't provide any information from today on!"

Qian Caixin glanced outside and saw that there was no one, so she turned her head and squinted at Jiang Baihui: "Whatever you want, if you are willing to give up such a good opportunity to make money, then I won't force you, but don't regret it when you look back!"

As she said that, she took out something wrapped in newspaper from her drawer, and opened it, "This is your reward this time."

There are ten small yellow croakers in the newspaper! ! !

Jiang Baihui looked at the golden yellow croaker, her eyes straight.

A small yellow croaker is about 31 grams, ten pieces are more than 300 yuan, and the current gold price is 68 yuan per gram. In this way, the price of these ten small yellow croakers is more than 20,000 yuan!

But the small yellow croaker has a collection value. If you can buy a suitable buyer, you might even double it if you resell it and sell it!

Jiang Baihui's heart beat fast, her eyes stared straight at the little yellow croaker, and she swallowed: "These... are all mine?"

Qian Caixin shoved the little yellow croaker into her arms: "Of course, I told you before that the reward must be no less than five figures. The information you gave this time is very good, and my friend is very happy, so I will give more. It's your reward!"

Jiang Baihui held the little yellow croaker in her arms, her heart was almost overloaded: "But gold is not easy to come out, it would be bad if someone found out?"

Qian Caixin said: "Gold is easy to get. If I give you more than 20,000 yuan, how will you bring it back? If you can't find someone to exchange it, I'll come back and introduce you?"

Jiang Baihui nodded, thinking that using paper money would really attract attention.

Today's largest banknotes are ten yuan and more than 20,000 yuan. That's a huge pile!

Qian Caixin slanted a tick at the corner of her mouth: "Have you decided to quit now?"

Jiang Baihui held the little yellow croaker in his arms and said nothing.

Money is too easy to come by, but you can earn money that no one else can earn in a lifetime, just by moving your mouth. No one can resist such a temptation.


"Are you sure they won't find out about us?"

Qian Caixin: "That's why I asked you to go to Tong Xuelu's side to inquire. I'll also go to other companies to inquire about it. If there is a problem, we can take corresponding countermeasures."

Jiang Baihui looked at her, and then looked down at the little yellow croaker in her arms.

After a while, as if he had made up his mind, he nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll go to Xuelu tomorrow to find out."

Qian Caixin urged: "Be careful when you speak, don't miss out."

"I know."

That night Jiang Baihui took the little yellow croaker home, and then found a place to hide.

The next day, she took her child to Tong Xuelv's company to find her.

Seeing Jiang Baihui bringing the child over, Tong Xuelu was startled: "Why are you here? Don't you have to go to work today?"

Jiang Baihui frowned and said: "Aiguo has a rash. My mother-in-law is not feeling well today. I will take him to the hospital by myself and come over to ask for some sutras with you."

Jiang Baihui and Liang Tianyi's son is Liang Aiguo, and every time Tong Xuelv hears this name, he is speechless.

In the 1950s and 1960s, many people called their names patriotic, party-loving, and defending the country. That was the characteristic of that era, but now few people have such names.

Jiang Baihui and his wife gave their son such a name to thank the country for sending Liang Tianyi to study abroad. The starting point is very good, but the name is really not very fashionable.

Tucao returns to Tucao, but Tong Xuelu still shared her parenting experience with her: "The baby's sweat glands are underdeveloped, don't wear too thick clothes, it is easy to cover up the rash."

"Also, pay attention to skin cleanliness. After urinating and pulling, quickly change and wipe clean, and try to choose softer cotton fabrics."

Jiang Baihui wrote these down and said with a bright smile, "Thanks to you, I didn't understand anything when I became a mother for the first time, and I had to be busy with the company. I was really overwhelmed."

Tong Xuelu: "I came here like this, that's why I say that my mother is great."

Jiang Baihui felt the same, and then brought the topic to the company again: "The company's affairs have really tired us, and we don't know what happened. People from the Industry and Commerce Bureau suddenly came to the door and said that there was a problem with our products, so we had no choice but to Give all kinds of proofs, I'm so busy that I don't have time to eat."

Tong Xuelu glanced at her and said calmly, "The Bureau of Industry and Commerce has also recently come to investigate our company's medicinal wine, and also checked the accounts."

Jiang Baihui showed a shocked expression: "What's going on? I thought we only checked our company, why even your company? Don't they know that your grandfather is the commander?"

Tong Xuelu frowned slightly: "The company is opened in my own name, and has nothing to do with my grandfather and Rugui's grandfather. The review by the Industry and Commerce Bureau is also normal."

"The country started to crack down on the previous year, and the economy has developed rapidly in the past two years, but many people have set up shell subsidiaries, and then do speculative things, or make some inferior products. If the economy is to develop healthily, then the country must crack down on these crimes. We are all legitimate companies, as long as we cooperate with the investigation.”

Jiang Baihui didn't notice the displeasure in her tone, and continued to ask with wide eyes, "So the Bureau of Industry and Commerce is trying to crack down on speculation? Other companies have also been randomly checked, right?"

Tong Xuelv nodded: "Yes, as far as I know, many companies I know have been reviewed, and everyone is fine."

Jiang Baihui breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, our company is fine. I thought someone was targeting our company before, but now it seems that we think too much."

Tong Xuelu smiled, noncommittal.

Jiang Baihui sat for a while, then went back with her son.

Tong Xuelv sent her to the door, frowning when she saw her back.

Before that, she had never suspected Jiang Baihui and Liang Tianyi, because the crime of espionage was too heavy.

Therefore, without any evidence, she would never doubt the people around her, especially her friends.

It's just that the state secrets were leaked this time, so she had to re-examine the couple Jiang Baihui and Liang Tianyi.

After seeing the prosperity of foreign countries, very few people can still maintain their original aspirations. The two of them gave up the generous rewards of foreign companies, but they have to start from scratch when they return to China. Will they feel unwilling?

Tong Xuelu remembered how Jiang Baihui said sour words before, and then she suddenly changed to please herself, and the ominous premonition in her heart became stronger and stronger.

If the two of them have problems, will Qian Caixin also have problems?

"Tong Dong, what are you looking at?"

The front desk saw her standing at the door for a long time, and couldn't help but came over and asked curiously.

Tong Xuelu came back to her senses, shook her head and smiled lightly: "I don't see anything, I just think that the economy is getting better and better now, and people's lives are getting better and better. This is all the credit of the country and the party."

The front desk didn't understand why the boss suddenly made such a sigh, but it was right.

"Yeah, I remember that I couldn't afford to eat candy when I was young. Now it's okay to eat candy every day. Everyone's life is indeed getting better and better!"

Tong Xuelu smiled, turned and walked back to the office.

She didn't plan to do anything, this kind of thing is not something she can interfere with as a commoner.

If Jiang Baihui and Liang Tianyi have problems, the National Security Bureau will find out sooner or later, they are much more professional than her.

But she didn't want it to be the two of them.


Jiang Baihui came out of Tong Xuelu's office and did not go home immediately, but went back to her company.

"How's it going? Is there any clue on Tong Xuelu's side?"

As soon as Qian Caixin saw Jiang Baihui, she immediately closed the office door and asked in a low voice.

Jiang Baihui put her son on the sofa and released her sore hands: "No problem, she has also been reviewed and randomly checked, and she can't even go to the Canton Fair!"

Qian Caixin paused, her eyes widened: "Really? Tong Xuelv really can't go to the Canton Fair?"

Jiang Baihui smiled and nodded: "Of course it's true, I asked her staff when I went to the bathroom, she didn't lie to me, and she also said that many companies she knew were also reviewed, so it should be a routine review , instead of doubting us."

Qian Caixin's heart finally fell: "Then I can rest assured."

In fact, after the Industrial and Commercial Bureau came, she was ready to escape, and everything at home was packed.

Once there was any trouble, she immediately left the company and Jiang Baihui and they flew abroad.

Now that she knows it's okay, she can continue to stay.

In fact, she was not willing to give up such a good opportunity to make money. Jiang Baihui got ten small yellow croakers this time, and she got twenty small yellow croakers!

In addition to the information she provided to foreign countries and Wanwan before, she now has nearly 300,000 accounts abroad!

There is a lot of 300,000 yuan in China, and it’s fine to lie still all her life, but it’s still a little worse abroad, so she wants to earn a little more before stopping.

Just when Jiang Baihui and Qian Caixin relaxed their vigilance, Jiang Baihui's mother-in-law Liang Mu was cleaning the house.

Suddenly, the domestic cat next door ran into the house with a piece of dried salted fish in his mouth, startling Mother Liang.

She regained her senses and immediately picked up the broom and went to chase the cat.

The cat circled around the house, then hid under the bed, making Mother Liang furious.

Mother Liang went outside and brought a bamboo pole in, and stabbed it at the bottom of the bed.

The taste of dried salted fish is very unpleasant, and it is similar to dead mice. Mother Liang stabbed inside with a bamboo pole, trying to get the dried salted fish out, but she accidentally stabbed it on the wall, and the wall made a "dong dong" sound. sound.

Mother Liang suddenly felt that something was wrong, why did the wall seem to be empty?

If it is empty, will it be eaten up by termites, and if so, it will not be safe.

Mother Liang didn't care about the dried salted fish, so she got up and tried to move the big bed away. In order to move the big bed, she almost broke her old waist.

But for the safety of her son and grandson, she didn't care about the pain in her back, so she walked over and knocked on her waist.

Sure enough it was empty!

She turned around and found a hammer to hit, and she hit a hole in the wall, with an iron box inside.

Suddenly, her heart was beating like thunder, she stood up and closed the door, then turned around and took out the iron box.

There was a small lock on the iron box, but it didn't bother Mother Liang. Her father used to be a locksmith and taught her to open various locks since she was a child.

She went to the kitchen to get an iron wire, fiddled with the lock a few times, and the lock opened with a click.

A piece of flannel appeared inside, wrapping a bunch of things.

Mother Liang carefully opened the flannel, and then her eyes turned into bull's eyes.

what did she see?

She saw ten little yellow croakers! ! !

Mother Liang's heart beat faster, and she was so happy that her mouth almost reached her ears. This is God's pie. I didn't expect so much gold hidden in the walls.

It must be that people in the past were afraid of being investigated, so they hid in the wall.


Mother Liang suddenly stopped moving, she took out the flannel and looked around, and then her face darkened.

This piece of cloth belonged to her daughter-in-law and was cut from clothes Jiang Baihui bought abroad!

The cement of this wall is also just built, and it is not dry yet!

In order to confirm that her guess was correct, she stood up and ran to the closet to look for Jiang Baihui's clothes, and she found the piece of clothes that had been picked up.

Mother Liang's face was even darker, and it was so cold that it almost dripped with water.

So this gold was hidden by Jiang Baihui, but where did she get so many little yellow croakers?

Could it be that her company made money, and she was afraid that she and her son would know, so she hid it secretly?

It's supposed to be like this!

Mother Liang scolded the little bitch in her heart, then stuffed the little yellow croaker into her pocket, locked the iron box and put it back in.

Then refill the cement with water, take out the dried salted fish, clean it and push the big bed back.

After doing all this, Mother Liang was so tired that her waist almost broke, but she was very excited and proud.

If Jiang Baihui dared to make an assertion to hide the little yellow croaker, she would take it away secretly, and she would not have one left!

Look back at how she cried when she found out!

This little yellow croaker belongs to her and her son now, and her daughter-in-law is indeed a foreign surname, so unreliable!

When Jiang Baihui came home, it was already late. She came back to check the position of the big bed, but didn't think much about it.

Even when cleaning, she would not easily remove the big bed, she was confident that no one would find her hiding the little yellow croaker on the wall beside the bed.

There was a hole in that wall that she had discovered before, even Liang Tianyi didn't know about it.

She didn't want to hide from Liang Tianyi, she wanted to hide from her mother-in-law.

Since she returned to China, her mother-in-law has been dictating their lives and thinking of herself as the Empress Dowager Cixi, which has made her very upset.

So she didn't plan to let her mother-in-law know about the money, and when she made enough money, her family of three went abroad to settle down without the old woman!


three days later.

On her way home from the company, Jiang Baihui passed an alley when suddenly several men ran out of the alley and covered her mouth.

Jiang Baihui was so frightened that she lost her soul and struggled, but several men held her tightly.

Soon a car drove over, and they stuffed Jiang Baihui into the car and walked away.

All this happened within a minute, and it was very late, and no one noticed that something was wrong here.

Jiang Baihui turned pale with fright. She wanted to ask who these people were, but they sealed her mouth with tape, and she couldn't speak at all.

After driving for half an hour, the car stopped at a gate. She looked out the car window, and the next moment the blood on her face seemed to be taken away in an instant, and it was as white as a piece of paper.

NSA! ! !

She thought it was a hooligan or a criminal group who saw that she and Qian Caixin's company were doing well, so they wanted to kidnap her to blackmail some money.

She didn't expect them to be from the NSA!

She's dead, sure what they did was discovered!

What's the punishment for being a spy, like... being shot!

Jiang Baihui's whole body seemed to be taken away. She was dragged out of the car and carried to the interrogation room.

There were several tall men in the interrogation room, and there were many people guarding them outside. There were layers of checkpoints. She, a weak woman, didn't even want to rush out.

Jiang Baihui slumped on the chair like a dead fish, her teeth shaking up and down.

One of the middle-aged men dressed in black shouted coldly, "Jiang Baihui, for leaking state secrets, do you know that you will be shot?"

Jiang Baihui was so frightened that she almost didn't urinate.

But I don't know where the courage came from, she suddenly sat up straight, shook her head and said, "I know, but I haven't done it, you don't wrong good people!"

"A good person wronged?" Deputy Director Zheng looked at her coldly, "Then explain, where did you get these little yellow croakers?"

Deputy Director Zheng pushed the box containing the little yellow croaker in front of her.

When Jiang Baihui saw the little yellow croaker, her eyes were split, but she still refused to admit it: "I don't know what you are talking about, in short, I didn't do anything to hurt the country!"

"This is taken by your mother-in-law from the wall next to your big bed. The flannel on it is a piece of cloth cut from the clothes you bought from abroad. Do you still want to argue?"

Physical evidence was put up one by one, but Jiang Baihui refused to admit it.

At the same time, Liang Tianyi at the base was also controlled.

Like Jiang Baihui, he refused to admit that he had done something wrong to the country.

However, unlike Jiang Baihui, his face is very calm: "I am just an ordinary researcher, Dongfeng-5 is a project that was planned ten years ago, and I did not participate in this project after returning to China. How can I leak secrets? ?"

"Then how do you explain that your mother suddenly has ten small yellow croakers in her hands. According to your mother, these small yellow croakers were all hidden by your wife Jiang Baihui?"

"I don't know, I'm at the base most of the time and I don't know what's going on at home."

Liang Tianyi is thoughtful and logical, and he can't find any flaws at all.

And as he said, he is not the core developer of the Dongfeng-5 missile, and he has no top-secret information.

This shows that either he didn't leak it out, or there is someone on him.

The members of the investigation team of the National Security Bureau unanimously believed that it was the latter, but Liang Tianyi and Jiang Baihui refused to admit it, and they had no other evidence in their hands, so they could not be convicted.

What's more, if the standoff continued and the spies who contacted them found out that they were missing, they would surely flee.

The task force has already reviewed Jiang Baihui's account. Jiang Baihui's account has more than 5,000 yuan, more than the average person.

But this account number is in line with their company's income.

Jiang Baihui and Qian Caixin work together in a company that wholesales beauty products, and they also created their own brand "White Lotus Cream".

The recipe of White Lotus Cream is said to be bought from a French company. It is packaged in a yellow glass bottle, and the product labels and descriptions are all in French. It looks very foreign and sells very well in China.

Before the Bureau of Industry and Commerce checked their company's accounts and privately checked the accounts of the two of them, they didn't find any problems. This time, if Liang's mother took out two little yellow croakers to exchange cash with others, they would not be able to catch the case.

But now the two of them have refused to plead guilty, and the case has suddenly stagnated.


Tong Xuelv didn't know that Jiang Baihui and Liang Tianyi were arrested.

This morning, after she got up and made a loving breakfast for the twins, she told them not to tire the two great-grandfathers.

Xiao Yanyan hugged her mother's leg, raised her head and said, "Mom, the great-grandfathers say we are their sweethearts, it doesn't matter how tired we are."

Xiao Ranran hugged her chubby arm and nodded coldly: "This is a sweet burden."

Tong Xuelu was about to die of laughter at the appearance of the two little guys, so she reached out and pinched their faces.

"Even if it's a sweet burden, it's a burden. The grandfathers are getting old. You have to take care of them. Mom knows that you are good babies. You must be able to do it, right?"

Xiao Yanyan nodded and said in a milky voice, "Yes, we can do it. Mom, don't worry, go to work, and make some extra money to buy snacks for Yan Yan."

Tong Xuelu: "..."

Xiao Ranran: "Don't worry, Mom, I will watch my brother and won't let him steal snacks."

Xiaoyanyan: QAQ

Tong Xuelv's heart trembled at the cuteness of her son and daughter, and promised them that she would come back early today, and then went to work.

As soon as she walked out of the house, she was stopped by two men.

"Hello, Comrade Tong, we are from the National Security Bureau, and some things need your cooperation."

The two men said and showed her their work certificates.

There are still relatively few false certificates these days. Even if there are false certificates, no one dares to pretend to be a state agency.

Tong Xuelv nodded, then followed them to the National Security Bureau.

When he came to the National Security Bureau, Tong Xuelv knew that Jiang Baihui had been arrested.

She was in a very complicated mood.

"Comrade Tong, we suspect that the person who is in contact with the spy is Qian Caixin, but we have no evidence at present, and we are worried that we will startle the snake. We asked you to come here because we want you to describe the tone and tone of Jiang Baihui's usual speech. We must stabilize Qian Cai. Xin."

The NSA task force has already found some clues.

Every once in a while, Qian Caixin goes to the post office to send beauty products, and they suspect that this is how she contacts the ultimate spy.

They looked for it according to the address she had sent before, and the other party had already moved.

The enemy is very cunning.

If they want to get evidence, they have to wait for Qian Caixin to cooperate with each other next time, but now Jiang Baihui has been arrested, if they don't go to work today, Qian Caixin will definitely find out that something is wrong.

At that time, she may run away, they can arrest Qian Caixin, but there is no evidence, and in this way, the spy will eventually escape.

They don't want to let any spy go!

So they thought of Tong Xuelu. As Jiang Baihui's classmate and good friend, they wanted to get some Jiang Baihui's living habits from Tong Xuelu, and then see if they could deceive Qian Caixin.

After Tong Xuelv heard it, he paused and said, "Actually, I have a skill."

Deputy Director Zheng raised his eyebrows: "What skills?"

"I'll imitate other people's voices."

After saying this, Tong Xuelv said something in Jiang Baihui's voice.

People present: ! !

Tong Xuelu's voice just now and Jiang Baihui's voice can't be said to be irrelevant, they can only be said to be exactly the same!

Deputy Director Zheng was excited: "Comrade Tong, I didn't expect you to have this ability!"

Tong Xuelu smiled lightly: "I usually learn to play when I have nothing to do."

Everyone: "… "

In fact, this skill was learned in a previous life. She was very interested in dubbing for a while in her previous life, and spent a lot of money to learn professional dubbing from professional teachers.

In addition, Jiang Baihui's timbre is not special, it is easier to imitate, so it shocked everyone.

The people from the National Security Bureau originally wanted to find a lesbian with a similar voice to Jiang Baihui. They first stabilized Qian Caixin over the phone. Now that Tong Xuelu is the ace card, it will be easier to handle.

When Qian Caixin came to the office, she found that Jiang Baihui had not come to the company.

Although the two of them are in a cooperative relationship, in terms of shares, she is the big boss, because she invested twice as much as Jiang Baihui.

Therefore, Jiang Baihui usually comes to the company first to manage employees and deal with documents. She usually sleeps until ten o'clock before slowly coming to work.

But Jiang Baihui didn't come today, and things were a bit strange.

Qian Caixin walked over and asked the front desk, "Didn't Manager Jiang come to work today?"

The front desk shook his head: "No, it's really strange. Usually Manager Jiang came over early in the morning, but I don't know why he didn't come today."

"Then she didn't ask for leave?"


Hearing what the front desk said, Qian Caixin trembled in her heart, feeling faintly that something was wrong.

Like their spies, they are usually the most sensitive. Once there is any change, they will immediately think of bad things.

Qian Caixin was about to ask the front desk to visit Jiang Baihui's house when the phone rang.

The front desk picked it up, and the expression on his face brightened the next moment: "Manager Jiang is you, and Dong Qian mentioned you just now. Okay, I'll call Dong Qian now."

When Qian Caixin heard that it was Jiang Baihui, her suspicion went away.

She took the phone and said "hello", and then heard Jiang Baihui on the other end say—

"Xinxin, my family Tianyi has been promoted to the vice president, and the base asked him to be in charge of a new project. I received a call yesterday, and I plan to go to the base to celebrate for him today."

Qian Caixin raised her brows: "Really? Comrade Liang was really promoted to vice president?"

"Of course it's true!" Jiang Baihui said proudly, "Actually, as soon as we returned to China, the leaders said that we wanted to make Tianyi the vice president, but at that time they said they wanted to test Tianyi, so they asked him to be a grassroots scientific researcher."

"That's how it is."

"I will stay at the base for two days and then go back. Is it okay for you to manage the company by yourself?"

Qian Caixin said generously: "Of course there is no problem, congratulations to Comrade Liang for me, it is no problem for you to stay for a few days on such a big event."

The longer you live, the more information you get, and the higher the value you get.

Jiang Baihui laughed twice: "Okay, then I'll hang up and talk about it when I get back."

Qian Caixin nodded in agreement, "Okay, I'll talk about it later."

The phone calls are recorded, and they never talk about important things on the phone.

After hanging up the phone, people from the National Security Bureau gave Tong Xuelv a thumbs up.

"Comrade Tong, your ability to imitate other people's voices is amazing!"

Not only the sound is similar, but the tone of speech is very similar, and the other party has no doubts.

Tong Xuelu said modestly: "It is my honor to be able to serve the country!"

Just thinking that Jiang Baihui and Liang Tianyi were both spies made her feel uncomfortable.

"Comrade Tong is very enlightened. If everyone is like you, we will save trouble!"

It's like Liang Tianyi and his wife, they are simply ungrateful villains!

Especially Liang Tianyi, the state supports him to study abroad. Is this how he came to serve the motherland?

Wolf-hearted thing!

Qian Caixin hung up the phone, too happy.

Liang Tianyi was promoted to vice president and was also in charge of new projects, which meant she could make a fortune again!

Thinking of this, she went to the warehouse to get a set of beauty products and packaged them herself, then went out and walked towards the post office.

But the moment she walked into the post office, she was under control.

Qian Caixin screamed, and when she saw the person in front of her, her legs instantly softened.

she! Finish! Egg! !