The Green Tea’s Crushing Victories in the ’70s

Chapter 38: Thirty-eight cups of green tea


After Tan Xiaoyan knew that Tong Xuelu couldn't introduce herself to someone, she returned to her previous arrogant look, looking at people with her nostrils.

Tong Xuelu is too lazy to care about her, as long as she doesn't act cheap, everyone can live in peace.

In addition to doing her job well, she also helped Master Meng wash the vegetables. In return, Master Meng gave her a full spoonful of meat every time.

When he arrived at Tan Xiaoyan's place, Master Meng's hand started to go into epilepsy, trembling non-stop, and in the end there were at most two or three pieces of meat left.

Tan Xiaoyan was furious every time, but the person she met was Master Meng, not to mention that Liu Dongchang no longer helped her, even before, Liu Dongchang couldn't take Master Meng the same way.

It is estimated that Tan Xiaoyan herself did not expect that she just wanted to give Tong Xuelu a disgrace that day, but she did not want to be defeated by Tong Xuelu, and finally became the current situation.

Liu Dongchang ignored her, and the rest of the state-run hotel ignored her, as if she had been isolated.

After lunch, the state-run hotel was quiet again.

Tong Xuelv took out his junior high school textbook and came to read it.

Even though she took the college entrance examination before she passed the book, the content of the exam was completely different from what it is now. Besides, several years have passed, and all her knowledge has been returned to the teacher.

After the resumption of the college entrance examination next year, the same subjects are divided into liberal arts and sciences, and the subjects to be tested are Chinese, mathematics and politics.

Among them, history and geography are added to the liberal arts, and physics and chemistry are added to the science.

She plans to apply for science.

Between liberal arts and science, she is better at science, and she applied for science in the college entrance examination in her previous life.

She opened the math textbook for junior high school and quickly flipped through it.

The questions are not difficult, especially compared with the later mathematics, it can be said that it is not easy, and the later mathematics exams have all kinds of twists and turns, which make people hard to guard against.

It's just that I haven't studied for a long time, and I have forgotten many formulas and problem-solving ideas, but fortunately, the foundation is still there, and I can slowly recall it after reading it a little.

As the saying goes, a good memory is worse than a bad pen. She took out a notebook and a pen and quickly copied some important formulas.

The book and pen were given to her by Wen Rugui, along with the books.

She only discovered it that day when she was sorting through her books.

Speaking of which, it seems that she owes more and more Wen Rugui, and when she looks back, she has to think about what to give him.

She shook her head and put her focus back on her studies.

The lobby was quiet, and occasionally there was the sound of "dong dong dong" chopping vegetables, which was Guo Weiping practicing radish chopping.

Tong Xuelu carefully checked the formula, a ray of sunlight came in through the glass window, and the beam of light warmly shone on her face, dyeing her hair golden yellow.

When Fang Wenyuan and a group of colleagues came over, they saw such a picture.

The sun was slanting, and dust was flying in the air. She sat at the table and chair, resting her chin in one hand, half bathed in sunlight and half hidden in shadow.

Quiet and nice.

Fang Wenyuan almost didn't recognize it.

The Tong Xuelu in his memory had always been bluffing. She was even more aggressive and sharp-mouthed in the hospital cafeteria that day, which made him disgraced.

He had never seen her so quiet.

But why is she here

Didn't she go to Yanqing County as a textile worker

His colleague A looked at him in a daze, followed his gaze and looked in, "Huh": "Isn't that lesbian?"

Colleague B also took a look: "I know, it's Fang Wenyuan's fiancee!"

Fang Wenyuan frowned: "Don't talk nonsense, I have never talked to her, let alone engaged!"

Colleague A said: "That's not right, I remember she herself said that you had a baby kiss since you were a child!"

Fang Wenyuan: "That's what the elders said jokingly. Besides, it's a new society, not an old society. Who would take things like baby kisses seriously?"

Colleague B nodded: "You're right, the baby girl and the blind and dumb marriage are both arranged marriages, and they are the dregs of the old society. We should strongly resist and oppose it!"

"Don't talk too much, just go in and ask if there is anything delicious."

Colleague A said and walked in first.

Hearing the footsteps, Tong Xuelu raised her head, just in front of Wenyuan's face, the next moment she turned her head back, as if she hadn't seen him.

"… "

Fang Wenyuan felt inexplicably heartbroken.

"Comrade Doll, what else is there to eat now?" Colleagues laughed.

Tong Xuelv stood up, rolled his eyes at them, and said, "First, I'm not called Comrade Wakin, and Comrade Fang Wenyuan and I have never engaged in marriage. If you talk nonsense again, I'll go to the Public Security Bureau to report you as a hooligan. , insulting comrade women!"

The colleague's house was just a mouthful. When she heard that she was going to report to the Public Security Bureau, she was shocked: "Comrade, I'm sorry, it's my mouth to talk nonsense. I apologize to you, but you must not report me to the Public Security Bureau!"

If the crime of hooliganism is confirmed these days, even if he is not arrested at that time, his reputation will be ruined. How can he still be in the work unit in the future

Tong Xuelu saw that Fang Wenyuan didn't say anything, and didn't bother to bother with them anymore: "There are still mung bean porridge and red date steamed cake, do you want it?"

"If you want, come three!"

"Mung bean syrup is 1 cent per bowl, red dates steamed cake is 9 cents, one person is 2 cents, three people are 60 cents in total, and the other six taels of food coupons and three taels of sugar coupons."

Several people quickly took out the tickets and money and handed them over.

Tong Xuelv took the money and went to the kitchen to bring things over, then returned to his seat to continue reading.

Fang Wenyuan's eyes seemed to fall on her, especially when he found out that she was reading a textbook, he was extremely shocked.

He found out just now that Tong Xuelu was very fast at arithmetic. You must know that she was not good at arithmetic before, and she failed the exam every time when she was studying.

And she doesn't like reading either, she says she has a headache when she reads a book, but now she can actually stop and read.

Why does it feel like she has changed so much

In fact, this is not the first time he has felt this way. She used to run after her buttocks, but since she left Tong's house, she seems to have never come to find her again.

The last time I went to find her by myself, I was not only disgusted, but also went to the Public Security Bureau in the end, and this time, I didn't even look at him.

He remembered what his sister Fang Jingyuan said, "She doesn't even bother to look at you, it's like eldest brother, you are a piece of shit", and his mouth twitched.

Colleague A bumped him with his elbow: "Didn't you say you don't care about others? Why are you still staring at them?"

Fang Wenyuan came back to his senses, coughed to hide his embarrassment, and said, "I didn't even look at her, I was thinking about work."

Colleague A and Colleague B looked at each other, obviously not believing this sentence.

But they didn't dare to say more, for fear that Tong Xuelu would hear her, and she would say something to report to the Public Security Bureau.

Tong Xuelu didn't like Fang Wenyuan, but he didn't hate him, just like the passers-by on the road.

As long as she doesn't bother her, she can completely ignore each other.

Fang Wenyuan and the others left after eating, and Tong Xuelv didn't raise his head to look at him again until he left.

For some reason, Fang Wenyuan felt a little irritable in his heart.


Wen Rugui bought a train ticket again, this time he bought a sleeper.

In fact, I should have bought a sleeper from the beginning. After all, I had to stay on the train for two days and two nights, just because I wanted to give the book to Comrade Tong, and the time was delayed a lot. In the end, I only bought a shift with only hard seats.

I wonder if she saw that he was "really good"

I should have seen it, but I don't know how she reacted.

A few days ago in the dining hall, he heard a female colleague at the base say that nowadays lesbians all like skirts made by "True Liang".

He never paid attention to women's dresses. After listening to that, he paid a little attention and found that quite a few female colleagues at the base were wearing skirts made by "really good".

When the wind blows, the corners of the skirt fly and the white skirt flutters, which is indeed a beautiful landscape.

He imagined that she was wearing a "Really good" dress, and the tips of her ears slowly turned red.

It's still daytime, he can't sleep, and he has nothing to do on the way.

So he took out a notebook and pen from his travel bag and sketched on the notebook.

If Tong Xuelu was here, he would find that the notebook and pen in his hand were exactly the same as hers.

Wen Rugui has always been very attentive in doing things, and all the noises around him have been isolated from his own world.

Soon, a slim figure appeared on the book.

Shawl-length hair, a long shirt and skirt, and a small black spot under the misty eyes.

Suddenly, a head stuck out from the sleeper, staring at his notebook and shouting, "Comrade, your paintings are so beautiful. Are you painting your object?"

Wen Rugui frowned and closed the book: "No."

"It's not an object, so what you painted is your wife?"

Wen Rugui's slender eyelashes trembled slightly and did not answer his words again.

It's not that he doesn't want to answer, but if he denies it again, it will make people think that he is playing a hooligan and painting women vulgarly, and he is not painting his own wife or object.

Seeing that he didn't answer, the person above the sleeper thought he had guessed correctly, grinned and said, "Comrade, your daughter-in-law looks so good-looking."

Wen Rugui's eyelashes trembled lightly again.

daughter in law.

He never knew the word was so beautiful.

When people hear it, their blood pulses and their heart beats faster.

At this time, Tong Jiaxin, who was at school, was also blushing and his heart was beating.

But he is not happy, but angry!

He stared straight at the few people in front of him and roared, "Give me back my textbook!"

A sharp-mouthed boy held a book in his hand and smiled meanly at him: "If you have the ability, come and get it?"

Tong Jiaxin rushed over, and the other party threw the book to another person. Tong Jiaxin chased after him again, and they lost it again.

Play him around like a monkey.

Tong Jiaxin's eyes were red and his fists were clenched: "If you don't give it back to me, I'll go tell the teacher!"

The sharp-mouthed boy laughed when he heard that he was going to complain,

"Hahaha, go, does the teacher help you or me when you see it? Don't you know how much the teacher hates you? Do you know why? Because of your sister!"

"Your sister is a black-hearted rotten thing. My cousin said that someone like your sister who destroys other people's marriages should go to hell!"

Tong Jiaxin bumped his head over: "If you talk nonsense, I'll beat you to death!"

The sharp-mouthed boy saw him rushing over, his body flashed, Tong Jiaxin slammed his head against the wall behind, and his eyes were shining with gold stars.

Several boys burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, what a useless waste!"

"Haha, trash trash!"

Tong Jiaxin glared at them through gritted teeth, as if his chest was about to burst.

At this time, the class bell rang, and several boys threw their books on the ground, made faces at him, and ran away with a laugh.

Tong Jiaxin got up from the ground, picked up the book, patted the dust on it, gritted his teeth and went back to the classroom.


After Fang Wenyuan left, Tong Xuelv put away the tableware and took it to the kitchen to wash.

Guo Weiping smiled shyly and said, "Sister Xuelu, were you reading a book just now?"

Tong Xuelv nodded: "Yes, I'm reading books, books in junior high school."

Guo Weiping frowned: "Didn't you already graduate? Why are you still studying?"

Tong Xuelu: "Learning is endless. You can't learn in school classrooms. You can learn anywhere you want to learn."

Guo Weiping thought about it for a while, and seemed unable to understand her thoughts: "I can't do it anymore, I have a headache when I read the book, I still like to cook!"

Tong Xuelv couldn't help laughing when she thought of the dream that Tong Jiaming's three siblings said.

In the 1960s and 1970s, being a master chef in a state-run restaurant was indeed a very great and respectable thing, but unfortunately this kind of grand occasion will cease to exist in two years.

But she didn't say anything, everyone has their own aspirations.

Suddenly Guo Weiping made an "ouch", stood up and covered his stomach and blushed: "Sister Xuelu, I'll show you the hotel, I... I'll go... "

Tong Xuelu hooked her lips: "Go."

Guo Weiping was laughed at by her, his face turned even redder, and he ran out from the back door of the kitchen with his stomach covered.

There are no toilets inside the state-run hotel, so you have to go to the public toilets outside.

After washing the dishes, Tong Xuelu prepares to read a book for a while.

But as soon as he walked out, a tall woman walked in.

The woman was wearing a "really good" suit, with a big nose and small eyes, and neat short hair.

Xiao Chengping's image suddenly appeared in her mind, the mother and son were almost carved out of the same mold.

This woman is Xiao Chengping's mother. She is notoriously strict in the backyard of the General Office. Many children in the compound are afraid of her.

She appeared here alone during such working hours.

Four words appeared in Tong Xuelu's mind: The visitor is not good.

But she didn't panic and didn't take the initiative to say hello.

When Mother Xiao saw her, she didn't even say hello, and her brows furrowed immediately: "I used to think you were cunning and savage, but you were polite back then, but now seeing people who don't even say hello, you are really getting more and more It's getting worse!"

Tong Xuelu rolled her eyes in her heart, but she had a shocked look on her face: "Ah, you are Aunt Ning? I almost didn't recognize it just now, Aunt Ning, I heard that angry women get old fast, you It's probably because I'm too angry, I just didn't recognize you when I saw you!"

"… "

When Mother Xiao heard her words, she was so angry that she almost vomited blood: "You are simply uneducated, you..."

Tong Xuelu: "Aunt Ning, you're still losing your temper, just touch the wrinkles at the corners of your eyes, there must be several more!"

"… "

Mother Xiao knew that she was deliberately angry with herself.

But which woman doesn't care about her appearance, she is full of anger, and at this moment, in order to avoid wrinkles, she can only suppress her anger abruptly.

Mother Xiao sat down on the seat in the corner and looked at her sharply: "Come here and sit down!"

Tsk tsk, looking at this arrogant look, people who don't know will think she is the Empress Dowager Cixi.

Tong Xuelu walked over slowly and sat down in front of her.

Seeing her like this, Mother Xiao got angry: "Sitting or not, standing or standing, with an unruly person like you, who would be willing to marry you as a daughter-in-law!"

Tong Xuelu laughed disgustingly at this remark: "then don't bother you, I'm so beautiful, if you want to get married, it will only take a few minutes!"

Mother Xiao's chest went up and down with anger: "You are young and beautiful now, but when you are old, do you still think you can hold Chengping's heart for a lifetime?"

what the hell

Tong Xuelu was stunned for a moment before she realized it. Shouldn't she think that she is with Xiao Chengping

Mother Xiao thought that she was in her mind, and hummed: "I already know about Chengping giving you money. You are with Chengping, aren't you just coveting the good of our Xiao family? A superficial woman like you, I See more!"

"The most important thing in marriage is to be in the right household. You and Chengping are not in the same household. I and Chengping's father will not support you together!"

Tong Xuelu was disgusted by Xiao's mother's aloof appearance.

But do you think she'll be angry

No, she won't.

This famous scene of "spending money and leaving my son" in novels and idol dramas is rare, and she has to make good use of it.

In my last life, I had been a green tea for so many years. The only regret is that no one has ever smashed it with money.

Think a little excited.

Come on, I'm ready.

Please hit me hard in the face with money!

Mother Xiao saw that her face was flushed, and her face became more and more proud: "As long as you are willing to leave Chengping, I can introduce you to someone in the future. It may not be as good as my family's Chengping, but it is better than what you find yourself!"

That's it? That's it

Want her to leave her son without spending money? no way!

Tong Xuelu took a deep breath and started her performance.

"Aunt Ning, have you ever heard of a poem, Shan Wuling, Heaven and Earth are the only ones who dare to be with Jun Jue. That's how I feel at this moment."

Speaking of Qiong Yao's classic line, she almost didn't make herself sick.

As expected of her.


Mother Xiao cursed in her heart: "As long as I disagree with Chengping's father, you will never be able to enter our Xiao family's door!"

Tong Xuelu covered her heart and her eyes were watery: "If it's because of true love, everything can be thrown away. Besides, Cheng Ping said that if you don't agree, he will run away from home and cut off your parents' relationship with you!"

Mother Xiao gritted her teeth and stared at Tong Xuelu: "Impossible, it's impossible for Chengping to say such a thing!"

"Would Chengping say such a thing, doesn't Aunt Ning have a clue?"

Mother Xiao has too much knowledge in her heart, so her face is so ugly, and she came here to find Tong Xuelu.

Xiao Chengping has been a merciless character since he was a child. Once he decides on one thing, ten cows will not be able to pull it back.

Mother Xiao took a few deep breaths before she regained her strength: "Tell me, what do you want to be willing to leave Chengping?"

I'm coming!

Classic lines are here!

Tong Xuelu controlled the upward curvature of the corner of her mouth, frowned and shook her head: "Aunt Ning, I can't do it!"

Mother Xiao stared at her, her eyes almost bursting with fire,

After a while, she lowered her head and took out an envelope from her bag, threw it in front of her and said, "There is a thousand yuan in it. As long as you agree to leave Chengping, the money will belong to you!"

One thousand dollars!

Tong Xuelu was almost moved.

Before wearing the book, if someone throws money at her, she will immediately kick the dog man away.

But not at this time. If she dared to accept the money, Mother Xiao might go to the Public Security Bureau to report her.

She can't leave any handle to others.

She pushed the envelope back and said hurtly, "Aunt Ning, you are insulting me, am I the one who sees money like that?" Yes, I am.

Mother Xiao pursed her lips: "Then what do you want? If you want to enter the Xiao family's door, I tell you, don't even think about it!"

Tong Xuelu looked hurt: "Aunt Ning, no matter what I do, you won't accept me?"

Mother Xiao nodded: "Yes, you should die!"

Tong Xuelu covered her face and cried for a while, and then said with red eyes: "Since that's the case, I understand, you can leave if you want me, but you have to promise to help me do one thing."

Mother Xiao sneered, with a "surely purposeful" expression on her face: "Tell me, what do you want me to do for you? Buy a house or change jobs?"

Tong Xuelu shook his head: "None of them. I want a complete high school mathematics, physics and chemistry booklet, and then I want Aunt Ning to make a thousand copies for me."

Mother Xiao looked at her like a ghost: "What do you want this thing for? And so many copies?"

Tong Xuelu: "Nowadays material is scarce, and people in many places can't get enough to eat, let alone go to school to receive education. Every time I see those who are hungry for knowledge can't go to school for education, my heart is like a needle pierced!"

"So I want to copy some materials to help them free of charge, Aunt Ning, a kind person like you will definitely not refuse, right?"

Mother Xiao: "..."

It is not difficult to get a whole set of booklets on mathematics, physics and chemistry. Her eldest brother is in the Education Bureau, but it takes a thousand copies, which is a lot of work.

Tong Xuelu said, "If Aunt Ning doesn't agree, then treat it as if I didn't say it before."

Mother Xiao glared at her, and after a while, she gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, I'll get it for you, but you have to keep your word, if you dare to entangle..."

Tong Xuelv interrupted her: "As long as you give me the things, I'll keep my word, but the best way is to send Chengping back to the army quickly."

Of course, Mother Xiao knew that he was going to be sent back to the army, but if the two of them continued, it would be useless to send him back.

Tong Xuelu said: "By the way, there is one less fruit tree where I live now. It would be better if Aunt Ning could get it for me."

The lion opened his mouth and waited for this time.

Mother Xiao gritted her teeth: "Okay!"

In the end, Mother Xiao left the state-run hotel with a black face.

Seeing her leave, Tong Xuelu raised the corner of her mouth.

Three birds with one stone.

She remembered that when the college entrance examination was first resumed, many people could not even borrow textbooks, not to mention the examination materials.

She plans to keep the materials until next year and sell them at a fair price.

On the one hand, it can make money, and on the other hand, it can also help the candidates for the college entrance examination next year.

It is difficult for ordinary people to buy a complete booklet of mathematics, physics and chemistry, even if she goes to the bookstore to find it now, she may not be able to find it.

But Mother Xiao has this channel.

The third thing is to send away the rotten peach blossom Xiao Chengping.

Xiao Chengping is not bad, but with such a mother, she doesn't even want to be friends with him.

As for letting Xiao's mother pay for no reason, will she feel guilty

The answer is naturally no.

If she didn't take these things, Mother Xiao would definitely think that she was reluctant to leave Xiao Chengping, and she might come to harass her from time to time in the future.

It will cause more trouble then.

Besides, Mother Xiao scolded her indiscriminately as soon as she came, and I was really sorry for not letting her bleed.

Thinking about earning the first pot of gold, Tong Xuelu was very happy.

When he got home, he found that Tong Jiaxin was injured.