The Green Tea’s Crushing Victories in the ’70s

Chapter 87: Eighty-seven cups of green tea


After Tong Xuelu's salary went up, the material level of the family also went up.

Usually, I need to save some meat. Sometimes I eat a meal every two or three days. Now I don't need to save it at all.

Tong Mianmian was raised to be flushed with white inside, and her little face was flushed, looking particularly pleasing.

In fact, she couldn't use her salary, because their grandfather, Commander Xiao, left several hundred yuan for their living expenses before he left Beijing.

After returning to the Northwest, he still sent some things from time to time, such as malted milk and toffee, as well as various bills and money.

In short, others can't come back for the time being, but their thoughts and things have never been absent.

The postman sent a letter to Tong's family that day. The letter was sent from the Northwest Army.

Tong Jiaming and his brothers and sisters did not open the letter until after Tong Xuelv got off work.

The letter was sent by their grandfather, Commander Xiao. In addition to the words of concern, this time he also talked about the Tong family's hometown.

The letter said that after investigation, their grandmother Tong Manzhi was forced to marry at that time, and it was not an accident that the premature birth and hemorrhage were not an accident, but Tong Manzhi was pushed by Xie Jinhua and bumped into the corner of the table, so she gave birth on the same day as Xie Jinhua.

If it weren't for the premature birth and the unhappiness, Tong Manzhi would not have died at all, this is complete murder!

If Xie Jinhua didn't do this, even if they lied last time, Commander Xiao didn't want to kill him because the Tong family saved his life.

But now that he knew the result, he couldn't just sit back and ignore it, so he asked his nephew to set up a bureau, and now Xie Jinhua was already in the cell, waiting for her to be shot.

As for what it was, Commander Xiao did not specify. Regarding Xie Jinhua's two sons, although they participated in lying, they did not participate in the events of the year.

For the sake of them being Tong Manzhi's nephew, and their father Tong Genlai also rescued Commander Xiao back then, Commander Xiao let them go.

Because Xie Jinhua was about to be shot, Tong Erzhu and Tong Sanzhuang were both frightened and stupid. They should be men with their tails between their tails in the future. As long as they don't kill them in the future, he will not pursue them.

Commander Xiao also removed Tong Dajun's family from the Tong family tree. From then on, they have nothing to do with the Tong family's hometown.

When Tong Xuelv saw the letter, she felt that a big stone in her heart could finally be put down.

In the book, the tragedy of Tong Jiaming's three siblings originates from the people in Tong's hometown, especially Xie Jinhua, who is simply an old witch.

Because Tong Mianmian was molested since childhood and lived in the shadows all her life, and finally chose to be a shark, the two brothers Tong Jiaming and Tong Jiaxin were not much better.

Now that this old witch is finished, their brothers and sisters will not repeat the tragedy in the book in the future.

Tong Xuelu chose some of the letters to read. She didn't say anything about setting up a bureau to frame Xie Jinhua, but only said that Xie Jinhua had committed illegal things and would be shot.

When the brothers Tong Jiaming and Tong Jiaxin heard the news, they were shocked on the spot.

"Sister, milk... I mean, will my aunt and grandmother affect us like this?" Tong Jiaming frowned.

Tong Xuelu shook his head: "don't worry about this. Grandpa has it all done. From now on, we will belong to the Xiao family, not the Tong family."

Tong Jiaxin: "Didn't you say that my sister and I don't need to change our surnames?"

Tong Xuelu: "There is no need to have the same surname in one household registration. Our household registration in the future will belong to the Xiao family, and it has little to do with whether we change our surname or not."

Their hukou will be unified on the Xiao family's side in the future, but she and Tong Jiaxin will not change their surnames, but their grandmother Tong Manzhi.

I don't know if this can be done in this era, but with their grandfather's identity and connections, it's definitely not a problem to operate this little thing.

So they don't have to worry about it.

The two brothers were relieved when they heard that their family members would not be involved.

Tong Mianmian opened his eyes to look at this and that, with a blank expression on his face.

The mooncake tilted its head, and the big watery eyes had the same kind of confusion, which looked very cute.


When I woke up this morning, Tong Xuelu found that it was snowing outside.

Snowflakes fluttered, the eaves, roofs and trees were covered with a layer of white snow, the branches were frozen into crystal-clear snow strips, and the whole world seemed to have changed into new clothes all at once.

Tong Xuelu let out a sigh of relief, feeling very unwilling to go to work.

In such cold weather, you should stay in bed and do nothing.

It's a pity that she has to get up for work no matter how cold it is, so she quickly put on clothes and got up to cook.

As soon as the door was opened, a gust of cold wind came out, and she sneezed, startling Xiao Liu who was looking for food on the snow, leaving a string of bamboo leaf prints on the snow.

Tong Xuelu put the dumplings made last night into the pot to cook, and the two brothers Tong Jiaming and Tong Jiaxin got up before they were cooked.

During the meal, Tong Xuelv asked them, "I remember you guys are taking the final exam today, right?"

Tong Jiaxin shrank his neck when he heard this, and buried his head even lower.

Tong Jiaming nodded: "Well, today's final exam."

Tong Xuelu glanced at Tong Jiaxin: "Take a good test, although we are not a family with Tong's hometown, but the original bet is still valid, although I can't send you back to Tong's hometown, but I can send you to the Tong's hometown. Grandpa's companion!"

Tong Jiaxin, who is lucky: "… "

He had been studying hard before, but after knowing that he and Tong's hometown were no longer family last week, he couldn't help but relax.

He thought that the bet didn't count, but he didn't expect the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole behind.

Woohoo, my sister is so scary!

After breakfast, those who went to work went to work, those who went to school went to school, and Tong Mianmian was still sent to Wei's house.

Before the Wei family saw how pitiful the Tong family's brothers and sisters were, they were willing to take care of them. Later, they found out that they were Commander Xiao's grandchildren, and they were even more willing, thinking of them as their own grandchildren and loving them.

When Tong Xuelv took Xiaotian to buy, he found that there was mutton for sale today.

So she bought some lamb and haggis and planned to make a pot of haggis soup.

Like this cold weather, a bowl of spicy lamb offal soup is called cool.

She boiled mutton and haggis into mutton soup and made some flatbreads.

When someone wants to eat mutton steamed buns, they can eat mutton steamed buns. If their pockets are not very rich, they can also come directly to a bowl of mutton soup.

The mutton steamed buns cut the mutton into slices, put in the vermicelli, garlic sprouts and coriander, and finally pour the mutton soup to eat.

The mutton steamed mutton soup is rich, the mutton is fat but not greasy, and the aroma is hooking. Let's have a big cake, a soup and a cake, that's cool.

Before noon, Dongfeng Hotel put a large pot at the door. The lamb soup was boiled in the pot. When the wind blew, the aroma could waft far away.

Many people didn't plan to come to the restaurant for dinner. After all, they are not wealthy these days, and they can save as much as they can, but the scent is so enticing and domineering, it's okay if they don't smell it.

Especially when passing by the restaurant with children, the children don't want to leave when they smell the fragrance, they have to drink the haggis soup.

Soon there was a long queue in front of the hotel.

A bowl of mutton soup is 2 taels plus 15 cents, and a flat cake is 1 cent. If you want to add other things, you will pay extra money and tickets.

Some people eat in restaurants, while others bring rice bowls directly from home to pack.

On the first day of snow, many people drank the steaming haggis soup.

The peppers are numb and spicy, the green onions are green, the lamb soup is rich and mellow, and the spicy and salty flavors are just right together.

What's even more refreshing is that after eating, the whole body is warm, and it seems that it is not cold at all.

Tong Xuelu's promotion to a first-class restaurant manager and the fact that she is the granddaughter of Commander Xiao, the Tong family in the backyard of the general courtyard only learned from other people.

After knowing this, the whole Tong family was silent.

It's nothing to be promoted to a first-level restaurant manager, at most they don't go to the restaurant to eat, but Commander Xiao's granddaughter! !

This thing is so shocking!

They just tried to break their heads and never thought that someone like the Tong family would have something to do with Commander Xiao!

Although their Tong family all work in the unit, outsiders look prosperous, but in fact they are strong inside and outside.

Tong's father will retire next year. The two brothers of Tong's family are of average ability, and it is difficult to ascend to the sky.

If they had known that Tong Xuelu was Commander Xiao's granddaughter, they would not have broken this relationship.

Back then, when so many things happened to Tong's family, even Fang's family reached out to help. All of their family sat idly by, but now they want to get together, and they feel embarrassed just thinking about it.

Sister-in-law Chen Yueling felt even more uncomfortable. At first, she and her husband wanted to lend a hand to help Tong Xuelu, but her mother-in-law wouldn't let them help, not even to visit.

If it wasn't for her mother-in-law blocking her, she wouldn't be so shameless now if she wanted to get together.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but blame her mother-in-law.

Under the persuasion of her husband, Tong's mother had given up her resentment against Tong Xuelu before, only pretending that she had never raised such an adopted daughter.

In her opinion, Tong Xuelu's brothers and sisters have no father or mother, and there are a lot of drags from Tong's hometown. Even if she has the ability, it will be like that in this life.

She never thought that things would develop like this. Tong Xuelu was actually the granddaughter of Commander Xiao, and her object was the grandson of Commander Wen!

Thinking of this, her facial expression distorted, and she began to regret it in her heart.

If she hadn't said those words in the hospital that day, then she and Tong Xuelv would not have torn apart their faces. Now she just wants to get together and doesn't go down the steps.

Seeing his wife's appearance, Tong's father also guessed what she was thinking.

He sighed inwardly and said nothing.

He also felt regret and pity in his heart, but when the accident happened, they pretended not to know, and now they found out that they were the commander's granddaughter, and they came together. The food was too ugly.

Among the family, Cai Chunlan is the one who fears, regrets and worries the most.

Cai Chunlan went to the restaurant last time to quarrel with Tong Xuelu, and said bad things about her in front of so many people. Later, when she came back, she was angry and promoted her white-eyed wolf everywhere.

Now that she knew that she was the granddaughter of Commander Xiao, the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became.

Because she was worried that Tong Xuelu would deal with her, after get off work, Cai Chunlan went to the Dongfeng Hotel.

The Dongfeng Hotel has two floors, with Tong Xuelu as the manager and a small lounge on the second floor.

When it is not meal time or when there are not many guests, she will go to the lounge to rest.

When Cai Chunlan came over, Tong Xuelv was reading in the lounge.

Meng Qingqing ran upstairs and said, "Manager Tong, the woman who claimed to be your second sister-in-law came over again last time. She said she wanted to see you!"

Second sister-in-law

Tong Xuelu felt disgusted when she thought of Cai Chunlan's big cake face: "No!"

Meng Qingqing ran down to inform Cai Chunlan, and then ran up again: "Manager Tong, that woman said she won't leave if you don't go down!"

Tong Xuelu's lips twitched gently: "if she wants to eat, let her eat, if she doesn't, invite her out. How long she wants to stand outside is her business."

Meng Qingqing ran down again when she heard the words.

When Cai Chunlan heard this, her face turned red with anger.

It's so cold outside, of course she doesn't want to go out and stand outside, but she can't see Tong Xuelv, so she doesn't want to leave like this.

She had no choice but to go out with money and tickets to buy something to eat.

But she drank bowl after bowl of mutton soup, and her stomach was stretched up, but Tong Xuelv still didn't come down.

She ran out of money and was invited out shortly after.

Cai Chunlan's face became a pig's liver with anger. She stood outside and didn't leave, and she deliberately made a very pitiful appearance.

If someone asked her, she would say that she had offended Tong Xuelv before, and now she wants to come over and apologize to her, because she doesn't want Tong Xuelv to even see her.

After Meng Qingqing heard it, she ran upstairs again to report.

Tong Xuelu smiled and said, "Let her go, didn't she say I'm a white-eyed wolf? Since I'm a white-eyed wolf, isn't it a matter of course to ignore her?"

"… "

Meng Qingqing thought about it for a while, and felt that there was one truth to what he said.

So she left it alone.

Cai Chunlan stood outside for an hour, but did not wait until Tong Xuelu came down.

She was so frozen that her lips were purple, and her whole body was almost frozen.

In the end, he couldn't stand it and ran back, and he developed a high fever that night.


Tong Xuelu didn't know that Cai Chunlan took it upon herself, and as soon as she returned home, she saw Tong Jiaxin's cheeks flushed with excitement.

She glanced at the siblings and asked, "What happened, why are you so happy?"

Tong Jiaxin quickly took out the test paper: "Sister, I scored 61 in math and 60 in Chinese, and I passed!"

Tong Xuelu took it over and took a look. Although it passed the passing line, it was indeed a passing grade.

Tong Xuelv returned the test paper and said, "Very good, you don't have to be sent away, you can also eat meat this winter vacation and the Chinese New Year."

Hearing this, Tong Jia confidently felt that it was too difficult.

In order to eat meat, it is too easy for him!

Tong Xuelu said: "We will continue to work hard in the future. If you fail, the bet is still valid."

Tong Jiaxin: "… "

It was only then that he remembered that there was no time written on the bet, which meant that the elder sister could say whatever she wanted to be effective.

He was tricked! ! !

Tong Jiaming still passed the double 100 test this time, and Tong Xuelu rewarded him with two yuan.

Tong Mianmian's cuteness saw that both brothers were praised, so she quickly took out the pictures she drew during the day to show her sister: "Elder sister, Mianmian drew it!"

Tong Xuelu took the painting and saw that there were several people who could vaguely be identified on the painting, and there were three people in total.

Tong Xuelu rubbed her head and asked her, "What is Mianmian painting?"

Tong Mianmian said in a milky voice, "elder sister, second brother and Mianmian, as well as third brother, moon cake and Xiao Liu."

Tong Jiaxin came over to have a look, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find himself: "Mianmian, didn't you say you painted me? Where am I?"

Tong Mianmian pointed with a chubby finger, pointed at a lump of things, and said, "This is the third brother."

Tong Jiaxin's mouth twitched: "Why am I different from you, and what are the two next to me?"

Tong Mianmian: "Mooncakes and Xiaoliu."

Tong Jiaxin shouted: "Why do I look exactly like Mooncake and Xiao Liu, what are you thinking about, I'm a human, not a dog or a chicken!"

Tong Mianmian poked his finger: "but the third brother is ugly!"

The implication is that if you are ugly, you are not worthy of being human.

Tong Jiaxin was stabbed: "..."

Tong Xuelv couldn't help laughing out loud, the little dumpling's hard work became more and more powerful.

Tong Jiaming on the side also raised the corners of his lips.

At this moment, the atmosphere of the Wen family was frozen, and it was very heavy.

Mr. Wen threw a bunch of things on the ground, and smashed the crutches at the things: "what does that woman want? Does she think I really don't dare to do anything to her?"

Uncle Zong quickly reassured: "Commander, calm down, don't ruin your body for that kind of popularity."

Today, the postman delivered an item from the city of Tsu.

The Wen family did not have any relatives in Jin City, only the woman was there.

I usually send some things here, but this time I wrote a letter with a photo in it, saying it was Wen Rugui's sister.

The woman shamelessly said that she wanted to meet Wen Rugui and let the two brothers and sisters meet.

Don't say that the commander will be angry, even if he sees the letter, he can't be angry!

She treated the Wen family like that back then, what face does she have to see her like home now

Mr. Wen said with a gloomy face: "Xiao Zong, you go to make a phone call tomorrow and let her be calm, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

He would endure that woman all these years, just for the sake of her being a real mother.

When she did something like that back then, their Wen family had already let her live. If she insisted on dying, don't blame his subordinates for being merciless!

Uncle Zong poured a glass of warm water and said, "Okay, I'll go tomorrow. Commander, please quickly drink some water. I'll take these out and burn them."

Old Man Wen nodded, his brows furrowed tightly.

It's all evil!


The Spring Festival is approaching day by day. Although there is no holiday yet, the atmosphere of the New Year can be felt on the streets.

Although the weather is very cold, the children are not afraid of the cold.

There are a lot of new year goods in department stores and supply and marketing cooperatives, but as soon as they are released, they are sold out by everyone.

Tong Xuelu had to go to work and had no way to rob it. He originally wanted to hand over the task of buying New Year's goods to the brothers Tong Jiaming and Tong Jiaxin.

But their grandfather, Commander Xiao, called and told them not to prepare. He had already prepared the orderlies and said that he would go back to Beijing to celebrate the New Year with them.

As soon as Tong Xuelv arrived at the hotel, she received a call from the Commercial Department and asked her to go to the Commercial Department and they went to the airport to pick up people together.

The one who can let Minister Lin pick up the person in person should be the UN translator.

Tong Xuelu was a little speechless. If she had known that they were here today, she would not have worn this thick padded jacket.

But now it's too late to go back and change clothes, and she's not an important person, so it doesn't matter what she wears.

Tong Xuelv rushed to the Ministry of Commerce, and then took the car of the Ministry of Commerce to the airport.

When I arrived at the airport, I was told that the other party had more than an hour to arrive at the airport.

Tong Xuelv couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

When everyone's hands and feet were almost frozen, the translator finally arrived late.

Two men in long black coats stepped out of the plane, and the cold wind blew over, and the long coats fluttered in the wind.

Tong Xuelu looked over and met a pair of narrow, young black eyes.