The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 113: The source of life (10)


In the tomb of King Mu of Qianchuan, in the temporary base built by the investigation team, Zhang Weitu was watching Zhou Man on the opposite side through a video.

He had only heard of Zhou Man's name and had never seen him before. He admired Zhou Man's righteous deeds quite a bit, but did not expect that he would come back to life.

"What are you now?" Zhang Weitu asked.


"No human being can live for three thousand years, and no one can come back from the dead."

"I used to rely on Gu worms to keep my life alive. After I died, all the Gu worms died. Now I have become an ordinary person." Zhou Man said while blowing his nose, "I went to play some time ago and accidentally caught a cold. There is a medical record book from the hospital. , Do you want to see it? I can also cooperate with you to do other inspections."

"Let's talk about it." Zhang Weitu knocked on the table and said, "Tell me, why did Luo Yantian put it in your tomb

Zhou Man couldn't help yawning and said, "First, we need to know that Narayan is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Second, Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma have the saying that the three gods are one.

The prototype of this saying comes from the period of the Puranas, that is, the concept of 'triple gods' in the early Vedic period. It is the earliest Bharat mythology, referring to the fire god Agni, the sun god Surya and Yin Dhara.

Maybe I said Indra, you are not very familiar with him, he has another name called Di Shitian. "

When Zhang Weitu heard the words, he got a little bit of energy and turned his head to ask Lin Shanyuan next to him: "I remember that in the reports of several students, it was mentioned that the dean of the sick building in Bizheng is the emperor of heaven and earth, and has been cleared?"

Lin Shanyuan: "That's right, but we haven't found the dean's body, so we can't be sure whether he is Di Shitian." After a pause, he added calmly: "Even if the dean is Di Shitian, Human beings are alienated, and it cannot be said that he was a god in the Vedic period.”

The implication is that it is just a strange disease caused by human diseases, and it does not need to be paid much attention.

Zhang Weitu looked at Zhou Man: "Continue."

Zhou Man asked the investigator to bring a pack of tissues, and blew his nose in pain: "The next thing I want to talk about is the concept of three gods in one, we need to know that the ancient Brahmin mythology system did not have three gods in one. It was created and unified in combination with the 'triple gods' in the Vedic period, and the three gods are one."

In the new Brahmin mythology system, the three gods are one body, which means that the three main gods, Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu, are one body and three incarnations of the same cosmic god, but this statement has not been fully recognized in Bharata.

Just like a popular idol group, Tou Wei and Tuan Fan, the former only fanatically worships a certain main god, while the latter loves all three main gods, and may feel that they are not very specific, so just let them fit together, then this belief is still single-minded.

Zhou Man: "Thirdly, the person who truly proposes and unifies the unity of the three gods is called Shankara.

Shankara, who was born at the end of the seventh century and died at the beginning of the eighth century, extracted the teachings of Mahayana and Jainism and merged them into New Brahmanism. Re-infiltrated into all strata of Bharatana society.

During this period, Shankara also created a powerful but very evil spell, a new psychic spell. "

Lin Shanyuan, who heard the new psychic spell, quickly squeezed in front of the camera and said, "Not quite right. The equivalent of China in the seventh and eighth centuries should be the period of the Tang Empire. King Mu's tomb was built during the Western Zhou Dynasty three thousand years ago. Could it be that the psychic in the tomb Was the new mantra carved by the Queen Mother of the West more than a thousand years later?"

"The Queen Mother of the West has never been to King Mu's tomb."

Speaking of his own tomb, Zhou Man felt a little strange, but he quickly discarded this strange feeling. Anyway, it was the tomb that assisted the Queen Mother of the West to hide the corpse, not his tomb.

"When I was exiled from the Gamcheon area to the Qianchuan area, I was ordered by the Queen Mother of the West to build the king's tomb and guard the body of the god of death in the tomb for her... When she negotiated the death of Vishnu, I was present throughout the whole process, because I was the one who brought the dead body. The Queen Mother of the West he went to."

"Who?" Zhang Weitu asked, "Who negotiated with the Queen Mother of the West?"

"In the 14th year of King Mu of Zhou, there were human beings who came to see him, and there were many changes. King Mu was perplexed and traveled westward." Zhou Man read out the words recorded in "Liezi", and simply stated: "Humanization means magician. A magician from the west found me and used magic to confuse me to travel west to find Kunlun. I think his identity is a mystery, his purpose is unknown, and his behavior is strange, but at that time I needed a reason to contact Kunlun. "

Lin Shanyuan rushed over and said quickly: "So you accept the magician to enter your team of Xun Xian and bring him to find the Queen Mother of the West, and then you and Queen Mother of the West—no, to be precise, the magician and Queen Mother of the West should reach an agreement to help each other, she Assisting the magician to kill the main god Vishnu, the reward is Vishnu's body, and the magician assisting her to slaughter the gods of Kunlun Mountains and Seas at that time?"

"Almost." Zhou Man said, "Not only did he kill the main god Vishnu, but at that time a group of gods wanted to become the leaders of the third generation of new gods, so they united to help each other. There are no gods in Bharata now, and in the fourth century BC ( The Eastern Zhou Dynasty), Buddhism defeated the ancient Brahmanism and emerged, and this is the reason."

The inside should be combined with the outside, and the gods should be slaughtered, but Buddhism and Jainism took advantage of it to enter.

"After assisting the Queen Mother of the West in slaughtering the gods of Kunlun Mountains and Seas, her strength plummeted and she had to continue dormant, spending ten centuries to slowly expel Buddhism."

"The magician you're talking about is Shankara?" Zhang Weitu said, "What is his relationship with Indra in the triad? You still didn't say why the Queen Mother of the West wanted Vishnu to die."

Zhou Man: "Take your time, my brain is a little dizzy. Let me sort it out first. This starts with the ancient myths of the Vedic period and the ancient Brahman myths. Before the Queen Mother of the West, the first and second generations broke out in the world. The war of the gods... The first and second generations mentioned here refer to the documents we can find, and there may be other gods in further eras.

About five to seven thousand years ago, during the Vedic period, gods such as Indra, Agini, and Asura were the main beliefs. Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma were lesser-known minor gods, and in the late Vedic period In the period of ancient Brahman, the three-phase gods rose, Indra and Asura became the gods under the gods, not only degraded, but also directly descended the species, from immortal gods to mortal 'people'.

During this period, the situation has changed, and it may belong to the period of power change between the first generation of gods and the second generation of gods.

In the period of Buddhism, that is, the Mauryan Dynasty, some gods in the Brahman mythology system were killed and fell into decline.

Zhang Weitu: "According to this speculation, it is easy for people to think that the magician is Indra... or that he is a god in the Vedic period, a god in the ancient Brahman period, or an Asura."

Lin Shanyuan interjected: "In ancient Brahman mythology, gods and asuras are like fire and water."

Zhang Weitu: "According to reports from students who have been to Wei Town, the relationship between Heaven and Asura is extraordinary."

Zhou Man: "The magician can think of asking for foreign aid, which shows that he is thoughtful and scheming. In order to regain the status of the immortal gods, they must use all their scheming. Since ancient times, the treatment of the royal family of the previous dynasty has to be cut down, without exception.

But the gods and the asuras have survived under the eyes of the new generation of gods. It is not a nameless life. If you know the Brahman mythology, you know that the gods and asuras often have disputes, and they are not active like the defeated generals of the previous dynasty, and they are quite arrogant.

Heaven and man are extravagant, asuras are cruel and tyrannical, and every time a war starts, he goes to the gods to clean up the mess. Although this relationship seems strange to me, I can't understand it, but for a ruler, arrogant and lustful gods It's better to have a bad relationship with the stupid and reckless Asura, and keep each other in check. "

Zhang Weitu understood what Zhou Man meant. He guessed that the bad relationship between the gods and Asuras was not only for survival, but also to confuse the gods, and then waited for an opportunity to counterattack.

Of course, the result was as expected, the gods and Asuras counterattacked successfully, and the gods disappeared.

Since then, Buddhism has flourished. The gods and asuras suffered heavy losses in the battle against the gods. They recuperated and did not confront them head-on. It took ten centuries to slowly expel Buddhism and regain their rights and beliefs.

"But after the new Brahman period, belief still belongs to the three gods. Why don't the gods and asuras promote the names of gods in the Vedic period?"

"Because the gods and Asuras at this time are no longer gods." Zhou Man said: "I don't know what happened in the middle, but after the gods and Asuras killed the gods, they couldn't return to the state of immortality, so they Always looking for a way to live forever.

The improvement of the new psychic mantra originated from this. It was extinguished in just a hundred years after its advent and rapid development, and there was no relevant historical record. The reason was blasphemy. "

"Shangjiara has been dead for more than a thousand years," Zhang Weitu pointed out.

Zhou Man shook his head: "I don't think he is dead. All kinds of clues let me directly guess that he is the magician, Indra, and the emperor who rules the gods and Asuras."

He had been with the magician for a period of time, and he had also seen his cooperation with the Queen Mother of the West. He stayed away from this person's deep scheming and strategy, and sometimes thought about it and had a fear of facing the deep sea.

"I thought at first that the Queen Mother of the West wanted Vishnu's dead body to be resurrected one day, until I found out that she left her own body in Kunlun, and I realized that Vishnu's dead body was not left by her for herself, but her A deal with the magician.

The new psychic spell in the tomb was also left by the magician, who wanted to resurrect Vishnu. "

Lin Shanyuan quickly recorded Zhou Man's revelations, the amount of information was huge, his heart was shocked, his brain still hurt a little, and his hands were shaking with excitement.

Zhang Weitu was obviously more calm: "The purpose of resurrecting Vishnu is estimated to be related to immortality. Then what about the cult, San San and the snake detected in the South China Sea?"

Zhou Man: "I don't know this information, you didn't tell me, but I know that the magician wanted Qianchuan two plots at first, but was rejected by the Queen Mother of the West, so he might choose the South China Sea to manage his plan."

Zhang Weitu closed his eyes, his expression did not fluctuate, and the time passed, suddenly opened his eyes and said, "I see, thank you for your timely notification, I hope you understand our work and cooperate with our investigation."

Zhou Man doesn't care, Zhang Weitu has always been cautious, and it's normal to not believe him at present.

The investigator came over and asked him to cooperate with the investigation. Zhou Man wrapped his coat tightly and suddenly turned around and said, "In my personal opinion, resurrecting Vishnu is probably just one of the purposes of the magician, and I don't think the resurrection of Vishnu is a bad thing. ."

Zhang Weitu looked at him blankly.

Zhou Man said word by word: "Vishnu is the god of 'maintenance', with a gentle and strong character, close to human beings."